>> Piece of Hell << ¤ >> Version 2.0 >>

Duo Maxwell values his freedom more than life itself. As his male peers, even his best buddy, Quatre Raberba Winner, begin to hook up in marriage. Duo continues happily plugging away with his dating lifestyle, in no rush to find 'the one'.When he least expects it, Duo crosses path with Heero Yuy and falls in love.But after a three year relationship, Duo feels the pressure of commitment and decides to 'give in'.

"What am I suppose to say to him tonite?" Duo asked as his popped his head out of the cab.

"Just wait till they serve the champagne!," Zechs shouted to him as the cab drove off.

"What?" Duo shouted back.

"After the meal, when the waiter brings the champagne, just mumble something!" yelled Treize.

"Anything!" Quatre continued.

So Duo went to the Starlight Room,which was the most romantic restaurant in town, where everyone comes there to propose. Dou was so panic that he nearly died when the waiter finally served the champagne to the both of them. But somehow, he had to propose.

"Here's for a special toast," said Duo, smiling as he took a sip of the champagne. "Look Heero. I've been thinking and deciding what I'm willing to sacrifice. You and I in our relationship have reached that place...,"

"That place?" Heero asked with a weird voice.

"Yes...that place. And the out come of it....you win,"said Duo handing over a solitare diamond ring to Heero who was drinking his champagne.

"Ehhh...,".Heero was too stunned to speak, and also too shock till he choked. Suddenly everyone at the restaurant tried to save Heero from choking to death except for Duo, who just sat down while hugging the ring, afraid someone else might steal it.

"Everyone!,"screamed Duo in fear. "Please help my future bride!"

Suddenly Duo fell on the floor. Heero had knocked him out with a punch on his face after being saved by the other customers. Sensing his uncertainty and botched over his lame attempt at proposing him, Heero took the diamond ring and threw it in an aquarium next to their table.

"I never want to see you again!" said Heero as he stepped on Duo and walked out of the restaurant, leaving Duo lying on the floor unconcious.Now, Duo is back to being a bachelor once again


"Muarghahahahaaaa," laughed Quatre hard, for the first time in his life. "I've never heard such a stupid story of proposing someone!"

"Don't you dare tell this to anyone else!"warned Duo as he drank the whole cup of coffee in one gulp."Come on, Quatre. Help me buy some flowers for Heero,"


"Yes...NOW!!! And I want to send him a stalk rose for every year we've been together," said Duo in a happy tone.

"That'll be only 3 stalk of roses,"

"I've known him for only three years? Ooh my God! I thought it was only for a year," yelled Duo hysterically, pulling Quatre all the way to the florist.

Duo entered the shop and fell on the slippery floor after running a 100 meter dash from the coffee house. He held his money in the air and ordered for a dozen roses with a 'I'm-nearly-dying' voice, from the floor.

"I can't see you,Duo. You don't have to hide from me," said Relena, the florist, as she picked up 12 stalk of roses from the bucket."I already know what happened last night....,"

"Whaaaaaaat?" yelled Duo in shock as Quatre pulled him up."How....Did....You....Know?"

"Everyone knows that already. I'd like to thank you for making some way for me to get Heero. You're so nice,"smiled Relena as she sang 'Here Comes The Bride' happily while tying the bouquet of roses.

"Quatre! How did this spread all over town?"

"Ehem...you see Duo. Your proposal, has become an instant urban legend," Quatre told him.

Dou gave out a loud sigh. "I hate to think about what'll happen if this gets to my grandfather,".

Suddenly, Wu Fei, Duo's one and only caring grandfather entered the shop with his speaker in his hand. He kept quiet, went to Duo, placed the speaker in front of his grandson's face, and....

"What the hell did you do?" Wu Fei yelled out loud with the speaker. "How are you ever going to get married?"

"Grandpa, I will. Just give me some more time," said Duo as he pulled a chair for Wu Fei to sit down. "It'll only be a while till Heero will forgive me,"

"A while? You must be kidding!"laughed the old man. "He's got a whole list of people wanting to date him for the next eight months!"

"You're joking right?" Duo tried to force himself to smile."No one would date Heero,"

"No one would date you!" shouted Relena behind the counter. "You can't even propose!"

Duo could feel his veins bursting, his skull crushed and his legs chopped off. He couldn't believe that Heero would do such a thing to him. How could he ever betray Duo? And worse of all, everyone in town knows about it!

"Duo,come here for a second," called Wu Fei who really sounded like an old grandfather."I want you to get married by tomorrow afternoon at 12 pm, to whoever you can find, or......,"

Wu Fei suddenly fell on the floor, his right hand placed at his heart as he was having trouble in breathing. Everyone, consists of Relena,Trowa and Duo, tried to stop him from moving to save him.

"Hurry up! Do CPR," shouted Duo in panic.

"He's not drowned, baka!"Relena shouted back at him.

"Hurry! He needs a doctor. I think he's having a heart attack!"said Quatre as he ran to the phone behind the counter and began dialing as fast as he could. Duo who was holding his grandfather's face, bursted into tears. Wu Fei got a hold of Duo's shirt and pulled him closer, so that he could whisper into his ear.

"Du-uo...You w-will get 1 mil-million if y-yo-you...marry....,"

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