Disclaimer: I do not have any rights or the permission to use the G-boys in this fic. {sorry}

The boys had just finished unwrapping their presents and Quatre and Heero were in the kitchen starting Christmas supper,

“1! 2! 3! 4!……. ARGH!!!, 1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7!……. Dammit!!!!”

“I see Duo’s still trying to master that bouncy thing he got for Christmas.” Quatre said as he looked into the direction of the living room,

“1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7! 8! 9! 10!….. SHIT!!!…… 1! 2! 3! 4!…… DAMN!!!”

“Duo still playing with that stupid paddle and ball thing?…. Who got that for him anyway?” Asked the unibanged pilot as he walked down stairs,

“Come to think of it, I’m not sure who got it for him?” Quatre answered as he started work on the stuffing,

“1! 2! 3! 4! 5!……. Shit!, 1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7!…….” Duo continued his battle with the blasted present most of the afternoon,

“22! 23! 24! 25! ……… GOD DAMMIT!!!!!!”

“Boy he’s really into that thing isn’t he?…….. He’s been playing with that thing for nearly three hours now.” Quatre pointed out as he set the table,

“DUO! Get off your lazy ass and HELP!!! Supper is going to be ready soon!!” Heero yelled as he placed the turkey on the table,

“33! …… Hold! …… 34! 35!……. ON!”


Supper was finished and the rest of the boys sat down ready to eat,

“You know, I haven’t heard anything from the living room in a while……. You think Duo finally gave up?” Quatre asked looking at all the boys. Then they all heard a loud bang come from the living room, and Wufei smiled to himself,

“Wufei? Why are you smiling?” Wufei’s smile grew larger as he pointed to the living room. Wondering why Wufei was smiling, Trowa walked to the living room,

“Duo! What!?…..” Trowa couldn’t hold it back, he bursted out laughing

“What!” Quatre asked running to the living room,

“You over did things this time, didn’t you, Duo?” Heero said trying to control his laughter. Duo was sitting in the middle of the living room,

“Help? Kudasai?” Duo was wrapped in the ball’s string, his arms were crossed and the string wrapped many times around him,

“I got that for him.” Wufei said as he walked up behind the boys,

“You did, why?” Quatre asked with a confused look.

“For one thing to keep him occupied, and for another, eventually I knew he would end up like that!”

All the boys laughed at Duo, then went back to supper,

“Heero! Quatre! Trowa! Wufei!? Come on! Let me loose, I wanna eat too!!! KUDASAI!!!!?????”


Das{darkangelshinigami}: And the winner is!….

Quatre: The Christmas present!

Duo: AW! Come on we all know I could master something that simple! They don’t call me shinigami for nothin’!

Heero: No you call yourself shinigami….

Duo: Piss off Heero!

Wufei: Why would I buy that Baka a present!

Das: * puts hand on Wufei’s shoulder * Come on Wu, you not that cold hearted are you?

Wufei: * evil glare *

Das: * sweatdrops * Never mind

Duo: Come on, I mean it! Give me one now!

Das: * Pulls out the toy and hands it to Duo * Have fun!

All: * Watches Duo for a minute *

Quatre: You couldn’t do it could you?

Duo: * wrapped in the string * Give me a minute!

All: * Walking away *

Duo: Look! Look! I got it! * Runs after everyone * 1! 2! 3! …… Dammit!!

~Owari ^_~

Dark Angel Shinigami ^_~ Well what do you think about my humor! Well you know what to do! darkangelshinigami@gundamwing.org

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