>> Piece of Hell << ¤ >> Version 2.0 >>

Welcome to *Kellys* fics! She writes the best 3x4 4x3 fics doesn't she? They're all LEMONS!!! Anyways, you can e-mail her at QuAtReSpRiNcEsS@aol.com!

Wufei uses Quatre as a sex toy and the others don't know...MAJOR ANGST AND LEMON!!!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6a
Part 6b
Part 7a
Part 7b
Part 8
Part 9a
Part 9b
Part 10a
Part 10b5

>>On the Good Ship Lollypop
Quatre suprises Trowa with something different.

>>You're Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile
The sequel to On the Good Ship Lollypop except it's Trowa's turn!

>>Private Screening
Trowa brings Quatre to a movie theater.

>>Mirror, Mirror
Quatre, Trowa, Heero and Duo are at the circus and Trowa and Quatre go off on there own.
Part 1
Part 2

>>Splish Splash
Trowa hurts his hands and Quatre can't keep his hormones down.
Part 1
Part 2

Trowa captures Quatre and he seems to be a pirate... Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

>>Sticky Situation
Trowa is really horny and can't stop screwing Quatre!

>>I Want Somoa That!
Trowa dressed up just for Quatre and went to his office.

>>Just Call Me Angel
Quatre asks Trowa why he calls him angel and then Quatre suprises Trowa.
Part 1
Part 2

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