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Narcissism and Pyromania

(A Fushigi Yuugi indulgance)

This site is run by Me! (Hana-chan) and I write in pink and do all of the HTML and graphics stuff as well as much of the meaningful writing
And me (Chelle) I am down on the series info, plus I do some translations and such, we both contribute when it comes to humor

Nar·cis·sism n. 1.Excessive love or admiration of oneself.
2. Erotic pleasure derived from contemplation or admiration of one's own body or self.

Py·ro·ma·ni·a n. An uncontrollable impulse to start fires.

Well now that we've got our psychiatry terms down why don't you come on and enter!!!

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Oi!! This cannot be happening this will not be happening, this cannot be happening this will not be happening!!!!!!
Lovely wonderful crosswinds has deleted me whole account for no friggen reason, ain't that sweet? Don't worry, I have the whole page saved on my hard drive at home, plus backed up on disk, but since I refuse to use both Crosswinds and Angelfire much longer, This site is going to be down for a while until I can get new GOOD hosting. I'm leaving the link to the old Angelfire page that hasn't been updated since october up, but it's not the greatest. So enjoy, and also check out my new proJect, a Nuriko shrine!!!

The Old N & P site

Violet Dreams My Nuriko Shrine