
Chapter 9

Well, I’m REALLY sorry that this one took so long. First, wasn’t working and that was basically all of the free time that I had. Then, I had this fight with my friend and it just got so bad. That and I ALSO had a MAJOR writers’ block. Well, enough of my gibberish. Here ya go!


“TIME TO EAT!!!” Bulma’s voiced echoed through the halls of Capsule Corporation.

“Damn noisy, loud, irritating, ass woman.” Vegeta muttered walking past Bulma.

“I love you too honey.” Bulma said pecking Vegeta on the cheek.


*Bra and Goten*

“We better go Goten.” Bra said breaking the kiss.

“Awww…do we hafta.” Goten whined childishly.

“Yes we do…now come along.” Bra said lovingly while luring him into the room.

“So, you wanna tell em tonight?” Goten asked raising his eyebrow.

“When?” Bra asked returning the same look.

“How about now.” Goten said gathering the girl in his arms.

“Okay.” Bra giggled in a ditzy manner.


*Trunks and Pan*

“I just heard your mother.” Pan said suddenly.

“Yeah I know. You and the entire neighborhood.” Trunks sighed.

“Let’s go. I’m hungry.” Pan said holding onto Trunks’ neck.

“You want me to carry you?” Trunks asked raising an eyebrow.

“Am I not good enough?” Pan pouted.

“No sweet heart, I think that you’re too good for me.” Trunks smiled sweetly.

“Oh stop buttering me up. I’ll give you a little treat anyway.” Pan said.

“Oh goodie.” Trunks said childishly.

“Oh stop that. You sound just like Uncle Goten whenever he wants me to cook him a meal or something.” Pan sighed thinking about her Uncle’s and Trunks’ same behavior. ‘Odd.’ Pan thought as Trunks flew toward the house.


“Hey Marron.” Pan laughed as Trunks bowed after setting her on her feet.

“Che.” Marron snorted.

“Okay.” Pan said uncertain as to Marron’s odd behavior.

“Hey Marron.” Trunks said still laughing over how cute Pan looked when she was embarrassed by his inappropriate bow.

“Hey Trunks.” Marron said twirling a piece of hair around her finger while licking her lips seductively.

‘Good Dende…what did I do to deserve this? I better straighten things up before something bad happens.’ He thought shaking his head at the terrible dilemma that had presented itself. “Pan honey.”

“Yes sweetheart.” Pan responded gripping onto Trunks’ arm while glaring at Marron.

“Could you go in the house and check up on Gojita and Kayla please?” He said ever so sweetly.

Pan’s face immediately dropped as Marron put on a face of triumph. “Okay.” Pan said defeated while walking into the house. Trunks felt bad about how Pan felt.

“Oh, and honey?” He said in that same sappy sweet voice.

“Yes.” She said tilting her head to the side.

“I love you.” He said winking at her.

Pan’s face immediately brightened up as she shot Marron a look of victory. “I love you too Trunks. Oh, and don’t stay too long. I still owe you something.” She said winking and trotting off inside of the house.

“Marron, just stop it!” Trunks yelled once Pan was out of hearing range.

“Stop what?” She asked draping her arm around Trunks from behind him.

“THIS!” He screeched jumping out of her grasps. “Look, I have loved Pan for a very long time and if anyone should know how much…it should be you.” He said sighing in defeat.

“Then why did you tell her to leave?” Marron asked in a deep husky voice.

“Then why did I tell her that I loved her?” Trunks asked.

“Trunks, didn’t your mom ever tell you not to answer a question with a question?” Marron sighed.

“No.” He said with a thoughtful look.

“Answer the question Trunks!” Marron demanded.

“I told her to leave so I could tell you to LEAVE me alone. I love Pan and nothing is going to stand in the way of us getting together. You’ve just been too damn stuck up to notice.” Trunks yelled turning and leaving.

“Che, you and your father are the same.” She said in disgust. Trunks stopped dead in his tracks and turned around.

“What the hell are you talking about?” He hissed.

“Your father had been telling me to leave you alone cause it’ll never happen, and well you know.” She shrugged.

“No Marron, I don’t know…explain.” He spat harshly.

“Well, it worked…good luck Trunks I hope that you and Pan have a happy life together.” She said turning to walk inside the house. She tilted her head to the side to say one last thing to Trunks. “My, isn’t Pan a lucky LITTLE girl?” She said sarcastically.

“As a matter of fact, I am.” Pan said angrily from the doorway.

“Keep telling yourself that, Pan.” Marron said as she was about ready to shove past Pan.

In the blink of an eye, Pan had Marron pushed against the doorframe.

“What are you doing?! Get off me!” Marron said helplessly.

“I don’t think so.” Pan said forming a large ki ball double the size of Marron’s head.

“ENOUGH!” Came an angry voice. With a blur, Uubu appeared between Marron and Pan. “I said enough Pan. What would your grandfather say?” Uubu said in a little quieter tone.

“Relax Uubu. I wasn’t gonna kill her…just scare the living crap outta her. And my grandfather would’ve been just as angry as I was…we just react differently.” Pan shrugged.

“Come on Pan, let’s get outta here.” Trunks said trying to avoid further confrontation. He grasped Pan’s hand gently and led her inside.

“Are you okay?” Uubu asked turning around to face the terrified Marron.

“Yeah, I think so.” She said still rather shakily.

“Look, I’m really sorry about that. Sometimes I don’t know what gets into her.” Uubu said.

“Thank you.” Marron said lunging herself onto Uubu.

“Y-you’re welcome.” He said stuttering while he blushed a deep shade of red.


‘Geez, it’s about time.’ Gojita thought thankfully. ‘I don’t think that I’d be able to see Marron all depressed. I mean, her daughter IS my fiancée.’ Gojita thought walking back into the house.

(Author pops out from no-where) What, you didn’t think that the Z senshi in this timeline were the only one’s that get visitors from the future…did you?


Soon, the whole Z gang sat around the large dining room table. Well, all except for Bra and Goten.

“Excuse me everyone.” Bra said clearing her throat. She glanced beside her where Goten stood shakily. She grasped his hand in an attempt to stop him from being so shaky.

“Goten and I have been seeing each other for the last 2 months.” Bra said straight forward while not taking her eyes off of him.

“Oh honey…we know already.” Bulma wavered off.

“What?” Bra said dragging her glance to her mother.

“Well, me and your father know.” Bulma shrugged.

“As much as I hate it.” Vegeta muttered.

“Good Dende, I can’t hide anything from you people in this house.” Bra said throwing up her hands in the air. She glanced over at Goten who had gone to sit and stare intensely at the food.

“Let’s eat.” Goten said forgetting to be nervous as hell.

“Fine.” Bra muttered sitting next to him.


Everyone had already finished eating. The women had already cleaned up the great big messed caused by their family…but especially their husbands, uncles, and brothers. Right now, they all sat in the living room deciding on the course of their actions.

“Okay, let me see…” Pan trailed off rubbing her chin. “Ah! I’ve got it!” She yelled.

Everyone adverted their attention to the psyched up saiya-jin.

“I promised Gojita and Kayla that we’d help them out.” Pan said. “But first things first, I’ve got to explain A LOT of things to you. I had a dream 5 years ago where I met our enemy.”

“5 years ago?” Bra questioned.

“Errr…5 days ago.” Pan shrugged. “Anyway, I met our new enemy. The thing is that he’s a new enemy for me…but I believe that you’ve already met him Daddy. You too Grandpa…and Mr. Piccolo.” Pan said motioning to them.

“Well, spit it out Brat.” Vegeta said harshly.

“And you too Vegeta. It’s…” Pan started. “Turles.”

Everyone sat stunned and still.

“Oh boy.” Gohan said.

“Who is that?” Trunks and Goten asked.

“That’s our Uncle, Goten.” Gohan said.

“That means…” Goten said putting on a thoughtful look. “THAT’S MOM’S BROTHER!“ Goten said not being able to soak up all of the information.

“You idiot! Mom was an only child!” Gohan said to his idiotic brother. “That’s dad’s brother.”

“Oh good Dende.” Chi Chi said exasperated.

“What?” Dende asked turning his head to look at Chi Chi.

“Nothing.” She said.

“No what?! Someone tell me! You guys always call me and then say nothing! WHY DON’T YOU SAY ANYTHING!” The young God exclaimed angrily.

“Sheesh Dende, calm down. It’s just an expression.” Krillin said to his long time friend.

“Well, why didn’t you say anything earlier?!” He yelled.

“Cause you didn’t ask!” Krillin said matching his tone.

“I DID ASK!” Dende yelled back.


“Hey, you can’t do that!” Dende yelled in a whiney voice.

“Oh yeah!” Krillin said.

“Yeah. If you do, I’ll tell King Yemma to send you to hell.” He said angrily.

“You can’t do that!” Krillin said in disbelief.

“I have my connections.” Dende said crossing his arms smugly.

“ENOUGH!” Pan yelled above the two’s childish behavior.

“But he started it.” Krillin said helplessly.

“Enough.” Pan said in a dangerously low tone.

“Okay.” Krillin said defeated.

“Anyway…Turles was afraid that I’d be strong enough to help you guys win. He didn’t want to take that chance so he made their mother *motions to Gojita and Kayla* sick. He said that the only way he’d produce the antidote would be if they were to kill me while I was in the room of spirit and time. While I was in the room, he presented himself to me and told me what happened. So, I promised Gojita and Kayal that I would help them get the antidote by bringing her here.” Pan finished.

“How come my future self didn’t just make an antidote?” Bulma questioned.

“Cause you’re sick Grandma Bulma, and you won’t wake up.” Kayla said in a said voice.

“Ah, I see. But how come Trunks doesn’t make an antidote?” Bulma questioned.

“He doesn’t know how.” Gojita said plainly.

“Good Dende…errr…sorry Dende.” Bulma said once she saw another verbal sparring uprising. “My goodness…you’d think that at least one of my children would be lucky enough to pick up my traits instead of Vegeta’s idiotic genes.” Bulma muttered.

“Mom.” Trunks and Bra whined.

“Sorry.” She said sheepishly to them.

“Well, what are we gonna do?” Pan asked.

“I need a time capsule Mom.” Gojita said to her.

“Okay, I think that Bulma-san would be more than happy to loan you one.” Pan said.

“Hey mommy, do you think it would be okay if everyone came back here?” Kayla said putting on her puppy face.

“What for sweetheart.” Pan asked.

“Cause I know that everyone wants to see Great Grandpa Goku and Great Grandma Chi Chi again.” She said in a tiny voice.

Pan looked up at everyone for their approval. She got a set of nods from all of them. “Okay sweetie.” Pan said to the young girl.

“But who’s gonna go?” Bra’s voice broke in.

“I’ll go. I want everyone to be surprised about their futures.” Gojita said quickly.

“Okay. Do you want me to teach you how to use the time machine?” Bulma asked him.

“It’s okay Grandma Bulma. I’ve already built one by myself plus I mastered how to use this one. I learned how to when I was six from you.” Gojita said proudly.

“Well, I’m glad that my genes have made it that far.” Bulma beamed as everyone face-vaulted.


Within minutes, everyone was gathered around the lawn of Capsule Corporation.

“I should be back in a couple of minutes. Don’t worry Kayla.” Gojita said to his younger sister.

He quickly hopped in a turned on the machine before saying good-bye. Within a flash, he was gone.

***5 Minutes later***

Gojita lived up to his word. Within minutes, a great flash of light over took the sky and the time machine appeared.

“Here they are.” Pan mumbled.

The time capsule took a landing and stopped right in front of them. The door shook shakily and opened. Soon, both sides go the scare of their lives.

“Oh good Dende.” Marron said to herself.

“Huh?” Dende asked politely.

“NOTHING.” Marron said irritably.


Oh my goodness. What will happen next? Oh, stay tuned for the next episode of…”Years.”

Okay, that was corny. ^_^ But oh well. Please write a review in that nice pretty box below. I would like to thank all of you that wrote a good or constructive comment. Although one person flamed me…which I will not mention…*cough* Marisa *Cough*…Oh…errr…right. Oops. But please write a review. I’m REALLY sorry that this took a log time to get out. Ja ne!

-Christina :)