
Chapter 8

Hello all…here is the next part of “Years.” I would like to personally thank ALL of you that have reviewed my story and encouraged me to get the next part out. Did I get it out fast enough? I hope so…I really don’t want a mob of angry T&P fans after me. Hehe! ^_^ Well, here it is!!! Please enjoy!


They held each other for what seemed like hours. Pan pulled herself far enough to look into Trunks’ deep blue eyes.

‘Good Dende, I’ve missed those clear blue eyes.’ Pan thought. She sucked in a deep breath of air and enjoyed being in total bliss.

“Trunks.” Pan started. ‘I need to get this off my chest.’ Pan thought. “When I thought you were flirting with me for nothing…I tried to forget you.” Pan said on the verge of tears. “I tried to deny my feelings for you Trunks. But it hurt so bad.” Pan said allowing some tears to course down her cheek. “But I didn’t want to forget about you Trunks. I’ve loved you for so long that it hurt to be away from you. It hurt not to see you. It hurt to be without you.” Pan whispered the last part as the endless flow of tears coursed down her cheeks. “I wanted to force you to love me.” She whispered looking into his eyes.

Trunks was surprised to hear this. He has been waiting all of his life to hear those words escape her enticing lips…and now that they have, he didn’t know how to respond.

“Pan. You wouldn’t have had to try very hard.” He answered cupping her soft, wet cheek in his hand. “I’ve been in love with you ever since I could remember.”

“But I thought that our age difference would’ve turned you off…” Pan started.

“Shh.” Trunks said hushing her. “Pan, age is just an obstacle. It’s just an obstacle that tried to keep me away from you…but I wouldn’t allow it. Not on my life.” He said. “But we’ve already beaten that obstacle, Pan. There is living proof waiting for us at my house right now.”

“I guess you’re right.” Pan sighed.

“Of course I’m right.” Trunks said feigning arrogance.

“You smug son of a bitch.” Pan laughed kissing Trunks passionately.

“Come on Pan, let’s go home to OUR family.” Trunks said picking her up in his strong arms.

“Okay.” Pan said resting her head on his shoulder.


“Where the hell are they!?” Marron fumed on the lawn outside of Capsule Corp. She looked onto the sun that was ready to set soon.

Just then, she saw Trunks approaching the house. But what she didn’t see was Pan wrapped in his strong embrace.

“Good, he finally told her to get a life.” Marron snorted.

“No HUMAN…he’s going to tell YOU to get a life.” Vegeta snorted walking by.

“What the hell is your problem?!” Marron yelled turning Vegeta around. All she got was an icy glare that scared her senseless.

“I don’t like you.” Vegeta smirked letting the information soak into her thick head. “Why don’t you just leave them alone. Like I said before, you never had a chance.”

“Oh…and how do I know that I don’t have a chance?” Marron said smugly.

“Please Brat…you must have had your damn eyes sucked out if you didn’t see this. While you were running around on this pathetic ball of clay worrying about your nails, Trunks and Pan were forming a bond in space. She intrigued him because he was everything he wanted in a girl. She’s pretty, smart, a diligent worker…and a FIGHTER. When they came back from their stupid trip, she grew up and their bond became even stronger. So get it into your thick human skull that he’ll never be yours. Look.” Vegeta nodded towards the happy couple that sat on the roof cuddling and watching the sunset together.

Marron turned her head toward the direction Vegeta nodded in, and quickly turned her head back in disgust. “That doesn’t mean anything.” Marron said.

“You still don’t get it you stupid human. You’ll never get Trunks. There is living proof in the damn house!” Vegeta sneered.

“I’m surprised you wouldn’t want to be related to my family instead of Goku’s.” Marron stated.

“Hmph. I’d rather be related to Kakarotto than Baldie…” Vegeta said. ‘Wait, baldie has hair now. Shit! Now what do I call him. Little irking thing?! Nah, that won’t work. Oh well.’ Vegeta thought. “…any day.” Vegeta finished. “At least I’m guaranteed a GOOD sparring partner. And besides, his brat’s brat is a lot stronger than you…human.” Vegeta sneered.

In one swift movement, Marron slapped Vegeta.

“OOWWW!!” Marron exclaimed rubbing the feeling back into her hand.

“Serves you right. You’re an even bigger bitch than Kakarotto’s noisy wife.” Vegeta muttered leaving.


Bra leaned against her railing and watched the sun set. She also noticed the happy couple snuggled into one big bundle watching the sun set too.

“Ah.” Bra sighed in contentment.

Suddenly, a figure loomed behind her. As silently as possible, it opened the sliding door. An arm quickly wrapped around her waist and the other covered her mouth.

“Mhmph!” Came Bra’s muffled screams.

“Shh Princess…quiet and no one gets hurt.” Came a deep, husky reply. Bra shivered at the voice’s sexy deep tone. She leaned her head against her “kidnapper” and relaxed.

“That’s better.” The voice said once again wrapping both arms around her waist and kissing her soft neck.

“Mmmm…” Bra moaned. “Don’t do that again Goten, or else I’ll hang you, and tie you up, and…”

“Seduce me?!” He asked happily.

“You wish. Dream on.” Bra laughed turning around to hug Goten.

“I think I still am. I already got the girl of my dreams…didn’t I?” He asked seriously.

Bra smiled. “You’re so sweet Son Goten. I think you deserve another kiss.” Bra said leaning in.

“Oh goody!” Goten said locking his lips with hers.

“Bra.” Goten said breaking the kiss.

“Hmm?” She murmured.

“When are we gonna tell everyone?” Goten asked.

“Soon my love, soon.” Bra said resting her head on Goten’s shoulder.

“Good, you’re father could get very creative and start a book called ‘101 ways to strangle Son Goten.’” He said shivering.

“If anything, that book’ll be written by me.” Bra laughed.

“I love you Bra.” Goten said looking into her deep blue eyes.

“I love you too Goten.” She said before leaning in for another kiss.


“Look.” Pan said looking at the happy couple making out on the balcony.

“I know.” Trunks shrugged.

“You knew?! Before me?!” Pan asked amazed.

“Of course. That’s my sister and my best friend.” Trunks said.

“So! That’s my uncle and my best friend!” Pan yelled.

“Touché.” Trunks purred kissing her neck.

“Mmm…” Pan murmured. “I love it when you do that.”

“Good.” Trunks said before moving in for another kiss.

“I love you Trunks.” Pan said to him sincerely.

“I love you more Son Pan.” Trunks said seriously.

“Good.” Pan laughed leaning against his shoulder.


“They’re in love.” Kayla squealed from the doorway to the inside of Capsule Corporation looking in on Trunks and Pan.

“Good.” Gojita said.

“You know what?” Kayla giggled.

“What?” Gojita laughed at his sister’s foolish giggles.

“I think that Kiku and Tegami would’ve liked being here.” Kayla said.

“Yeah, I think that Bra and Goten would’ve loved them being here too.” Gojita sighed looking at the happy couple.

They looked over at the sad Marron. “I wonder when Marron will hook up with Uubu in this timeline. I hate seeing her all depressed like this over dad.” Gojita said dragging his little sister into the house before everyone noticed the two little peeping toms. He closed the door and allowed all five adults time to think…and to have time alone.


Well, like I said…I was inspired enough to get this chapter out REALLY fast. Please write a review. It really does encourage me to write and post it up faster. Ja ne!

-Christina :)

P.S. Oh, and if you didn’t catch…yes Bra and Goten DO end up getting together. They have kids named Kiku and Tegami. BYE!!!

P.S.S. I'm REALLY sorry if you REALLY like Marron. I really bashed her character in here.