
Chapter 7

Hello all! I am glad to say that I’ve just finished part 7! YEAH!!! Well, here it is!


Pan stepped out of the room graciously.

“PAN!” Videl and Chi Chi yelled as they embraced the now young adult.

‘Here we go.’ Pan thought smiling nervously as she opened up her arms for her mother and grandmother.

“What were you thinking?!” Videl asked in a loving, angry tone.

“I’m sorry…but I had to.” Pan said closing her eyes as she enjoyed the moment. ‘It’s been five long years since I’ve had a chance to hug you two. I’ve missed you both so much.’ Pan thought gripping her mother and grandmother tighter.

“Well, all that matters is you’re here now.” Gohan interrupted.

“Daddy.” Pan whispered as she left the warm arms of her mother’s and grandmother’s to be held in her father’s strong firm onces.

Gojita stood on the side taking in all that was happening around him. He looked down at his sister who also had an awkward uncomfortable look plastered on her face. ‘I feel so…weird.’ Gojita thought. ‘All of these faces are so familiar…but they don’t know who me and Kayla are.’ Gojita thought as he glanced around the room.

Trunks just sat at the same spot he had been at for last half-hour. ‘Dear Dende-sama…she’s even more beautiful in person.’ Trunks ogled looking at Pan. He allowed his eyes to drift to the young man and his sister. ‘Heh, he looks just like me…and the little one looks just like Videl-san.’

Gojita noticed his father eyeing him and shifted uncomfortable under his watchful eyes.

“Well then everyone,” Pan said taking a step back and getting everyone’s attention. She went over to Gojita and Kayla. She gently placed an arm around Gojita’s shoulder and held Kayla on her hip. “I’d like you to meet your future family…as well as mine.” Pan said smiling proudly.

Everyone was silent. They had no clue as to how they were supposed to react to this.

Chi Chi was the first. She went up to Gojita and smiled. “Well, you’re a handsome young man, aren’t you?” She said lovingly.

“Hello Great Grandma Chi Chi.” He said shyly. Chi Chi gave him a hug that took him by surprise, but he hugged her back. Chi Chi pulled away smiling and moved down to Kayla.

The rest of the Z gang just stood there dumbfounded. This was the side of Chi Chi that they had never seen.

‘Yup, now I’ve seen everything.’ #18 repeated in her head again.

‘Oh my goodness!’ Pan thought. ‘Grandma Chi Chi is making progress. She likes them already!’ Pan cheered.

“Why hello there.” Chi Chi said squatting down in front of the little girl.

“Hi.” Kayla said shyly.

“Why so shy?” Chi Chi asked.

Kayla’s face saddened a bit. “I don’t have a Great Grandma Chi Chi at home anymore. Mama said that she left with Great Grandpa Goku to a better place.”

Chi Chi smiled saddly as Goku squatted next to his wife.

“Well, we’re here now.” He said.

Kayla smiled and hugged both her great grandparents.

Goku stood still smiling and looked at Gojita. He studied his features for a while. He looked over at Trunks, then back to Gojita, then back to Trunks.

“Hehe.” Goku said laughing sheepishly as he hugged Gojita. “You look just like your father.” Goku chuckled pulling away.

“It’s nice to see you too Great Grandpa Goku.” Gojita smiled. ‘I’ve missed you so much…you just have no clue.’ Gojita thought quietly.

Chi Chi and Goku took a step back as Trunks came over to them.

“This could get interesting.” Goku whispered to his wife.

“I’ll say.” She replied.

Trunks walked over to his son first. ‘Good Dende…what the hell do I say? I don’t even know the beat. NANI?! I just said brat. Great…now I sound just like dad. Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to “Wing” it.’ Trunks thought.

“Hello Gojita.” Trunks said evenly. ‘Boy, I’m still nervous as hell.’ “I know that I don’t know you yet, but I WILL get to know you. You know what…you’re one handsome guy.” Trunks said studying his “twin.”

“I get it from my father.” Gojita laughed.

“Yep…we’re both two handsome guys.” Trunks chuckled clapping Gojita on the back.

“Put me down mommy.” Kayla squealed from the side. Pan gently set the little speed demon down.

‘Mommy?’ Trunks thought.

“Mommy? Oh please.” Marron snorted.

“DADDY!” Kayla yelled jumping into Trunks’ arms. This took Trunks by surprise…and he almost dropped the little girl. “HI!”

“Err…hi.” Trunks managed to mutter out.

“Hehe…you’re funny daddy. How about this…since you don’t know me too well, you have to spar with me later as a get to know you thing.” Kayla said.

“Alright then little missy…you’ve got yourself a deal.” Trunks said to the little girl that he held in his arms.

“Promise?” Kayla said holding out her pinky finger.

“Promise.” Trunks said placing his finger around her’s.

“Okay.” Kayla said jumping out of his arms. She walked over to the direction where Veget stood secluded from the others.

“Hi Grandpa Veggie.” Kayla said jumping into his arms.

“Hey squirt.” Vegeta said.

‘Squirt.’ Everyone thought at the same time.

“I’m glad to see you again Papa.” Kayla said hugging Vegeta. *She calls Trunks Daddy and Vegeta Pappa!*

“Hello Grandfather.” Gojita said stepping closer to Vegeta.

“Hey Brat. What the hell are you doing here again.” Vegeta said evenly.

“AGAIN!” Everyone screamed.

“Err…we kinda had this problem in the future before and got Grandpa Vegeta to help us. He told us it would be best if we got no one else involved.” Gojita said.

“If Vegeta knew about you…how come he acted so surprise when he heard about you over the computer.” Goku said.

“I have my reasons.” Vegeta said smugly.

“Look, why don’t we give Trunks and Pan some time alone. I bet they have some things they need to sort out.” Bulma said standing next to Vegeta.

“Mom? Did you know too?” Trunks asked.

“Of course I did.” Bulma waved it off. “Anyway, meet us back at Capsule Corp when you’re done Trunks.” Bulma said seriously.

“Okay.” Trunks nodded.

‘This is so unfair!’ Marron thought.

“Get over it Brat, you never had a chance.” Vegeta said shoving Marron out of the way.

“Hmph.” Marron said taking flight after her family.


Trunks looked around the empty room and the beautiful young woman that stood there.

“I’ve missed you so much Trunks.” Pan said lunging herself at Trunks.

“I missed you too Pan.” Trunks said closing his eyes and enjoying the moment.


Okay everyone…there it is. Now I’m sorry if you’re a Marron fan and I bashed her character in here a bit. I personally don’t have anything against her…but it’s all part of the story. Please read and write a review. It encourages me to get the next part out a lot faster. Ja ne!

-Christina :)