
Chapter 5

Well here is part 5. I know that it’s not too long. *Sorry* But it is VERY interesting. I thought it’d be a good twist. Enjoy this small part…and I promise the next part will be longer. Thanx!!!


“Mom?” The figure inquired.

‘Mom?’ Pan thought. Pan took this time to study the young man’s features. His stringy black hair was short with a perfect line running atop his head. His chiseled features and soft blue eyes captivated Pan.

“Mommy?” Came a sweet innocent voice. Pan turned her head to face the owner of the voice.

“W-what?” Pan stuttered. She looked at the small child that gripped the dusty old teddy bear. Pan examined her features as well. She had long purple hair that was held together by two low pigtails. She looked exactly like Videl, save for the hair.

Pan turned her attention to the young man that was now seated across from her.

“Kayla, did you play with the buttons again?” The young man said in a warning tone.

“Uh-huh. Sorry.” The little girl responded with her lower lip trembling.

Pan began to feel a migraine coming on. “Someone please explain what is going on.”

“My name is Gojita.” The young man exclaimed. “I was named after my grandfathers Goku and Vegeta.” He waited for this information to soak into Pan’s head before continuing again. “This is Kayla, my younger sister.” He gestured to the little girl that had gone to sit on her brother’s lap.

“And I’m your mother?” Pan said uneasily.

“Yes.” Gojita replied.

“And your father is…” Pan said somewhat anxious to hear who her future husband would be.

“Trunks.” The little girl squealed.

“Oh good Kami.” Pan said passing out.


Pan awoke in her bed.

“Was it just a dream?” She asked no one in particular.

“Nope.” Gojita said walking in.

‘Guess not.’ Pan thought. “How long have I been out?”

“5 hours.” He shrugged.

“Where’s you sister?” Pan asked in a mother tone.

‘She sounds just like mom.’ Gojita smiled. “She’s asleep on the couch.”

“Oh.” Pan said standing up. “So exactly how did you two get here?” Pan said making her way to the kitchen.

“My Grandma Bulma.” Gojita said sitting down. “She upgraded the room of Spirit and Time. Now it can cross dimensions with the right passwords. I don’t know how my sister did it, but she did. And we just so happened to cross into your dimension.” He shrugged getting a glass of water. He sat down again as Pan studied every aspect of his face.

“You look just like Trunks…but you’ve got my hair.” She murmured absent-mindedly.

She looked over at the young girl that had curled up on the sofa.

“She looks exactly like Grandma Videl, huh mom?” Gojita asked. Pan looked over at her son as he blushed a deep shade of red. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to call you…”

“It’s okay Gojita, you can call me mom.” Pan said sympathetically.

“Thank you.” He said shyly.

“Now, I bet you’re tired after a long day, ne? Why don’t you go get some sleep and we’ll talk in the morning. Don’t worry about Kayla, I’ll take her to bed. Go get some rest.”

“Okay. Goodnight…mom.” Gojita said leaving to one of the rooms.

Pan looked at the small child and picked her up carefully. Pan almost dropped her when Kayla snuggled closer to the warmth of her mother.

Pan smiled and continued to the other empty room. She gently set Kayla down in the bed and tucked her in. Pan hesitated for a while, but kissed her on the forehead before leaving to her own room.


Trunks made his way up the stairs groggily. He has had zero sleep for the past two days, and now the fatigue has taken it’s toll on him. He threw himself on the bed and fell asleep before his head even touched the pillow.


Like I said earlier, this is a SHORT chapter, but it explains a lot. Please write a review and tell me what you think. Thanx!!!

-Christina :)