
Chapter 4

Okay everyone, here is part 4. But I have something else to say. I know that everyone is against Mr. "Wouldn't you like to know" but I am here to say that he is not that bad of a person. He is actually sorry that he wrote those nasty reviews on the TP stories. I'm here to say that I am backing him up. I've emailed him and I now know that somewhere in him/her, there is a person with a heart. He has written a story that is going to change your view of him. It is a Trunks/Pan and Bra/Goten fic. It isn't on yet because he's having some problems. But he sent it to me and it is relatively good. If some people are going to write a review after this saying that I'm crazy, then so be it. But I just thought I'd let you know that he/she isn't as bad a person as you think he/she is. Try emailing him/her and you'll see what I mean.

Well, here is part 4...please write a review. Thank you!! ^_^


Trunks leaned back in his chair and began to twirl his pencil again. There he sat, all alone in the control room for the room of spirit and time. He had gone home not too long ago to go and gather his materials to break this code that Pan had so cleverly installed. Trunks glanced down at his watch.

“Okay, so it looks like I didn’t just go home. I’ve been here all damn night.” Trunks sighed to himself and looked at his empty mug of coffee. “Ah, so that’s what the problem is.” Trunks yawned. So far, he has been able to break through Pan’s cleverly designed configurations, but now he was stuck on a password.

‘Shit Pan, why’d you have to make this so damn complicated.’ Trunks yawned. He dropped his head onto his arm that were altered into his pillow.

‘I can’t believe Pan would think I was flirting with her for nothing. Hell no, I’ve been helplessly falling for her for what seems like forever. I love her so much that it hurts not to hold her right now.’ He thought saddly. Just then, an idea jolted into his head. He sat straight up and slapped his head.

“Hello?! Why in the world didn’t I think of this before?!” Trunks just wrote down his notes and headed to Gohan’s house at top speed.


It was Pan’s 3rd year in the room. Her hair had grown relatively long, but was not a bother…yet. “Stupid son of a bitch.” Pan said kicking and punching her imaginary enemy. Pan had successfully set aside all of her feelings for Trunks except for her hatred towards the young warrior.


Trunks knocked on Gohan’s door hesitantly.

“Yes?” Videl chirped opening the door. “Oh, hello Trunks. Come in.” Videl said smiling cheek to cheek.

“Thanks Videl.” Trunks said walking into the Son household.

Trunks followed Videl into the kitchen and explained his progress. And soon, Gohan was involved in the discussion over his daughter as well.

“So let me get this straight,” Gohan said straightening his glasses, “you want us to help you figure out what this password is so YOU can talk to MY daughter ALONE for the ENTIRE 30 minutes?” Gohan said exaggerating every word.

“Umm…yes.” Trunks said quietly. “Look Gohan, I really need to straighten things out between me and Pan.” He said desperately.

“Why?” Gohan said prying the issue further.

“Why?” Trunks asked like it was the dumbest question asked in the world. “Because I love her, that’s why.” Trunks said in an even tone.

“That’s so cute!” Videl squealed squeezing Trunks in a big hug.

“Okay, you say the computer gave you clues?” Gohan said getting back to the original topic at hand.

“Yeah. It has to deal with music.” Trunks said snapping back to focus.

“Music huh?” Gohan said rubbing his chin. “I already have the password.” Gohan said snapping his fingers.

“How?” Trunks and Videl asked amazed.

“I’m her father.” Gohan said proudly.

“And I’m her mother. Now, how do you know?” Videl said.

“Sheesh Videl, I just wanted to have my moment.” Gohan pouted.

Videl just shook her head and sighed.

“Anyway,” Gohan said getting serious, “whenever she was upset over you she’d play…”

“Wait. Why was she upset over me?” Trunks interrupted.

“Huh? Oh, because of whenever you got a new girlfriend or something. I don’t know, I didn’t want to butt in to her personal life. Anyway, she’d play this sad love song. It’s called “How Could an Angel Break My Heart” by Toni Braxton and Kenny G.” Gohan said leaning back in his chair.

Videl left to Pan’s room and returned with the CD in hand. “Here, listen to it later.”

Trunks grabbed the CD and bowed his thanks before flying back to the lookout at top speed.


With large arms crossed and an evil smirked plastered on his face, Turles stood on a cocky stance.

“Soon.” He whispered. “Very soon.” And with that, he began to laugh insanely at the vision of Earth.


Trunks twirled his pencil in his hand as he typed all of the configurations.

“Yeah! I got it!” He proclaimed happily as he managed to crack all of the configurations again. He typed in the title of the song as the password.

“Initializing request in 5 minutes.” The robotic female voice said.

“Great…what am I supposed to do for 5 minutes.” Trunks muttered. His pencil fell from his hand. “Oops.” He said grabbing it. He noticed the shiny CD case underneath it.

“Oh yeah.” Trunks said looking around for a CD player. He noticed one on the main control panel. “So this is what Dende does all day.” Trunks murmured. He placed the CD in the CD player and sat back. He allowed the instrumental interlude trap his senses. Trunks listened to the lyrics carefully to see what Pan found so intriguing.



I heard he sang a lullaby

I heard he sang it from his heart

When I found out thought I would die

Because that lullaby was mine

I heard he sealed it with a kiss

He gently kissed her cherry lips

I found that so hard to believe

Because his kiss belonged to me


How could an angel break my heart

Why didn't he catch my falling star

I wish I didn't wish so hard

Maybe I wished our love apart

How could an angel break my heart


I heard her face was white as rain

Soft as a rose that blooms in May

He keeps her picture in a frame

And when he sleeps he calls her name

I wonder if she makes him smile

The way he used to smile at me

I hope she doesn't make him laugh

Because his laugh belongs to me


How could an angel break my heart

Why didn't he catch may falling star

I wish I didn't wish so hard

Maybe I wished our love apart

How could an angel break my heart


Oh my soul is dying, it's crying

I'm trying to understand

Please help me


How could an angel break my heart

Why didn't he catch my falling star

I wish I didn't wish so hard

Maybe I wished our love apart

How could an angel break my heart

Trunks was speechless when the song was over. The lyrics were so deep. He was about to get deep in thought, but the computer interrupted him again.

“Request completed. Time will be slowed in 5…4…3…2…1…0!” Trunks held fast as the room shook and shuddered violently.


Pan was sitting behind her tree meditating when she noticed the computer screen pop up.

“Shit!” Pan seethed. She quickly dodged out of the computer’s viewing range.

“Nice try Pan. Where the hell are you?” Came Trunks’ deep husky voice. “Come on Pan, I’ve been trying to crack your codes all night since yesterday afternoon. IT’s 8 in the morning right now and I haven’t had a wink of sleep…so please cooperate.” Trunks practically begged on his hands and knees.

Pan just closed her eyes to think. ‘It’s been a year and a half since I’ve seen or heard from ANYBODY…but why’d it have to be him?!’ She yelled in her head.

Pan just waited for Trunks to look for her.

“Fine, have it your way.” Trunks said. HE typed in a few commands, and he screen went to look for her.

Pan just held fast and allowed the tears to fall down her face.

After 20 minutes of fruitless searching, Trunks found Pan sittign behind the tree.

‘Now why didn’t I think of looking there?’ He thought idiotically. “Pan, we need to talk.” He said.

“Then talk.” She said lifting her head. She had stopped crying a long tiem ago, but she was still angry. She lifterd her head and revealed a dangerously beautiful frown.

“Good Kami, she’s beautiful.” Trunks murmured.

“What?” She said annoyed.

“Err…nothing.” Trunks said looking down at his feet.

“Well, hurry up and talk. I have better things to do.” She spat.

Trunks was about to retort, but remembered something. ‘Calm down Trunks. Right now, she has no clue that you love her.’ He took a long deep breath and looked her straight in the eyes with determination.

‘Well, here’s something new.’ Pan thought. She let her mask slip and allowed her confused look to take over he features.

“Why do you think that I just flirted with you for fun?” He said tiredly.

“5 Minutes.” The computer warned.

‘I better make this quick.” Trunks thought.

“Trunks, that is a stupid question. It’s like asking why do birds fly…because they just do. Just like you Trunks. Flirting is just some sick sport you use to lead girls on. That’s exactly what you did to Marron at my 18th birthday party. You should’ve seen the look of hurt in her face. Maybe then you’d understand.” Pan said getting ready to leave. Disgust was printed clearly on her face.

“NO WAIT! Pan, you have to understand. Marron was flirting with me, I just didn’t flirt back. I was thinking about you.” Trunks stated.

“10 seconds left. Begin countdown.” The computer said.

“You see Pan…” Trunks started.

“9” The computer spoke.

“…I have something…”


“…important to…”


“…tell you.”


“You see…”


“…how do…”


“…I put this.”


“It’s just…”


“…that I think…”


“…I’m fal…”

“0!” The computer finally said.

“…ling in love with you.” Trunks finished to the blank screen.


“YOU’RE WHAT?!” Pan screamed at the empty space. “No…I have to wait another year before Trunks can finish his sentence!” She said feeling hopeless.


“SON OF A BITCH!” Trunks yelled angrily. “DAMNIT!!!” He said turning SSJ.

‘Calm down Trunks.’ He told himself. With long deep breaths, he was able to flare out of SSJ.

“Let’s see if I can get this back up again.” Trunks retyped the password.

“Access denied. One visit per day.” The computer spoke.

“DAMN PIECE OF SHIT!” Trunks yelled failing to control what little patience he had.

Before Trunks could kill anything, his stomach growled loudly.

“Damn…I have to go eat before I pass out again.” He said leaving home.


Pan punched the air angrily. It had been three months since she spoke to Trunks.

“Idiot was stalling.” She spoke vehemently.

Suddenly, an enormous ki popped out of no where.

“Huh?” Pan said in fear. This ki was way stronger than hers. If this threat were to harm her, it would take at least a day to reprogram the computer to let her out early.

‘Let’s just hope its intentions are goo.’ She thought. She traced the ki back to the house and walked over slyly.

“AH HA!” She said opening the door.

“AAAHHHHHHHHHH!” Pan screamed.

“AAAHHHHHHHHHH!” The other figure screamed.


Oh no!!! Who is this other figure? Is it good? Is it bad? Stay tuned for the next chapter!!!! :)

-Christina :)

Oh, and please write a review. Thanx!!