
Chapter 3

Okay everybody, I finally finished this part! YEAH! Here ya go…


Pan trained with a new purpose. Sure she went in with the intention of beating Turles, but she later found out it was a little of her own reason.

“Everyone still thinks that I’m a damn child.” She seethed between clenched teeth. “They always think that I can’t defend myself. They think that just because I’m not as powerful as Grandpa Goku or Vegeta or Uncle Goten or Trunks that I’m some little pathetic girl!” Pan’s punches began to accelerate and soon her punches were blurs. Her eyes automatically narrowed down to slits. “Well I’m not little and I can take care of myself DAMN IT!” Pan screamed vehemently as her energy coursed through her. Soon her blue aura came into view and soon turned golden. The wind swirled around her, causing the yellowed locks to sway in the breeze. “ARGH!” She yelled powering up even more. She felt herself surpass the SSJ level and making her way to the next level…SSJ2!

‘I’m almost there!’ Pan thought miraculously. Soon, her adrenaline was beginning to wear off. ‘No! But I’m almost there. I’m so close.’ She whined. In a last attempt to break the barrier, she released all of her energy in a violent fluent motion. Her legs weakened as the last of her energy began to wear off. She felt fatigue creep up on her. He legs wobbled and she swayed violently in the air.

With half open eyelids, Pan could see the world spinning beneath her feet. Her legs gave up, and Pan fell to the ground on all fours.

‘I was so close.’ She thought trying to prevent herself from blacking out. “So close.” She muttered falling to the grassy null restlessly.


Trunks sat behind his desk. The numbers and letters on the paperwork blurred only to reveal Pan’s stunning image. He traced her jaw with his left index finger as he watched her with careful cunning eyes.


Trunks quickly snapped out of his little reverie to come face to face with a very angry Gohan. Behind Gohan, he could see his secretary screaming every obscene word she knew at the man.

“Sir, I tried to stop him…” She sighed. Trunks raised his hand before she could finish to silence the woman.

“It’s okay Mrs. Haruna. You may leave now. Thank you.” Trunks said to his under-appreciated secretary.

“Right Mr. Briefs.” Mrs. Haruna said leaving wide-eyed. ‘Well, here’s something new. He never thanks me for anything. Weird.’ She thought shaking her head.

“Hello Gohan, please sit down.” Trunks said shakily. Gohan only proceeded to cross his arms in a very angry fashion. ‘Oh shit. Now I’m in for it.’ Trunks thought undoing his tie. ‘Hmm, suddenly it’s hot.’ He said to himself. He could already sense Gohan’s ki was risen way above his normal standards. By the way Gohan was sweating, Trunks figured he had just finished training. “Would you like something to drink?” Trunks said trying to loosen up the tension that built up in the room quickly.

“No.” Gohan said emotionlessly.

“Right, so what can I do for you Gohan?” Trunks said feigning ignorance.

“Don’t give me that shit Trunks. You know very god damn well why I’m here.” Gohan spat.

“I really don’t know what you’re talking about.” Trunks said hiding his fear unsuccessfully. He took a couple of steps back and leaned against the wall to prevent him from falling.

“I’ve seen the way that you’ve flirted with my daughter.” Gohan said in a low tone.

“Umm…” Trunks said remaining speechless. He didn’t know what to say. ‘Just don’t say anything that’ll piss him off.’ Trunks reminded himself.

“Now listen here, I agree that Pan is old enough to make her own decisions, and when she comes out of that room, she’ll be even more mature. I already know how much you love her from Goten.” Gohan said.

‘That son of a bit…’ Trunks thought. His words were interrupted by Gohan once again.

“And I know that she loves you too from Videl.” Gohan stated.

‘Huh?’ Trunks thought. He stood there shocked trying to absorb all of the information that was just flying at him.

“Now listen here, I’ll allow you to see my daughter because I know that she’ll want to see you once she’s out of that room. But if you so much as scratch her, I’ll kill you. It won’t be an instant death either.” Gohan said stalking out of the room.

“Umm…right.” Trunks said escorting Gohan out of the door.

“I’ll see you later.” Gohan said in an emotionless voice.

“Right.” Trunks mumbled absent-mindedly.

Gohan just shook his head at the boy’s reaction to the information he had just received. Gohan even smiled, despite himself. Trunks closed the door once Gohan had made his way out.

‘She loves me too?!’ Trunks thought. It finally got through to his thick head and he began to prance about the room happily. “She loves me! She loves me! She loves me!” Trunks sang.

Just then, his secretary popped into the room with a pile of paperwork that swayed over her head. She couldn’t see over the stack, so she didn’t notice the dancing man. She walked over to his desk casually and placed the rather large stack down.

“Mr. Briefs, I left some paper work on your desk.” She said turning around for the first time. “AHHH!” She screamed when Trunks’ took her hand and began twirling her in circles.

“She loves me! She loves me! She loves me! She loves me!…” Trunks sang. He twirled his secretary out of the door and kicked it shut with his left foot. He jumped onto his couch and began to relax.

“Ah, life’s good.” Trunks thought finally at peace since his whole thing began.


Every five seconds, Pan blew her extremely long hair out of her face. It had been two years since she entered the room.

“Damn it!” She said standing up. “ARGH!” She growled tugging at the ends of her long black hair. Pan closed her eyes to relax herslelf.

“I’VE GOT IT!” She yelled triumphantly. She ran over to the nearest tree (the only tree) and hung upside down on a branch with her legs.

She let her hair dangle down till it was touching the ground.

“Here goes nothing.” Pan said gathering her energy together. “Distructo Disc!” She yelled. The beautiful flat disc appeared and floated in Pan’s palm. Pan smiled at the beauty of the energy disc. With one swift motion, she sent the disc flying. She controlled it and made it return to her.

“Here we go.” She said to herself. She closed her eyes as the energy retreated back to her. Pan felt the extra weight fall from her head.

“Huh?” She said opening her eyes. Right away, she noticed the pile of black hair beneath her head. “YEAH! I DID IT!” She said proudly. ‘But that was pretty damn risky. I could’ve chopped off my head.’ Pan thought. She shivered at the thought. She made her way to the little house and pulled out a mirror.

“Perfect.” She said as she fluffed up her hair. “I even layered it professionally.” She said happily.

“Now, I’ve got three months till they check on me again.” She said. She began her training again without further interruption.


It has been a month since Pan cut her hair. She sat beneath the tree to meditate and clear her thoughts.

Pan tried to clear her thoughts, but all that invaded her mind was the handsome and welcoming smile Trunks gave. Pan could feel herself melt…literally. Her back began to slump as her cheesy grin reappeared on her face.

“Ah, who am I kidding.” She said opening her eyes and lie on her back. She stretched out comfortably and tucked her hands beneath her head. Pan closed her eyes and took a deep breath as to clear her mind.

‘Hmm…I wonder if Trunks really likes me?” She thought absent-mindedly. Pan opened her eyes and thought about her question a little better. She sat up and thought some more.

“What if he was only flirting with me because I started it?!” She screamed. Just then, Pan remembered how he was flirting with Marron at her 18th birthday party.

“How could I be such an idiot!” She cursed. Pan felt the soft wetness fall down her cheeks. She could hear little sobs. ‘Am I crying?’ She thought. She lifted her index finger and felt her cheek. Sure enough, it was wet.

“NO! I REFUSE TO CRY OVER SOMETHING SO STUPID!” She yelled standing up. “But it’s not stupid.” She murmured leaning against the tree.

“I guess I should’ve guessed that I could never have him.” She said bitterly. She decided to take out all of her frustration out on something.


Trunks smiled dreamily as they made their ways to the look out. Bulma smiled at her son’s smile.

‘Enjoy being in love Trunks. It’s a wonderful thing.’ Bulma thought snuggling closer to Vegeta. Vegeat noticed the smile that had formed on his mate’s lips.

‘Damn weird ass humans.’ He thought.


Trunks tapped his foot impatiently as Dende began.

“Okay, hold on.” Dende called. With the shake and rumble, the time slowed. Pan’s smiling face came into view.

“Hi everyone!” She said joyously. She was finally glad she could talk to somebody. The loneliness of the room was beginning to have an effect on Pan, but she kept her mind set on beating Turles.

‘But where’s Trunks?’ She thought bitterly.


Trunks hid so that Pan couldn’t see him. He told all of the others that he gets the last ten minutes with Pan…alone. So he waited patiently for his time to come.


After 15 minutes of talking to her friends and family, Vegeta stepped forward, raising his hand to silence the talking around him.

“How far have you gotten?” He asked coldly.

Pan looked at Vegeta sternly and answered the best she could.

“I’ve almost broken the barrier to SSJ2, but…” she trailed off.

“But what?” Vegeta asked aggitated once she failed to continue.

“But I need to train more.” Pan finished, hiding her annoyance very well. ‘Come on Pan, keep your temper in check.’ She reminded herself.

“Hmph.” Vegeta said leaving.

“Damn arrogant, selfish, self centered troll…” She muttered.

“What?!” Vegeta asked crossly as he turned around.

“Nothing.” Pan said innocently.

Vegeta left muttering something about disrespectful brats.


“I need to talk to Pan alone.” Trunks said stepping out of his hiding spot.

Pan looked at Trunks and frowned. Trunks noticed this and flinched. Everyone didn’t notice this, but all of them left the two alone. Marron left hesitantly, but made her way out of the door eventually.

“What?” Pan said crossly.

“What’s wrong?” Trunks asked confused with her cold tone.

“You, that’s what’s wrong.” Pan said.

“Me? What did I do?” Trunks said.

“Oh please, don’t give me that. I know that you were only flirting with me because I giggle.” She said disgustedly.

“NO wait Pan! That’s not it!” Trunks started.

“No Trunks, that is what happened. You know what Trunks, tell the others that I love them and that I’ll miss them.” Pan said leaving.

“WAIT! PAN! LET ME EXPLAIN!” Trunks yelled. But soon, the screen blanked out and turned black.

“DENDE! QUICK!” Trunks yelled.

“What?!” The god yelled. He ran to the computer and tried to type in some commands.

Soon, the whole group stood in the room and watched Dende and Bulma trying to figure out what went wrong.

Bulma turned around and sighed in defeat.

“Well?” Trunks said to his mother, careful to watch his tone.

“Pan blocked us out. I can’t get past her codes and all of those configurations. We can’t contact her anymore, not until she comes out.” Bulma said.

“What do you mean?!” Chi Chi yelled.

“It means that we can’t talk to the brat, woman.” Vegeta spat.

Chi Chi was too shocked to care about Vegeta’s rude remark.

“Come on Goku, let’s go home.” Chi Chi said calmly. This worried Goku and the others greatly, but he did as he was told.

‘Maybe she just needs some rest.’ Goku said leaving.

The Z gang left one by one. But Trunks stood in his spot.

‘She thinks that I was only flirting with her because she giggled?’ He thought. Trunks decided to go home and think this through.

‘I need to figure out how to break that code myself.’ Trunks thought. With that, he left home to go and plan.


Well there ya have it…Part 3. I’ll get the next part out soon. Okay, ByE! bYe!

-Christina :)

P.S. Oh yeah, please write a review for the story. Thankx!