
Chapter 2

Well all, I’ve finally finished Part 2 of this story…without further adieu, here is the second part to years!


Pan walked into the vast large area. The first thing she notices was the little house that sat in the middle of no where. “Well, I might as well make home. I’m gonna be here for a while.” Pan trotted off to go and inspect the house, only to find herself landing in a heap. The sudden change of gravity took her by surprise and sent her face first into the ground. “Ow.” Pan said rubbing her face marked with grass stains. “That’s right, it’s ten times Earth’s gravity in here.” She mentally slapped herself for letting her stupidity get the better of her.

“Now where was I?” She grumbled getting used to the gravity.


“What in dear Dende-sama’s name was she thinking?!” Chi Chi screeched as she viciously chopped the tomatoes.

“It was probably all of her dear sweet Uncle Goten and Trunks’ fault.” Videl replied taking attack on the unfortunate poor pile of potatoes.

“Now calm down you two, before you wreck my kitchen.” Bulma said good naturally. All she received were dirty looks from the two women holding knives. “Come along now, Dende and Mr. Popo assure us she’ll be fine.” Bulma began to grow nervous when she noticed they gripped the knives a little tighter. “Umm...hehe…is it getting hot in here, or is it just me?…hehe…Oh looky here, I think I here Vegeta calling me, BYE!” Without another word, Bulma zoomed out of the kitchen. The last thing she wanted was to be diced up right next to the tomatoes.


“What the hell was she thinking?!” Trunks yelled taking out all of his frustration out on Goten.

“I don’t know Trunks, but calm down. I’d like to be alive to fight whatever’s coming.” Goten remarked sarcastically. Trunks just snarled and whirled a punch into Goten’s stomach.

“You damn cheap shot.” Goten wheezed bent over. He straightened up and began to fight Trunks more viciously.

“Hey, you might actually be a real challenge.” Trunks smirked.

“Shut up!” Goten spat.

“That’s the spirit.” Trunks said, smirk widening.


After Pan set-up the house, she decided to have a look around. “Hmm…nothing but grass.” She said aloud. “Good, more training room.”

Pan began her warm-ups. She decided on a fitness plan. First she’d do warm-ups, 10,000push ups, lunch, 10,000 sit ups, and finally she’d charge up her blast and see if she could withstand her own attacks. (You know, like Goku did on his way to Namek.” This is how her life was supposed to go for the next nine years straight.


The Sons and the Briefs Vegeta all sat around Bulma’s table eating dinner.

Gohan picked at his food mercilessly. Videl just starred at her plate, taking a bite every now and then. Chi Chi ate calmly to prevent herself from going into hysterics again. Goku and Goten ate like they normally did, but you could see the sheer worry shining in their eyes. Bulma grew fidgety as she attempted to eat hher share of the meal. Vegeta looked like he cared less about the whole situation, but in his head, he was concerned for the well-being of his family and supposedly, his friends. He knew that Pan had great potential, just like her father.

‘Let’s just hope it shines in time.’ He thought.

Bra was secretly praying for the well being of her best friend.

Trunks just sat with an expressionless frown. The only sign that he was alive were his white knuckles from gripping his fork so hard.

‘What the hell was she thinking? Doesn’t she realize that she just sacrificed nine years of her life. But why do I care so much?’ He questioned himself. His train of thoughts were interrupted by the sudden ring of the phone.

“Trunks, telephone. It’s Marron.” Bulma chimed.

Trunks dropped his fork and began walking upstairs. “I’ll take it upstairs.” He said to his mother like she was his secretary.

Trunks shut the door none-tp-gently. He picked up the phone and flopped down on his bed. “Hello.” He said with pure irritation.

“Um, did I call at a bad time?” Came Marron’s sweet voice.

“No. I’m just a little stressed.” Trunks sighed.

“What’s wrong?” Marron questioned.

“I’m still pissed at Pan for doing this.” He sighed again.

“I know what you mean.” Came her reply.

“Then there’s work, and I’ve got to concentrate on training too. This is all taking its toll.”

“You sound about ready to die.” Marron sympathized.

“You could say that. So, why’d you call?” He asked.

“Well, I was just wondering if you’d want to go out tomorrow. You know, get your mind off of things.”

“Sorry, can’t. We’re gonna try to contact Pan. Dende said that there might be a way. I thought you guys knew?” Trunks said. “Oh, we didn’t.” Marron lied. She was beginning to get tired of everyone getting worried over Pan. Sure she was grateful for the honorable sacrifice that Pan made, but she was getting tired of Pan this or Pan that from Trunks. She had been trying to get his attention ever since this thing started, and so far her attempts were futile. ‘I’m being so selfish.’ She thought. She quickly shrugged off that and thought of something else.

“So, you coming?” Came Trunks’ voice.

“I guess so.” Marron responded. ‘Hey, at least you’ll get to be around him.’ She reasoned with herself.

“All right, I’ll see you tomorrow then. Bye.” Trunks said.

“Yeah, bye.” Marron said not bothering to hide her irritation.


At 2:00 in the afternoon, the group assembled at the lookout.

“Well hurry it up already!” Chi Chi said impatiently. She tapped her foot idly as the group sweat dropped.

“Calm down mom.” Gohan hissed.

“Me? Calm down?! Gohan, if anyone should be worrying like this, it should be you!” Chi Chi yelled.

“I am worried mom, but acting this way isn’t going to help anyone.” Gohan reasoned, his voice rising.

“Now you listen here young man…” Chi Chi said pointing her finger at him.

‘Uh-oh.” Goten thought. ‘Good job Gohan, now you’ve got her worked up.’

“AHEM!” Dende interrupted.

‘Thank you Dende.’ Goten cheered silently.

“Now, we’re about to get started. Please follow me.” He said. He went to the main control room and waited for the group to quiet down again. “Hold on.” Dende said turning to the control board. He pressed several buttons and a big screen was lowered for them. “Okay everyone, hold on to something.” Dende said once more.

Everyone shot him questioning gazes, but did as they were told. With the hit of a button, the entire room began to shake. Soon, the entire lookout was shaking rather violently.

“5…4…3…2…1…0” Came a female robotic voice. As the room came to a halt, questions arose.

“What the hell was that?” Vegeta grumbled.

“We had to slow down the time in the room.” Dende explained while trying to get everything set up.

“Well, why don’t we just open the door now?” Chi Chi asked hopefully.

“Although we’ve slowed down the time, Pan is still in a different dimension. If we try to open the door without programming the computer to do so, we could start a warp and lose Pan forever.” Dende stated.

“Oh,” Chi Chi said losing hope.

“Okay gang, I’ve got it ready.” Dende pushed a button. “Here goes nothing.”


Pan was in the middle of her push ups. She blew at her hair that fell in front of her face.

“I’ve been in here for what..” Pan glanced down at her watch that showed HER time. “…Whoa! Today makes a year and 3 months.” She said aloud. “It’s been that long?”

Pan noticed that it has been a long time. She really missed seeing her friends and family. But most of all, she wished she had a rubber band or her bandana.

“I should’ve brought scissors.” She cursed.

Just then, an image window pooped up in front of her out of ho where. (Like on Reboot! ^_^ )

“Ah!” She screamed falling back on her butt.

Pan looked closely at the monitor and smiled cheekily.

“Oh Pan sweetie! It’s mommy!” Videl cooed.

“Calm down mom. I’m 19, or have you forgotten?” Pan smirked.

“You turned 19 already?” Videl screamed.

“Yes.” Pan stated.

“Oh my goodness. Gohan, my baby just turned 19 without me.” Videl said on the verge of tears.

Pan just took a deep breath and sighed. Her thoughts were interrupted by a certain angry grandmother.


“Oh hi grandma.” She said warily. “So, how long do I get to chat with you guys.” Pan said once Chi Chi calmed down a bit.

“30 minutes.” Dende said.

“Oh.” Pan said saddly wishing it were longer. Pan continued to talk to her friends and family.

“5 minutes.” Dende called.

“How far did you get in your training, brat?” Vegeta’s voice boomed. Everyone looked at Vegeta, but turned their heads the other way once they noticed the way he looked at them. They didn’t have a death wish, ya know.

Pan straightened her posture abd put on a serious look.

“I’ve been able to turn SSJ for about 3 months. And I’m able to control my power. I plan on reaching SSJ2 before I leave this room.” Pan answered evenly.

“Very good then.” Vegeta said turning to leave.

“4 minutes.” Dende called.

“Go ahead Trunks, you didn’t get to talk to her yet.” Gohan said.

“Hey Pan.” Trunks smiled. Pan smiled and felt her heat skip beats. ‘Whoa, what’s my heart doing?’ She questioned herself. But she didn’t pay any attention to her mind. Instead, she focussed her attention on the handsome lilac haired warrior in front of her.

“Hey Trunks.” She answered.

“So please tell me exactly what you were thinking?” He said happily.

“I dunno. I felt that I owed it to everyone to sacrifice something. I mean, everyone has died trying to protect the Earth. Some of them have even dedicated their lives to protect Earth. I just thought that I’d dedicate another 9 more years than the rest of my life.” She said smiling.

“Ah, I see what this is?” Trunks said slightly amused.

“What?” Pan laughed.

“You’re paying us all back.” Trunks laughed.

“You could say that.” Pan giggled. After realizing what she did, she felt like puking on herself. ‘I just GIGGLED!’ She thought angrily. She just laughed nervously and bit her bottom lip to prevent herself from doing something she regretted again.

“Well Pan, you owe me one hell of a sparring match later.” He said in a flirting tone. ‘Is he flirting with me?’ Pan asked herself. ‘Well, I can’t let him down, now can I?’

“1 minute left.” Dende called.

“Well then, I won’t let you down.” She said in a deep husky voice. She smiled flirtatiously.

“Well, I better let you go then.” He said with a form of regret in his voice.

“Right.” Pan said keeping the same tone.

“Bye Pan.” He said smiling brightly.

“Bye Trunks-chan.” Pan winked. “Bye everyone!” She called to the rest.

“Times up!’ Dende yelled. At that moment, the screen went blank.

Trunks smiled to himself and left. He didn’t notice the extreme increase of ki that emitted from Gohan, and the sad look from Marron.

‘So he likes Pan, huh? No wonder he’s always worrying over her. I should’ve guessed.’ Marron sighed saddly.


Pan began to eat lunch still wearing the same cheesy grin she came home with.

“He was flirting with me!” She said smiling. “He was flirting with me!” She yelled prancing about the room and landing on the couch. “He was flirting with me! He was flirting with me! He was flirting with me!…” She sang. “Ah, life’s good.” Pan quickly got up. She tore out of her sappy mood and remembered why she was there.

“Okay, it took me over 18 years to accomplish SSJ. If I want to reach SSJ2 before leave, I’ll have to really concentrate.” So Pan snapped back into her training mood and ate her lunch. She figured they’d contact her everyday, so that was every year.”


Goten punched Trunks in the gut hard, but he didn’t even faze. He still wore the same sappy grin that he came home with.

“Come on Trunks, you’re not concentrating.” Goten said angrily.

“Did you hear the way she giggled at me? She can be so cute.” He said dreamily.

“Argh! I give up!” Goten said sitting down frustrated. “You know that Gohan’s gonna kill you, right?”

“Huh?” Trunks said snapping out of his little reverie. “You’re right! What the hell was I thinking?! Pan is Pan. I’m such an idiot.” Trunks slapped himself. “Oh great, Gohan’s gonna kill me. You think he’d listen if I told him it was nothing?”

“Nope.” Goten shrugged. “You should worry about what Pan thinks anyway.”

‘He’s right. But for some serious reason, I don’t really care if Pan thinks I like her. WHAT?! Where’d that come from?’ “Damn it!” Trunks cursed loudly. He sat next to Goten with a loud thud.

“Goten, can I be honest with you?” Trunks sighed.

“Shoots.” Goten said getting comfortable. “What if I told you that I liked Pan?” Trunks asked twiddling with his fingers.

“Nothing. I mean, I’ve known for a while.” He shrugged.

“Huh?!” Trunks said bewildered.

“Oh come on Trunks. Don’t give me that look. I saw right past that whole brother sister gig anyway. But it did take me a while to figure it out.” Goten said.

“Aw man.” Trunks said grabbing his head. He fell on his back with his hands still covering his face. “Is it that obvious?” He said, voice muffled by his hands.

“Nah, it literally took me a while to figure it out.” Came Goten’s response. “Look, just don’t hurt her, or Gohan’s not the only one that will kill you.” Goten said leaving to let Trunks think.


Well, I finally finished this part. Please write a review. Thankx!

-Christina :)