
Chapter 19

Pan curled into the warmth of Trunks. She loved being so close to him. Trunks on the other hand began to worry about Pan. Ever since he came back, Pan never left his side. Even in the shower…not that he didn’t enjoy it, but it scared him to think that Pan might be afraid…though she won’t admit it.

“Pan.” Trunks said.

“Yeah.” Pan said looking up into his crystal blue eyes.

“Pan, is something wrong?” Trunks asked, not sure how to ask his question.

“No, nothing at all.” Pan said laying her head upon his chest once again.

“Pan…I’m not going anywhere.” Trunks said bluntly.

“I know that silly.” Pan laughed.

“Pan, I really enjoy this extra time you’re spending with me…but I have no intention of dying again.” Trunks said.

Pan closed her eyes for a moment. She was angry right now, she was sad…but most of all, she was scared.

“Trunks.” Pan said sitting up and looking him in the eyes.

“Yes Pan.” Trunks said more sincerely while caressing her cheek.

“You want to know why I spend so much time with you?” Pan asked.

“Please…tell me.” He said stopping his caresses and looking at her in the eye seriously.

“I’m afraid of losing you again.” She said morosely.

“Pan…”Trunks said sympathetically.

“No Trunks, hear me out.” Pan interrupted. “When you died, all I thought about was how you lied to me. I know that you couldn’t help it, but try telling that to a broken heart. I know that you were gone for only a week, but it felt like an eternity without you. I wanted to wither up and die. And when Gojita and Kayla left…I took it that hardest. Every time I looked into Gojita’s face…I saw you. When he left in that time machine…it felt like you leaving me all over again.” Pan sobbed. “And then you came back and I don’t know what’s going through my head. Just the thought of seeing you here drove me off the wall.” She answered smiling slightly. “But now that I know what it’s like to live without you…I don’t want to EVER do that again.” She finished looking him in the eyes.

Trunks felt for Pan. He knew that had he been in the same position, he would’ve felt worst. Pan was stronger than him in will power…and he just knew that she wasn’t going to let his death cause her own.

“Pan, I’m sorry.” Trunks said.

“So am I Trunks…so am I.” Pan said resting her head on his chest again.

Trunks took a deep breath. “Pan…”

“Yeah.” Pan murmured.

“Come on.” Trunks said hopping up. Before Pan could answer, Trunks was flying into the air with Pan in his arms.

“Trunks…what are you doing?!” Pan screeched as Trunks reached alarming speeds that not even Pan could imagine.

“You’ll see.” Trunks whispered into her ear as he continued to fly.

Pan couldn’t stand the constant whipping feeling of her hair in her eyes. She just gave into her eye’s pleas and closed her eyes.

She felt Trunks come to an abrupt halt that almost sent her flying out of his arms. Pan looked around confused.

“Trunks, where are we?” She asked.

“We’re in Hawaii.” He said proudly.

“WHAT?! Trunks, we can’t be in Hawaii. It takes everyone else and me at least 10 minutes to get here…you only took 2 minutes!” Pan yelled out in disbelief.

“Believe what you want.” Trunks said flying onto the beach with Pan. “Now, why don’t you shut up and just watch the sunset with me.” Trunks said sitting down with Pan in his lap.

Pan was about to protest but just shrugged. “Fine.” She said plopping down. She leaned her head on his shoulder and watched the sun dive into the water. The sky changed various colors of blue, purple, orange, and yellows. Pan just sighed in utter contentment.

“Pan…will you marry me?” Trunks whispered into her ear. Pan went wide-eyed, but didn’t have time to say anything as Trunks slipped a beautiful diamond ring on her had. Pan looked at the ring to make sure that it was really there, and that this was all real…and not some fairytale.

“Yes.” Pan whispered hugging her mate…but most of all, her soul mate.

“Now I’ll always be with you forever.” Trunks whispered.


“OW PAN!!! THAT HURTS!!! LET GO!!!” Trunks yelled after being rammed into the pole several times.


“Come on Mrs. Briefs, just one more push.” The doctor said.

“WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK I’M DOING!?” Pan screamed viciously at the doctor.

Pan gave one final pant as the baby came out.

“Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Briefs, you have a beautiful healthy little boy.” The doctor announced happily…and that the delivery was over.


Pan held the baby close to her.

“Hello little Gojita…how are you doing?” Pan said running a hand through his delicate hair.

“A lot better then I’m doing.” Trunks said rubbing his sore head.

“I’m sorry honey.” Pan said apologetically.

“It’s okay Pan, as long as you’re happy.” Trunks smiled hugging his very own family.

“Trunks, you’re just happy that the delivery is over.” Pan laughed.

“That too.” Trunks said nodding his head in approval.

“And to think, you have to suffer through this one more time.” Pan said looking back down at Gojita.

“Great.” Trunks said sighing in desperation.


Freeza rubbed his chin. Never had he been in such a predicament before.

“Okay, I’ve got it.” Freeza said.

“Well, what?” Cell asked stuck in the same predicament.

“We have steak!” Freeza yelled out.

“NO! I’m allergic to steak!” Janemba yelled.

“Then eat salad you idiot!” Cell yelled hitting him across the head.

“HEY! I’M NOT A DAMN VEGETARIAN!” Janemba yelled in frustration.

“WOULD YOU ALL SHUT UP!” Turles yelled from the corner. “I can’t believe they made me spend eternity with you idiots. This truly is hell.” Turles grumbled.

***And so, our loving trio spent the rest of eternity together…pissing the living hell out of Turles, there so-called leader.***


Radditz hummed a happy tune as he swept up the ship.

“I bet those idiots are stuck in hell already.” Radditz snickered.

“I bet you didn’t think you’d be going with them.” A voice said behind him.

“What?” Radditz asked turning around. “You…you should be on Earth. I’m at least 10 months away from Earth, how the hell did you find me?!” Radditz yelled out in disbelief.

“Aww…a brother can’t come to visit his family?” Goku asked sardonically.

“Not in your case.” Radditz said launching himself at Goku.

Goku had Radditz on hands and knees. “Tsk, tsk, tsk, now how many times do I have to kill you? I should have mercy on you, but you showed no mercy to MY family…and for that, you shall die.” Goku said shooting a blast for his heart. “You never had a heart anyway.” Gou muttered before leaving the ship to float off into oblivion.


Gojita and Kayla were happily sparring outside.

“Come on Kayla, you need to be faster then that.” Gojita scolded.

“Oh do I really?” The little girl said cockily. Launching herself at her brother quickly, Kayla knocked the young man to the floor without a breath.

“Not bad.” Gojita winced holding his stomach.

“GOJITA! KAYLA!” Someone yelled from the inside of the house. “TIME TO EAT!”

“Coming mom!” Gojita yelled getting up.


Gojita entered the house with his sister trailing him.

“Hi mama!” Kayal squealed jumping onto Pan and kissing her on the cheek.

“Hi honey…now go wash up and tell your papa it’s time to eat.” Pan said giving the little child a little push.

“Okay!” She yelled gleefully. She ran up to her dad’s room and found him going through some paper work on the bed.

“Daddy!” She yelled pouncing on top of Trunks.

“Hey there squirt.” Trunks said ruffling his daughter’s hair.

“Daddy, mama said it’s time to eat.” She said grinning the Son grin she inherited.

“Okay, so what were you up to?” Trunks asked settling down.

“I was sparring with Gojita, and I hit him square in the stomach!” She pronounced happily.

“That’s very good…soon you’ll be strong enough to spar with me and your mama.” Trunks said.

“Okay, but let’s go eat first, I’m hungry.” She said rubbing her stomach.

Trunks just laughed. “Just like your Great Uncle Goten.” Trunks laughed. He picked up his daugher, and literally flew her like superman.

****And so, the Son Briefs Vegeta home was full of laughter and chatter as all returned back to normal****


Well, that is it for “Years” ladies and gentlemen…it was a real pleasure being able to write a story that so many have enjoyed. I’m sorry I couldn’t write just one more part to make it an even 20…but I didn’t want to drag on the story more then necessary. Please write a review and tell me what you thought of the entire series. Ja ne!

-Christina :)

P.S. I plan on taking some time to think up another story. I want to make something that is as good as this series. Until then…