
Chapter 18

Pan looked into the rejuvenation tanks blankly. All lined up where 5 tanks. They were for Vegeta, Goku, Gohan, Gojita, and Krillin. Yamcha and Tien were just resting. They were only knocked out, and would be fine.

Pan just stared blankly at them knowing that there should be another tank out for Trunks. She began to sob again. She couldn’t control her sadness. She was strong in telling everyone to their faces, but inside she was dying just like the rest of them.

‘Trunks, you promised me.’ She sobbed clutching her breaking heart. She allowed the sobs to wrack her body. She noticed a little couch on the side, and she went over and curled up.

‘It’s not as warm as Trunks’ arms.’ She mused to herself feeling the cold emptiness envelop her body. She laid strewn all over the couch…broken.

“BEEP!” The tank sounded. In a robotic manner, Pan went over to the machine to attend to the beeping tank. She looked around for the tank that had beeped. Finding it, she let the fluid drain from her son’s tank.

Gojita opened his eyes slowly to see his mother with the most broken look possible. He felt for his mother. He sensed what had happened, and he was pretty sure that his sister felt it too. With all of his might, he smiled reassuringly to his mother, letting her know that everything was going to be okay.

Pan didn’t take this smile too lightly. She opened up the tank for Gojita to climb out. He did so, and even before he could allow his foot to touch ground, Pan was hugging him in the tightest embrace in the world.

‘I guess this is to reassure herself more than me.’ He thought returning the embrace. He still didn’t take things too lightly. His mother was still in another dimension sick as ever. Turles had lied to all of them again.

Before Radditz could blast off into the recesses of space, Gojita searched the ship for any sign of his family. Finding none, he felt disappointment surge through him again.

Gojita closed his eyes and envisioned his OWN family safe and sound. Before he could think anymore, his mother pulled away.

“How are you holding up?” Gojita asked weakly.

“I don’t know what to do…I just got some MORE bad news…” She sobbed.

“What happened?” Gojita asked almost as if he thought that is had something to do with Kayla.

“It has nothing to do with Kayla.” Pan said sensing his insecurity. Gojita sighed a sigh of relief, but worried once again when he realized that something bad was still happening.

“Well…what is it?” Gojita pried curiously.

Pan sobbed again and fell into his arms. “You have to leave tomorrow night or you’ll never be able to get home.” She sobbed.

“What? Why?” He asked still holding her…even tighter.

“Because there is a black hole that is shifting the time zones. It’s like this, your time is like another country to us. And like all countries, they all have different time zones. Well, this black hole is going to be shifting it, and it’ll be impossible for us to locate your timeline again. If that does happen, then you’ll miss your chance to help YOUR mother.” Pan said.

“What do you mean? I can’t help my mother now. I didn’t cure the right one.” He said.

“That’s where you’re right, BUT you forgot one tiny detail…Bulma made a duplicate of the medicine. You’ll be able to take it home and cure her yourself.” Pan smiled sadly.

“But what about you?” Gojita asked concerned.

“What about me?” Pan said feigning happiness so her son wouldn’t worry.

“Mother, don’t give me that. Allow me to give you a little tip, I am from the future, and you’ve already told me your little motto.” Gojita smirked.

“Oh, and what would that be?” Pan asked feigning ignorance.

“A smile can hide anything.” Gojita said wiping the smirk off his face and leaving it with a serious expression. “But mom, a smile can’t hide your eyes…and your eyes tell me everything.” He finished hugging his mother.

“I know.” She sobbed. She couldn’t help but start crying again. Just looking at her son reminded her so much of Trunks. “Why do you have to look like your father so much?” She questioned more to herself.

“Sorry.” Gojita laughed.

Pan smiled at her son’s futile attempt to make her laugh.

“Gojita, you need to develop your sense of humor.” Pan almost laughed.

“Okay, that I picked up from my mother.” He smirked. Pan hit Gojita.

“Go get ready for dinner.” She laughed.

“Yes ma’am.” He said doing a salute and leaving.

“I wish everyone would stop doing that.” She said shaking her head remembering the famous trio.


Pan sat in her room…alone. Trunks was gone, and she couldn’t bear it. She just sat in the empty room, knowing that another part of her was going to be leaving tomorrow night.

‘How am I going to live through that? First Trunks, now my kids?’ Pan thought sadly as some tears trailed down her cheeks.

“This is what true loneliness feels like.” Pan sighed crying herself to sleep.


Pan raised her arm up robotically.

‘Don’t worry Pan…just smile for them so they can feel reassured that you’ll be okay.’ Pan told her self. She smiled wider and waved more jubilantly. She didn’t want her kids to leave, but this was for the best. She would see both of them again soon. Or at least she hoped she would.


Pan sat in the darkness of Trunks’ room. She felt closer to him when she was there. She laid her head on his pillow, smelling the sweetness of his cologne and his shampoo. Pan began to sob again. She couldn’t believe that her world managed to fall apart in the last 72 hours.

She glanced over at the pictures Trunks had on his drawers. There was a picture of Gojita and Kayla…and then there was a picture of them that they had taken recently. Pan smiled weakly at the memory. She couldn’t take this pain anymore…it just kept haunting her. She got up and went over to his window. She quietly opened it and jumped out soaring into the air.


“AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Mr. Popo yelled running around the lookout. Dende shook his head at the scene before him as he landed. He had been training with Piccolo when he heard screaming…so he decided to check up on his assistant.

“Pan!” Dende yelled.

Pan snapped her head to the side.

“Thank Dende you’re here!” Pan yelled running up to the God.

“Well, you can thank me now…I’m right here.” Dende said rolling his eyes.

“Look, I don’t have time for you to get into that whole ‘Oh boohoo, they’re using my name in vain’ crap again, okay?” Pan said impatiently.

Dende just rolled his eyes, but waited for Pan to continue.

“I need you to revive the Dragon Balls.” Pan said.

“So, you have to never to come up here and insult me, then you have the even BIGGER nerve to make a request of me…” Dende muttered.

“Please Dende, please.” Pan said getting teary-eyed.

“No.” Dende said flatly.

“Dende!!!!!!! Please?!!!” Pan said feeling her impatience rolling down to a mere thread.

“What is it going to be for?” Dende asked curiously.

“What do you think it’s going to be for? I’m going to wish Trunks back!” Pan yelled about ready to kill Dende.

“Fine, but under one circumstance.” Dende said.

“Anything!” Pan yelled happily.

“You are not to use my name in vain in front of my face.” Dende warned.

“OKAY!!!” Pan yelled gleefully and swinging the God in the air joyfully.

“Okay, now…let’s get to work then.” Dende said walking over to a room that held the seven stones.

“These are the dragon balls?” Pan questioned.

“Yup.” Dende said absent-mindedly as he prepped the balls.

“But they’re only stones.” Pan said picking at one of them.

“Of course they’re stone. This is the form they take on after being used.” Dende said.

“Oh.” Pan said stepping back to give Dende space to work. “So, are you going to be doing some hocus pocus type of thing?” Pan asked excitedly.

“Hocus pocus?” Dende asked.

“You know, magic.” Pan said.

“No.” Dende laughed sprinkling what looked like glitter one the stones. Soon, a beam of light shot through all of the balls and the stone cover was shed…revealing the orange golden spheres.

“Thanks Dende…” Pan yelled running out the door and into the sky with the balls in hand.


Pan flew back to Capsule Corp. with a newfound happiness. The paleness in her began to wear off as the sun danced on her features.

Pan ran into the Briefs home. “EVERYONE!!! COME OUTSIDE!!!” Pan yelled running to a large clearing.

“What the hell is going on?!” Vegeta scowled as he walked out of the house and over to where Pan stood. Bulma was in the process of walking out of the house when suddenly, the sky turned black and lighting was heard, rumbling the Earth around them.

Bulma and Bra rushed over to Pan as she stood before the dragon balls waiting for the dragon to appear.

Pan looked up at the dragon. Before he could say anything, Pan yelled out her demand.

“DRAGON! I WISH THAT TRUNKS BRIEFS VEGETA BE BROUGHT BACK TO LIFE!” Pan yelled. The dragon raised one of its eyebrows, but figured that this would cut down his time on earth, and he could get back to his restful slumber.

“Your wish, is my command.” The dragon said. With a bright brilliance, the dragon balls began to float in the air and soon we flying off in different directions.

Pan looked around for Trunks, but she found no sign of him.

“THAT DAMN DRAGON LIED!” Pan yelled in tears.

“He did?” A voice inquired behind her quizzically.

Pan turned around slowly, as did the others. There stood Trunks with his usual smirk plastered on his face. Pan stood there, unmoving.

Trunks narrowed his eyebrows in confusion. “Are you going to stand there, or are you going to come here and give me a well deserved hug?” He laughed. Pan launched herself at Trunks, feeling the cold emptiness subside, Pan cried tears of joy as she was now complete. She looked over at Bulma who was hugging Vegeta, and Bra who was also hugging Vegeta. Vegeta on the other hand had a look of pure irritation.

Pan looked at Trunks and whispered into his ear. “Trunks, I think you better go save your dad.” Pan laughed as she unlatched herself from him. Pan smiled softly as the Briefs Vegeta family was one once again.

“This calls for a celebration!” Bulma announced happily pouncing into the house to make part plans.

“Great.” Vegeta muttered walking back into the gravity room.

“Yes father, it is great.” Bra said regaining the happiness in her voice as she followed Vegeta into the gravity room.

“What do you want?” Vegeta asked before stepping inside.

“I want you to train me.” Bra said sappily.

Vegeta looked around and noticed that Bulma was gone, and that Trunks and Pan were preoccupied at the moment.

“Fine.” He whispered as she followed him inside.

“YEAH!” Bra squealed following her father inside.


“He thinks we didn’t see that.” Trunks said while holding Pan.

“I know, but at least Bra is happy again. The last 24 hours have been hell without you. I felt so lonely.” Pan said sadly.

“How are the kids?” Trunks asked.

“Gone.” Pan said bluntly.

“Gone? Where’d they go?” Trunks asked.

“They went back home, where they belong.” Pan said looking at Trunks in the eyes. “And if I’m not mistaken, you made me a promise before you died.” Pan said smirking mischievously.

“I know I wasn’t supposed to die…but it couldn’t be helped.” Trunks sighed.

“I’m not talking about that.” Pan said leaning into Trunks’ ear. “You promised me that we’d make Gojita soon.” She whispered seductively.

“I did, didn’t I?” Trunks said proud of himself.

“Yes you did.” Pan said leading Trunks inside of the house and to his bedroom.


Well, I didn’t have a writer’s block when writing this. And this is not the last chapter yet. There is going to be just ONE more…so hold your horses to see what that part’s on…Ja ne!

-Christina :)

P.S. Please tell me what you think!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!