
Chapter 16

Well, HAPPY NEW YEARS! Umm…well, here is the next part of “Years.”


Pan fell to the ground with a thud. She was out of breath and was really dehydrated. Fighting her clone was a lot harder than she thought. She tried to be smarter with her attacks, but it seems that her clone is always one step ahead of her. Pan forced her self up again and stood in a sparring stance facing her clone.

“Well, it’s good to see you up again.” Pan’s clone smirked.

“Fuck you.” She spat losing all patience. ‘Come on Yamcha, where are you guys?’ She thought.


“Come on Bulma, hurry up!” Yamcha yelled at the blue-haired genius.

“Shut the hell up, I’m moving as fast as I can.” She screeched. “I haven’t used this thing in ages, so I have to find it.” Bulma said looking through another box of old inventions.

“Well, I hope you hurry sooner, because those clones are REALLY strong. I don’t know how much longer they’ll hold up.” Yamcha said worriedly as he scanned their ki’s.


Pan fell to the ground once and for all. She looked to her left and saw Goten and Trunks lying there as well.

‘I guess this is it.’ Pan thought. She watched as her father yelled something out. She couldn’t hear what he said, for she had already blacked out.


Gohan watched in horror as Pan had passed out next to the other two boys. Her ki, as well as theirs, was extremely low. He was surprised that they were still alive.

Gohan wasn’t as strong as before either. He had long before dropped out of SSJ4 and was down to SSJ2. Goku and Vegeta went down too. Goku was at SSJ3 and Vegeta at SSJ2. Gohan flew down to Pan and the other boys quickly. He didn’t know what to do. Their clone’s stood and watched Gohan’s every movement.

“You better hurry and get back here boy!” Vegeta sneered as he was forced to fight Gohan’s clone.

“Shut up you idiot! Aren’t you the least bit concerned about your son?!” He yelled out in frustration.

“The brat can take care of himself.” Vegeta said knocking a ki blast away that was aimed for his head.

“And that’s why he’s passed out cold on the floor with barely any ki left, right?” Gohan said sarcastically as he checked them out.

“Don’t get smart with me Brat, or you’ll be lying right next to them.” Vegeta sneered. “Shit!” He cursed as a ki attack burnt his left arm.

“Vegeta, you and Piccolo and my dad take care of them, I’ll take on the rest over here.” Gohan yelled.


“Well everyone, it looks like we have a challenge.” The cloned Pan smirked.

“Che, some challenge…he’s already half dead…where’s the fun in that?” Trunks’ clone spat.

“Oh shut up, at lease we get to do something.” Goten’s clone smirked as it circled Gohan.

Gohan prepared himself. He didn’t know what was coming, but he had to be prepared.


“I FOUND IT!” Bulma announced happily.

“It’s about time.” Yamcha said snapping his eyes open. He had been sensing the fight ever since he arrived there. “We have to hurry.” Yamcha said practically flying out of the door. Bulma stopped him.

“Where are you going? You are going to take me with you!” She demanded.

“I can’t. These clones’ power levels are so high…it’s unbelievable. Tien’s clone alone could single-handedly take out Goku!” Yamcha yelled.

Bulma’s eyes got wide in fear. “How are they?” She asked in a soft whisper.

“I don’t know.” Yamcha said turning his head away.

“Tell me god damn you!” She said shaking Yamcha violently.

“They’re almost dead Bulma.” He said facing her angrily. “Your son is down along with Pan and Goten. They’re barely alive and right now, Vegeta and the others are tired. We didn’t even take care of Cell and his friends yet.” Yamcha said losing patience.

“Oh good Dende. Then what the hell are you doing here?! Get the hell over there and save their lives!!!!” Bulma yelled in frustration.

“What the hell did you think I was doing?!” Yamcha yelled before blasting off into the sky. The other’s followed him in closer pursuit to the battle site.


Goku watched Gohan fall to the ground with a punch in the stomach. “He’s not going to get up Vegeta.” Goku told his companion as they fought back to back.

“Non sense. Brat, get the hell up and fight!” Vegeta roared.

“I’m afraid he’s down, good Prince.” Turles mocked.

“Fine.” Vegeta said as the other clones formed a circle around the two saiya-jins. He looked over at Piccolo who was imbedded into the wall and Krillen who was next to him. “Well, it looks like the Green man and baldy that magical got hair ain’t getting up either.”

“Yeah, I guess it’s just you and me…heh, you remember that fight with Kooler?” Goku laughed.

“Sadly.” Vegeta muttered.

“Enough babble already, fight!” Gohan’s clone spat as it launched itself at the two. All of the clones began their assault on the two saiya-jins that were wearing out.


“THERE THEY ARE!” Yamcha yelled pointing at the group. He watched in horror as Vegeta was slammed into a rock wall and stayed there. He watched, as Goku was thrown right next to the Saiya-jin no Ouji both were knocked out cold.

“Aww…they were so much fun.” Goten’s clone laughed as he held a finger to Goku’s head. Trunks’ clone followed suit. There was a slight glow at the tip of their fingers.

“NO!” Yamcha yelled as he went down and quickly grabbed Goku and Tien grabbed Vegeta. They both took the two to the place where the others were.

“Tien, what are we going to do?” Yamcha asked. Yamcha failed to get a response as someone knocked him out with one blow.


Trunks’ eyes opened slowly. His head hurt, like a rock hit it. He looked at the “rock” and saw that it was actually Yamcha’s head. He looked around in horror as he saw all of his friends and family dying.

Trunks adverted his gaze to Pan. She had a bloody lip and suffered from several other cuts and bruises. Trunks didn’t know what to do. “I’ll save you Pan.” He said as he pushed back a strand of hair.

Trunks looked around him and found his mom’s invention. “Perfect.” He said out loud happily. “Crap, I’m so weak.” He said as he managed to get his legs to work. With another push of energy, he picked up his mother’s device.

“Wow, there’s a wide range on this thing.” Trunks laughed weakly as he shot the blast off.


“Look, over there!” Pan’s clone yelled as she pointed at Trunks.

Trunks thought quickly as they were all separated. ‘If I stay here, then I’ll never be able to tell who’s who. Well, wish me luck Pan.’ He thought looking down at her.

With a final ounce of energy, he blasted off towards them. ‘Well, they’re not that strong, but I don’t think I’ll last.’ He laughed bitterly. He closed his eyes and took his assault.

There was a very large group formed around him. They all came at him at once. Trunks decided to use his final ounce of hope…hit anything that touches you.

With the last of his energy, he kicked and punched whatever touched him. He watched as everyone backed off him with a sardonic smile on their faces. Trunks stood their confused as ever as they all began to form a circle around him.

“This should be fun.” Cell yelled jumping up and down from the side.

“STOP IT YOU DOLT!” Freeza yelled.

“You shut the hell up shorty or else I’m gonna sit on you!” Cell yelled.

Turles rolled his eyes and backhanded Cell in the back of the head. “Enough…” He trailed off losing himself in the fight ahead of him.


‘Something’s not right. Something bad is going to happen, I can sense it.’ Trunks thought looking around at them.

“Ready everyone?” One of the Trunks clones said.

“Of course.” It said.

“Then…FIRE!” It said. With sardonic smiles on their face, they fired their strongest blasts. He watched as 20 Kamehameha’s (one from each Goku, Gohan, Goten, and Pan), 10 Big Bang attacks, 5 Kienzans, and a lot more attacks were hurled at him.

“I love you Pan.” Trunks whispered as the blasts engulfed his body.


Pan felt the ground shake violently and a ki that seemed to have disappeared. With a final tug on the last of her energy, she opened her eyes. She saw as Trunks’ burnt body fell to the ground. His eyes were closed and his face was distorted with pain.

“NO!” Pan said as her adrenalin made her move a lot faster. She ran towards Trunks with a newfound energy. She grabbed him and flew off to a safe area.

“Follow her.” Goku’s clone said about ready to launch him self.

“No, leave them be.” Turles said.


Cell, Janemba, and Freeza watched in horror as Pan flew off with a crying Pan.

Cell turned angrily towards Turles. “How could you issue those god forsaken clones to do that?!” He slapped Turles across the face. “I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU! YOU JUST SEPERATED LOVE…DO YOU KNOW THAT?!” He hollered.

“So what!” Turles said as the vain in his forehead popped out.

“I can’t believe you. That’s it I’m leaving. I can’t believe anyone would do that.” He said taking flight. “Are you two coming?” He issues towards the rest of his trio.

“Yeah, what kind of cold hearted bastard would do that?” Freeza said eyeing Turles out as he flew after Cell.

“This loser, that’s who.” Janemba answered as he followed the rest.

“FINE! I DON’T NEED YOU ANYWAY!” He yelled after them. “We don’t need them, do we Radditz…Radditz?” he questioned. He turned around and saw as his ship was leaving Earths’ atmosphere.

“Fine, I don’t need any of you!” He said after them. “At least I still have my clones.” He said lightly.


Pan sobbed as she landed with Trunks.

“Trunks? Trunks? Come on Trunks, don’t play around?” She said. “TRUNKS!!!!!! YOU PROMISED ME YOU’D NEVER DIE!” She cried out. She lye her head on his chest and cried. She felt three ki’s coming closer. She didn’t bother to see who it was.

“Excuse me miss?” One of them said.

“What do you want?” Pan spat when she came face to face with the trio.

“Well, we want to say that we’re very sorry for what’s been happening.” Cell said sincerely.

“Well, what do you want?” Pan said a little nicer.

“Well…well…well, we want to help you.” Cell said twirling his tail around again.

“Why?” Pan said raising an eyebrow.

“Because we’re sorry.” Janemba said.

“That and the fact that Turles has been treating us like shit.” Freeza added.

“Okay then.” Pan said smiling. “Your help would be gladly appreciated. Since you have something against Cell, you can have him…but the clones are mine.” She said clenching her fists.

“All of them?” They all asked at once wide-eyed.

“Yes, all of them.” She said turning her back towards them and squatting down next to Trunks.

“You made me a promise Trunks, and you broke it. But it’s okay, because not it’s my turn.” She said with a couple of stray tears making its way down her face. She quickly brushed it aside and stood up. She looked at her father and the other’s lying there half dead. “This is unforgivable!” Pan yelled powering up.

Her eyes turned emerald green and he hair grew spiky. She released all of her rage and her hair began to get spikier and longer. Pan watched in amazement as the hair reached her waist.

“Oh my goodness.” Pan muttered as she felt her face and found she had no eyebrows. “Go have your fun.” Pan said harshly at the three.

“Yes ma’am.” They muttered before they took flight back to Turles.

“Now, it’s my turn.” Pan said looking at Trunks before flying off to the group.


Well, there was the next part. Just to let everyone know, I think this is going to be my last T&P story. I’m beginning to lose interest in them, but we’ll see. Please write a review in the lovely little box below. Ja ne!

-Christina :)