
Chapter 12

Future Vegeta looked at his mate that was lying in a bed. She looked so helpless. Her hair was limp and her face was pale.

“How’s the woman doing?” Vegeta croaked to his future self.

“Fine.” Future Vegeta spat.

‘I can be such an ass.’ Vegeta thought smirking.

“How’d you react to when The Brat told you his mate was Kakarotto’s Brat’s brat?” Future Vegeta asked, attempting to make a conversation with the only other person in the room.

“Hmph, what’s there to talk about? At least he’s not mating with one of those brainless weak females.” Vegeta snorted.

“Yeah, but she’s almost stronger than he is.” Future Vegeta said with resentment.

“She’ll make a good sparring partner for him.” Vegeta remarked leaving.

“In and out of bed.” Future Vegeta muttered.


“Check mate.” Freeza said rubbing his chin.

“Shit! Not again!” Cell complained ready to throw the chess pieces on the floor again.

“Pay up.” Freeza said smugly.

“Fuck you. I ain’t paying crap. I outta kick your ass. You were cheating again, weren’t you?!” Cell said about ready to blow another head gasket.

“Oh quit being such a baby Cell. You should’ve known that you’d loose against Freeza. After all, that’s all he does ALL DAY LONG.” Janemba snorted.

“What?! Are you proposing that ‘I,’ the Great Freeza, have nothing else better to do but play a stupid game that any senseless idiot could pick up?!” Freeza said about ready to rip off his horn and send it right into Janemba’s chest.

“No shit Sherlock.” Janemba retorted casually.

“Why you worthless piece of shit!” Freeza said charging towards Janemba, horns first.

“ENOUGH!” Came Turles’ stiff voice. Freeza stopped in mid air and looked at Turles. “Now listen good you good for nothing nobody’s…we will attack in two days…be ready.” He stalked off.

“But isn’t that 2 days ahead of what we told them?” Radditz yelled to his departing brother.

“The earlier, the better.” Turles said shutting the door after him.


Trunks looked over at Pan worriedly. They had only been sparring for half an hour, and she was panting hard already.

“Pan, you okay?” Trunks said stepping out of his defensive crouch.

“Yeah…pant…just fine…pant pant.” Pan said trying to stop her swaying.

“Pan, how much rest did you get in the room? Did you at least sleep your normal hours and eat normal meals?” Trunks questioned moving closer to her.

“I think I might’ve missed a couple of meals.” Pan said fighting to stay conscious.

“And, what about sleep?” Trunks inquired.

“I think I had at least 2 hours a day…” Pan mumbled before passing out cold on the floor.

“I should’ve guessed she’d push herself that far.” Trunks said rolling his eyes. He grabbed Pan and hoisted her over his shoulder. “Pan, you need some rest.” Trunks mumbled to her.

“Hn.” Came Pan’s unconscious reply.

‘And I know the perfect place.’ Trunks smirked.

“Pervert.” He heard Pan mumble under her breath.


“Pan!” Gohan said putting his mug down and running towards the unconscious Pan who was on Trunks’ shoulder.

“What did you do to her?” He automatically said attacking Trunks.

“Nothing. We were sparring and she passed out. She hasn’t had any rest at all. I’m surprised that she didn’t pass out sooner.” Trunks said eyeing Pan cautiously.

“What do you mean?” Gohan said calming down once he figured that Pan was going to be okay.

“She’s been skipping meals and she had about 2 hours of sleep the entire 5 years she was in that room.” Trunks sighed.

“Oh dear Dende.” Gohan muttered. “Well, what do we do?” Gohan asked.

“Let her rest.” Trunks said placing Pan on the sofa.

“Well, she won’t be able to get any rest around here. Knowing her, she’s going to push herself to train.” Gohan said pushing some lose strands away from her face.

“That’s why I’m asking for your permission to take her to my cabin in the woods for a couple of days.” Trunks said confidently.

‘Oh well, I guess this is the time they’re gonna bond.’ Gohan thought to himself. ‘Pan is a good girl. I trust she’ll make the right decision. As for Trunks, ah hell, I’ve known him all of his life. I even helped raise him. I trust him too.’ Gohan said finally.

“Trunks, I’m allowing you to take Pan then.” Gohan said without saying any warning.

‘That’s odd.’ Trunks added. “Thank you Gohan. I’ll take very good care of her, I promise. And I’ll make sure that she gets PLENTY of rest…I promise.”

“Trunks, don’t make promises you can’t keep.” Gohan laughed hitting Trunks on his shoulder before exiting the room.

“What did he mean by that?” Trunks questioned no one in particular. “Oh…ewww…” Trunks shuddered.

Without thinking further, he carried Pan to his secret place that no one had ever seen, well…except for him that is.


Pan’s eyes fluttered open. She squinted her eyes as the fireplaces’ great glare burned her eyesight.

“Where am I?” Pan asked no one in particular. She looked around and she didn’t find anyone. “Huh?” Pan said as her hand hit a small piece of paper.

She looked down at it, and immediately recognized Trunks’ handwriting:

My Dearest Sweet Panny,

I’ve gone to get some things, but make your self at home. I should be home in a couple of hours. I love you always…


Pan read over the note again just to make sure that she read everything correctly.

“Oh well, I guess I’ll go and shower.” Pan shrugged. She quickly made it to the bathroom and shrugged off her clothes.

“Wait a minute, what am I supposed to wear?” She questioned no one in particular. She went browsing through the house in robe looking for a clothes capsule.

“Ah.” Pan said once she remembered shoving a capsule in her pocket. She quickly uncapsulated the clothes that was held inside. “Ah crap, I must’ve taken Bra’s capsule on accident.” Pan moaned once she found a VERY short skirt and a backless halter top.

Pan quietly considered her choices and found that her only choice was to wear whatever was in there.

So with a quick jump, she was in the shower.


Trunks could here the shower being turned off after hearing Pan’s yells.

‘Thank you Bra.’ Trunks said holding the capsule that was supposed to be Pan’s. This was one of the many thankful times that he liked how Bra dressed.

“Now, it’s time to make dinner.” Trunks said preparing his specialty.


Pan dried her hair and quickly stepped out of the bathroom.

“Mm…” Pan drooled once she smelled the sweet scent of REAL food in the air.

“Why hello there Miss.” Trunks said to Pan who had just stepped into the room. “You look…great…” Trunks said wide-eyed and drooling.

“Yeah, I bet you do like this.” Pan laughed taking a seat next to Trunks.

%%% Seconds Later %%%

“Wow Trunks, that was great. Where’d you learn to cook?” Pan asked wiping her mouth with the corner of her napkin.

“In my house, you have tot learn to survive. Plus, dad made me take lessons. He said that if he has to eat mom’s cooking ONE more time, he’d kill over.” Trunks laughed.

“Figures.” Pan laughed as well. “Well, we’d better start cleaning up.” Pan said ready to stand up.

“No! Don’t!” Trunks said stopping Pan. “I’ll get one of the robots to do it. You need your rest.”

“I guess you’re right.” Pan said sitting back down.

“Hey Pan?” Trunks asked.

“Hm?” She asked turning her head.

“You ever went swimming before?” He asked thoughtfully.

“Of course I have.” Pan laughed.

Trunks moved closer to Pan so his mouth was next to her ear. “You ever went skinny dipping?”

Pan shuddered at the sexiness of his deep voice.

“No.” She swallowed.

“Good.” Trunks said picking her up in his arms before she could do anything. He took her to the second floor balcony. There was a built in pool, a bar, and nothing but sky above them.

“How about skinny dipping under the stars?” He whispered into her ear. Pan didn’t say anything but blush furiously. She didn’t notice Trunks had left until she heard a splash.

“Come on in Panny, the water’s fine.” He yelled out to her.

“I bet it is.” Pan said moving closer to the edge. She didn’t have time to do anything else because Trunks had pulled her into the water with clothes and everything.

“You little devil.” Pan laughed kissing him passionately.

“Hmm…tsk tsk little Panny. You’re cheating.” Trunks said bunching up her wet shirt and tossing it on his nice pile of clothes on the side of the pool. He pulled off her bra to reveal her plump breasts. He moved down to her skirt and quickly ripped that off and tossed the pieces of fabric on the pile as well. With a final tug, her panties were off and she was in Trunks’ strong arms in her birthday suit.

“Trunks.” Pan said looking at him in the eyes.

“Yeah?” He said serious for once.

“You ever make love under the stars before?” She asked kissing him.

“Not with someone that I truly love.” Trunks said kissing her.

“Oh.” Pan said somewhat disappointed.

“You?” Trunks asked.

“Not with someone that I truly loved.” Pan responded kissing him passionately.

“Good.” Trunks said dunking his head under water. Pan got worried when he didn’t resurface after a while, but gasped as a warm mouth engulfed her left breast.

“Mmm…” Pan moaned biting her bottom lip. She felt him leave her left breast to the other one.

“Oh good Dende.” Pan murmured as Trunks continued his assault. She grumbled once she felt Trunks bring his head up again.

“You like that, don’t you?” He said kissing her.

“I bet you’d like that more.” Pan smirked before dunking her head under water as well.

“Oh yeah…I really like that.” Trunks murmured once he felt Pan’s warm mouth surround his swelling member. He could feel her mouth moving in and out. Trunks almost reached his climax when Pan pulled away and resurfaced for air.

“You liked that, didn’t you?” She smirked trailing kisses down his chest.

“You know I did. And you know that wasn’t enough.” Trunks said pulling Pan close to him and flying out of the water. He landed softly with her frail body still on top of her small petite frame.

Trunks didn’t say anything as he leaned his head down to kiss her soft lips. His tongue quickly invaded her mouth as she ran her hands over his muscled back. She gasped again as Trunks left her mouth and moved down to her breasts again. His tongue teased and circled her pink nipple. His hand traveled down to her womanhood.

Pan’s back arched as she felt Trunks run his finger up and down the moistened area. In one swift movement, he pushed his finger deep inside of her.

“Oh Trunks.” She moaned biting her bottom lip. She was about to reach her climax when Trunks pulled his finger out.

“Now you know how it feels.” Trunks said positioning his self in between her legs. He looked down into her eyes and found the permission he needed. With another swift thrust, he pushed himself deep inside of her.

“Oh Trunks.” She moaned as he moved faster.

“Revenge is a real bitch.” He laughed as his thrust became faster. He moved faster and faster as he felt Pan move with him.

Both screamed out loud once they reached their climaxes. Their love juices mixed together, as did their souls.

Trunks pulled out of Pan and laid down next to her.

“There, now I’m done with my assault.” He said pulling her closer.

“That’s too bad.” Pan said falling asleep in his arms. Soon enough, Trunks fell into a deep slumber as well.


Videl and Gohan were watching TV when suddenly Gohan’s head snapped up.

“What’s wrong dear?” Videl asked her husband.

“Oh nothing. It’s just that Trunks and Pan have bonded.” Gohan shrugged.

“That’s nice dear…THEY WHAT?!” She yelled shooting her head up.

“Shhh…calm down Videl.” Gohan said laughing at his wife’s reactions.

“I will NOT calm down!” She said getting ready to stand up.

“Videl,” Gohan said pulling her into his arms, “you know very well that we were a LOT younger than they were when we first did it.” Gohan said laughing as she blushed furiously.

“Good point….but shut up Gohan.” Videl said hopping out of his arms and running over to their bed. In one swift movement, she sent a pillow flying at his head.

“Don’t even try it.” Gohan said not even looking as he caught the pillow before it hit his head.

“You cheated.” Videl laughed jumping into her husbands lap.

“Yeah, well…it’s not my fault.” Gohan shrugged.

“I know.” Videl laughed kissing her husband in the glow of the television set.


Bra and Goten sat cuddled on the couch when they heard Vegeta screaming endless obscenities from the gravity room.

“What?! What happened?! What did you break this time?!” Bulma yelled powering the gravity room down and running in to see her husband about to rip the little hair that was on his head.

Bra and Goten ran into the room to see what happened and see if they could be of any help to whatever had happened.

“What happened?” Bra asked her father.

“The Brat and Kakarotto’s Brat’s brat have bonded already!” He yelled. He knew they’d bond some time soon, but he always dreaded the day that they did.

“Aww…that’s so cute.” Bulma said misty-eyed at the thought of her little boy finally finding his life mate.

“CUTE?!” Vegeta said furiously.

“Yes, it is cute.” Bulma snorted walking out of the room.

“Damn woman.” Vegeta muttered walking out of the room. He stopped right when he reached the doorway and looked at Bra and Goten who were holding hands.

“If you two mate tonight, I’m going to kill something. I can’t stand the fact that my blood is going to be mixed with that 3rd class idiot twice in one night.” Vegeta snarled before stalking off.

“Dear Dende help us all.” Bra muttered leading Goten outside.


Well, there ya have it. That was my first lemon, so I’m sorry if it sucked. And I decided to throw in a little Videl and Gohan moment for all of you G&V fans. Well, tell me what you think. Ja ne!
