
Chapter 10

“Now, I want you to stay here, okay Grandpa Goku.” Pan said to Goku.

“Awww, but I wanna see everyone too.” He whined.

“You’ll get to later. But first we want to give them a surprise.” Pan said sternly.

“Don’t worry Pan honey, I’ll keep him here.” Chi Chi said to the desperate girl.

“Thank you Grandma Chi Chi.” Pan said gratefully.


Pan went outside and stood anxiously as the door opened slowly, but surely. A bright light engulfed the doorframe and was too bright for even the Z warriors to handle.

“Boy, they sure know how to make a dramatic entrance.” Krillin said shielding his eyes from the blinding glare.

“I’ll say.” His wife retorted equally.

“Hello everyone.” Gojita said standing in the doorway. “Now, I want you all to meet your future selves.” He said moving out of the way.

“Damn it Gojita! Let me out!” Came an unfamiliar female voice. Out stepped a beautiful tan, blue-eyed blond.

“Who’s that?” Pan asked.

“Huh? Gojita, I thought your mom was inside of the ship.” The girl responded equally confused.

“Um, this is the younger version of my mother. And that’s my father.” He said pointing to Trunks who stood holding Pan from behind.

“Gojita! Who is this?” Pan asked getting slightly angered by being ignored.

“You’ll find out as soon as her parents come out.” Gojita remarked slyly. He redirected his attention to his beautiful girlfriend. “Honey, call your parents please.”

“Okay.” She said turning her head to the ship. “Mommy, daddy.” She said in a pleasant sweet voice.

Out stepped Uub and Marron.

“No way.” Marron said in disbelief. “Wow.” Was all she could manage to mutter out after.

“I’ll say.” Uub said standing next to her. He looked down at her as she looked up at Uub. They both blushed slightly and turned their heads away.

“You know, we’ll have to talk about this later.” Marron said still slightly embarrassed.

“I know.” Uub said allowing his hand to find hers.

Marron looked up in shock and just smiled. They went up to their future daughter.

“Hello.” Marron said smiling.

“Hello.” The girl responded happily. “My name is Keiko.”

“Keiko? That’s such a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” Uub said to her.

Gojita just smiled as they all had a nice little reunion.

“And just how do you know that girl Gojita?” Pan asked slyly as well.

“Well, ummm...errrr…she’s my fiancée.” He said in a low voice.

“AHHH!!!! YEAHH!!!! I’m gonna be related to Marron!” Pan said happily forgetting the past.

“What?” Marron asked.

“They’re getting married!” Pan squealed.

“REALLY? YEAH!!!!” The two mothers said jumping up and down.

Marron’s future self just shook her head. “I remember when I was like that.” She said to her husband.

“I know. I still have the scratch marks you gave me.” F. Uub said showing F. Marron the scratch on his arm.

“Sorry.” She said sheepishly.

“Next!” Gojita yelled.

A little blue hired girl with a Son smile came out. Another boy just as old as Gojita came out.

“KIKU!” Kayla squealed running to hug the little girl.

“KAYLA!” The other yelled once she saw Kayla. “I thought I’d never see you again.” She said in tears.

“Don’t cry. Grandpa Veggie said it was a weakness.” Kayla scolded.

“I know what Grandpa Veggie said. He’s my grandpa too ya know.” The girl said arrogantly.

“Hmph!” They both said turning their heads and crossing their arms.

“Still the same stubborn brats I see.” Goijita said to the other boy.

“Saddly.” He muttered.

“Everyone, that little girl is Kiku. And this is Tegami.” Gojita said pointing to the young man that stood next to him. He had hair like Goku, and a face like Vegeta.

“Let me guess who’s kid this is…this must be Bra and Goten’s future children, ne?” Gohan said.

“You are absolutely right, as usual, older brother.” Future Goten said stepping out of the ship with Bra right beside him.

“Well, well, well. I thought I’d never say this…but Goten you grew up.” Videl said surprised.

“Thank you Videl.” Future Goten said sarcastically.

“So, you’re the future me, eh?” Goten said examining his future self. “Not bad.” He said. He looked over at Future Bra and back to his Bra. “Hey, you want to trade.” He said to Future Goten.

“Goten!” Bra yelled beating him in the back of the head.

“Ow. I was only kidding honey. Honestly.” He said giving her the Son smile.

“Yeah right. Whatever. I’ll let this go, for now. But don’t think you’re getting off so easily.” Bra said looking at Goten.

“Okay honey.” He said kissing her on the cheek cheerily.

“Mommy!” Kiku said running to the group. “Mommy? Which one is you? This isn’t funny.” The little girl began to whine.

“Over here sweetheart.” Future Bra said. “I want you to meet mommy’s younger version.” F. Bra said bringing Kiku to Bra.

“Hi.” Kiku said shyly.

“Tegami! Get over here and say hello to your past mother and father.” F. Goten said.

“Hi.” Tegami said running up to Bra and Goten.


And so that little reunion went on as well. With all of the initial shocks out of the way, the rest of the z gang stepped out of the ship. And lastly came Pan and Bulma who did not look too good.

“Put them in the infirmary! And the rest of you go into the living room to rest!” Bulma yelled.

“Still the same noisy loud woman.” F. Vegeta muttered.

“Some things never change.” Bulma said shaking her head.


Bulma stepped out of the infirmary and went to the living room.

“They’ll be fine. They just need to rest for a while.” She said to the group.

“Okay. That’s good.” Gojita said finally able to relax.

“Okay everyone! I have a surprise for you!” Pan said to the Future Z gang.


“Goku! That’s our cue! Let’s go.” Chi Chi said to Goku.

“Aww…do we have to. I’m still eating.” He whined.

“Stop whining. Everyone wants to see us. Stop being so selfish.” She scolded.

“Okay.” Goku said in a tiny sad voice.


“Hello everyone!” Chi Chi said waltzing in with Goku on her arm.

“GRANDMA CHI CHI! GRANDPA GOKU!” Tegami and Kiku yelled. They quickly ran up to their Grandparents and gave them a long warm embrace. As the two children stepped aside, the rest of the future Z gang went and greeted Goku and Chi Chi.


“Well, everything is going good so far.” Pan said to Trunks.

“Yeah, I know. Everyone looks so happy to be here. But we have to be sure to tell them that we need their help in fighting against Turles.” Trunks said.

“Yeah, we’ll tell them at dinner. But first, let’s let everyone enjoy their time.


“Damn the brats!” Turles said beating the table he sat at relentlessly. “Now what the fuck am I supposed to do?! Attempting to take over Earth would be futile now. I don’t stand a chance against all of them. I guess there is only one other thing to do.” He said typing in some numbers into the keyboard.

“What?!” Came an irritated voice.

“Ah, Radditz. Precisely what are you doing right now?” Turles asked his brother.

“Nothing. I was just sitting here trying to think over my sad, sad life.” He said sarcastically.

“Hmph, enough sarcasm. How would you like to help me take over Earth? This time, we shall win because like they say, two ARE better than one.” Turles remarked slyly.

“Yeah, I’m listening.” Radditz said giving his brother his full attention.

“As you know, Kakarotto is there right now. He destroyed my plan of world domination, as well as yours. Now I plan to take revenge. Do you care to join in? I know that he destroyed your plans too.”

“You know I’m in. How come you can’t do it by yourself though? Not strong enough to beat a third class runt of the family?” Radditz remarked.

“Shut up! He brought back brats from the future. And in case you haven’t heard, the least strongest of them all is a SSJ2. That’s right, the weakest of the group is a SSJ2. Can you imagine what the other’s power levels are? That’s what I thought.” Turles spat to the other wide-eyed saiya-jin.

“Fine, but what do I get out of this.” Radditz said regaining his composure.

“You get one fourth of the Earth.” Turles said.

“ONE FOURTH?! THAT’S IT?! Forget it.” He said turning to leave.

“What do you want?!” Turles said in desperation.

“I want to rule Earth along side you.” He said.

“Fine. But I still have more power than you. This was MY plan.” Turles said satisfied.

“Fine.” Radditz said happy at today’s events.


Well, no good can come from Radditz and Turles’ new plan. Hmm…what will happen to our Z gang now? Do they ALL stand a chance? Well, find out next time. Ja ne!

-Christina :)