
By: Panny-Plan

Chapter 3: Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, who is that saiyajin in the hall?

A/N: Hey, so all of you wanted to know what the hells going to happen when Trunks sees Riokko? Well, sorry to tell you, you're not going to find out! HEHEHE! I am so evil! *doges tomatoes* don't worry thouugh! You're going to like this chappy though! R/R please!!!! I'm just going on an updateing freinzy! Sombody stop me! LOL, first Descending, now Whisper... yeah, that's all I have to update! Bye!


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"Don't hate love, if you must hate, hate the person who gives it to you..."

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Pan shivered in the icy cold air. SHe was wearing her thick nacy blue coat, with sky blue gloves and a ski hat. Her short dark hair was was tied back into pig tails hanging from her ears. She was wearing her warmest pants, which were a fuzzy grey material, and her snow boots.

Riokko skipped ahead of her mother, enjoying the sensations of winter. SHe had always loved winter. Perhaps it was because Christmas was in winter and Riokko, just like Pan had always belived that Christmas brought maricles.

Pan rushed up to her daughter and took her hand. Riokko looked up and smiled warmly. Her cheeks were already a rosy red. Pan laughed. Riokko laughed with her. She was wearing her green combat boots, her black pants, her grey sweat shirt, and her big black coat. SHe was wearing a hat similar to Pan's and the same gloves (different sizes ofcours) expet hers were black.

The light turned green for them to walk across the street. Pan clutched tightly to her hand, and walked across the street. THey turned and walked into Satan City Park.


Trunks knocked on Bra's door. HE and Marron were all bundled up, getting ready for the harsh winter. He heard yelling from inside. A hyper five year old girl. Trunks smiled. He loved visiting his neice. He had always wanted kids. But Marron said she wasn't ready.

He heard GOten's voice from inside. "I'll get it! It's probably Trunks and Marron." He opened the door. He smiled his big famous Son grin. "I was right!"

"DADDY! DADDY! Who's there?" A little girl tugged on Goten's huge shirt. Goten looked down and grinned. He picked her up. The girls' eyes swelled up. "UNCLE TRUNKS!"

Trunks smiled. "Hey Chesly." He looked deep inside of her eyes. They were coal black. She had stringy blue hair which was pulled into a pony tail, and the same Son grin and Breif smirk.

Chelsy jumped in Trunks arms. HE was a second father to her. SHe loved Marron, she was after all her aunt, but some sort of bond made Trunks and Chelsy almost act like a father would to a daughter.

Goten smiled. Bra rushed out, her blue hair swaying on her shoulders. She had one arm in her coat, the other out, holding GOten's coat. "Here Goten! Take it!"

Goten looked at her and grinned. He took the coat from her and shut the door. All four of them walked out of the house, Chelsy in Trunks' arms.


Riokko smiled. "Momma! Look at this!"

Pan looked up. She was aching. They had been at the park for thirty minutes and she was already tired. "IT was the snow slowing her down, and because she was devloping a cold. Maybe the flu.

Riokko jumped in a snow piled, sending snow every where. Pan smiled and wiped some snow out of her face. Riokko looked up and grinned that famous son grin.

Pan leaned back on the bench, sipping the coffe she bought a minute ago, to warm her up. She sighed heavily and closed her eyes. SHe felt Riokko sit next to her.

Pan opend her eyes to see her daughter. "Hey momma!"

"Hi Riokko."

Riokko smiled. THen she shivered. "Momma? DO you think I could get some hot chocolate from that stand thing? I'm kinda cold."

Pan nodded. "Do you want to go home?"

Riokko shook her head. "No. I just want something to drink."

Pan smiled. "Aliright. Come on." THey both got up and walked over to the coffe stand. Riokko got hot coca, while Pan got a refil in coffe. SHe needed all the caffine she could get.

Riokko finished her much and left it on the bench. THe mug left a steam of grey smoke in the air, from condensation. SHe left her mother and started to play in the snow again.

Pan smiled and watched her daugher. SHe took another sip and it was empty. SHe put her mug beside Riokko's.

Pan heard a familiar voice laughing. Two familiar. Three familiar. Four? How could it be? SHe turned her head fanticly trying to find out where the voices were comming from. IT was that voice again. THat same low male voice that greeted her so much.

Out in the distance she saw a little girl, with stringy blue hair, run in the snow. she heard a familiar voice. "Chesly! Wait for us!" Pan strained her eyes. She saw them. They took another step toward her, not relizing she was there. Another step. Then another.

GOten and BRa were holding hands, Marron was looking off into the winter wonderland and Trunks--

Oh Kami, Trunks. Trunks was there. Pan's heart froze. SHe didn't know wheather to run away and hid, or just sit there, hoping that they wouldn't see her.

But they did see her. GOten looked over at her, and just assumed that she was another girl at the park. Bra didn't though.

She stared the girl down. SHe looked at the child next to her. It hit her. SHe smiled and ran toawards her. "PAN!"

Pan smiled weakly. How could they have found her? SHe was cut off by her thinking when her feet took over. SHe got up and started running towards BRa. "BRA!"

They embraced, crying on each other's shoulders. GOten, Marron, and Trunks ran up, painting. Trunks looked up. He couldn't help it. A small grin pried it's way through his lips. He looked at the girl, or Pan, and stared her down.

SHe had growed tremendously in the past five years. She had grown about a inch taller, but she had gotten a bigger body. Bigger breast, probably deeper curves, and if she turned around he would be able to see if her butt got any larger.(Trunks! You pervert! EWWWW! Back to the story...)

THey pulled apart, tears straking down their faces. "Bra! Oh my god!"

Bra smiled. "Pan! It's been iternity!"

"I know BRa! I know!"

They stayed a moment and chatted, until Goten cleared his throat. "A- hem."

Pan looked up. "GOTEN!" SHe swung her arms around his neck, knccking the breath our of him.

"Nice to see you to Pan." He gasped. SHe let go, smiling wide. she turned to Marron.

SHe and Marron had never been that close, but they had always been friends. "Marron!"

Marron took her in a hug. "Hey Panny! Where have you been?"

Pan grinned. "Just somewhere." They pulled apart. SHe had no choice but to look at Trunks. HE smiled weakly down at her. But gudgin by the cold look she was giving him, she hadn't forgave him at all for walking out on her.

She let the mood pass though and swept him into a hug as well. "TRunks!"

Trunks didn't know what to do at frist. That strange wam fuzzy feeling returned inside of him. He hadn't had that feeling in five or six years. Since Pan left.

He put his arms around her and returend the hug. "Hey Pan."

Their hug was much longer than any of the others. But everyone knew how close of friends they were, and this was a special moment for two best friends to have.

They pulled apart. Trunks kissed her cheek in a friendly way. Pan didn't mind. Infact she wanted him to kiss her more, but not with everone watching. He grinned. "How have you been squirt?"

pan returend his grin. "Fine I guess. You guys weren't supposed to find me!"

Goten smiled now. "Pick a better hiding place. Bra and I don't live to far from here."


Bra smiled. "We're married. And this little sweet heart is Chelsy. Say hi to Pan Chels."

Chelsy looked up at Pan and smiled. "HI PAN! Momma and daddy have told me great stuff about you! I'l glad I get to meet you!"

Pan looked down at the little girl. "It's great to meet you Chelsy." SHe looked back up at Bra. "so you did it. You kept your word. You are finally my aunt."

Bra grinned. "Yeah... but lets just keep it as best friends. Knowing I'm your aunt is a bit freaky."

Pan smiled. "Agreed." SHe felt something tugging on her pants. She turned around to see a little purpled hair stranger hiding behind her leg. GOten peered around at the little girl.

"Pan?" he asked. "Who's that?"

Pan looked back up to him. "Oh." She looked from Riokko to the gang. "This is Riokko. My daughter."


A/N: Don't yall just want to kill me? Major cliffhanger, too keep yall in the groove. What the hell? I've been watching way to much of That 70's Show! Isn't Chelsy so cute? A mini Bra! LOL.

Trunks: What the hell is wrong with you, author? You're making me look like a jackass!

Panny-Plan: You are a jackass, Trunks.

Trunks: Why?

Panny-Plan: For sleeping with me and leaving alone! *sniffes, and breaks down into hysterical sobs*


Panny-Plan: *growls and turnes SSJ3*

Trunks: Super saiyajin? How can it be? *stares at fans for a moment, then faints*

Panny-Plan: I think that took care of him for a while, so yall, R/R please, and tell Trunks how mean he is! *powers down*

LOL, hope yall liked my skit....R/R!

