
By: Panny-Plan

Chapter 1 What Trouble it may cause...

A/N: Yada yada yada. Let's skip the lectures, alright? I feel like I'm at boot camp or something! Honestly! Any how the title doesn't fit the story for a real long time... but I hope it will! I've written a few chapters of this, so tell me if I should keep updating them.

Alright... who put the mouse in my slippers? LoL. The story starts off really strange, but it evens out. Infact, to tell you the truth, this hole chapter is strange. Doesn't make to much sense, but hey, that's just me, right? Yeah, so I'm guessing you guys stopped talking to me? Hey! Don't go away! Please! Come BACK! NOW! Good. R/R!


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"You can never go and follow your dreams, if your heart is keeping you down..."

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Trunks sighed in bliss. It was a long time since he had sex like that. He opend his eyes to see the 16-year-old Pan snuggled against his chest. He felt alittle guilty about taking her virginity away when she's only 16, but he was in the mood for sex and Pan was offering it. But it wasn't like his usual one night stands. He felt like he really did have feelings for Pan. But he shook away the feelings as fast as they had come.

Pan mumbled and opeoend her eyes. Her stomach was so sore. SHe looked up at Trunks and smiled. She lost her virginity to him, but she loved him. And he told her last night that he loved her. Pan leaned up and kissed him.

Trunks got that chill down his spine again. He couldn't be falling for Pan. She was Pan! Panny! He just slept with her to satify his own sex needs.

Pan got up and left with a goodbye and I'll call you later today. Trunks laid back on his bed and sighed. Yup. It was the good life to be a player. Especially with young fresh meat like that offered.


Pan sat in shock as her doctor told her the truth. she was pregnet. And she knew exactly who the father was. It was Trunks. The only guys she had ever slept with. Pan got up, still in her state of shock. "Thank you Dr."

He grinned. "No problem."

Pan rushed towards capself Corps. SHe walked up to his secretary.

"Molly? can I talk to Trunks?"

His secretary looked up and smiled. "OF course. I'll tell him you're comming up."

Pan grinned. "Don't bother. I want it to be a surprise."

Molly nodded and shrugged. She wnet back to doing paperwork. Pan ran into the elevator which was very crowded. "Seven please." Pan looked down at the buttons. 2-7 were all lit up. Pan sighed and stood at the back of the elevaor waiting to get off.

Finaly when the last people of six left and the new got on, it was going up to seven. The doors opened and Pan jumped off. SHe walked down the narrow hall, doging robots everynow and then who came by sweeping the floor. She came o the office that read : BREIFS TRUNKS CAPSULE CORPERATION HEAD EXUTIVE.

Pan pushed the doors opend not even bother to knock. THe sight didn't welcome her. But she was in such a foul mood that she didn't care weather he and goten were having sex. But she would had had to get that on tape. IT would have been priceless.

He was stittin in his chair, shirt laying half across the room with a blonde girl sitting in his lap in nothing but her bra and panties. He looked around the girl and smiled at Pan. "Hey Panny."

Pan flushed with anger. SHe looked at the girl. "YOu. get out.'

SHe stood up and holded herself. "NO."

Pan trned reder than blood. "NOW! BEFORE I MAKE YOU!"

THe girl grabbed her dress and pulled it over her head. she made a small hmp and walked out. Pan followed her with her eye and saw her slam the door shut. Trunks looked furious.

"WHy'd the hell did you do that? I was having fun!"


Trunks rolled his eyes. SHe had to find out sooner or later. "Pan, those were the old days. I was innocent... before I got introduced to sex... that changed everything. My idea of fun now is not playing video games eating pizza and spying on GOten and Bra. It's being a player. picking up girls and droppin em."

"SO is that it?" she asked softly. "Is that why you wanted to have sex with me so badly? Because I was just there?"

Trunks shook his head. "No way Pan. Not because you were just there. Because you have a great body. Pan, the sex was great, but well... you aren't."


Trunks thought it over for a minute. "Basically..."

"Well I'm not going to let it happen Trunks. You got me pregnety you son of a bitch!"

Trunks laughed. "Yeah. my mom can be bitchy sometimes. Nothing compared to your mom or your grandma. Woah!"

Pan clentched her fists tight. SHe felt her nails dig into her palms. "Don't you dare insult my family Trunks. I may not be stronger than you, but you know my dad is a hell of alot stronger than you can imagen to be. Insult on more thing about his wife or mother, he'll kick your ass. And for what you did to me."

Trunks thought it over. He was a bit afriad of gohan, but not entirely. "Oh. Is poor little helpless Panny sending her daddy to fight her battles for her?"

A tear escaped Pan's eye. "Trunks! Why can't you see that I love you! I love you so much it's kililng me! I gave myself to you because you said you loved me back."

Trunks golled his eyes. "Pan, when do you know me to tell the truth ever so often?"

Pan stared up at him. "You really didn't mean it did you? You have no feelings for me what so ever."

Trunks nodded. "Nope. And besides. I have feelings for Marron. Not little kids like you Pan. I'm 29. Your're 16. I'm a full grown man. I need a woman. Not a little girl."

Pan burst into tears. "I hope your happy Trunks. By morning, you nor nobody else i know right now will hear of son Pan ever again as long as you shall live. And tell Marron to have lots of kids for me, and if she needs any just send me a postcard and I'll send you your child."

Trunks banged his forehead. 'Pan, your on your own. it's not my fault you didn't use birth control. NOt my fault any of this happend to you."

Pan took a deep breath. 'But it is your fault Trunks. I'm sorry but I have to go. I have to make some plans. ANd for my child's sake Trunks. I hope they never meet you, find you, read about you, even figure out who you are. I hope you go to hell. You stay away from me and my child. Do you understand? Good. I'm leaving."

Pan stormed out leaving Trunks shocked. DId she really mean that. SHe never wanted their child to know him? WHat was he thinking? HE had these compassionat thoughts in his mind of saying, but his words just were of anger. He wasn't made at Pan. He loved her. He truley loved her.


Trunks awoke the next morning figuring it was all a bad dream. He relized it wasn't when he heard GOhan and videl's anxious voices from downstairs.

"GOhan! Calm down. Tell me what happened again."

"We can't find Pan. She got home yesterday in a foul mood. We decided to back off to let her steam cool since that's what she always needs and this morning, she was gone. Her room execpt for her furniture is gone."

Videl was crying on GOhan's shoulder. "We have no idea where she is or even the slightest reason why she ran away."

Trunks had gotten dressed by now and went downstairs. GOhan spotted him and smiled hopefully. "Trunks?"

Trunks turned around and face him. "Yeah?"

"You're a close friend of pan's right?"

He nodded. "Yeah. I think so."

"DO you have any idea where she could have gone?"

Trunks thought for a moment... where would she go? "I have no idea gohan. I really don't." And he was telling the truth. He had no idea where Pan was right then and there. Trunks took off for work. Once he was in his office he sighed. He felt empty. He missed Pan even thought he had found out she had only been gone for a couple of hours. He shut his eyes tight and clampe them shut. "Pan? I love you."


A/N: I know I'm completely evil *grins*. But tell me something I didn't already know? I'm working on a brand new fic, which I haven't name yet... I know. I know! Yall think I start to many fics and don't finish them, like Sacrifices, Kryptonite, and Lost... well I haven't given up, I just don't know where to start--I guess. But it's going to be a G/CC fic... I have the first chapter written, and I'm going to post tomorrow! But the title, I think unless I find something better will be Love Traitors. Catchy, aint it? R/R!!!

