Unbeatable Rivals
Unbeatable Rivals

Hey everyone! What’s up? Nothing here.... I’ve got a major headache and it’s almost 3 AM! But I’m writing! I guess it’s just an author thing or something. We like to stop up till insane hours writing and be insane and do weird things... Well that’s just me and a few authors I know. ^.^;;

Disclaimer: I don’t own DB/Z/GT and NEVER EVER Will no matter how hard i dream and hope and wish and pray! Okay? Get it? Got it? GOOD!


AN: Hiya’s people, just a little background info on this story for the main characters:

Trunks: He’s still the president of C.C., and he’s 36. He still only looks around 18-20, and his hair is around the same color as Mirai Trunks’. He’s the only surviving member of his family, and he can go SSJ2.

Pan: Pan picked up in her grandfather’s footsteps and took over as mayor of Satan City at the age of 20; she is now 22. Pan is also the only surviving member of her family. She’s around 5’4”, while Trunks is around 5’10”.

Marron: Marron is 29 (though she should technically be 31) and she’s Pan’s best friend. Marron is about half as strong as Pan, who is as strong as Trunks without having to be SSJ2. She’s also Uub’s mate.

Goten: Yes, even though Goten is (VERY sadly ::sobs::) deceased, he will still play a role in this story. A flashback that is. He looks just like he did in GT, and he’s an SSJ2 as well, but he will not be doing any fighting.

Yamcha: He doesn’t play a major role but he is... ooh around 60 or so, and he still fights in this story.

Uub: Marron’s mate basically, around 29, only mentioned once or twice.

Bra: Mentioned in a flashback, Goten’s mate in death... She is dead... ^_^;;;; Gomen nasai G/B fans....


The bright light of cameras flashed in her face as she calmly walked towards the stadium.

“Ms. Son! Ms. Son! Could you please tell us if you think you’ll be taking home the trophy this year yet again?? I heard Mr. Briefs is participating this year! Do you feel threatened by the well known president’s participation?”

The mayor of the city simply flipped her hair over her shoulder and smirked. “Hell no.” And with that she walked into the stadium, ignoring the rest of the media’s questions.


A little ways away, the lavender haired President of Capsule Corporation glared, unbeknowest, at the mayor of Satan City. He too ignored the media, though not as must as she. So the little mayor thinks she can beat the son of Vegeta, eh? Well we’ll just have to see about that. And afterwards I’ll have to ask her how Goten’s doing! Too bad our families seperated before she was born.... Would’ve been interesting to get to know her sooner...


The first round turned out to be Trunks vs. Yamcha, a family friend of both Trunks and Pan, unbeknowest to both of them. Trunks easily won the match, and afterwards Pan freely walked up to the two of them, who were chatting in the waiting area for fighters.

“That was a nice fight Yamcha, too bad you had to lose to him. I would’ve enjoyed fighting you myself,” Pan commented shortly, before walking off again to talk to a friend she knew was participating in the fight.

Trunks watched her leave with an interested look on his face. “She’s... err.. well beautiful...”

Laughing, Yamcha replied, “Don’t get any ideas Trunks. I’m almost positive she could kick your butt in ten seconds flat.”

“Yeah right,” Trunks replied with a snort. Yamcha only shook his head in reply, thinking about how big of a fool Trunks was if he thought he could beat Pan as easily as he beat him.


Pan walked over to her blonde, half android friend. “Hey Marron-san! I hope we get to fight each other this year! Last year Goten-kun beat you....”

With a sigh, the pretty daughter of Juuhachigou turned around, “Hai... I miss Goten-kun... But I hope we get to fight this year!! I wanted to beat you SOOOOO bad last year!” Marron’s voice went from sad to happy as she spoke.

Pan winced, Oh man... I shouldn’t have mentioned Uncle Goten... They were so close... She sighed. Too bad Uncle Goten had to die... They would’ve mate a cute couple... But Marron’s mated to Uub now

She shook her head and smiled at Marron, “Sorry just got lost in throught for a second. But I can’t wait to be able to fight you! I hope no one beats you before we get the chance to fight Marron-san!”

“Hai! And don’t call me -san!

~*~*~*~*A while later....~*~*~*~*~

It was the 17th match, and Pan and Marron were excitedly awaiting the end of it. They fought next.

As soon as the end of the match was announced, Pan and Marron jumped up from their seats. Not even waiting for the match to be announced, they appeared in the ring, excitement flowing through their veins.

The fight started at the ding of the bell.

Pan and Marron lunged at each other, and their fists met in the exact middle of the ring. They stayed like that for only a moment, before their figures disappeared from the normal human eye.

As the two females clashed in battle, Trunks watched them, positive he was probably the only one who could see them. He’d talked to Yamcha, and he’d learned that, like himself, Pan was the only remaining member of her family. Both families fell to the fatal disease that Trunks had finally found a cure to, using his mother’s genius (that he inherited).

To bad... I would’ve looked forward to seeing, and maybe fighting, Goten. Oh well... Looks like I’ll have to settle for his neice. Trunks lipped his lips in anticipation for the battle. He knew for a fact they’d end up facing each other, he somehow just knew they would. In fact, they’d probably meet up in the final round.

Back in the battle...

Pan gracefully moved to the side, spinning slightly to avoid Marron’s powerful kamehameha wave. Phasing out, she appeared behind Marron and clasped her hands together over her head, and brought them down upon Marron’s head.

Marron hit the ground with a thud, and didn’t recover quite fast enough to dodge the masenko beam Pan threw at her next.

With a grunt, Marron pulled herself to her knees, then collapsed again. On the count of ten, Pan was declared the winner of the match.


Trunks wasn’t surprised at the outcome of the match. Through ki sensing, he knew Marron was quite strong, though no match for Pan. She HAS to be a Super Saiya-jin... I swear she has to be... But even so... her ki is still REALLY high... Maybe higher than my own? Nah! That’s impossible!

Hmmm... Trunks changed his direction of thought as he eyed Marron. Maybe she can give me a little information on Pan’s fighting style... Just gotta pull a few strings and flirt for a while... Maybe I’ll even land a date with her! That’d be cool, she’s pretty hot.

Determined on getting a date for the next night, and some information on Son Pan’s fighting technique and level, Trunks Vegeta Briefs calmly walked over to Marron as she wiped away her sweat with a towel, having eaten a senzu bean the moment the match ended.

Good... The mayor’s no where in sight. I’m positive she’d probably try to kick my ass here and now if she knew what I am about to do...

Trunks calmly walked up behind Marron and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling him up against him. “Hey there... That was a pretty awesome fight you put up. Especially for a human against a demi Saiya-jin.”

Scowling, Marron twisted herself out of his grasp. “What do you want Mr. Briefs?” She asked curtly, having no interest in the lavender haired man at all.

“I want you to be my date for dinner tomorrow night. How about it?”

“Iie, arigatou for for the offer though,” Marron replied coldly. “In Saiya-jin terms, I’m already mated. Though he isn‘t here.” She moved the collar of her shirt a little to the side to reveal a bite mark there. “Courtesy of Uub.” A smirk danced playfully on her lips.

SHE’S UUB’S MATE?!!?! Trunks screamed in his mind. I bet I can convince her to go out with me at least once...

“Oh come on, he’s gone. I’m sure ONE dinner date couldn’t hurt...” Trunks whispered rather huskily into her ear.

Marron tried to elbow him in the gut, but Trunks only laughed playfully and caught it. “And while we’re communicating so well, why don’t you tell me about your good friend Pan’s fighting abilities, techniques, and her experience level? And where would you prefer to go to dinner tomorrow night?”

Growling, Marron dislodged her elbow from Trunks’ hand and turned around sharply. “I said I don’t want to...”

“I know what you said but did you REALLY mean it? I mean, how could you resist someo...” Trunks interrupted, only to be interrupted by Pan as she phased in between the two and shoved Trunks against the nearby wall; doing so by grasping a rather... *ahem* uncomfortable place.

Trunks’ eyes went wide. Whoa.. She’s rather direct! A lot of spunk... Hmm I like that in a girl... Maybe I’ll try for her instead of Marron. Pan interrupted his thoughts rather quickly, not liking the look on his face.

“My friend said NO! You of all people should know that bonding with your mate is for life! Uub and Marron will be together. And I can guarentee you that ANY info. you got out of her on me would do you absolutely no good because I’ll wipe the floor with you your highness!” The raven haired Saiya-jin growled menacingly at the lavender haired Saiya-jin Prince.

Trunks smirked. “In your wildest dreams Ms. Mayor. Now, it seems you must REALLY be interested in me because you haven’t removed your hand from my crotch yet.”

Rolling her eyes, Pan squezzed harder, making him deeply regret his words. “You wish.” Then she released him.

“Oh, and from what I heard about you and Goten-ji-chan being best friends, I’d say my Oji-san had bad taste in friends.” She scowled before walking away. Then she suddenly paused and looked over her shoulder.

“Oh, and see you in the final round your highness.”

Trunks gulped, still in a little pain; though he managed to scowl at Marron when she laughed at him for gulping and being injured so easily.

She’ll pay... I can guarentee she won’t be able to get to me so easily in the ring... I’ll make her bow to me. I am her Prince after all.

Another part of his mind argued back without hesitation. She’s also the only Saiya-jin female left, she’s rather attractive, not to mention unmated... I’m sure you want to make her bow to you in more than one way...

Trunks froze in his tracks (he’d started walking again). I DID NOT JUST THINK THAT!!!!!

~*~*~*~*~*~*~A while later..More specifically the last match~*~*~*~*~*~

The announcer’s words rang through out the ring, causing Trunks and Pan to simultaneously wince.

“And now... Finally! The fight we’ve all been expecting and waiting for!! The well known, handsome, wealthy and SINGE President of Capsule Corporation, Trunks Briefs... Versus... Our city’s mayor, the beautiful, talented, kind and spunky Ms. Son Pan! Who knows what kind of havoc these two will cause in our ring tonight!

“Now on with the fight!!!! Will our two finalists please step into the ring?!”

Trunks and Pan both stepped calmly, slowly and almost intimidatingly into the ring. Almost too slowly at that. The entire audience watched them as they finally reached the center of the ring, after what seemed like an eternity, and crouched into fighting stances.

It seemed as if lightning sparked between the two as they stared each other down; both refusing to move or even blink.

The announcer was nervously silent, awaiting the beginning of the fight.

Then, at 9:53 P.M., the battle started as both warriors lept at each other.

Just like Pan and Marron’s fight, Trunks’ and Pan’s fists clashed in the exact middle of the ring, and paused like that for nearly a minute while both warriors glared at each other. Then they seperated and phased out of site.

~*~*~The fighting as viewed by someone like Yamcha or Marron, the only two left with the ability to see moves that fast~*~*~

Flying at each other over thirty feet above the ring, Truns and Pan fought viciously.

Pan spun around and did a graceful spinning kick that sent Trunks hurtly back towards the ring. yet the older demi saiya-jin quickly got his balance back and flew back at her.

Having a major speed advantage over Trunks, Pan phased out before he could even get close. She reappeared above him and body slammed him; sending them both crashing back into the ring.

Pan pinned Trunks to the ground, hoping for a quick end to the match. She had no such luck.

Spinning around under her grip, Trunks reached up and started running his hands up the sides of her body. Not only did he enjoy himself (^_^) but the tickling caused Pan to crack up laughing and roll over, pinning herself under Trunks.

“Ch-cheater!” she gasped.

The audience was laughing at the scene, but many were worried their beloved mayor would lose to the president with a rather unpleasant reputation.

Marron stood up from her seat and shouted, “Come on Pan don’t give up so easily! Remember the scene earlier!”

This got Pan rhiled up again, and Trunks mentally cursed the blonde semi-android as Pan ki blasted him in the gut. Now the fight was back in the air.

Pan phased out and grabbed onto Trunks’ arm after appearing by him again. She threw him towards the audience before he could get his bearings back. Right before he landed in the audience, Pan appeared in front of him again and sent him flying up again with an uppercut.

Rubbing his chin, Trunks finally got a hold of himself, but didn’t show it. Then as Pan went to grab him and throw him again, he took her arm and threw HER back down towards the ring.

Phasing out, Trunks appeared in her path of free falling, and kicked her towards the audience. Then he appeared in her path again, and knocked her downwards.

Now heading towards the out of bounds area of the building, Pan powered up a small ki beam and sent it down to the ground. This propelled her back upwards.

Trunks could only watch as she passed him, flying back up, and disappeared, allowing her beam to stop.

Looking around, utterly confused, Trunks awaited her reappearance, licking his lips in anticipation.

This has got to be the best sparring match I’ve had in so long! Not even the students from my father’s old dojo are as good as she is! Maybe I’ll have to go super saiya-jin to win this one... That would be just fine with me!

Distracted by his thoughts, Trunks didn’t pay attention when Pan reappeared behind him and grabbed onto him, wrapping her arms under his.

“I won’t let you win after you hit on my friends’s mate...” she growled into his ear, and went SSJ.

Trunks let off a primal scream of pain as her aura burnt his skin, and part of his clothes.

This power... It’s not that of a nomal Super Saiya-jin... The aura... It’s too bright... Much brighter than mine ever could be! Her power is amazing... I can’t stand this pain... Is it just her aura causing my pain? It is! I can’t believe this! Is this the power my father always spoke about that “Kakarott” had? The power it seemed no one out of his family could ever achieve? Thinking as he struggled to release himself from Pan’s powerful grip, Trunks was suddenly aware he’d have a very hard time beating her.

Charging straight into SSJ2, Trunks broke free of Pan’s grip and phased out, appearing behind her. Trunks attempted to kick her in the spin, but Pan disappeared, and reappeared above Trunks.

Flying down at him with a double kick, Pan was an inch away from Trunks’ head when he disappeared.

Reappearing in front of Pan, Trunks punched, and Pan dodged. Pan punched, Trunks phased out and appeared behind Pan. She spun around in a tornado kick, that Trunks dodged again. Trunks then dodged a series of punches and kicks from Pan, batting away the occasional ki blast.

Trunks finally decided to give his own combination of attacks. He appeared behind Pan and attempted to kick her in the spine again. His luck must’ve been very bad that day.

Pan spun around and caught his kick, locking it in a grip with her arm. As Trunks struggled to get his leg back, Pan brought her hand up. It grew stiff, and with a quick, seemingly effortless karate chop to his knee, she made Trunks’ left leg practically useless. It would be nothing more than a dead weight to him.

“AH!!!! YOU BITCH!” Trunks screamed in pain.

Yet Pan only released his leg and floated away from him. Her eyes were a deadly emerald green, shining magnificently in the dark of the night. The golden aura surrounding her could’ve been seen from more than a mile away. And her hair stood straight on end, yet it wasn’t above her head. The orange bandanna she wore held it back. There wasn’t a scratch on her, and not a single bit of her gi was torn.

And Trunks... Trunks floated weakly in the air. His hair spiked out in all directions, and though he was in a more powerful transformation than she was, his aura was still not as bright. His eyes didn’t glow, and spark like Pan’s did.

I’m going to lose this battle if I don’t think of something soon.. . Trunks thought as he barely dodged each of Pan’s next attacks.

Spinning to the side, his leg nothing but dead weight and a nuisance, Trunks pushed his ki higher as his hands wove an intricate pattern in the air. Just this once, the pattern seemed to be marked with his golden ki, and hovered in the air for just a moment.

“Burning attack!!!!!!!” Trunks shouted and threw the attack at Pan. Pan quickly countered.

“Kamehame... HA!!!!” Just before Trunks’ beam reached her, Pan let off her attack. It clashed with Trunks, and forced it back. Then they were at a stand still.

The two remaining Saiya-jin pushed their ki into their beams.

My attack wasn’t meant to be used like this... Trunks ground his teeth together as he forced his attack to grapple with Pan’s kamehameha wave.

Then at the same time they both let up, and the beams slowly disappeared.

Trunks and Pan flew at each other, punches ready. Pan’s punch hit Trunks’ cheek, knocking him out of the air. Trunks’ punch hit Pan’s cheek, knocking her out of the ground.

Both landed outside the ring, technically disqualifying them both. BUT, Trunks hit the ground first. And Pan was declared the winner. (AN: Gomen, couldn’t help it! ^_^)


“I can’t believe I LOST!” Trunks yelled as he punched a punching bag over and over. It was soon nothing but a pile of sand and shredded cloth.

Walking over to the panel of the gravity chamber, Trunks turned the training program on. Dodging this, destroying that, Trunks trained in fury. Anger had coursed through his body even now, a week after the tournament.

Then there was a beep, signaling some one was on the communicator program for him.

Trunks shut down the training program and hit the switch, wondering who it was that dared to interrupt him.

“What do you want?!?” He yelled sharply, noticing it was his secretary. “I’m not working at the moment ya know?!”

The petite red head paled and squeaked, rather afraid of the president when he was angry. “Um.. Hai I am aware of that sir... But er... There’s someone here to see you and um....”

“Tell them to get lost!” Trunks spat.

She squeaked again, “Gomen nasai sir, but it’s someone of very very high...”


“Son Pan, sir!” The red head squeaked once again, extremely nervous; fidgeting with her hands and attempting not to drool at the site of her boss with nothing but spandex pants on.

“The mayor??” Trunks calmed down and dropped out of his fighting stance, turning to his secretary. “Please show her to the gravity room, Miss Shoki.”

When his secretary nodded and cut off the connection, Trunks allowed a small smirk to cross his face. I wonder what the mayor wants...? Maybe a rematch! I wouldn’t mind that. This time I could go all out on her. Then again she might go all out on me... I wonder how strong she really is?

Trunks’ thoughts were interrupted as the raven haired Saiya-jin that had, in all truth, been haunting his mind since the battle (in more ways than one) entered his training chambers.

“What do you want?” Trunks asked sharply.

Pan smirked and walked right up to him. Trunks nervously took a step back.

So he’s not as tough as he likes to act... Or maybe he just remembers what I did last time I walked right up to him and it wasn’t in battle? She chuckled lightly at the memory, taking a step back.

“I thought you might be tearing yourself apart because of the tournament. Am I right?”

Trunks glared at her and only nodded.

“Well... Though it’s quite obvious that we are pretty much equal in skill, power, and all that stuff when it comes to fighting, I got to thinking the other day. It seems you have a lot going for you. Looks, intelligence, power and a lot of other things. What I’m getting to is... I was wondering if you’d like to have a competition of sorts. We’re both the last of the Saiya-jin race, and I know you crave challenge just as much as I do. If not more. So what do you say Mr. Briefs?” Pan held her hand out.

A thoughtful look crossed Trunks’ sharp, chiseled features. After a moment, he slowly eyed Pan’s hand. It was obvious he was still contemplating her idea.

He’s so handsome like that... Pan bit her lip and tried to focus on why she was here. Her craving for a decent challenge. Something she had not had since the rest of her family died.

Trunks was still eyeing her hand, mainly to try and stop himself from looking in her eyes. They’re practically on fire! She wants this competition... The challenge... She craves it just like me. Her personality is perfect I swear! She’s strong! In more than one way, of this I am sure!

There’s this part of me that wants so badly to get close to her... And it seems like this is the only way. I’m sure I can get closer to her... I swear I’ll get to her!

Wait a sec... Is this Trunks the player talking? Or have I lost it and fallen in love? With HER?!? She’s my family’s enemy!

What family do you have left Trunks? You don’t have any left! Neither does she! Neither of us have any family left for our families to BE enemies! Ugh this isn’t making any sense! Trunks’ ‘two’ minds continued to argue back and forth.

Pan took a nervous step backs. “Mr. Briefs?”

“Trunks!” He snapped, automatically correcting her and giving her permission to call him by his first name. But then he went back to rubbing his temples and thinking.

After an extremely long silence, which quite unnerved Pan, Trunks stuck his hand out and firmly grasped Pan’s.

“Deal, Pan.” Trunks smoothly replied as he bent down and kissed Pan’s hand.

Pan only blushed.


Pan flopped back onto her bed and sighed heavily. “I dunno what I’m gonna do Mar!!!! This is so confusing! I’m falling in love with my family’s last surviving rival! But I can’t help it AND he’s the only person who’s been able to challenge me in a long time! No offense, but not even sparring with you can get my blood flowing again... I need that excitement I got whenever I sparred with Goten-ji-san... Or Otou-san... And Trunks-san can give it to me!!! But we’re supposed to be enemies!”

Marron gave Pan a sympathetic glance, which Pan snarled at.

“Don’t sympathize me! I need someone to talk to not someone to sympathize me! Come on Marron! Give me some advice here! What should I do?? I don’t know if I’ll live with myself if I lose to him, but I don’t want to make him seem inferior either and I don’t know if he’s attracted to me...”

Chuckling, Marron pulled Pan up from her laying position. “Hey! He’d be a fool not to be attracted to you! Besides, don’t you remember how Uub first acted towards me?”

Pan nodded, in an almost weak way.

~*~*~*~*~Flashback.... (OOC-ness alert!)~*~*~*~*~*~

Uub glared coldly at Marron. “Hmph, look you machine, I have no interest in sparring with you. Just because everyone but you is gone does NOT mean I’ll spar with you!”

Tears filled Marron’s eyes. “I’m just as strong as Pan you baka!!!! I don’t see why you can’t except me! Everyone else does!!” With that she spun around and ran off, not expecting Uub to follow her.

But he did.

Not letting Marron get away, Uub grabbed her from around the waist and pulled her back towards him. Turning her around in his arms, Uub slowly kissed away her tears.


Uub pulled her face up to his. “Marron, I’d prefer it if you called me Uub-chan.”

Eyes wide with shock, Marron could only nod as Uub pulled her lips to his and kissed her long and deep.

“I’m sorry for all the pain I’ve caused you Marron-chan... Aishiteru... I just didn’t know how to tell you... I was afraid you’d refect me... So I acted like a bastard and I’m so sorry!”

Marron smiled softly, and snuggled up to Uub’s chest. “Aishiteru... Uub-chan...”

That night, Uub marked Marron as his for all eternity.

~*~*~*~*~End Flashback~*~*~*~*~

“Our rivalry went on for a long time... And I’ll never forget that night. It looks like I won, though, doesn’t it? I made him crack first!” Marron laughed, but then saddened due to thoughts of her deceased mate.

Pan grimaced. “Sorry for bringing up my uncle Marron...”

“It’s okay Pan... But remember, you find love in the strangest places.” Marron winked at her life long friend and stood up. “Gotta book it, jaa Pan-chan!” Then she jumped out the window and was gone.

“Arigatou Marron-san.... You’ve always been able to help me...” Pan mumbled innocently before falling asleep.


Trunks fell back on his bed, thoughts of a raven haired quarter Saiya-jin flying through his mind What’s with me? I fight her once and get insulted by her for hitting on my old best friend’s mate and I’m in love with her?!? I can’t believe this... The Presiden of C.C. and the Mayor of Satan City... What an impossible couple! I can’t believe I’m thinking like this! What would Tou-san think!?


Wincing, Trunks sat up and stared at a picture from when he was younger. Goten was there, along with Gohan and ChiChi. Even Videl.

I wonder what Goten would say....?

Then, as if some mysterious force had heard his thoughts, Trunks watched as a shining white glow over took his room.

And there stood an adult around the age of 35, with jet black hair that spiked up. He wore the unforgetable orange and blue gi of the Son family. He looked alive, yet it seemed there was a transparent look to him. Not to mention he was surrounded by an eery white glow.

“G-Goten?!?” Trunks asked, sputtering slightly. He was one who would never forget a face.

Goten, as a ghost, rolled his eyes. “You want to know what I would say Trunks? Well first of all I’d beat the shit out of you for hitting on one of my closest friends, and then I’d tell you to go for it. My neice is a special person, and the only person who can give you a run for your money left on this planet. Don’t just sit there and let her get away Trunks. Trust me, she’s feeling something for you too.”

Trunks just sat there, eyes wide.

“Aye yae yae Trunks!!” Goten smacked his own forehead. “Hai! I’m supposed to be dead! But you see Pan has Marron to go to and you don’t have anyone to go to and those people in charge up there,” Goten pointed skywards, “Decided to let me come down and talk to you.”

“Um... o..k...” Trunks said slowly, standing up. He reached towards Goten and tried to put his hand on his old friend’s shoulder. It went right through. “Aw shit! This is for real!” Trunks yelped and jumped back, hitting the wall.

Goten couldn’t help but crack up laughing. “You haven’t changed a bit!”

“Will I ever?” Trunks rolled his eyes. “How’s everyone doing up there Goten?” he asked suddenly, changing the subject.

“Oh we’re all doing great! Our families FINALLY put the past behind them and we all get along. Though your sister misses me already, we‘re mates now, and I miss Marron, you and Pan... Anyhow, yeah we’re all sitting up there watching you two. It seems quite interesting....” Goten trailed off as a flashback overtook him, though he didn’t share it with Trunks.


All the Briefs and Sons were gathered around the pool given to them to watch their family down on Earth. It had been used many times to say the least. But this time was different. They were watching the fight between Trunks and Pan at the Budoukai.

Bra snorted, “Look at that Goten, you’re once best friend is hitting on your friend! That’s kinda funny!”

Goten glared at her. “Oh be quiet... Hey look! Here comes Pan! What’s she doing...” All the males in the group winced, including Vegeta. “Ouch... I almost feel sorry for him... Almost.”

“That’s my daughter!” Videl said with a smile.

“Yeah...” Gohan chuckled nervously. “That’s our little girl....”

Vegeta snorted, only in a much more defined way than Bra had. “Those two are sure getting along just great.” He rolled his eyes sarcastically. “Oh yeah, you can REALLY tell there’s a bond between them.”

“Oi Vegeta shut up!” Bulma smacked him on the arm. “You should want them to get together! It’d save what’s left of the Saiya-jin bloodline!”

“I suppose worse things than me being related to Kakarott could happen...” Vegeta mumbled under his breath, causing another smack from Bulma, and a death glare.

Goku spoke up cheerfully after about 15 minutes of silence. “Look!! It’s time for the fight!!!!! I bet Panny’s gonna beat the crap out of your son Vegeta!”

“Ha! In your wildest dreams you @#$^^&* bastard! My son will kick your grand brat’s @$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Everyone shut up after that and watched the battle. The only time anyone spoke was when Bulma cried out: “My poor baby!” when Trunks got his leg broken by Pan.

When the fight was over, Vegeta turned to Gohan. “You’re brat is rather strong I’ll have to admit... I mean my son was at the second level and she was only at the first...”

“Hai, she is quite strong Vegeta-san,” Gohan said with pride, his chest puffing up a bit.

“Don’t rub it in!” Vegeta snapped.

ChiChi glared at them all. “Gosh you guys think FIGHTING is all that matters!! Don’t any of you care that Trunks and Pan are both successful business people?”


“I do!” Bulma and Videl said at the same time, breaking the silence.

“Hmph! Good at least I’m not the only one!” ChiChi said, glaring at her husband, sons and Vegeta.

Bra spoke up quietly, “I actually kind of feel sorry for them... Saiya-jin weren’t meant to be CEO’s and mayors....”

“Even so I’m glad they did something with their lives other than FIGHT!” ChiChi said, glaring at Goku, Goten and Vegeta. “And my Gohan-chan was a scholar! I’m so proud of him!!” She spoke as if he wasn’t even there.

Gohan sweatdropped. “Anyways, who wants to make bets on how long it takes them to get together?”

There was a sudden rustling of people and other things, and a circle formed around Gohan, who was busily writing down who bet what and all that kind of stuff.

~*~*~*~End Flashback~*~*~*~

Trunks waved his hand in front of Goten’s face. “Yo umm Goten you there?”

“Huh? Oh yeah! Sorry just a short little flashback there...”

“About what?”

“Ummm...” Goten laughed nervously. “Nothing!”


Goten quit laughing and grew serious again. “Trunks, you have to make a move soon. I know Pan, she won’t. If you want her, you have to go after her. But I’m not promising anything. Now I’m outta time, nice to see ya again! Ja ne Trunks!”

“Ja Goten..” Trunks replied, dumbfounded.

Goten’s happy mood vanished rather quickly as he started to vanish. “And don’t you EVER hit on Mar-chan again! Uub would kill you!”

“Heheh... sure thing Goten....” Trunks said as his friend disappeared.

I’ve gone insane...


Trunks and Pan eyed each other; staring each other down. Then, Marron tossed the ball in the air and the two jumped for it. What followed as a half hour long game of basketball.

It was part of the competition.

Who won?

Neither. It was a tie.


The engines of two, sleek black racing cars revved. And Marron waved the flag.

Trunks immediatly took the lead, but Pan was soon ahead of him.

Glaring at the quarter Saiya-jin from his seat, Trunks couldn’t help but stick his tongue out at her when she stuck her’s out at him.

Marron, having very keen eyesight like all Z senshi, caught this and couldn’t help but laugh at the childness of it.

Once again, there was no winner to this competition. It was declared a tie, and Trunks and Pan left to get ready for the next competition glaring at each other.


A soft nickering sound came from the light brown mare Pan sat on. While on the other hand, the perfect white stallion Trunks sat upon whinnied loudly.

“You’ll definetly lose here Son,” Trunks nearly spat. Inwardly though, he was admiring the way the wind flowed through her midnight black tresses. He also couldn’t help but notice how well her perfectly formed body could sit upon the horse with perfection. Her form while sitting on the saddle was perfect.

Pan smirked. “In your wildest dreams Briefs.” Though inwardly, Pan couldn’t help but admire his well shaped, chiseled body. Which could be seen rather well because of the skin tight clothes he was wearing. Snap out of it girl... You’ve got a race to win!

Once again, Marron gave off the starting signal, and Trunks and Pan shot across the field. Both jumped over various obsticles set in their paths. When they crossed the finish line, both were disappointed and angered to find they had tied yet again.


After many, many more little contests, including a flying race, a chess game, a monoply game, a checkers game, and a few others, the two demi Saiya-jin finally called it quits. For that day anyways.

Trunks and Pan leaned against two trees, looking out over the city from the cliff. “Today was fun. I can’t believe we TIED in EVERY single event though... That’s almost too much to believe.”

“I know...” Trunks added.

“Are we going to be rivals until one of us beats each other, Trunks-san?”

“I don’t know Pan-san... Are we really rivals?”

“I guess, I mean we’ve been out here since the crack of dawn trying to defeat each other in one event or another. Doesn’t that make us rivals?” Pan asked.

I wish she’d called me Trunks-kun, or even better yet, Trunks-chan... I wonder if she’d let me call her Pan-chan? Probably not... I wonder if I was hallucinating or if I really got advice from a dead Goten and I wonder if I should use it... Trunks thought with a sigh.

“What’s wrong Trunks?” Pan asked.

He smirked. “Just the fact that I can’t seem to beat you. It’s eery. I’ve always been the best in EVERYTHING I’ve ever done. Then you come along. You’re so different. You have a lot of spunk. And quite a grip...”

A gentle blush spread over the bridge of Pan’s nose. “Eto.. Well umm... I was just... I mean...” She smiled and put a hand behind her head, laughing nervously. “I guess I take after my Okaa-san and Obaa-chan.”

“Hmmm Videl-san... She was quite spunky and bold. She blackmailed your father you know?”

Pan nodded. “Into teaching her how to fly! I laughed when I heard that! And from the sounds of it, that whole Great Saiya-man thing was soo stupid!”

Trunks’ deep laughter filled the area. “Don’t I know it!! Gohan-san was such a dork sometimes!!!!! Whoa I must be getting old to remember that...”

“Hmph, yeah but we’re Saiya-jin, we age practically three times slower than humans do.” Pan said, with something close to resentment in her voice. The reason why was something Trunks couldn’t seem to figure out.

“Why would you want to age like a human?”

Pan looked at Trunks for a brief moment, another small blush spreading delicately over the bridge of her nose. “Well... Mainly because if I were to have a human mate... By the time I got a grey hair they’d probably be dead!”

Trunks walked calmly over to her and put his hand on her shoulder. “You don’t have to have a human mate Pan...”

She looked at him, utterly confused.

A smirk slowly spread over Trunks’ face once again. “I bet I know one thing you can’t beat me at.” She gave him a quizzical look. “Holding your breath.”

“But Trunks there’s not a pool or any body of water around here...” Pan replied, completely oblivious.

Trunks chuckled. So naive and innocent... Just like her uncle and grandfather. Well sometimes anyways. Other times... She’s quite.. Err.. Forward... Oh well though, here goes nothing.

Without waiting for her to say anything more, Trunks quickly turned her towards him, placed his other hand on her shoulder, and placed his lips on her’s.

Pan froze. What’s he doing!? Is this what he meant by I don’t have to have a human mate??? Ohh the nerve of this guy! Oh well I have to prove him worng and hold my breath for the longer amount of time... That was unfair though because he got a breath of air and I didn’t!

Giving into her heart’s desires, Pan slowly started to kiss back; though she forced herself to think it was only part of the competition.

Meanwhile, Trunks was practically in heaven.

Her lips are so soft... I can’t believe I’m doing this! Aww man Trunks you probably just blew this one big time! I mean first you hit on her best friend, then you fight her, then you go through a few competitions with her, and now you’re kissing her?!?!? Ahh crud I’m running out of breath!

After about ten minutes straight of kissing, and secretly forcing themselves to not heat things up, the two finally split apart at the exact same time.

“AHHH! NOT ANOTHER TIE!!!!!” They both screamed at the same time.


Pan fell back onto her bed, a dreamy look strewn over her face. Damn why’d he have to go and do that? Now I know I like him and that’s just not right!! I shouldn’t like him! Our familis are rivals for crying out loud! We should be at each other’s throats, trying to out do each other!

Hmph! I would’ve one that kissing one if he would’ve let me take a breath! He didn’t seem to notice that though we broke apart at the exact same time, he got a breath, I didn’t.

The ringing of the phone interrupted her thoughts. Rolling over on her stomach, Pan grabbed her cell phone of it’s charger.

“Moshi-moshi, Son Pan speaking?”

“Gosh you sound just like me when you answer the phone I swear it!” Came the voice of the person invading her thoughts.

“Trunks-san? Is that you?” She asked, rather cautiously. Why in the world would he be calling me...?

~*~*~*~*~*~Switching to where Trunks is~*~*~*~*~*~

Swallowing a rather nervous gulp, Trunks replied. “Hai Pan-san... It’s me. You see, umm... I know this might seem a little juvenile, but I was wondering if you’d like to skip the competitions tomorrow that are being held after work and go see a movie...”

There... That wasn’t so hard now was it Trunks? He asked himself. No, it wasn’t. But now she’s not talking. Maybe I scared her... Oh please don’t hang up Pan.. Please... Please say yes...

~*~*~*~*~Back to Pan...~*~*~*~*~

Pan’s entire body froze up. A tingling sensation over came her and she had to force herself from screaming out yes and getting all giddy. He’s asking you out on a date Pan! This is too good to be true! But you’ve gotta play hard to get...

“Why? Afraid I’ll beat you tomorrow?” She asked.

“No! But-” Trunks replied, and got interrupted.

“Trunks you’ve known me for about three weeks! Other than knowing me as the mayor of Satan City that is. Besides, why would I go out with you after you hit on my best friend?!”

On his end of the line, Trunks was pouting, and thinking he should’ve called her on the vid phone. “Please Pan-chan? There’s no reason for us to be enemies just because our families were! In fact, up in heaven or wherever they are, Goten and Bra have bonded, and mated!”

Pan dropped the phone. Then picked it back up immediatly. “Where do you get that crazy idea from?!?!?”

“From your uncle! He came to visit me as a... err... ghost...” Trunks replied, scratching his head with a rather bewildered look on his face. “I thought I’d gone insane but...”

Eyes still wide, Pan replied quietly. “Sure Trunks... We can go out tomorrow. I’ll drop by your office after I get off work tomorrow... You know, daily mayoral duties and all...”

“Yeha I know...” Trunks replied.

“Well then... Jaa ne Trunks-kun...”

“Jaa na Pan-chan...”

Then they both hung up.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~In the “other world”*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Bra clasped hands with Goten and jumped up and down. “I won! I won!! I was right!!!!! I knew he’d call her over the phone! I knew he’d be nervous! I knew he’d ask her out to a movie!! I knew it! I kneewww it!!!!!”

Rolling his eyes, Gohan handed her the prize. “But, remember, just because he asked her out doesn’t mean they are together yet. Let’s go over who said what. Okay, Vi-chan, you said it’d take them four weeks. Okaa-san, you said it’d take them two months. Otou-san, you said a month... Uumm Goten, you said three weeks right?”

Goten nodded.

“Okay, Bra you said three and a half weeks. Bulma-san, you said a month and a half. Vegeta-san, you said... three months. I said a year....” Gohan sweatdropped, wishing he could take back his own bet. “Juuhachigou, you said five months, and Krillin-san, you said five months as well. Did I make any mistakes?”

Silence reigned over the group.

“Okay then...”

All heads turned back towards the pool where they were watching their remaining family members to whatever they were doing.

~*~*~*~The Next Day~*~*~*~

Pan walked through the doors to Capsule Corporation, easily recognized by the guards (who made no move to stop her). As mayor, she could go almost any place she pleased without being question.

“Excuse me,” she said when she reached the desk of a brown haired girl who looked around the age her father would’ve been. “Can you tell me what floor Mr. Briefs’ office is on?”

Looking up from some papers she was filing, the secrerary’s eyes widened. “Panny?”

Pan’s eyes narrowed. “Who’re you to be calling me that?!? I only let a few people call me that!”

The woman laughed. “You don’t remember me? I used to babysit you when you were younger. My name’s Lime, remember?”

“Ooooh,” Pan’s eyes widened in recognition. “It’s nice to see you again Lime-san! But I’ve got... a.. err date with Mr. Briefs and I was supposed to head up to his office after I got off work.”

Lime’s eyes went wide as well. “You have a date with Mr. Briefs? After you kicked his ass in the Budoukai?”

“Umm... It was really actually a tie...”

“But you were announced the winner...”

“I know that, but we’re actually quite equal in skill and power.” Pan smiled nervously. “And I don’t want to be late sooo...”

With a smile, Lime replied. “I know I don’t need to give you his floor number or his office number Pan. Why did you even bother coming in here?”

Pan flushed bright red, obviously she hadn’t thought about detecting his ki. “Oh.... Right. Heheh... Jaa ne Lime-san!” Pan said as she walked out the door again.

“Jaa ne Panny!” Lime replied.

Once outside, Pan walked around to the back of the building, where she detected Trunks’ ki. Hovering slightly until she could pinpoint it, Pan soon shot upwards.

Stopping at the window to Trunks’ office, she tapped lightly on the glass. She got no reply. And Trunks’ chair was turned away from her.

She looked down to where the lock to his window was. Using her object manipulation technique, she craftily used her ki to unlock the window. That was all she needed. Slipping the window open with ease, Pan floated into the room, her toes barely touching the carpet before Trunks spun around in his chair, obviously just waking up.

“You’re awfuly alert for a person who was asleep,” Pan commented with amusement, still hovering in the air. Trunks snorted in response, obviously not amused with her observation.

Standing up, he replied. “Well, I’m a Saiya-jin, a Saiya-jin Prince at that, what do you expect? And I wasn’t sleeping...”

“Liar.” Pan accused.

Trunks sighed defeteadly, “Okay, so you’re right. I WAS sleeping. Not that that’s any of your business. Besides, I’m sure you fall asleep or skip work at times too Ms. Mayor, I mean, no Saiya-jin, demi or not, hates to be cooped up. Especially in an office.”

Pan’s eyes narrowed as she finally stopped hovering and landed on the carpet without a sound. “I do not. I hate being cooped up but I will honor my family’s name and do the best I can. It’s my job, and it’s a rather big job at that. Perhaps not as big as your’s, Trunks-san, but you’re not running a town. Just an international business.”

Rolling his eyes, Trunks turned back to the paper work on his desk. “You can make yourself comfortable, I’ve just got to finish these up. Besides, the movie doesn’t start until 7:00 and it’s only 5:00.”

She froze at his words. That means I have to spend an extra two hours with him. Part of that time being cooped up here, in this rather nice, but small office.... Ah crud! I don’t think I’ll be able to handle this!

“Pan? Earth to Pan, come in Pan...?” Trunks was saying when Pan snapped back into reality. “My gosh, you’re as spacey as my sister!!!”

“I would’ve liked to meet her, your sister I mean. It’s really too bad our families split apart,” Pan said quietly.

Trunks motioned to chair for Pan to sit in. “Yeah it was. Your grandfather and my mom were actually very good friends.”

Nodding, Pan replied. “Yeah I know. My Ojii-chan talked about Ms. Bulma all the time. So did my parents. But apparently, my Obaa-chan was dead set against our family having anything to do with yours because of Vegeta. She said she had no problem with your mother though, and she said she prayed you didn’t turn out like your father. I’d say you kind of did...”

“What makes you say that?” Trunks asked, while working on the paper work he had to finish up. Okaa-san’s last words to me were similar to what she just said. They were like: ‘You’re so much like your father in some ways Trunks-chan. Especially around girls, unless you really like them. Then you get all nervous and blush. Don’t be like your father Trunks, not in every possible way.’ I’m surprised I can still remember those words...

Trunks snapped to attention when he noticed Pan was talking.

“Your attitude! I mean you’re so cocky, and you think you’re unbeatable in battle when in reality you’re not. And I mean, with my hearing I could hear you talk to your secretary. You are exactly like your father sometimes! And not to mention your facial features. From pictures, I can tell you did inherite your mother’s eyes and hair, but you look a lot like your father. You have the same build as him too....”

Pan’s list went on and on, and Trunks listened, slowly becoming amused, as he did his paperwork.

Time slowly slipped by for both demi Saiya-jin. Tick, tock, tick, tock. The sound of the clock seemed to drive them both insane. For some reason, they were having trouble being so close to each other. Though they’d be even closer once they were in the theater.

After a while, Trunks finally stood up.

Pan’s head shot up. She had long since ceased talking, and was actually starting to doze off. She blushed slightly when she realized that.

She stood up and her expression hardened. “Are we finally going to go? I swear we’ve been here for an hour and a half...”

“Actually it’s only been forty-five minutes.”

Pan facefaulted. “Well still, are you finally done?”

“Umm... Well I was gonna wake you up because I was kind of wondering if you could... Kinda... Help me?”

Rolling her eyes, Pan stood up and walked over to his desk. Standing beside him, she leaned over the desk and looked at the paperwork.

After a few minutes, Trunks cleared his throat. “You can pull up a seat if you want...”

She grinned almost evilly to herself, the grin unseen by Trunks. Don’t mind if I do... She thought. Daringly, she spoke the words. “Don’t mind if I do, Tru-chan.” With that, she took a seat. Right in his lap.

Surprise covered Trunks’ face. But after a moment or two, it wore off. His arms went around her and he put his head on top of her’s, peering over her at his work. They worked diligently for over an hour and a half, before what was obvious to happen happened.

Trunks pulled his hand back to stifle a yawn, and his hand accidentally brushed against Pan’s breast. Both froze up.

Grinning evilly again, the grin once again unseen by Trunks, Pan turned around and stradled his waist.

“Hey, this is only our first ‘date’ ya know. And we haven’t even really gone on it yet.” She said quietly, looking him in the eye.

Trunks gulped nervously, trying not to notice that her skirt was starting to scrunch up because of her new position. His eyes moved down to it for just a second before they flew back up to Pan’s own eyes. Unable to stop himself, Trunks grabbed her by the shoulders and pressed his lips firmly against her, slowly forcing her mouth open.

Pan’s eyes grew wide in shock, and she tried to move away from him. But Trunks’ hands held firm, preventing her from pulling away from his kiss.

Tracing her teeth with his tongue, Trunks was about to move furhter into her mouth when he stopped and pulled away, seemingly regaining his sense.

“Pan...” he breathed, looking like he’d just broken an important rule. “I’m sorry... But... You... I couldn’t help it and you were...”

Pan’s eyes seemed to mist over, as if she realized what she’d been doing. “Gomen nasai Trunks-san... I didn’t realize what I was doing... I guess it was just... Err... My Otou-san said that someday my Saiya-jin instincts would take over... My attitude’s been more... dare-devilish since I met you...”

She paused. “I’m sorry...” Then she stood up hastily and backed away from him. Then she ran out the door without a second thought.

Trunks stood up and ran to the door.

“Pan! Wait!”

But it was too late.


Pan rushed down the stairs and was about to exit the building when she felt someone grab her arm. She spun around, almost expecting it to be Trunks, and let out a relieved sigh when she saw it was Lime again.

“Ooh Lime-san... Did my father ever tell you about who he really was?” She asked, her eyes tearing up.

Lime only nodded, guessing why Pan was in such a state. It wasn’t hard to guess. Mr. Briefs’..... way with women was a well known fact in the halls of Capsule Corporation.

“Well... Let’s just say... I let the part of me that wasn’t human take control for a second. Like I have been lately. And Trunks... He did too. If I hadn’t have left when I did...”

She looked at the ground, and then... She was gone.


Trunks slammed his head into the wall. “HOW COULD I BE SO STUPID?!?!”

“That’s a good question Nii-san,” a voice came from behind him.

Whirling around, Trunks spotted Bra on his desk, slightly see through, just like Goten. Trunks’ eyes went wide. “Oh my gosh I’m hallucinating!!!!! GAH!! NOT AGAIN!!!!”

Bra chuckled. “No you’re not. Now I just came here to deliver a message from ALL of us up there,” she pointed up. “GET YOUR BUTT OVER TO PAN’S AND GET TOGETHER ALL READY!”

Trunks blinked. “Umm okay...”

Without a second though, he rushed out through the window, breaking the glass. Bra face faulted and sweat dropped. “Men, can’t they ever use a door? Well at least he listened... Now that bet’s in the bag for me! Heheh...”


Trunks landed on the ground in front of the rather fancy, top class apartment building Pan lived in. Floating up to the very top, where her penthouse was (obviously he knew this because he felt her ki there), Trunks landed on the balcony and slid open the screen door.

He walked in.

From another room, he could hear cursing. He followed the noise until he came to a room. Trnks then peeked inside and found Pan viciously attacking a system of devices meant only to be destroyed.

Her power is so raw... It’s amazing... She’s no where near Super Saiya-jin level, but I can sense she’s much stronger than I would be as a Super Saiya-jin!

It only took a moment for Pan to notice Trunks was there, and when she did, she spun around, fire ablaze in her eyes. “Get out of here you asshole!”

“No,” He said, walking closer to her. Pan took a step back.

“Yes! Get out of here before I power up more!” He better have a good reason for being here...

Trunks rolled his eyes and walked straight up to her. He grabbed her by the shoulders again and pulled her head up to his. “Iie. Aishiteru Panny.”

Pan smiled as tears filled her eyes. “I think... Aishiteru too Tru-chan...” She replied.

Trunks bent down and kissed her gently. The kiss lasted for a few minutes, before he broke apart and looked at her. Trunks moved his arms down and circled her waist, leaning his forehead against her’s.

“You still wanna go catch that movie?”

She nodded, smiling happily.

A few minutes later, they were walking down the steps to the street. “So what movie are we going to anyways?” Pan asked suddenly.

“Planet of the Apes.” Trunks replied.


Trunks and Pan toppled down the steps that led to the theater, clutching each their stomachs and laughing (still having an arm around the other’s waist though).

“That was priceless! I can’t believe they kicked us out!! I mean I didn’t think we were being that... Umm... Well I mean I didn’t think we were making out that much...” Trunks faltered with his words as he neared the end of the sentences.

Pan nearly fell over laughing again. After a moment, she did, pulling Trunks down on top of her.

They both froze, blushing a little.

“Tru-chan....” She purred.


“Aishiteru....” She replied, moving up to nibble on his ear.

Trunks smirked. “Aishiteru Panny-chan.” His head bent down and he placed his lips on Pan’s, slipping his tongue into her mouth.

The kiss didn’t last long though. Because a car on the road beeped it’s horn, and the driver stuck his head out the window. “GET A ROOM!”

This time they both smirked. “Not a bad idea...”



Okay yea, that was stupid. And there was basically no romance. But I got bored w/ the idea. Not to mention I’ve got MAJOR writers block... >.> Anyhow, hope ya’ll enjoyed. ^_^ Jaa ne minna-san!
