The Price of Power

Chapter 7


It was late when Pan stepped out of the shower. She ran the towel over her raven hair. "Marron, I am done!" She called.

Marron stepped around the corner and looked at her friend "It's about time." She carried her robe. "OWWW the bathroom is all warm and steamy for me!! Thanks Pan!" Marron stepped in and shut the door.

Pan shrugged. It wouldn't take Marron to long to figure out most of the hot water was gone. A light heart smiled lifted her lips as she walked into the bedroom. She ignored the feelings that had been eating her all day. She sighed realizing that she had not bought herself up new clothes. Most of the stuff she had left here was way to small for her. The old nightshirt looked like a half shirt on her now. Not to mention the fact her firm breast now held it up a bit higher these days. She had no choice as she looked at the rest of the things she had in the drawers. It was the best she was going to do. She pulled on a pair of cotton shorts that looked more like a frilly pale blue pair of matching daisy dukes then pajama shorts. "Note to self, Bring new stuff to Kama house." The panic rushed through her unwelcome into her mind to strong to be ignored. Nothing is wrong! She screamed at her senses, but the flared back at her. Pan's body was shaking. She straightened and closed her eyes. The sound of Marron's shower pattered in the back round. Still she was bale to suppress it. Pan grabbed her pillows and mad it look as if some one was in the bed and pulled the blanket over them. As she finished she felt the breeze drift up the stairs and the faint click of a door. The suppressed ki was to close to miss now. Trunks! He had found her. But there was more then that. Goten must be with him. There was no other ki, but Pan doubted Goten would allow his Prince to come alone. Pan glanced around and turned on the radio. That would distract them from her for a bit. There was no time to tell Marron. Pan slipped under the bed and held her breath and dropped her ki. It was their turn to find out how well she could really fight. She had fallen victim to them before. It was not a mistake she would make again.

Trunks motioned for Goten to lead the way up the stairs. They move is silent pursuit. At the bathroom door Goten slipped it open and looked in. The blonde stood naked under the shower. The glass door was hiding nothing from his eyes. Trunks looked over his shoulder and smiled. "Seems every where you go naked women are always there to greet you." Trunks jabbed Goten in the back. Goten shook his head. He would have liked to argue the point but it would be a waste of breath since it was true.

The music flowed from the far room. "Our little Demi must be in that room, if the other is in here." Goten pointed out. "I will retrieve her."

"No," trunks shook his head. "Let me."

Goten looked over at the room "It is dark in that room. It would be best you wait here."

Trunks looked disgusted "You have seen her fight before, Goten. Do you really think her a threat to me?"

Goten looked to the ground to hide his uneasiness "No my lord."

"Good you umm, watch" Trunks smiled so bright what little light there was danced in his eyes. "The Marron girl."

"Not funny." Goten growled as Trunks moved off down the hall and cracked open the door. There was a form in the bed. She was asleep. Good it would make things so much easier then he had expected. How would have thought Kakkarot would send her to a defender less island? Following her very low ki level to the bed. He tread quietly to the bed and placed a hand on the blanket and drew it back. "What the Whoa!"

Pan swept he foot out and knocked him to the floor. Before he could react she jumped on to his chest and pinned him to the floor. Trunks looked up in stunned awe. She held his hands down with incredible strength. Still she was not strong enough and he knew he could break her hold at any time he wished. Looking up at the wet strands of hair falling around them he saw her eyes boring into his own. Her tiny hands wrapped around his wrists, as she legs straddled his chest. In another situation he would have been very pleased to have her on him in such a manner. That was if she would slide those scantly clad hips a bit lower. "What do you want?" She demanded

Trunks remained silent and she started to look worried. Her friend screamed and Pan lost her concentration on him. "Marron!" Trunks immediately tossed her over and revered their position.

"This is more like it." Trunks noticed the tiny little shirt slipping up on her breasts. Just a little higher, damn it. Why could it not have moved a little higher? He mentally slapped himself. There would be enough time for this on Vegeta. He needed to get her to the space pods now, Before Kakkarot and her father figured out what He and Goten where up too.

Marron heard Pan yell in a strong voice "What do you want?" She opened the glass door and grabbed her robe. Pulling it on she opened the bathroom door. "PAN? AHHHH!" She ricocheted right off Goten's chest and bounced to the tub. Shaking her head she looked up as he advanced "YOU!"

"Remain calm and I will not have to hurt you." Goten told her.

"Calm." Marron could hear Trunks voice from the other room. "Your Prince is trying to rape my best friend and you want me to stay calm?" Marron stood up.

"He will not rape her. We are merely collecting her for her trip to Vegeta." Goten supplied.

"Pan is not going to Vegeta! Not now not ever. Get out of my way!" Marron threatened as she glared into his dark black eyes. Eyes that held little to no warmth in them.

"She will go to Vegeta, My prince wishes it." Goten gave her a cocky look and dragged his eyes up and down the front of her robe the framed her nakedness. "as for getting me out of your way, You are welcome to try."

Marron raised her hand and shouted "Distructo Disk!" the instant the words were out the glowing circle appeared and flew at Goten. He ducked as it flew over his head and cut the door and wall in half before slicing its way out of the house. Goten glanced at the damage in shock then back at the smiling blonder girl. "See you can and will move!" She started to yell again "Distruct..MMMMMM" Goten dove for her and locked his huge hand over her mouth and sent them both into the freezing shower.

Both screamed at he cold water. Goten in angry annoyance and Marron in freezing discomfort and tried to scramble to be the first to emerge.

Trunks stood at the door and yelled to Goten "For Vegeta's sake, Goten stop goofing off. We have to get out of here!" Pan was held against him. Her eyes open as wide as saucers at the scene before her. "Stopping playing with the girl and let's go."

Goten grabbed Marron, by her soaking wet robe, as she stepped out of the tub and drew her back in and held her under the cold water. "Not before I kill her!" He said the words but his actions only severed to detain her.

"I remember feeling that way earlier today." Trunks shrugged and then to Pan he whispered "You earthlings must have that effect on Sayains."

Goten stood up and dropped Marron on the floor by the tub. "Never! IN! MY! LIFE! HAVE! I MET! SO BOTHERSOME A FEMALE!"

Trunks shook his head "Bra."

Goten looked up and shook like a wet dog. "Yeah her too."