The Price of Power

Chapter 4

Goten held the dark haired girl in his arms as he followed his Prince to a near by river. Trunks landed by the waters edge and reached down to test the water with his fingertips.

Nodding his satisfaction he walked over and took the unconscious form from Goten and walked into the water up to his hips "Time to wake up. Woman." With a wicked grin he dropped her.

Pan came up sputtering water. He entire body hurt and her clothes in tatters hung wetly to her body. Her hands covered her mouth as she coughs. Trunks was not prepared for the sight before him. No wonder she wore loose clothing. If he were responsible for her care, she would be wearing the same style. That body was too comely to bee seen. Trunks felt his body reacting to the sight of her firm up thrust breast and thin tapering waist. He was feeling lust for the girl. Trunks grew angry. Any emotion other then hatred was intolerable. If he desired her it made her valuable. He reached out and grabbed her hair and yanked her head back. Her eyes widened as she recognized who held her. "Afraid are you?" Pan nodded before she could stop herself. Her fear pleased him "That is the first smart thing you have done all day." With that he bent over her and pressed his mouth to hers in a punishing kiss. Pan struggled to pull away from him. When he lifted his head she turned and tried to dive into the river. Trunks laughed and reached out to grab the back of her shirt hauling her back against him.

"LET ME GO!" Pan went wild kicking and screaming. She could feel his arousal against her soaked bottom. There was the reality that this man could easily rape her, racing through her mind. Please, Kami, no! "Let me go!" Pan renewed her efforts to gain her freedom.

Goten ignored the scene before him. It was something he had seen several times in his life. He himself actually enjoyed terrifying the locals of other planets, himself. Heck, he enjoyed terrifying his brother Sayains as well. "My Lord, do you wish some private time with your new" He pause and smiled as the right word came to his mind "Toy."

"That would be fine, Goten." Trunks chuckled as he reached around to fondled Pan's breasts. Sending her into another squirming struggle. "I will not have any trouble with this little thing, that I can't handle." The he murmured in her ear. "Will I, honey?" The he nuzzled his face into her neck as she cried out in terror.

"Very well," Goten rose into the air. "I am going to scout around and see what I can find." Watching Trunks turning his full attention to his captive. Goten wanted to laugh and yet he knew better. Prince Trunks had never given a female this much attention before. The girl should feel honored at the privilege she was about to receive. Taking to the skies he dismissed those thoughts from his head. He was in the mood for a fight. Now was the time to scout for possible danger. He clicked on his scouter. "Whoa!" He smiled. "Now there is a power reading. Headed my way too. This could be fun!" He took off like a shot after the fighters he had just found.

It took hardly any time before he was face to face with the small party. He studied them quietly. There was another woman with them. He shook his head. The little blonde was hardly worth his attention. The short man next to her was not powerful enough to concern him either. But the other two, He stared at them and felt a strange feeling rush over him. It was as close to shock as Goten had ever come. This was obviously Goku and Gohan. He knew his birth family was on this planet. He was just not expecting the resemblance to be so stunning to him. "I am Goten of Planet Vegeta. The right hand of his highness Prince Trunks." He informed them

Goku nodded. It was painful to see the mirror image of himself floating there before him in his Sayain armor. "You look just like me, son."

"I can see that." Goten snorted. Then looked at his brother's angry eyes. "Do you have a problem?"

Gohan clinched his fists. "I am looking for my daughter. She was near your pods landing point. The girl with us was left wounded and my daughter, who was with her, is missing"

"Your daughter?" Goten blinked "You mean to say that there is another Demi- Sayain?"

Gohan could have kicked himself. He had let his anger control him. He had to be more careful. "No I would never pass the cursed blood of a Sayain on to any child. My wife and I adopt her. I am very worried about her."

Goten frowned. "Lord Trunks has her. You did not teach the girl the proper respect for her betters."

"Lord Trunks?" Gohan growled at the thought of Vegeta's son thinkinghe was bette then his Pan. "Her betters?" He sneered on the word. "Just tell me where is she?"

"Not far." Goten smiled at his brother. There was angrier worthy of a Sayain. Vegeta had not lied when he said Gohan was a very powerful Demi- Sayian. "She is receiving instruction on her proper place. He will be finished with her shortly." He left the insinuation open and relished the look of surprise on the other man's face.

"Finished with her? Great Kami!" Gohan blasted past his brother. Goten shook his head and flew after him. If his brother thought he could disobey the prince he would be sorely mistaken. Goten would see to it at his own hand.

Goku shot after them. His younger son had grown very strong over the years. It was obvious he was not mistreated. But Goten wore his loyalty on his sleeve for all to see like a badge of honor. It was like Goku's worst fears come to life. His own son was one of his greatest enemies.

Krillin looked at a nervous Marron "I want you to go wait with Chi-Chi and Videl."

"But, Daddy." Marron put out her hands "Pan maight need my help. That man was very strong. I have never felt such stregth!"

"Do what I say Marron! I am only trying to protect you!" Krillin flew after the Sayains.

Marron hovered for a moment before a determined look crossed over her eyes and she went after him.

Pan felt the cloth give way under Trunks vicious tug. Her hand moved over her breasts to cover them from his eyes. "You can't do this! My father will kill you." Pan cried as she moved slowly up the bank toward dry land. She had no success of fending him off in the water; maybe she would catch an opening on land. Realizing that she had to hold up her drooping pants with both hands she reveled her chest to him. Trunks advanced on her like a panther ready to pounce. "Stay back!"

Trunks answer to her demand, was to push her backward. She landed on her back on the soft grass. She tried to rise only to be pressed back down by his body lowering over hers. She let loose her hold on her pants to place both hands on his armored chest and try to hold him off. "Don't do this." Pan looked into his eyes and her froze. She could almost see the gears turning in his head.

"Give me a reason why I shouldn't woman." Trunks watched her eyes. He shouldn't have even asked her that. It didn't matter what she wanted, he was the Prince of the Sayain, his will was law and all that really mattered.

Pan trembled beneath him as she tried to think of a reason he would accept. "I don't want you to do this." She whispered saying the first thing that came to mind.

Trunks brushed her hair back and gave her a cold smile. "You will have to do better then that. What you want is of no consequence to me. It is only what I want that truly matters." He looked down at her slowly raking her form with his eyes. "And right now I want this." Pan felt her heart sink into her stomach at those words.

In one huge burst of strength she pushed him off and rolled over on to her knees and began to crawl away. Trunks grabbed the first thing his hand grabbed hold of. Her pants slipped down and Trunks looked up and saw the scar. The girl had once had a tail. She was a demi-Sayain!! That explained his fascination for her, it had too. She was a creature like him. But why wasn't she on Vegeta like Goten? Standing up he grabbed her and hauled her to her feet. Unclipping his cape in one swift jerk he tossed it over her shoulders. Covering her naked body from his sight.

Pan looked up at him. Relief etched in every faucet of her face "You. You have changed your mind?" There was surprise in he tone and distrust.

"Yes, I have." Trunks growled. The truth of the matter was he hadn't changed his mind. He was more set then ever on having her. The only problem now was the situation had changed. "Who are you?"