The Price of Power

Chapter 38


Bra grabbed her stomach and let out a deafening cry as she buckled over the banquet table. Bra’s small white hands clinching at the soft blue material of her gown. Bulma looked toward the scene and rose with a shout of dread. As King Vegeta, her father froze in the middle of lifting his cup to his lips.

“GOTEN!!” Bra screamed as she tried to stand. The movements only serving too throw her back to the floor, taking some of the plates with her as well. She withered in pain there. Bulma moved to stand over her daughter. Bulma was not daring to touch her agonized daughter. She could merely look on at the scene that played out before her own horrified eyes and wonder as to what caused her daughter such a reaction. Was it a sickness, or a poison? There was no way of knowing until some on took her to the medical center. Bulma started to order the nearby warrior to do just that as Vegeta came into view out of the corner of her brilliantly blue eyes.

Vegeta pushed Bulma aside with one arm, and gathered his daughter in his arms. “Bra…” He looked down at her sternly. She fought his touch. Shaking in his arms. He did not want to believe what he knew in his heart was true. “BRA!” Her bright blue eyes were clinched shut and she was dragging in each breath in labored ragged bursts. Then almost immediately as if no longer tolerating the assault on her being, she fell limp. Vegeta could not hide his shock from those around him. He grabbed his daughter’s shoulders and shook “BREATHE!”

Bra’s head merely lolled from side to side at his vicious shakes.

Bulma because sobbing in earnest behind him and he glared back at his mate. “She is not gone!” Looking back down at the face of his daughter he shook again “BREATHE!” Vegeta commanded with every fiber of his being. This was his daughter, the child that he had held close to his side. She was a demi and fully capable of battle, although he had never seen her as that. He secretly saw her as the embodiment of his love for his mate. He had been gifted with a daughter who was the image of his love and he had cherished this chance to shower the affection he had not been permitted too show Bulma on her. Loving your child was one thing. Opening adoring an alien species that was worthy of little more then destruction was another on Vegeta, especially her King. So while he had to remain cold and aloof with his mate to others, he could openly and full realize that love through this child. HE WOULD NOT LOSE HIS GIFT. She grabbed Bra’s fragile arms in his hands and shouted again “Wake up and BREATHE!” And as if some gracious deity had heard him Bra gasped and her eyes flew open as life slipped back into her tiny form.

Looking up in confusion at her father. “What happened?”

Vegeta felt the scowl slid across his features as he let go of her to reach down and run his hand over her neck. The bond mark was bleeding. Pulling his hand away he stared mutely at its redness on his fingertips.

Bra grabbed her father’s hand and then grabbed her neck “NO!” she let out a shriek of sheer heartbreak as she yelled “ GOTEN NOOOOOOOOOOO!”

Bulma was suddenly with them holding her daughter’s head as Vegeta stood in outraged fury. There was only one way this could be. One action, which was left to take.

Kakkarot and his family must he killed Goten. To what purpose and what ends he really had no idea. But Vegeta was done with the idle threats. It was time that those Demis were put in h\where they belonged. Firmly under Vegeta’s boot!

Pan laughed in delight as she ran to Marron and gather young Garron in her arms. Marron looked down at the fussy child. He had been unusually cranky for the last few hours. Her mother had played it off as teething. Her father, Krillin had told Marron to relax and that it was probably the stress of Prince Trunks’ appearance that was eating at her and bothering the young Demi. Marron knew her child and although those were good enough reasons she felt it was probably more to this then that. She shrugged maybe she was over reacting. She handed the screaming child over to Pan and looked at the man standing next top Son Gohan. It was if she was standing in a waking nightmare. Prince Trunks stood there side by side with Gohan. It seemed to an uninformed on looker that these two had formed a united front. Marron glared at Trunks.

Trunks crossed his arms and looked over at the child “So this is Goten’s child.”

Pan stiffened at his words and watched the anger cross Marron’s features “No he is my child. I was the one who carried, bore and nursed him. You remember that before you think to tangle with me over this. Goten was merely a side distraction on a trip to your filthy planet.”

Trunks sighed, “I hear and understand you Marron. May I hold him.” Trunks looked from Marron to Pan witting to see what each would do and how they would react.

Marron clinched her fists and looked at pan. It was obvious she was deferring to the younger girl’s judgment on this call. Pan looked at Trunks and hesitantly handed Garron over.

Garron was settled in the arms of the Prince of Vegeta and looked up rather unperturbed by this.

Trunks smiled. “You cannot deny this boy who his father is.” He looked the little face over. “I have seen this boy before. You are the image of your father.”

Marron growled and added “and his father before him. A father he was robbed from I might add.”

“And his father before him. Do not for get Bardock. He lived a great part of this life believing that Kakkarot, eer Goku,” he looked at Gohan apologetically “was dead and lost to us.” With a huge sigh Trunks cradled the child to his chest “I have promised Pan that Garron will not suffer your loss. So it seems another generation will grow up not knowing their fathers. Truly sad as it is.”

Marron tried to squelch the guilt that was suddenly chewing at her soul. She tried to deny that child anything. But it seemed in this she was the villain. NO. Do not think that way Garron had to be protected fro Goten. If she did not it would be her crying for his loss and Garron would be turned into another of Planet Vegeta’s very skilled killing machines. It was not happening to her son. Not now not ever.

Garron yawned and looked up at Trunks with heavy eyes. He didn’t seem to see what all the fuss was over. To him Trunks was just another adult.

Trunks felt tears in his eyes. If things were going as he thought soon his child would in his arms and Garron would have some one to play with. He let out a chuckle as he thought of Goten and himself as children. God save the world, if that was ever brought around to pass again.

Far away yet in the reaches of space General Q prepared himself for the battle that was just before him. It was Risky to attack the all-powerful Demi-Saiyans. But from what he had seen in Goten there should be no problem or even a need for concern. Goten had been trained in the art of war his entire life and was deemed on of the most powerful warriors and yet he had fallen quickly under the hands of Blizzard and himself. Q began to wonder if maybe Demi’s and there power was aligned like that of the Super Saiyans. Something to make the warriors of Vegeta struggle and try harder. That could be it. The again he smirked. If anyone was deserving of being a Super Saiyan it was he. Oh yes, if that power truly existed he would rise to claim it. Right along with Princess Bra.