The Price of Power

Chapter 36


Q entered the throne room and looked around. No one was there aside form the King Vegeta himself. That in it's self was very odd. Normally before missions there were others to consult with, warriors always had to have a plan of action a strategy. This must be very special. If the King wanted to keep this on a high secretive level that was fine with Q he could do anything his lord required of him. He walked forward and knelt "You highness. I am here to serve you as always. My life is at you decree."

Vegeta nodded pleased with the respect the General showed. Q was a great warrior following his order to the letter, never going over board and showing mercy to the alien races. He knew how much power to use and just how to extract what he wanted from Planet Vegeta's victims. He was more then a worthy warrior. He could be trusted with this task. "General, I wish to travel to Earth, Home of the Demis and Kakkarot. You are to seek out my son and make him return."

"The Prince has not retuned with his mate as yet..." Q looked up with shock. "My lord it has been several months since I got the message on his departure. Are you sure he is fairing well?"

Vegeta's gaze darkened "That is why I am sending you. General Q, if any harm has befallen the prince, I want you to kill the Demis and Kakkarot. Then lay waste to the planet. No one and nothing shall be left alive. No even a blade of grass."

"What of Lord Trunks mate? She maybe alive as well." Q answered with intelligence.

Vegeta frowned. "If her mate is dead then she might as well join him. Go. Now."

General Q rose to his feet and bowed. Killing Kakkarot son of Bardock was not a task many on Vegeta would consider even for the King. Bardock was a hero tot eh people. Although Vegeta commanded all the authority, Bardock had earned it at the moment of the tyrant Freiza's death. General Q smiled slightly. The Ice-Jin had been hunted and systematically wiped out after that. King Cold and his other son Cooler had proven quite the hard ones to kill. Several Saiyan warriors had given their lives to avenge the betrayal and death of the former King Vegeta. Now the Ice-Jin was "extinct". All of this was Bardock's doing, and for that the people of Vegeta were grateful. Killing his son would not be anything Q would ever want to slip out. As he mussed on this the door was thrown open and Goten stormed in. Q glared over at the newly crowned Prince.

"MY lord." Goten went to on knee next to General Q.

Vegeta looked coldly at his son in law. "Goten, I did not summon you why are you here."

Goten rose defiantly and looked at his king. Never in his life had Goten answer to any one but his highness Prince Trunks. He was not about to start now. "I am not a fool, your highness, I know this mission concern Prince Trunks. I wish for you to give this task into my hands."

General Q did everything in his power not to jump the other man in his rage. The disrespect to his King was abhorrent. This proud young Demi, Grandson to Bardock, now mate to the princess Bra and Second inline to succession to the throne had just crossed the line of thing Q deemed acceptable. "YOU WILL ADDRESS THE KING WITH RESPECT!"

Goten gave the other man a cocky smile "Make me."

Vegeta chuckled at two of his most powerful warriors stood toe to toe in front of him. "At ease." Vegeta hating saying the words. A fight between these two would have been entertaining, but he needed them both well. General Q for his mission, and Goten for Bra's sake. "I know you are unendingly loyal to my son, Goten, but you must understand. This task may be painful to you if it turns out that The Prince has been deceived and was killed by Kakkarot and your brother."

Goten nodded "I only wish that I am the one to avenge him in that case."

Vegeta smirk was classic. "AND if the Prince is still alive? What then? Do you have the ability to make him return against his will as General Q here will?"

Goten shuffled his feet "If Prince Trunks wishes to remain on Earth I don't see..."

Vegeta pointed at Goten suddenly "Well, I do. He is the crown Prince of Planet Vegeta. He was breed, born and raised for this role! You think I l liked taking a mate I had no idea about other then her beauty? No I took her for the power she could bestow on my son. Prince Trunks will return and he will take control after me. Goten as a new price of Vegeta you are no longer below anyone but me. It may be hard for you to switch your loyalty to me, but YOU WILL DO IT!"

Goten clinched his teeth. Quickly he answered "FINE! If I swear allegiance to you may I be the one to go."

"General Q would you allow Prince Goten to accompany on this mission?" Vegeta deferred to the other man who stood silently and odd look on his face.

Goten felt sick there was no way that Q would allow his to accompany hi to Earth. The general looked up his dark eyes latching on Goten's "If it is alright with you my lord Vegeta. I will take him along. He can convince Prince Trunks better then I." Q nodded.

Vegeta tilted his back in surprise and Goten actually choked.

"Very well. Goten I will tell your mate where you are. I wan you both off this planet in under half and hour." Vegeta turned his back on them.

General Q and Goten looked at each other and blinked. Half an hour. Hey both turned on their heels and literally flew for the door. As they raced down the halls Q looked at Goten "If it is any consolation I am glad you are coming."

Goten never even took the time look at him "Why you want to learn how to be the prefect warrior?"

Q sneered "You would like to think so in you arrogance. No I want you to see how powerful I have become over the years. I believe I am safe I am stronger then you now."

Goten grabbed his armor off the wall at the launch bay and laughed hard "You for get I am a Demi and you are a true Saiyan. What you suggest is impossible."

General Q smiled "Maybe we will get a chance to see wont we?"

Goten pulled his black armor on and buckled his cape. "I would enjoy it, but I do not want your death on my hands."

The finished the preparations in silence. The other Saiyans standing back as the two walked to the pods. No words to anyone about there destination or the mission.

One of the solders looked to each other. "Where do you think they are going?"

The solider trembled "I don't know I am just glad I am not there."

AMCM74 walked through the front door of her house. She was dressed in her jeans and TEE shirt and hand a climbing harness around her waist and thighs. "VEGETA!!!! I am back from Vacation!" she shouted loudly as she shut the door and set down her suitcases.

The Saiayn Prince was around the corner in a Flash. He looked death at the woman as she looked at a piece of paper. "DO you have any idea the hell I have been put through by those adoring FANS of yours?"

"AAWWW Veg you could handle it. Besides I am back now." She smiled sweetly.

Vegeta walked over to the door and pushed her aside. Opening it he looked "Where is Kakkarot. I want to kill him NOW!"

AMCM74 blushed "He went back to one of the islands we where on to see if he could find my necklace. I lost while we were wind surfing." She folded up the paper and put it in her pocket.

Vegeta slammed the door and turned on AMCM74 "Then I will just have to kill you instead."

AM laughed and hugged him "I kinda missed you too, Geta."

Bwahahahahah... what is AM up to this time?