The Price of Power

Chapter 35


Trunks watched his mate looking at him with huge eyes. "Do you mean it, Trunks? Are you really willing to stay here on earth with me?"

Trunks nodded. "My place is with you."

Pan felt the tears. "What about planet Vegeta?"

Trunks sighed. "The power would be passed to Bra's mate. Goten is more then suited for ruling Vegeta. I fully believe he is stronger then I am. It would be my father that we would have to worry about. He will not like the decision. I will have to battle with him. If I lose I will have to return. My honor would demand it."

Pan felt the conflict with in him. "I am sorry."

Videl let go of Pan. "I can't believe this. I call it poetic justice!" She looked shook her head. I don't want to sound cruel, but after taking Goten from Goku and CHCHI all those Years ago, now this. IT is ironic that is for sure."

The door swung open and Gohan stepped in "Sorry honey I just couldn't focus today so I came...home." He looked to Trunks the to his family. "What is going on here?"

Videl gave her husband a savvy grin. "Oh wouldn't you like to know!"

Planet Vegeta.

Bulma watched as the King raged. "How long is he going to be gone? I sent him to retrieve his mate." She saw worry flash in his eyes "If they have harmed him..."

"Don't think that way. Trunks is very strong. He is probably just working on diplomacy issues. Things would have been easier for us if you had learned any." Bulma leaned up against Vegeta and smiled. Trying to soother her husband's rage. It was only getting worse. It was true Trunks should he returned form Earth long ago. She was beginning to wonder herself, but if Trunks was hurt? And by Goku or Gohan's hand. What then? What would Vegeta do? She looked at his angry eyes as he pulled away. Vegeta was scared. He would never say or show it, but through her bond she could tell.

Vegeta glared at his mates for invading his mind and the thoughts that she stirred. "Guard! He pulled away."

The door opened ad two men too steps in. "Yes your highness!"

Vegeta looked away from Bulma. "Bring me General Q!"

Bulma gasped . "Vegeta NO!"

Vegeta ignored his mate. "Tell him to meet with me in the throne room. I have a new mission for him."

Goten watched Bra talking over the table with Q. Vegeta's first General was the strongest Saiyan in the entire military. He had deep black hair that glowed with a blue light. What Goten didn't like was the look he gathers behind the man's dark eyes. He was dangerous. Just plain old dangerous. Oh yes in the years Goten had know him he had seen Q move up the rank of the Saiyan army until no one was higher respected in the fighting for then the Royal family and of course himself. Q resented that. He was Vegeta's second as Goten was Trunks. Goten had been handed his place. Q on the other hand had worked for it.

"So when you returned I was so excited I had to come down here to see you!" Bra leaned over the table and took Q's hand in hers. There was complete adoration in her eyes as she stared at the older man. Goten grimace at the sight of his mate touching the dark warrior. Q laughed evenly and patted Bra's hand back.

"I was fine. I never had to leave in the first place. The troops are so well equipped, I am no longer needed to the planetary take overs. Although, the sheer fun of blasting the locals is inviting. " Q said jokingly to Bra. Turning his head to Goten he smirked.

Goten growled. He knew that it was no joke. As much as Goten would have liked to hide it he too was thrilled by the blood lust on a planetary take over. Something he was no longer allowed to do as Bra's mate. He had to remain on the sidelines for his safety. Goten felt jealousy rise up. He wanted to be out there fighting again! He loved his mate, true. But he ad loved his life before as well. All this sitting around and training was driving him nuts? How had Trunks ever dealt with it? It was enough to make Goten want to cry. I want to kill something, anything! Goten dropped his head to the table. The other just looked at him as of he had gone mad.

Bra looked to her mate. "Goten are you alright."

"Yes, dear." He said into the table with sarcasm.

Q laughed, his eyes roving over Bra. He had always admired the princess her beauty and power. She was the perfect Saiyan mate. He felt a bit heavyhearted that Goten had proven himself the man for the task. while he had not. All his life he had worked, trained, and yes as hard as it had been, he had even studied. Studied, strategy, of war and fighting. He had risen himself to his position. Unlike Goten whom had everything handed to him? Since he was Bardock's precious grandson. When would the Saiyan race stop glorying over that old crazy man? Seeing things was more like dementia then gift. Some one should just blast the old geezer and be done with it. As for the Demi's from earth, Q shrugged. Leaving them alive at all was a mistake. At least Vegeta could have returned them all to Vegeta with Kakkarot in tow. There was an idea! Q smiled evilly. Hold the father and for the sons to kill for you. There were so many thing too. "What."
The solider stood at his side. "The King has requested your presence in the throne room. It seems you have another mission General Q."

Q looked surprised yet happy. Goten watched the other man jumped up and walked away. Bra looked worried "Is he going to be OK? Missions back to back like that?"

Goten watched Q's retreating form. "Lucky bastard.." He looked to his mate. "Err uuhh I meant. Unlucky man I feel for him."

Bra put her hand on Goten's head. "Are you unwell?"

Goten looked over at her. "I am fine."

On Earth

Gohan could not believe his ears. "You are staying here."

Trunks nodded his tail slipping behind him to wrap around Pan's. She never looked up from her plate. But the smile that crossed her face was priceless to him. He felt hers curl back around his and he straightened in shock. He was not expecting her to flirt back. Not with her parents sitting right there.

"YOU stay" Gohan dropped his fork and pointed to the table. "Here."

Trunks sighed. Pan's father had asked him that question over and over again. "
Yes I am staying, with my mate."

Gohan quirked his brow, "You are staying on Earth...."

Trunks looked devilish. "If it makes you fell better... I will stay here. In your house, in Pan;s room."

Pan blushed. "Trunks." She tried to stop him.

"I can guarantee that you will know we are still in there. Your daughter is not exactly the most quiet of woman in the bedroom."

Videl clamped her hand over to keep from laughing.

Gohan looked shocked. Picked up his fork and chuckled "she takes after her mom.

AMCM74 walks in to the room and looks over sleeping Vegeta. "See, if you had been awake you would have found me by now." AM Walks to the kitchen and grabs food. Poor Goku is hungry. Looking at the now foodless kitchen, She laughs. Wait until Vegeta wakes up this time Bwhahahahaha. Ohh, one more thing! Grabs post it and writes on it. Sticking it the refrigerator. AM WAS HERE!!!