The Price of Power

Chapter  33


Pan lost herself in his kiss. Trunks ran his hands through her hair and pressed her into the soft mattress. A soft whimper escaped her throat as she pushed closer to him. “So perfect.” He murmured, “My mate, mine.”

HE smiled as he heard his name being called. It took a few second for him to realize it was not Pan that was doing the calling. Trunks lifted his head and looked down at a confused and bewildered Pan. She left out a little cry of regret and tried to pull him back down to her. OHH sweet merciful stars he wanted to go. With a great effort he didn’t even know he possessed he rose off her. There was a knock on the door

“Trunks?” His grandfather’s voice came to him “Trunks, come see what I have done. It is wonderful!!”

Pan propped up on her elbows and gave him an intoxicating grin. Trunks felt his knees wobble. This was actually getting to be pain full. OHH grandpa you have no idea what wonderful thing you have just stopped me from doing. Trunks grabbed his head and sighed. Turning to the door he pulled it open. May be Trunks could get rid of him?

Pan sat up and brushed herself off. Under normal situations she would have been extremely embarrassed to be seen in this situation. She shook her head at her lack of modesty. Trunks was her mate. She was coming to accept and even like it. There was no shame in wanting to be with him. Still she cocked her head. This untimely arrival had rescued her.

“Grandfather?” Trunks opened the door and looked at the soot-covered man.

Mr. Briefs rushed into the room. “Look a this. I can’t believe the effects this contraption could have on man kid it is wonderful, simply.” He looked over at Pan and showed the instrument into her hands “Wonderful” Sitting down next to Pan he began to go over the basics of his new miracle.

Trunks stood in shock as the man spoke to Pan as if he knew her. It took very little time for Him to realize that his grandfather did know Pan. She leaned over the device and played with the buttons in her fingers. Such sensuous fingers that’s tip could cause him such pleasure and desire that he… Trunks shook his head. His thoughts were wondering places they shouldn’t be. Not with his grandfather in the room. The worst thing was the old man was seemingly oblivious to his plight. He just sat there going on and on about… What was he talking about? Trunks really didn’t care. Al he wanted was for his grandfather to take hi new miracle and leave. Trunks had his mind set on creating a little miracle of his own. Looking at the man Trunks groaned. In his mind he chanted *Leave? Leave. Leave!!!* Pan looked up reading his mind and a wicked smiled played its way across her lips * NO PAN! NOT YOU*

Pan handed the instrument over to Mr. Briefs. “I really should get going. My mother is going to be worrying about me.”

* If you do this I swear * Trunks locked eyes with her * I will be in your dreams tonight. You wont get an ounce of sleep for a month. * He mentally challenged her promising retaliation

Pan looked up and him with mirth in her eyes. * Sounds fun and a lot safer. *

Trunks merely glared at her with a deep growl of irritation in his throat. It was then that Mr. Brief seemed to realize that he had walked on something more then His grandson chatting with the Son’s daughter. “Pan what are you doing? How do you know my grandson? He hasn’t exactly been here a very long time.”

Pan blushed and Trunks crossed his arms “Pan is my mate, Grandfather.”

Mr. Briefs blinked once. The twice “This is fantastic!” He jumped up and hugged Trunks. “I have known her family for a very long time. “You could not have chosen a better girl.” Looking to Pan he added, “I can tell you how happy it makes me to know that you are going to part of the family. Maybe we should have a family dinner. You know get everyone together and celebrate you union.”

Pan choked on the thought. Her father and mother sitting across the table from Trunks as his grandparent happily looked on.

“Yes, It sound like a marvelous idea we can have your grand parents over as well, and there was his friend Krillin and his wife. The have that charming daughter too. Marron was her name right?” Trunks snorted at the use of charming and Marron in the same sentence. Mr. Briefs walked out of the room. “I think I will go to call them. Maybe Marron will bring her baby over. I would really like to see him. It’s been a while since he was born. Yes I think thati s a great idea.”

Trunks froze. “What did he say?” Paled as Trunks spun on her. “Marron has had a child.”

Pan opened her mouth to lie, but she saw it was already to late. Trunks eyes narrowed at he read her mind. “Trunks you can’t.” was all she could say.

Trunks merely stared at her. “Open you mind tome now Pan. I want to know what you know.” Pan shook her head and blocked him the best she could. “IS it Goten’s child?” Trunks felt the air leave his body as the answer flashed in her mind. “PAN!”

Pan jumped up “You can’t tell him! You can’t take Garron from her.” Trunks was assaulted by images of Marron and her child flowing from Pan’s mind and the desperation she felt to save her friend.

“He is a Demi-Saiyan He belongs on Vegeta.” Trunks shook his head. “That is the price of Power, Pan. You do not to get to pick your own fate. You should understand better then anyone else that this is true.” His heart broke as Pan burst into tears.

“You can’t separate them. She loves her child.” Pan begged him her eyes sparkling.

“Goten will love the child as well. He and Bra have bonded and are quite happy these days. The child will be raise on Vegeta with his father.”

Pan grabbed Trunks arm. “What about Goten himself? He was not raised with his father?”

Trunks tried to back away from her. Pan’s body was impossible for him to resist and he knew that getting to close to her was sure disaster. “That is not the point Pan. The demi-saiyans on this planet are powerful. They are a threat to the entire Saiyan Empire. You must remember I am the Prince of Vegeta. I must protect my planets best interests.”

Pan was panicking. She had promised Marron that she would save Garron. Now it look like it was little more then self deluded idealism on her part. Pan looked up at Trunks. “What if I can offer to tip the balance of this power in Vegeta’s favor?”

Trunks felt himself backing up against the wall as she advanced on him. “Pan?”

She leaned against him and looks up her eyes pulling him down to her. “What if I offer my self to Vegeta in exchange.”

Trunks gasped as she touched him. Her hands roving over him “It won’t work.” HE tried to catch his breath and retain his thoughts. “I will still be lying to Goten. Garron would still be here growing strong against us.” He looked up at the ceiling trying to avoid her face.

* But so will our children. I am offering you, me and our children. All you have to do is forget you ever heard about Marron’s child.* Pan kissed his chest and slowly lowered her herself along his body. Trunks cried out as she lowered her mouth on to the more intimate areas. He could not hold out against this attack. She was winning. Closing his eyes he nodded. He surrendered in his mind and she read it there. Pan rose her body back up against him. Her manipulation was total. All he could think about was baring her back down on the bed. Taking her arm he pulled her over and they sank down to the soft mattress. Trunks lost in his pleasure and Pan deep in her intent.

Vegeta glared around the room “Where is that woman. She has not been updating again. I am getting the phone ringing off the hook, hate mail, and obsessed fanfiction fans banging on my doors. HOW CAN I TRAIN LIKE THAT? WOMAN…” Vegeta looks over and sees a note typed on the computer. Sitting down he read it in horror.

“Vegeta, By the time you read this I will be far, far away. Having a great time with my friends…oh and Goku is here too. I offered him ice cream to instant transmitions us to… Oh can’t tell.. hee hee. Any way, you up date for me cause you know what will happen if you don’t…. Enough of that I am going and cross you fingers and wish me luck. I am going to tell Goku how much I love him LOL. I think he knows already though.. Ohh look he is here with my bags! Gotta GO!! Much suffering to ya!!!!! AMCM74.

Vegeta blinks and reads the note again NNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

Grabbing the phone he dials “Yeah get me all the reviewers you can find. I need help… YES THIS IS VEGETA! NO IT IS NOT A JOKE!!!