The Price of Power

Chapter  32


Sorry for not updating but I have been invaded…

Trunks found he could not take his eyes from Pan as she ate. She looked up from her sandwiches and him and odd look “I really do think you are sick.” He looked at his stack of untouched sandwiches “You haven’t touched a thing.”

Trunks never looked away from her as he reached down and took one in his hand. Taking a huge bite he chewed slowly, his eyes almost dreamy. Pan raised an eyebrow at him. He smiled and took another bite.

“OooKAY…” she stood up. “Maybe be I should be going now you are starting to freak me out.” Pan dropped her food on the plate and stepped around the table.

Trunks jumped up and grabbed her arm “No wait.”

She looked down at his hand on her arm and then back to his eyes. “What is wrong with you? You are not behaving like yourself.”

Trunks shook his head. “I am not sure really.” Then he leaned in and kissed her.

Pan gasp at the gentle pressure of his lip against hers. The gentleness did not last long. Soon he was holding her tightly leaving her no doubt as to his intentions. “Trunks, I” She stepped back “I can’t”

“Of course you can.” HE touched her cheek. He just had to touch her, be closer.

Pan looked thoughtful. A quite grin flashed over her face and a devilish light lit in her eyes. “No, I can’t. Here on earth we have a custom we need to follow first.”

“That’s stupid.” Trunks growled.

“Well, if you want to be with me, you are going to have to do several tasks. They are designed to show your love and devotion to me as a future husband.”

“We are bonded.” Trunks let his finger trail down her neck. “Earth customs mean nothing when we are already life mates.” Pan grabbed his hand and pulled it away from his mark on her neck. He gazed at the tiny scars there. “Do you know how it makes me feel to see that on you.”

Pan swayed toward him. Her eyes drifted to a similar mark on his neck. A tingle rushed through of extreme satisfaction. “It still makes no difference. By earth standards we are not wed.” She saw his confusion “Married? Joined? Ok your word, bonded.”

Trunks scowled. “I am not liking this.”

Pan tried to stifle her giggle. “I didn’t say you would. You will have to do these tasks before a wedding ceremony can even be considered.”

“What are they?”

Pan nodded “First you have to …” she thought “Go to the store and buy the things I write on a list. Grab me the note pad by the refrigerator.” Trunks handed them to her. “Now what to get. OHH I know” she began write careful to look serious. This was going to be good!

A short time later Trunks looked over the list. “What are Maxi pads?”

Pan squeezed her eyes shut “Just shut up and shop.” With a shrug he was out the door and Pan was on the floor in hysterical giggles.

Some time later Trunks reentered the room bags in hand looking agitated. Pan looked up and smiled at her mate.

“DID you find everything alright?” she tilted her head and he shot her a glare.

“When I was leaving the cashier said I was whipped. When I asked her what this meant she told me to ask the woman for whom I was buy these things.” Trunks dropped the bags. “You will answer me truthfully, Pan. What did she mean? Remember if you lie I will know it because of the bond.”

Pan hesitated. The standing up so she told him “Whipped on this planet means that you would do what ever when ever I say. No matter how bad the task and no matter how much you would not like doing it.”

Trunks stalked over to her and pulled her to him. “She was right. I am whipped.”

Pan sighed in relief until his hands started roving over her body in a familiar way. “Trunks.” She warned.

But he would have none of it. “Enough of the earth customs. I thought about this greatly while I was out. It is stupid.” Taking her arm he pulled her after him. She had been through this scenario enough with him t know exactly how this was going to play itself out.

“We are headed for you bed room aren’t we.” Pan tried not to laugh. Trunk never looked back and did not react. Instead he pushed open a door and there before her was a large bed. “I never would have guessed.”

Trunks followed her in and shut and locked the door. “I want you. There is something, a deep need gnawing at me.”

Pan looked at him curiously. Was she already in heat? She didn’t feel any different. “My father said something about you not being able to resist me soon, but I think I would know if it was happening.” She blushed a little as she added. “Something a about a Saiyan heat?”

Trunks head shot up. That was it. Already? “When Saiyans bond off of Vegeta they can not rely on the phases of Vegeta’s moons for the matting season. We have been roaming the galaxy so long our bodies have adapted to this problem. Once bonded the female will go into a heat. She admits pheromones, not that she would notice any kind of change, but the male cannot resist when she is ready for breeding. It can take a while for this reaction, up to six months in most cases. You and I have only bonded a day ago. This is extreme quick if this is the problem.”

Pan froze “If that is what is causing this then doesn’t it stand to reason I could get pregnant more easily at this time?”

“There is no could about it. We are a warrior race pro creation is essential to our survival. If you are indeed in your bonding heat you will get pregnant.” Trunks gave her a wicked grin. The idea of her baring his child was intoxicating to him. He moved toward her and Pan backed up.

“That is no good. I am not on any kind of birth control right now. Getting pregnant right now is not something I want to deal with.” Pan recalled the recent events with Marron and shuddered. AND that Labor!!! Heck no. NO kids for Pan, not now not ever. Trunks still moved toward her and she had a flash back of her time on Vegeta. “Trunks! There are consequences to this that I am not willing to face up too.”

Trunks gathered her in his arms and moved toward the bed. “Pan, I can’t resist you right now. No matter what you say you are my mate. MY mate.” He set her on the bed and looked at her with pleasure. She was so damn sexy sitting there looking at him with those huge round eyes biting her lower lip as she thought of a way to escape him. “It’s like this every time isn’t it. I have to drag you to my bed and force you to admit you desire. Maybe this time you could just close your eyes and pretend you are asleep. After all it worked so well the last time.”

“Your evil.” Pan smiled up at him. “You don’t have to force me to say I want you. I do. I just do not want a child at this point in my life.”

“When then?” Trunks asked gently as he lowered over her and she lay back on the bed.

“Maybe in five or ten years.” Pan said off the top of her head.

Trunks chuckled at her. “To bad you are out voted.”

“Out voted…by whom?” she felt him pushing up her shirt.

Trunks stopped and looked down at her “By me and your own body.”

AMCM74 crashes through the writer’s block that has been pestering her for days. She beat the living hell out of it yelling GO AWAY! GOAWAY! Finally kicking it off to the side she glares evil at it. “AND DON’T COME BACK!” She slaps her hands together and turns around to see Vegeta staring at her in... Is that shock? “WHAT?” she snaps

Vegeta throws his hands up “AM, you were vicious.” Smiling, he adds “I liked it! Who taught you to fight like that?”

AMCM74 pushed past him muttering “How much DBZ can one person watch before some of it rubs off?”

PS SHADE KNIGHT: I am not sure what is in the box but it has me really worried.