The Price of Power

Chapter  31


Any one else notice the recent rash of non-posting here on I think they are rubbing of on me. Shrugs. I have been working hard…just not on what I should be doing. Glances over at fic so evil that it will never be posted. OHHH some of you know what I am talking about, don’t you. Bwahahahhaaa.

The door opened and Pan stood there looking right at her father. His face turned serious. “Pan, I need to see your neck, honey.” He watched her face fall. Marron stood behind her holding Garron, an equally nervous expression on her face. Gohan felt a chill despite the hot evening “You already know what I am looking for don’t you, Pan?”

Pan dropped her head and nodded. Marron stepped around Pan and walked into the room. She set the baby on the floor and pulled him out another bottle despite the fact it was not near his feeding time. Garron was not about to argue. He hefted the bottle in his chubby little hands and popped it right into his mouth. No n had to tell him twice.

“When did he do it, Pan?” Gohan walked over and embraced his daughter. He led her over to a chair and sat he down. Pan still remained silent. “Pan, I am not going to get angry with you. There is no point to it. You understand about a Saiyan bond don’t you? “

Pan looked up into her father’s eyes. “That it is unbreakable, and that I can never be any where, but at Trunks side?” He saw the flash of fear run across his eyes and it was echoed in her own. “Yes dad, I knew that on Vegeta.”

Gohan sighed, “We believe that is why Vegeta left your grand father here. Taking him back to Vegeta to be a solider probably would have eventually killed him. I suppose they could have taken mom as well, but we never asked about it. We were all too grateful at the prospect o being left in peace. The Goten was born and they took him. That was a very bad day.”

“What about Bulma Briefs?” Marron asked angrily “Did anyone consider her part in all this. She has been hostage on Vegeta for almost her entire life.”

Gohan looked up at Marron. “Did you know that Vegeta taking Bulma was all my fault?” both girls let out a sound of complete shock. “It’s true. King Vegeta was about to kill my father so I attacked, but the attack drained me of all my energy. So Bulma shielded me from Vegeta, not that she could have done any good. It was then he noticed her for the first time. I don’t know what he was thinking, if he was angry at my attack, or Goku’s disobedience, or he was immediately infatuated with Bulma. Maybe it was all those things. He took her and it has doomed us all.”

Pan knew what he was talking about. Her father’s thinking was always arrow straight and right now all he could think of was Trunks. “Where did you see him? If it had been here I would have known.” There was no longer any use in denying it. She has been reaching out to him all day. The separation from his was already getting to be a nagging discomfort. She was sure he felt it too. Which left her to wonder why he wasn’t already there?

“He was at Capsule today. It looks like he is being groomed to takeover the company.”

“Take over Capsule? Did I hear you right?” Marron slid into a chair “How could he have managed that?”

“Actually Bulma’s father is Mr. Briefs. If Trunks has a right to it.” Gohan muttered under his breath. “Lucky son of a bitch. Prince on one planet multi-billionaire on another.”

Pan stood up “I have to go to him.” Now that she knew where he was she could hardly stand still.

“ I would rather you not go, but I have a bind and understand what you are feeling now.” Gohan grabbed her wrist. “Pan, you be careful. Remember under the new cloths and new style he is sporting around he is still the Saiyan Prince you faced on Vegeta.”

Pan kissed her father cheek. “Thank you father.”

“Pan, there is one more thing.” Gohan blushed a bit. “Now that you are newly bonded I t might send you into..” He was having trouble saying it so he blurted it out “You are going to go into a heat soon. Trunks Saiyan blood will not be able to deny you anything. Try to keep your head and manipulate him the best you can.”

Pan frowned. She could already fell the truth in his words at the gentle shaking of her body. She was craving Trunks’ body next to hers. “Marron this might be the key to saving Garron. I will do my best.” With that was out the door.

Marron looked over at Gohan. “Do you think she can do it?”

Gohan smiled a bit for the first time “If his reaction was anything like mine, he is doomed.”

Trunks was fighting off the black rage consuming him. Shortly after Gohan had left, Trunk had call it a day and returned to Capsule. In his present condition it was for the best. How could she have claimed he had raped her? Not only was it totally untrue, but the memory of her well pleased cried were echoing through his head and driving him insane. She was his mate. She should be here with him. Now. He stalked to the door and pulled it open. There she stood. Her ki suppressed, a definite ambush.

“He told you.” Was all Trunks said as he stared at her.

* Yes. * She looked up at him and he felt his world move. She was speaking to him telepathically, with no cohersion on his part. He watched as she licked her lips and stared up at him.

* He let you come? * Trunks stepped aside so that she could enter.

Pan walked in and then turned to face Trunks “My father couldn’t have stopped me, so he didn’t try. He wants to know the same things I do.”

Trunks had to hold himself back from stalking her every move. He was almost dizzy from her presence. He had never felt this way around a woman before, not even Pan. What was gong on here? “What is that?” Trunks spared at her with piercing blue eyes.

“I want to know when you got here and why and when you bonded with me?” Pan couldn’t help but smiled. He did not look near as intimidation in a suit. In fact she was starting to think it was down right funny.

Trunks was taken back. She was so at easy, just standing there smiling talking to him and asking him questions. Was this how it was going to be?

“Trunks?” she stepped closer to him. “Are you alright?”

* I need you. Now * he had held the thought back as long as he could. He watched he face. She shook her head.

* Answers first. * She stepped back “Maybe you should show me the kitchen. The answers I want are going to be long a detailed. I don’t want so quick explanation so you can get me into your bed. That will not be tolerated.

Trunks groaned and said, “So you want something to eat. Well, I can fix that.” Turning to look behind him he yelled “Grandma!! I’m hungry!!”

Pan blinked. “DO you ever do anything for yourself?”

Trunks laughed, “Let me think. Umm no.”

AMCM74 sat back as a hand dropped on her shoulder. “Are you done yet?” Vegeta growled, “You are an entire day late posting”

Ever since he had gotten out of Slavery, no thanks to evil Reviewer GODS, My life has been a living hell. The vote tallied he arrived back yesterday day, more arrogant and angry then ever. Take a guess who, he is blaming for the entire thing?? You got it ME! The fact that I didn’t post made him angry as well. SIGH. I want to go back to playing Nintendo with Goku!

“AM! What are you thinking about?” Vegeta shook her and the entire chair she was on swung around a bit “Knock it off Slacker, no day dreaming. You still have another fic to work on today. AND I believe you owe the reviewer gods another chapter of POP. TODAY!”

“Another chapter, Today, ACK” She turned on him “You are just sucking up since they let you come back here.”

Vegeta actually smiled. THE BASTAR IS SMILING!! AAARGGHHH “I was not the one who sat around playing Mario Kart.” AMCM74 stood up “Enough I am on strike!” With that she ran inot the closet.

“AM, WHAT are YOU DOING?” The fact was that since then entire jello incident she and the computer had been moved into the hall. Where her moves could be monitored closely. Since she could not be trusted.

“I am making my picket sign and avoiding you!”

Vegeta looked over at the almost finished fic….


There he finished it. With a smug smiled her knocked on the closet door “One more thing, AM?”


“What does reformatting C mean?” That would get her out of there.