The Price of Power

Chapter 30


Gohan stepped forward. “What are you trying to tell me? That you have bonded with my daughter.”

Trunks walked around the desk. “Yes, Pan is my mate now, but her fate is up to you.”

Gohan clinched his fists. “I should kill you, you evil bastard.”

“That would only cause Pan pain.” Trunks waved his finger at Gohan as if he were nothing more then a little child. “I will not tolerate seeing her harmed, even by you.” The Saiyan Prince leaned back on his desk and looked thoughtful.

“What do you want?” Gohan growled. Trunks had him back into a corner. The bond could not be broken. Pan was in fact eternally linked to the man before him. No matter how much that thought turned his stomach. “Aside from the obvious.”

Trunks looked up fake innocents in his blue eyes. “What ever do you mean, dad?”

Gohan took a step forward and then stopped. The battle that raged him was tearing him apart. Rage and black waves blotted out his vision for a few moments before he gained control again. “I hate you. You have kidnapped, rapped, and tortured my daughter. Why did you have to do this to her?”

Trunks stood up straight “I have never raped Pan!”

“Liar!” Gohan threw back. “You worthless lying sack of shit! I saw her when she returned form Vegeta. I have been here with her since. She is suffering so badly from the damage you have inflicted on her. Now you bond with her. How did you do it? It must make you feel like a big man to strap her to you like this! What no women left on Vegeta desperate enough to have your ass?” It was Trunks turn to fly into a rage. He didn’t know what he was expecting from his meeting with Son Gohan, but this was no it. Raised at the Prince of Saiyan no one had ever dared speak to him in such a tone. Trunks grabbed Gohan’s jacket and rammed the man against the wall. “Go ahead prove what a bastard you are! Hit me while I am defenseless against you! Show me how much you care about my daughter! COME ON! HIT ME!”

Trunks dropped Gohan and stepped back clenching and unclenching his hands. “No one has ever dared speak to me like that.” Trunks stared at the ground.

“Get use to it!” Gohan brushed his shoulders to smooth out his jacket. “It’s nothing compared to what my daughter is going to do to you.”

“I did not rape her.” Trunks said firmly. “I would not do that to any woman.”

Gohan left out a humorless bark of laughter “You expect me to believe that she came to you of her own free will?”

“I tell you she did!” Trunks replied with a menacing glare “Ask her!”

Gohan grabbed the doorknob as he answered ‘I already did. May be you should look up the word consensual in our dictionary. It probably has a different meaning on your planet.” SLAM.

Trunks was shaking. Had Pan really claimed he raped her? Was that what everyone here thought of him. With a shout of rage her punched the wall. How could she do this to him?

Garron patted his hand together as he watched the flowers waving in the wind. He was completely unaware of the tension around him. All that matter to him was the bottle on the ground next to him and the pretty colors that flashed in the sunlight. Life was good, and he was happy.

Marron looked from her son to Pan. “So this had to have happen recently?”

Pan pulled the grass out of the ground in clumps and threw it. “Yes, err, no AHAHAH I have no idea. I don’t remember seeing him since we left Vegeta, and I know he had not marked me there. He wanted to, but he didn’t get the chance. Marron, What is happening here?”

“We have to be prepared for the worse.” Marron looked over at Pan.

“Which would be…… WHAT?” Pan flipped to her back not wanting to look Marron in the face.

“That Trunks is on Earth, and that he took the time and the care to mark you can only mean he still plans on getting that heir of his on you.” Marron said tactlessly

“Gee Thanks.” Pan muttered “And here I was starting to think it was my girlish charm.”

“This is not a joking matter, PAN!” Marron jumped up. ‘If he can get close enough to you to bond without you realizing it what’s next?”

“Next?” Pan climbed to her feet. “What could possibly be worse then being marked, bonded, and claimed for all eternity by your family’s worst enemy? Go ahead and tell me.”

“Fine I will!” Marron swept Garron up in her arms. “Losing my son to them. I don’t know if you have realized this Pan, but Garron is as much a Saiyan as you are. They will try and take him from me. Goten will....” Marron hugged the child close and her began to cry and struggled to be free of the overprotective arms of his mother. “I don’t know what he will do. I know that Garron would stand between him and Princess Bra. To top it off he hates me. There is not telling what he might do.”

“You think he would harm a baby?” Pans gapped at Marron. “Garron is his son, I don’t think he would hurt him.” She looked to the ground “But you are right. King Vegeta would never allow another Demi free rein in the universe, especially, here on the Earth. We are getting to numerous for him. The tide of power is changing. Garron only adds to that threat.”

“I don’t know what to do.” Marron cried. Her tears were starting to soak her son’s shirt. “If Goten comes for him I can’t fight him. I will lose no matter what I try.”

Pan touched her friends arm “You will keep Garron and remain right here on Earth I swear it.”

“I don’t see how you can promise me that.” Marron sniffed “But you have never let me down before.”

Gohan let the door slam behind him. “DAMN that arrogant son of a bitch.”

Videl looked up. “Meeting went badly did it?” She tried to joke, but Gohan was not in the mood. “It can’t be that bad, dear.”

“No it could not be worse.” Gohan tossed his jacket to the nearby chair. “Take a guess who is heading up Caspule Corps. these days?”

“Mr. Briefs.” Videl stood up seeing a muscle in Gohan’s cheek twitch. He was angry.

“Yeah Mr. Briefs. Mr Briefs’ grandson, I am the all powerful Prince of the Saiyan race and can do what ever the hell I want” Gohan started

“OH MY SWEET DENDE” Videl clamped her hand over her mouth as Gohan continued

“And there is nothing you can do to stop me because I have bonded with your daughter!”

Videl trembled “Bonded with Pan. Are you sure?”

Gohan looked around the room “I will be, as soon as I find her.”

AMCM74 opened the refrigerator door looking for something to eat. It was late and she had been at the computer all evening. Goku sat quietly watching TV waiting for her to come play more Nintendo. As she slide the milk aside she heard it

“HELP ME!” she stepped back and looked around. The high pitched annoying voice came again “HELP ME!”

“AAACCCKKKK” She screamed and slammed the door “DEMON bologna! I knew I left it in there to long. It has finally evolved into a sentient being!!!” Rushing back the hall she ran into her room and dug around under her bed for her Vegeta deterrent. Emerging from the room solid oak baseball bat in hand. “Come here GOKU!”

“What AM?” Goku walked over and she handed him the bat

“Your stronger then I am.” She started

“Well DUH.” He shrugged and hefted the bat in his hands.

AMCM74 positioned him in front of the refrigerator and stood by the door. “Listen Goku. There is some evil mutant form of bologna in there. I am going to swing the door open and when it tries to escape you whack it OK.”

“You want me to whack it?” Goku looked confused.

“YES!!” AMCM74 nodded “WHACK IT with the bat, big boy!” Opening the door she stepped back.

“Thank goodness you have finally cone to set me FREEEEEEEEEEEEE!” the demon Bologna stepped out and Goku swung.

“I go it!” Goku cheered then faltered “CHATUZU? What were you doing in AM’s fridge?”

“I came over looking for Tein, When I asked Vegeta he shoved me in the refrigerator and I have been in there ever since.”

“Ohh sorry.” Goku handed AM back the bat.

“Yeah Umm sorry. “AMCM74 glared at the evil Mimi looking emperor. “Goku why don’t you got warm up some more Mario Kart for me and I’ll make you a sandwich.”

“THANKS AM! I LOVE YOU!” with a quick peek on the cheek he rushed over to the big screen.

Making sure Goku was as far as he was going to get away AMCM74 reopened the door and punted Chatuzu back into the Refrigerator. Slamming the door she muttered ‘SO Vegeta had at least one good idea in his life.”