The Price of Power

Chapter 26
Let me take a moment to explain about 18 in this fiction. Bobrt195 hit on something that I thought of before, but left out because another then spell and grammar Fan fiction readers are a take it as it is group. I have never mentioned Marron’s mother by name in this entire fic, thinks back. NO, pretty sure about that, because I don’t know her name. I think Krillin and my 18 (for lack of a name) ended up together because Dr. Gero never messed with her and she is not an Android. Let just say that Dr. Gero fell with the red ribbon army. Looks at pothole closing up “Bobet195 get outta there before you get hurt.” Genetically speaking Marron would still be Marron. Trained by the toughest HUMAN on earth. Her daddy, Great respect for Krillin here. Don’t bash the bald dude.

Some one yells “He has hair now”

AMCM74 looks to Vegeta “Who is walking out the door with clippers “Not for long.”

Bobet195 sorry I confused you there, buddy!

Marron opened her eye and looked up at the night sky through a skylight. “I can’t be pregnant.” She said softly. She knew Bardock was near by. She had a new feeling engulfing her. She was scared. This was not something she was prepared to handle. She had never even thought about it. She was going to have Goten’s baby, and she didn’t even like that man. “How did this happen?” she groaned. Bardock chuckled in the back round. She sat up and looked around for him “Ohh I know how it happened, but..Why?”

Bardock shrugged. “I wish I could answer that question for you. I need to know what you intend to do. Will you be turning to the Earth?”

Marron nodded “That goes without saying. No child of mine is going to be raise like Goten was.”

“Then I suggest, to make it easier, and save thousands of lives and lots of pain.” Bardock looked at her “You never tell Goten. He will not let his son go. No matter who the mother is.”

Marron grabbed her stomach “A boy? That was not on the read out sheet. How did you know that? WHAT ARE YOU?”

“I am cursed.” Was the only thing Bardock would say about it. “Now I have to leave you. Take care of yourself and the little one.”

Marron watched the image of Goku walk out the door leaving her alone in the room. For the first time since this entire nightmare started she dropped her head to her knees and cried.

PAIN!! Goten rolled away from the blast. He had not moved quickly enough and found his formals were almost completely destroyed by the blasts backlash. She was powerful. More powerful then anyone he had ever fought with. He was starting to wonder how much protection Prince Trunks really needed? After all Princess Bra was his sister. Maybe Goten was the one who had needed a body guard his entire life?

Bra looked down at Goten “Any last words?”

Goten lay on the ground and thought. It did take his warrior’s brain long to decide what to do. “Yeah”

“I will be merciful, and hear them now.” Bra waited. Her arm out stretched before her

Goten rose to his feet and paused. Wiping the dirt and soot from him. Suddenly he bolted “Tactical retreat!!!!” He ran for the palace. This was the only option open to him. Death was no choice at all, and facing King Vegeta was not any better.

Bra floated to the ground in shock. Then her laughter echoed. She shook her head “There goes one man who is going to think twice before he screws around again.” Satisfied she started to her room “Plan B. Act all innocent at the banquet.”

Pan sighed under Trunks as he removed the clothing that separated them “I swear I will bond with you properly tonight.” He moved his hands over he shoulders and down her shivering arms.

Pan was fighting the emotions in her very core. She was able to feel this desperation as he could feel hers. This was coming down to a battle of wills. Pan knew that if they stayed in this bed, in this room, she was going to lose. Pan tried to rise. Her head and shoulders came up and Trunks threw his leg over her so that he was now straddling her. *Stay with me Pan. I will give you everything.* His hand gripped her wrists and drew them away from her sides.

Pan clinched her eyes and let her head drop back “Don’t talk to me like that. Stop doing this.”

*I can’t stop. I can feel your desire for me rising in you.* He let his face drop with in inches of her neck. There was desire. Pan admitted to herself, but having him so close to her, knowing his intentions was causing more panic the anything else. *So close now. Can you feel your blood singing.*

She screamed as she flailed her legs. She could feel it. She was feeling too much. It was like her desires and his were the same and yet so incredibly different. She wanted her world. He wanted the best for his. She could see his mind set so clearly the closer he came to her. “Don’t do this to me.”

Trunks leaned over to place a kiss on her forehead. “I will not do anything you do not want me to do.” He spoke. “Tell me what you want.”

*You* The word flashed in her mind before she could stop it. Pan watched the smiled spill over on his face as his eyes light up “No! I want my freedom, Trunks, Please tell me I can go home.”

“That is not what you really want.” He spoke softly as he pressed his body against hers. “You want this. You want me.” His breath was hot and moist on her neck. “Deny it.”

Pan moved her head the little bit she could away from him “I can’t deny it. You will just read it in my mind.”

He licked her neck lowly and whispered “I know” in her ear.

Pan felt her breath coming in deep drawls. His teeth grazed over her neck in warning and she shuddered. Her arms twisted under his trying to pull free and her body arched painfully. “Sweet Dende, Trunks my body is burning up.” She cried out to him

Trunks stopped his assault on her neck “Your fighting it, Pan you have to stop fighting.”

“I am a warrior. I can’t stop fighting.” Bardock’s words came to her. She could hear his voice. “There comes a time that strategy and all you have learned is not enough, Pan. You must feel your way through a battle. Especially when you appoint knows your moves before you do."

Trunks froze. “Pan?”

She reacted. Powering up as much as she could. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” It was the only way to save herself. As much as she loved this man she would not be trapped and manipulated for the reason of her life. Today she would lose him forever, but she would take back al he had taken from her.

Trunks lost his hold on her wrists and she was brought to her feet by her sheer power alone. The room flickered in light

“What the hell?!” Trunks desperately needed a scouter. He looked in shock, as she turned entirely golden. “Pan, you’re a super Sayian!”

They stood there facing each other and Pan ignored the new change in her body. “I am going home, Trunks. Please don’t try to stop me.”

Trunks took stance “I don’t think I can stop you. But I am not going to let you leave without a fight.” Trunks turned serious as he raised his power. “You will have to kill me, because from this moment on you are my mate and I would rather die then watch you leave.”

Pan blocked his gentle words and focused on her goals. Marron, pods, and Earth. Trunks was not one of them.

Faye slide to a stop at the customer service desk in Sam’s Club. “I can’t believe I am going by a Sam’s Club account.

AMCM74 wrung her hands “Hurry up. I have a feeling Trunks is going to go super on those groupies in a minute.”

Saiyan Serpent laughed and hugged AMCM74’s shoulders “AND we all know who is gonna get all the blame for this.”

AMCM74 paled. AS she did there was a burst of light shooting out of Wal- Mart roof. “Hurry up FAYE!!!!”

“You tow go on with out me.’ Faye yelled as a Glowing Trunks and normal Goten emerged from Wal-mart and ran toward Sam’s

Sayain Serpent grabbed a petrified AMCM74 and ran in to the huge recesses of the warehouse.

Trunks retuned to normal as he and Goten were stopped the by greeter. “Sam’s Card?”

Trunks fumbled around and flashed his card. Goten blinked “Card?”

Trunks looked at him “What self respecting Sayian doesn’t have a Sam’s Card? For crying out loud even Vegeta as a club card!!!”

Goten look down “Well Mom does all the shopping at home and…”

Trunks sighed “Come on. I will put you on my account.”

“Cool” Goten smiled

“Not COOL, I have to put you on as my spouse.” Trunks drug the Goku look alike behind him

Goten shuddered ”Why do I always have to be the spouse.”

Trunks never looked back “Because we always use my money.”