The Price of Power

Chapter 25
I am soo proud of you, who already knew Marron was pregnant!! I was giving up hope. I was starting to think maybe I was right, maybe no one was really reading this after LOL. Good job readers.

Bra stood in the center of the empty arena in her fighting armor and waited. The silvery lights from the stars were bathing her in their light. She arched and bent. In her heart she felt his angry stride. He followed her to the room.

“What are you doing here, the banquet is about to start.” Goten stood before him in his formal outfit. Looking darkly handsome.

Bra moved her gaze to him with a dark glint in her eyes over him. “I was waiting for you.”

He looked surprised “I was looking for your brother. He is missing as well.” Goten noticed her attire “You are dressed for a fight.”

“Yes. It is time for you learn that I am not one to trifle with.” Bra placed her hand on her hips.

Goten couldn’t help it he started to laugh. “I am sorry Bra.” He put his hands to his abdomen “I can’t help it.”

“I am the princess of Sayains. You should not be laughing.” Bra took stance. There was coolness to her words. She was deathly serious.

“Bra I am not going to fight you, baby.” Goten looked at her and shook his head. “I would never take the chance of hurting you.”

“Then you will die.” Bra powered up and Goten stumbled back.

“BRA! Where did you get all that power? You’re not a fighter. You don’t fight!” Goten put his hands to his eyes to shield them from the dust she was throwing up. He didn’t have his scouter on, but he could feel her might. “Bra?”

She laughed, “While you were out playing in space. I told you that you have been gone way too much. Now defeat me and earn you place in the Sayain race or die.” She rushed in and punched him square in the face and he flew back and flipped over.

Goten rose to his feet and shook his head “That hurt.” He admitted “But there is more to fighting then strength.”

In the space of a heartbeat she was standing behind him. Although he had no idea until as he tried to find her with his eyes. She whispered in his ear “You are so right.” The she let her hand fly into his back and he fell for ward. “I am not trying yet, Goten.” She stood over him. “If you want to bond with a Sayain Princess you will have to show yourself worthy in my eyes.” Leaning down she pulled his head up by his hair “There are some things you need to atone for.”

“What about you.” Bra looked confused as he spoke “Marron told be about the other guy.”

Bra laughed, “ Hurt didn’t it.” She kicked him in the side “To bad it was just a lie to get you it understand.”

Goten was relieved, but only for a second. Bra lifted her hand “Fight me, or die.” The power forming there was already enough to kill him and yet she still gathered more. “You serious?”

“Stay there and find out.” Bra shot her ki at him. The beam hit the ground where he had knelt. The explosion rocked the palace. Bra looked at rubble where he once was and felt the tears in her eyes “My dear sweet Goten. I love you but have to have the strongest mate in the universe. There is no other choice for me, and with you alive I will never have been able to choose another.”

She stood with clinched fists for a moment. Hating herself for what she had just done. “That is a good thing to know.” Goten’s voice echoed into eh new silence “Because,I am not going to die yet.”

Bra was caught off guard as he attached her. Surprise finally on his side. He was thankful. He had never known Bra was so powerful. He reached out ad grabbed her arm. She looked at his and then let him draw her next to him. HE was trying to pin her. Bra flipped her wrist and grabbed his wrist right back and twisted hit up.

Goten cried out. AT this rate she was going to break his arm. He swept her with his foot and she went down then as he broke free brought the side of his hand down on her neck. Bra choked as she tried to stand He blue eyes flashing.

Great!. Goten thought. Seems All I have done is piss her off. I have to figure out a way to win this with out hurting her. He shook his head. At this rate he didn’t see where he was going to have much of a choice. Either she ended up paying a visit to a rejuvenation tank or he would end up dead. What would the King say when he informed him that his daughter would miss the banquet because Goten had beaten the hell out of her. Goten paled. No matter how this turned out he was a dead man. Damn you Bardock!!!! Dead man. His grand father had known. That old bastard.

At that moment Bra saw her opening and went for it.

Pan sobbed uncontrollably into the pillow. It didn’t help that with each huge breath she took she only served to bring his scent into her.

Trunks stood shoulder slumped over her. *It hurts to see you like this*

“Then let me go home. I don’t want to stay here, Trunks.” Pan never looked up. “Stop talking to me like that. It feels wrong.”

Trunks frowned and sat down next to her and placed his hand on her back. “You will get use to it. I swear Pan. Maybe in time you will grow to like Vegeta as my mother did.”

Pan flipped over. “Or maybe I will fall into depression and take my own life.”

“Don’t say that.” Trunks shook her “I will not allow it.”

Pan set her eyes on his *I will not allow you to win. I will be free. I will return to Earth. I will marry for love*

“But I do love you.” Trunks admitted his feelings then.

“Yeah right!” Pan scoffed.

Trunks kissed her *Read it in my mind. In my heart. You have that power, my love. You will see it’s true. I do love you. That is why the bond if forming to quickly between us. I know you love me as well. Just admit it. To hide it is doing neither of us any good*

Pan was being tortured. She was growing to love this man before her. But she loved her family as well. It was coming down to a choice. Trunks verses earth and everything there she loved. “As painful as this is for you to hear, I can not love you Trunks. I want to go home.”

Pan stood firm in her resolve.

Trunks just bent over and began to drown himself in her kiss. It was a cheap way to forget. The pain was so intense and unbearable. He clung to her and felt her respond. He would take her again. This time he would bond her to him. She was never going to leave him. He kept repeating that thought in his mind. But as he did he heard her voice echo his own “Yes, I will.”

AMCM74 looked around. Goten and Trunks stalked toward her. SHIT SHIT.

The Bunny and Soda looked up. “IT”SSS TRUNKSSS AAAAHHAAHHHHHH!”

Both girls rush him in a flurry of hugs and kisses.

Goten stepped back dumb found “What about me.” Pout.

Soda jumped into his arms as Bunny clung to Trunks neck squealing “Your real, Your really, really real!!”

AMCM74 sweat drops “Do you people think I make this stuff up?”

“AMCM74 you get back here.” Trunks yells loudly drawling attention to himself. Wal-mart shoppers stop and stare. Then the female half scream “OOOHHHH MMMYYY GOOODD IT”S TRUNKS!!! AND GOKU.”

Goten tries to pull Soda off his chest “I’m Goten.”


One woman looks up and says “Forgive me if I don’t get it. How can a guy with pink hair be cute???” (My neighbor actually said this. Send hate mail to my email address for her PLEASE!!!)

Some of the women in the mob stop chasing after Trunks and Goten and jump here “It’s purple for one thing.” “How dare you diss the cuteness of Trunks Briefs!!”

The woman laughs “Get a life. They are just a cartoon show. You should get into some thing else. Like Back Street Boys, at leas they are real.”

Faye looks at S.Serpent “Umm we are standing in Wal-Mart watching Trunks and Goten get mobbed and they are not real?”

“Some people.” S.Serpent shrugs as AMCM74 grabs each by and arm. Dropping her fake flowers and candles. Sigh I really love candles.

“I have a plan!!” AMCM74 runs as Trunks falls to the ground in the mob of girls. Goten is just smiling chanting “Thank you Dende, you really do love me.

AMCM74 shoots out the door past the door greeter “Look Salvation!!”

Faye and S.Serpent blink “Sam’s Club?”

“Come on what is the chance Trunks or Goten have a membership card??” AMCM74 whips hers out.

Faye blinks “I don’t”

S. Serpent blushes and pulls a card from her purse. Faye looks at her in shock “My loser ex boyfriend got it for me for my birthday.” Faye sweat drops ‘What? I said he was a loser, didn’t I?”

Will Trunks and Goten stand a chance of finding AMCM74 in the vast hugeness of Sam’s club? As well as I know that place not likely Bwhahahahahaaaa!