The Price of Power

Chapter 24
MISS ME?!? You people are sooo spoiled. LOL! NO I did not forget you today!! Sorry this is late, but my littlest one is sick, say it with me peeps. “AAAWWWW.” And today was D&D day and Vegeta Like is the DM. He kinda tries to kill me, and the rest party, when I am on the computer and not running around doing my death cleric thing.

Pan looked behind her “Marron is gone.”

Trunks looked over his shoulder. “Really? Well, then.” He pulled Pan over to him, his body pressing intimately close to hers. “Kiss me”

Pan laughed and stretched up to her tiptoes. Pan’s lips brushing softly over his own. She was about to drop back down when he intensified the kiss. Trunks hand was rising up onto her back to hold her close. His lip trailed along her cheek to her ear and down t her neck. Pan tilted her head with a sigh and relished the sensations he was evoking there. It wasn’t until his teeth grazed over the soft skin that her eyes popped open. Pan pushed him away. He word bonded echoing in her head. “We have to go look for Marron. I am worried about her.” Pan tried not to let his eyes meet hers.

Trunk had a rush of anxiety flow through his being. This was not his feeling. It was different. He looked at Pan. She was shaking slightly and her eyes refused to lock with his. He put his hand to her chin and lifted it. He heard her voice in his head like a gentle whisper in his ear. *Please no.* “Pan what’s wrong.”

“N, Nothing.” She stuttered. *oh Sweet Dende, I think he knows*

Trunks blinked in shock. He could hear her thoughts. They were not bonded yet, but there it was. The little whispers in his head like the passing of wind against ones ear. He moved her head to the side to see if he had accidentally marked her. There was nothing there.

“What are you looking for?” Pan’s hand slapped over where his teeth had grazed her neck. Her fingers gently examining the tender area.

Trunks drew her hand away. “Do not fear. I have not marked you.” He looked at the relief in her eyes and felt his heart drop. There was malice in his voice when her added “Yet.”

Pan stepped back “Yet? Mark I don’t know what you mean?” Please let him by that.

Trunks face grew dark. “Some one told you about the bonding.”


“Don’t play stupid. I know some one told you. How was it?” Trunks grabbed her arm forcefully and Pan tried to break free. He just gripped tighter.

“Princess Bra told me when she brought Marron by.” Pan cried out “Let go of me! You’re hurting my arm.”

You’re breaking my heart. Trunks wanted to yell back at her. “My father is holding a banquet in honor of me. We will go there now.” He loosened the grip. “But after that we will return to my room and finish what has to be done.”


“Why not?” Trunks dropped her arm and advanced on her until she was pressed against the wall.

Pan looked at the floor and around the room. Anywhere, but at his face. * I want to go home, that’s why* “I am not ready for that kind of commitment.”

“Your not going back to Earth, Pan.” Trunks yelled at her.

Pan’s head shot up. ‘What? What did you say?”

Trunks looked down at her. “You are not going back home to Earth. Never.”

Pan could only stare at his blue eyes. *How did he know?*

“Isn’t it obvious, Pan?” Trunks whispered. “Your to late.” The with a smug smile her thought *We are already bonding* Pan heard the whisper in her head. She looked at his eyes as he waited for the realization to dawn on her. Tears began to form in her eyes, but there was no mercy in his. “Give yourself up to me Pan. It is to late to do anything else.”

Pan slapped his face as hard ash she could. His face jerked to the side and she slid under his arm and ran full speed down the hallway. *It’s ok to run now, Pan. You can never escape*

Pan threw her hands over her ears and did exactly that. She ran as fast and hard as she could, until she was bursting out the door of the palace and into the streets. It did not matter where she went or how far she ran though. She could still feel him in her mind. There had to be a way to stop this. She was not marked as his mate yet. She threw herself against a wall and gasped for breath. Pan’s hand rose to her neck as she panted. Then her fingers were touching the cold metal chocker. Not marked? Dear sweet Dende! That was it. The necklace she wore around her neck. His words came back to her. It marked her as his. He have not have left marks in her skin like Bulma had from Kling Vegeta, but she wore his mark around her neck like a shackle. He had tricked her again. Damn him, Damn him to hell. She slumped to the ground and cried.

Soon Trunks was there. Lifting her weary form into his arms. “I will hate you forever.” She sobbed against this chest. The feelings of uselessness and powerlessness were racking her being.

Trunks snorted, “Be my guest. Hate me with everything you have. I don’t care as long as I have you right where I want you. You can never escape me. You belong to me.”

Marron stretched her arm in front of her as she tested it. The rejuvenation tank was not as effective as Senzu beans, but it beat the tar out of waiting the normal six weeks for a bone to heal. Goten had left her at the infirmary with the technicians. He had said they were throwing a banquet in honor of Trunks and Pan. The entire Planet Vegeta was already talking about he powerful new heir that they were going to have. Blah! Marron wanted to barf. Another spoiled Sayain to rape and pillage the universe. Great just what this galaxy needed!

She was pulling her armor on when Bardock walked in and looked right at her.

“You.” Marron growled at him “Are you still to much of a coward to face me.”

Bardock laughed and walked past her and hit a few buttons on the tank. “No. I could beat you easily. But that would bring me no great joy.” He turned to look at her. “I am here to talk to you.”

“Me?” Marron looked up confused but then hide it under a cloak of hostility “Why? Why would the great hero of the Sayain race wan tot take time to talk to a puny Alien girl?

“I need to now what kind of person you are?” Bardock sighed. He really did not want to be having this conversation, but had no choice.

“What kind of a person I am?” Marron blinked “What are you up to?”

The tank buzzed and a paper slipped out into his hand. “Can you read Bulma’s native langue?”

“Yes, I believes so.”

Bardock handed her the paper “Read and you will understand.”

Marron snatched the paper and looked at it. “Please!” She said with exasperation. “The she froze. “NO! It’s not possible.” Looking at Bardock’s serious expression. “Is this some kind of joke?”

“No Marron, You are pregnant, with my grandchild.” Bardock didn’t move from his spot. He just reached out to grab the girl as she fainted into his arms.

Free! Free! FREE! Amcm74 slide through the snow to the Chevey Avalanche parked by the road. Jumping in she hugged Faye. “Thank god you got my email!” looking back she saw Soda and Bunny waving at her, As Sayain Serpent typed on her laptop.

“There all done.” Saiyan Serpent laughed as she hit the send key “What til Vegeta gets that email.”

“What did you say to him” Soda leaned over her Serpents shoulder “Nah Nah Nah nah Nah?”

Everyone burt out laughing. “Where to girls?”

“THE MALL!” Soda and Bunny yelled in girlish delight.

“NO way.” AMCM74 shook her head “I am to cheap for the mall. Let’s go to Wal-Mart!”

Serpent cheered “I am in college so I know what you mean about a tight budget. Wal-mart is fine with me.”

“OWWW.” Bunny cried. “I like the mall.”

Soda reached over and patted her hand “Me too, but AMCM74 has just escaped two and half months of Vegeta’s closet torture. Let’s let her pick.”

“Ok” Faye smiled and shifted the SUV into gear. “Wal-Mart Here we come.”


“AHHH the cheapness of it all.” AMCM74 stood with her arms loaded with fake flowers and candles.

“I wanna check out the new CD’s” Soda cried.

The group ran over to the electronic department. AS they walked in Trunks and Goten came around the corner.

Trunks looked up and tapped Goten’s shoulder “AM?” They cried “What are you doing out of your closet??”

OH NO BUSTED!! How can I possibly escape? Two super Sayains, against me, a mere human. Well folks I have a plan. Yes a flawless plan. See ya tomorrow if you want to find out what it is.