The Price of Power

Chapter 22 - Author's rant!!!


OK YOU evil person!! You know who you are. Coward!! Sign in and tell me this. AND I WILL QUOTE YOU!! "Could you kindly make it little LONGER!!! Each times you update, or better yet to update a few more chapters please."

I do not feel bad at all for saying this, because if you actually read me faithfully, you would know I update EVERY DAY!!! And that was the LONGEST chapter I had ever posted in one days time!!!

Ok so maybe they are not novel size chapters. But what do you want? An author that posts a decent sized chapter every day, or have me to hold back and post once a week? You know if you like my work read my other fiction I NEVER GIVE UP! It's updated every day too. Yes, two fics a day. I ain't got no life! I will let the signed in Reviewers choose. Bigger chapter once a week, or updates every day. You decide!

Sorry, I work hard here, and this rant has been coming. I didn't need this kinda crap! I mean after all the closet and Vegeta and thing with Goku is not going well, AT ALL whaaaaaaa

Vegtea "Breathe!!!!"

Goku walks up "Did I hear AMCM74 yelling in here?"