The Price of Power

Chapter 21


Trunks glared over at Bra. There was no way Bra was getting Marron. Pan had asked Trunks for Marron and come hell or high water Pan was going to get Marron. He could barely stand the idea of telling Pan she could not see Marron. He shook his head. No it wasn't going to happen. He looks at his younger, weaker sister.

Bra tapped her foot. Trunks was actually thinking. Darn he wanted this bad. This might be harder then she had originally thought. "Father, we would like to request that Marron be given to Pan. Marron feels that it will help Pan in her adjustment here."

Trunks stopped as he began his rebuttal. Looking at Bra in shock he said, "That is what I wanted."

Vegeta straightened "You both want this girl to go to Trunks new woman?" The brats had agreed on something. This was not good. The end of the universe must be coming. Bra nodded at Trunks who merely looked at Marron. "Very well, although it will be for a limited time. I do not trust this situation. It reeks of trouble tome for some reason." Vegeta addressed Marron "You are to remain conscious of your position here. You are to serve and protect Pan, understand."

"I have always done that." Marron tossed back.

"Remember who you are speaking to, girl." Vegeta warned and Marron still held her head up high. Defiant just as Bulma had been when she first arrived on Vegeta. It must be a trait of the Earthlings. "I will excuse you for your tone this once."

Marron looked very much like her mother as she replied in a cold tone "What was I thinking, My apologies, you highness." In her head she scoffed. This was the great King Vegeta. It was all she could do not to laugh at him. Still she remembered how Goten and Trunks had under estimated her. It would not be a good thing to follow their mistakes.

"Bra, if you will please escort the girl to her friend. Tell her I will be keeping Trunks with me a bit more." Vegeta leaned back again. Bra jumped to her feet and dragged the blonde girl with her. "You are right, she is trouble. We need her off Vegeta. Soon."

Goten saw his Grandfather sparing with another Sayian. "Bardock!" Goten called.

Bardock swept the feet out from under his adversary and then turned to Goten "You took a little longer then I thought you would."

"You were excepting me?" Goten was not surprise. Bardock knew just about everything.

"Of course." Bardock moved to his grandson "You look well for a dead man."

Goten froze "Dead man?"

Bardock laughed, "Those women, they are always so much trouble. No you will live. It might be a bit tougher in the coming days though. Bra is messing with you. Tell me what you now about the other girl. Is she a good person?" Bardock looked worried.

"Marron? She is a pain in the ass. I hate her." Goten sighed and motioned for then to move out of the arena. Bardock nodded and followed. "I am here to see if you have heard anything. I take it you have."

Bardock looked distance for a moment. This was common for the old warrior. Goten stood quietly and waited for Bardock to regain himself.

Bardock looked at Goten "Blues Skies? That is what I see in the girls future."

Goten clinched his fist and shouted, "Yes!!!!! That must mean she is going back the Earth." Goten beamed. "What about Bra?"

Bardock laughed "I told you years ago that she is you life mate. Nothing can change that. You were destined."

Goten looked in awe at his grandfather. "How do you do it? It must be great to see the future."

Bardock rested his hand on the younger version of himself shoulder "It is more of a curse then a gift. Be glad you don't see. There are something you cannot change."

Goten laughed "I can do anything. Name one thing I can't do if I really wanted."

Bardock's sighed, "You will not be able to help the Prince. In his near future he will have to choose between love and loyalty."

"WHAT!" Goten felt his heart lurch "What do you mean. What is going to happen?"

Bardock shook his head "I am not sure it is stil fuzzy."

Goten nodded "If he needs me I will go to him."

Bardock nodded. Watching the other man stride from the room he tried to dispel the image from his mind. Trunks was standing before the unreadable power of a glowing warrior. Bright blue skies, and laughing baby on a blanket clapping its hands in front of Marron. As Pan laughed happily behind her.

None of this made perfect sense. It would take time to intrepid these visions.

Pan spun around and looked at herself in the mirror. At first they had brought her gowns and dresses. Soon she had talked one of the women into getting her some traditional Sayian armor. Now she stood in the blue body suit and armor. Damn she looked good. Her tail flicked behind her. Even the stupid tail was growing on her. She shook her head. It was amazing that one night in Trunks arms had changed her mind set so much. Vegeta seemed so much better then it had only a day ago.

The door opened and a girl in a flowing white gown stepped in with Marron behind her. "Is that her?" Bra blinked

Marron ran to Pan and looked her over "Are you all right. Did he hurt you?"

Pan blushed "No, not really, but I HEY OUWWW." Marron pulled Pan's hair off her shoulders and examined her neck "What are you doing? Oww owww owww. Let me go psycho girl!!"

Marron looked to Bra "There are no marks here."

Bra nodded. "When I saw Trunks this morning he was unmarked as well. I looked at his neck, but didn't see anything there."

Pan pulled away "Bonded?" she looked to Bra "Who are you? What is going on here?"

"I am Princess Bra of planet Vegeta. Trunks is my brother." Bar placed a hand on her chest. "We are here to help you."

Pan blinked "Trunks has a sister? Marron how did you ever enlist her aid?"

Marron looked at Pan and smiled "It wasn't that hard. Look at you! Stealing my new trademark look." Marron motioned to the matching outfits.

Pan giggled, "Imagine what father would say. You and me in Sayian fighting armor."

"If all goes well he will be seeing us in them soon enough. Bra has offered help us escape. Bulma is going to find out some details for us as well. Soon we can be off." Marron looked dreamy "Never to see this place again. No offense."

Bra shrugged "None taken. I would hate to be taken captive like the two of you."

Pan flet her face fall "Escape so soon?"

"Soon is important Pan." Marron shook her friend "If Trunks marks you as his mate it is forever. You will never get away."

"Mark me?" Pan was confused "What are you talking about."

Bra stepped forward "It how Sayain's choose their life mates. After they have marked each other during a sexual encounter they are mentally and physically linked. Forever." Bra told Pan "If you attempt to leave Trunks the further you go from him the more painful it will be for the both of you. If you were to return to earth and He remained here you would live your lives in agony."

Pan paled and Marron looked from Bra to her "You must keep him from bonding with you Pan. It may take a week or so for us to get out of here. Do you think that you can hold him off that long?

Pan sank to the floor "I don't know." The world was buzzing around her. The feelings of relief zapped her strength. She raised her hand to her neck and remembers Trunks kissing and nipping her there. How he hesitated. Pan realized then that he had been debating with himself. Pan swallowed hard she was in far more danger then she had originally thought.

Bra looked at Pan's face "She loves him, this is not going to work."

Marron shot Bra a disgusted look "She does not." Kneeling by her friend she touched Pan's hair with soft fingers "Do you, Pan?" Looking into those dark haunted eyes Marron pressed "Do you love Trunks?"

Pan felt her heart ripping apart as she answered. "No. I do not love Trunks." Her whole body began crying out at her. LIAR!

AMCM74 sighed as she looks from finish chapter to Vegeta who is sitting in a back wards chair staring at her. "What, you have been there the entire time. Why wont you just go away!" No response "What is your problem? Why are you bothering me?? It's driving me insane!!" Vegeta smiled, a real smile. This cannot be good. "Oh no."

"The fact is woman, when I realized early on that you preferred Kakkarot to anyone else. I, also realize that is extremely bad for me. After all the stupid lower level seems to get everything. But not this time, this time I will win! BBwwwhahaaaaaa."

Amcm74 looks scared "You really are insane, aren't you?"

Goku opens the door giving AMCM74 a huge grin "I hope I am not bothering you, but I am getting pretty hungry out here. AM could you cook something for me?

AMCM74 looks at Goku with eyes that looks like hearts "Sure Goku." Gets up and runs from the closet leaving Vegeta glaring at Goku.



"You suck."