The Price of Power

Chapter 20


To answer Rachel's question, I do not have these pre-written. I do have a scrap piece of paper with doodles and events I would like to toss in. The rest is just off the top of my head. Updated almost always daily.

Pan lay on her stomach kicking her feet lazily back forth. " Do you really have to go?" She smiled uo at him with a dreamy expression.

Trunks pulled his armor over his head and look down at her. "Actually yes, my father will be waiting for me." He leaned over and placed both hands on the bed and kissed her mouth. "Is there anything you want while I am gone? I can send some one to get it for you."

Pan nodded "I am starving. So I need some food. I need some clothes."

Trunks frowned "I personally like you in that blanket."

"Oh well then, I guess who ever comes in here to serve me can just see me in it as well." Pan shrugged and rolled over on her back stretching like a kitten.

Trunks hadn't thought about that. He looked down at her. He imagined what others would think seeing her wrapped in only that blanket. It also dipped at the most tantalizing of times. "You are right. I will have some other woman come up here with clothes for you."

"I also want to see Marron." Pan sat up. She knew this would be the one thing he would not want to give her. Marron was a reminder of Earth. Pan's ultimate goal was still to return. Although it would be much harder to think up and escape plan with out Marron. As she debated on this he answered "What?"

"She will be sent to you immediately." Trunks was clipping on his cape not even looking at her.

Pan's jaw dropped. "Are you serious?"

Trunks looked up at her. "Of course. Why shouldn't I send her to you?"

Pan opened her mouth a thousand reasons on the tip of her tongue "No reason. I just thought you would try to keep her away from me. That is all."

Trunks turned to study himself in the mirror. "I will deny you nothing that is within my power to give you, Pan."

Her head shot up "Nothing? What about returning me to Earth?"

Trunks looked over her shoulder. "That I can not grant you. My father has decreed you shall stay here." To himself he thought, Even if it were in my power I would never let her go. I was determined from the first time I saw her. Now I am total obsessed with her. I can't lose her. "I will ask about Marron today and see what has been planned for her. If she has no task I will request she be given to you as Goten was given to me."

Pan choked "You can't do that!"

"Of course I can I am the Prince of Sayains, my word is law." Trunks looked surprised at her claim.

"Marron is not a Sayain!" Pan reminded him :I am not a Sayian. We are from earth."

Trunks moved across the room and sat down next to her. "This is hard for you. I understand that" he touched her tail that she had tightly wrapped around her waist. "But you do have Sayian blood. You will adjust and come to accept your life here."

Pan's eyes glittered darkly as she refused to answer him He leaned over and placed a kiss on the top of her head. "I have to go now, but I promise you will get your three wishes."

"Wishes?" Pan looked at him

"You forget my mother is from earth. I have heard your fairy tales. Like Aladdin and the magic lamp, three wishes, Food, clothes and Marron." Trunks rose and walked to the door "I do not know how long I will be gone, but I suggest you get some rest for when I get back."

Goten sat at the main table with his feet propped up on it an annoyed expression fixated on his face. Damn that worthless little blonde. If she had just stayed out of his pod he would have been bonded to Bra right now. He wondered what Bra was thinking. She had known he was not innocent. This should not have affected her so much. Still he couldn't help but kick himself. He did, in a way deserve it he guessed. After all you could only get away with so much in one lifetime, and Goten had gotten away with far more then his fair share already. But then with Vegeta, Trunks, and the entire Sayain army behind home who dared to call him out for his actions? He smiled. Bra was probably tearing into Marron at that very moment. After that that was the way women were.

The sound of laughter ringing the hall brought him to his feet he watched as Bra and Marron walked past the door not looking in to notice him. The chatted like old friends and disappeared from his sight. HE felt his stomach clinch. What were they up to? Well one thing was certain. Goten was go to watch his back. One woman was trouble; two could be down right dangerous. Maybe it was time to seek out some advice in the form of Bardock. His grandfather always knew what was best. It was uncanny his knowledge.

On the other side of the Palace Vegeta looked at his son. "How did things go for you last night?"

Trunks grinned. "As if you do not already know."

Vegeta smirked "I heard rumors that the girl was well pleased." He nodded to his attendants to leave. He watched them disperse and sat down. Looking up at his son he asked, "Are the tales they carry true. Did she submit to you?"

"Yes, she did." Trunks watch Vegeta smile "This pleases you."

"Grandchildren would please me more, but this is a start." Vegeta looked up to se Bra and Marron entering the room "Who sis that?"

Trunks turned and his face fell "That is trouble."

Bra knelt in front of King Vegeta and pulled Marron down with her. "Father. I present to you the only child of Krillin one of Earths defenders. Her name is Marron, she is the best friend of Prince's Trunks new woman. We have a request for you."

Trunks looked to his father "I too have a request for this girl. In fact I made a promise to Pan."

"Already making promises to the woman. She must have pleased you in return." Vegeta laughed as Trunks squirmed.

Marron growled out "Pervert." And Bra elbowed her.

"Did you day some thing. Marron." Vegeta looked impassive.

"I said it's Perfect, my lord." Marron answered.

"Alright, each of you present your requests for this girl and I will consider them."

Trunks glared at Bra and Bra glared back. So it was down to this. Who was in higher favor this week?

AMCM74 buries head in her arms "I a not going tot write ever again." She sobbed at the tabled sitting across from Goku.

"Awww." Goku lifted the spoon as he ate his fruit loops. "You are great at it. You shouldn't just give it up."

Sniff Sniff "Really?" Amcm74 looks up. *Darn Goku is sexy*

Then from a near by room Vegeta is heard yelling, "NO, he isn't! Now get back in your closet"

*Go AWAY* Amcm74 thinks harshly

Vegeta steps around the corner and smiles that smug smiled of his "Hey Kakkarot, I know something you don't"

AMCM74 pales as Goku looks up with his mouth full. "I think I will go to my closet now."

Vegeta moves so AMCM74 can pass by him "Good girl."