The Price of Power

Chapter 2

He walked down the hall. His body clad in a black body suit covered with the special silver sayian armor. A black cape billowed behind him as his stride took him toward his goal. HE was aware at the awed look the women gave him as he pasted. The men stopped and saluted in respect. HE ignored them all. They were of no consequence to him. He knocked on a door and then pushed it open. A virtual army of maids stood around Bra, dressing her for the victory celebration

"Goten!" Bra threw her hands up to cover her naked breasts. "What do you think you are about? Get out of my rooms."

Goten smiled devilishly. He didn't have to heed a word she said. He answered to no one except the Prince. "Your brother has sent me to give you word that the he has returned victorious."

Bra narrowed her eyes on Goten "All of Vegeta knows that all ready! More likely he sent you for a quick peek." Goten smiled at he words and remained where he stood.

Bra snorted. Motioning to a maid for a thick satin robe. She allowed him a full view of her body as she slipped it on. "I see you need to be dealt with. My ladies, if you please." Bra wrapped the belt around her tiny waist.

The maid began their "Yes princessing" and rushed from the room. There were even knowing looks cast about. Some even dared shoot looks of envy at the princess. After the last of them past Goten and the door was shut Bra jumped from her pedestal and rushed into his arms. Goten gather her against him and kissed her. He let his hands rove over her back. Bra broke away to rest her head against his chest.

"Never leave me again, do you hear me." Bra looked up at his dark eyes.

"I go where his highness goes. I do as he directs me." Goten sighed "I am not in any position to start dictating to him."

"Trunks would let you do what ever you want! I am starting to think you like al the killing you do." Bra pouted "I want you here on Vegeta."

"You want me in your bed as well, but there are things even you, princess, can not have." Goten tapped her on the nose with his finger.

"I know you want it as well." She argued

"What we want does not chance anything. Until your father offers you to me I cannot take you. To do so would be treason." Goten watched her growing angry.

"You commit treason every time you defy me!" Bra walked away from him and sat on the bench at the end of her lavish bed "I have tried everything, Goten. I have been aggressive. I have been patient. I have even ordered you to my bed and still you refuse me. I can't take much more." She pounded the bench with her fist.

"I must go before there is talk." Goten felt his chest growing heavy with her disappointed rage. "Your brother will be happy to know you are well."

She refused to look at him "Do as you wish, you always do."

Trunks sat back in the chair in the main hall watching the feast being set out before him. His father sat near him with his mother.

"So you conquered Halaste with no trouble?" Vegeta looked to his son,

"Trouble? You must be joking. Goten took out half the army on his own. I never even got a good fight. Until picked on with Goten. He is getting better. I think he maybe holding back so that he doesn't defeat me." Trunks grabbed an apple and bit into it "He says not though. I am forced to believe him. Goten has never lied to me and is undyingly loyal."

Bulma felt her heart lurch. Goten was so much his father. It was almost scary the similarities between the two. She looked at Vegeta and knew he was reading her mind. She blushed and looked down. Vegeta hated it when she thought of her home planet and the ones she loved there. Some times she thought he regretted taking her, but he could always block his thoughts better then she could.

Trunks leaned back and propped his feet on the table. "You know lately I have been wondering about Mother's planet."

Bulma froze and looked at her son. "What about Earth?" Vegeta looked over intruded by his son's sudden interest.

"Why didn't you take it over? Why didn't you blow it up? Why you choose mom? Why you took Goten from there?" Trunks watched his father gauging his every look. "You don't like my questions?'

Vegeta shook his head "I do not mind. If fact I think you can kill two birds with one stone." Vegeta looked to Bulma "You can appease your curiosity and check up on your mother's family and friends for me. Yes, that will be your next mission."

Trunks jumped to his feet excited "You are giving me permission to go to the Earth?!"

"Yes. Goten can meet his family for the first time as well, but he must return with you." Vegeta looked to his son. Goten walked into the room and knelt before the head table. Vegeta looked down at the other man "If for any reason he wants to stay you must kill him and his brother, Gohan. I will not tolerate them uniting against us."

Trunks swallowed hard. Goten was his best friend, his confidant and counselor. This trip could be trickier then Trunks had been expecting. "Goten will not betray me."

Pan and Marron sat on the hillside and watched as Goku and Gohan sparred. Pan shaded her eyes from the sun "They fight as if their lives depend on it." Pan remarked.

Marron sighed and fell backward and stretched in the grass. "Maybe they think it does. It hasn't always been like this. Daddy says that Goku use to be a very happy and friendly guy."

"I wonder what happened to grandfather?" Pan stood up. "They are going to notice we are slacking here soon."

Marron moaned "You have been beating me up all morning."

Pan laughed "I have a huge bruise on my ass that tells me differently!" Pan jumped on her friend and yelled, "Tickle attack!!!"

Marron rolled around trying to escape "HAHAH NOOOO stop HAHHAHAH! You cheat!"

"PAN!" Gohan shouted, "Stop goofing off and start practicing."

Pan looked up at her father and muttered down to Marron "Slave driver. He acts like I will actually get to use these powers some day." Pan blew out a puff of air that tossed her bangs.

'"You never know. Maybe you can use it to beat off the admires." Marron teased

"AS if I were you." Pan flew into the air "I need to kick your ass if even insinuating that!

Marron blasted past her "Sure if you can catch me" Pan took off after her.

Gohan looked as shot away "Hey Pan!" But she didn't seem to hear.

Goku shrugged "Let her go and have some fun."

I should let her have some fun I know, but then I think of Goten." Gohan watched his daughter turn into a tiny dot the distance. "I wont let them take her."

Goku chuckled "I think you need to start worrying about the guy o this planet. She is not exactly a little girl any more. And we have managed to have her avoid Vegeta's yearly check ups." Goku watched his son slap his hand over his face. "Besides there is no one on this planet strong enough to take her any where she doesn't want to be."

"So we are really going to Earth." Goten watched Trunks pull his silver armor over his head. The Prince's logo was stamped in purple on the front of the silver plating. As soon as it was in place Goten clipped the dark purple cape to Trunks' shoulders.

'Yes we are. My father says you family is still there. He believes you have earned the right to meet with them." Trunks turned as soon as his cape was fastened to lay his hand on the other man's shoulder. "You know I love you like a brother, but I have been given orders to destroy you if you try to stay with them."

Goten nodded "I understand. Do not worry, my Prince. I am ever loyal to you. We were raised as brothers. I would rather cut out my heart then betray you."

"Very good, then let us be off I am eager to see the planet that created on like my mother." Trunks grinned.

"Seeking a bride?" Goten laughed.

"No more then you are." Trunks looked over his shoulder at his friend "A new slave would do me nicely though. Things are getting a little stale here."

Goten's mind wandered to Bra. "I wouldn't say that." She would no doubt be furious at his leaving again. He had only arrived. The victory feast was not even fully on the tables yet and only a handful of quests had arrived. Still Trunks and Goten were young warriors, their blood called for adventure. They would have enough time to sit around a table when they were old.

"I bet I can beat you to the pods!" Trunks yelled as he took off running.

"I bet you can't!" Goten blasted into the air and zoomed past his Prince.