The Price of Power

Chapter 18


Lemon Warning

"What again?"

Amcm74 leans her back on the closet door and flips through her magazine. "Shut up Vegeta. You heard the reviewers, you're in the closet today!"

"It's dark in here."

AMCM74 looks up and her face falls a bit. Biting her lower lip she looks at the doorknob. "Turn on the computer monitor, you'll get some light that way."

"I can't find it"

With a huge sigh AMCM74 opens the door "All that power and you can't AHHAHHAAA." Vegeta's arms reach out and pull AMCM74 into the closet. The door swings shut, and a struggle is heard. Then the doorknob rattles, "Umm AM, and did you undo the lock?"

AMCM74's voice "There was a lock?"

Pan clinched her eyes shut as the pain burned through her. She heard the breathing ragged and harsh above her. He had stopped, but not soon enough. Now Trunks held himself ridged above her. "Please get off me." She felt the tear rolling down the side of her face. Her heels were dug into the soft mattress on either side of his hips. He hands pushed against his chest. He was so tense. Not a muscle moved after she had spoken. They lay in that position for what seemed like an eternity to Pan. Her body started to shake under her effort and Trunks slide a little deeper with a groan.

"Almost" Trunks whispered, "I am so close to being all the way in Pan."

"I want you to get off me." She glared up at him.

"I can't pull back Pan. I don't have it in me." He told her in a pained voice. "It feels to good." He moved a little more and Pan screamed as her body stretched making room for him.

"No it doesn't!" She cried out "I am to small for you. It is hurting like hell."

Pan felt the tears hitting her face and it took her a few moments to realize they were not hers. She looked up to see the Prince of Sayians in tears. "I don't want to hurt you Pan. I just want this so badly."

He was in tears? Pan blinked as he with drew from her. Her heart went out to him. Her guilt rose up in her heart. She was about to apologized when he drove fully into her again. She screamed out in pain as he moved again and then again. The betrayal of her being was total. Her heart wept for the stupid feelings it had allowed her to feel. Her mind raged every name in the book at him, but it was her body that took the brunt of this assault. Her stupid body that had tingled and trembled at the sensations he had invoked in her. Her mind turned twinge of discomfort, railing at her for the idiot she was

Then it happened. Slowly something began to tighten in her abdomen. And slight sensation of pleasure caused her to gasp. And it was growing with each strong movement of his body, until she was panting and moving with him. She was starting to slip over the edge when he cried out and went limp against her. What! Why had he stopped? She was so close! It had felt so good. He rolled off her, sweat covered and breathless.

"I am so sorry!" He panted as he tossed his arm over his eyes. "So very sorry. I could help it. I had to, I just had to ahhh"

Pan sat up and kicked him "Sorry! You had better be sorry. Please, don't tell me premature ejaculation can be added to you list of faults!!!"

Trunks dropped his arm from his eyes. He was expecting her to tear him to pieces for forcing here where she was not ready to go. Never had he thought she would attack him, because her had left her unpleasured. Unpleasured? He blinked. Had that ever happened to him before? He looked at her furious face and smiled. "Give me a few seconds I can't help it you feel so good."

Pan huffed at him and rolled over "See if you ever get any where near me again." She pulled the blanket up over her tormented body. She was aching in spots she had never known she had.

"Oh yes you will." Trunks rolled to his side and drew her against him "Because now you know how I have felt since the moment I met you. Imagine this feeling every hour of every day." Trunks kissed her shoulder "That is what you do to me."

Pan smiled knowing full well he couldn't se it. "Good, you have had plenty of time to get use to it, because you are going to be feeling that way a lot more these days."

"I doubt it." He tossed his leg over her so the was once again on top. 'Now tell me what you are feeling right now."

Pan blushed "Why?"

"Because if you tell me in detail, I would enjoy it very much."

Pan looked up at his mischievous sparkle in those blue eyes "Evil, evil, evil man!

Goten cried out as Bra nipped at his neck and rested her naked body against him. "Damn it Bra, don't tease me. Are you going to mark me, or do I have to go first." He arched his body up into hers. Bra closed her eyes and sighed at the feeling of him. This is what she had always wanted always needed. Hey lay beneath her totally at her mercy. The great Goten, was pleading with her to start their bonding. It was a powerful feeling knowing at last how much he wanted her. He hadn't even taken any time to think things over. He had come straight from her father's side to her bed. How was that for decisive thinking? He knew what he wanted. Bra liked that about him. She liked it very much.

Goten was rocking himself gently within his soon to be mate. He relished in her form. She was his now. Years of wondering, and waiting over. It was like a dream.

The door at the other end of the room opened and Bulma and Marron stepped in. Bulma gasped and Marron looked up, seeing the entwined lovers, simply turned and tried to walk away. But Bulma reached out and grabbed the girls arm.

"Bra what are you doing!?" Bulma shouted. Bra shrieked and made a grab for her robe. Falling off Goten and disappeared on the other side of the bed. Goten looked all to well practice, as he, with out a moments hesitation, lifted the pillow from behind his head and covered his aroused body.

"Your majesty." He at least had the decency to blush. The as he saw Marron he choked "Not you? Who let you out of that tank?"

Marron looked at Bulma and sighed "And you think I want to be reminded, that I had the stupidity to sleep with him? Are you crazy."

Bra stood up closing her robe. "Sleep with?? What is she talking about, Goten?" She looked from Goten to Marron.

Marron beat him to the punch "Ohh I see. It must have been the robe. You jumped every thing you see in a robe or just reserved for us girls?" Marron taunted.

Goten growled at Marron. Marron put her hands on her hip and glared back. Bulma looked worried and Bra started to get a sinking feeling.

"Umm help." AMCM74 shouts as she bangs on the door. "Ahh anyone out there? Anyone?"

"We're trapped in here accept it." Vegeta mumbled.

Outside the door, Goku walks by with a sandwich and a bag of chips. He stops, as he hears Vegeta talking and takes a huge bite.

"Great can it get any worse?" AMCM74 mutters.

"I don't think so. Maybe we can pass the time discussing my up coming Lemon." Vegeta suggests.

Goku sweat drops as AMCM74 replies, "You are not getting a lemon. Not now, not ever!!"

Vegeta answers "Can I try to talk you into it?"

Long pause of Silence and then much louder then before banging is heard "ANYONE OUT THERE!!! SOME ONE OPEN THIS DOOR!!!" AMCM74 screams at the top of her lungs

Goku shakes his head as he walks away.