The Price of Power

Chapter 17


LEMON warning.

"What? I didn't hear you, Vegeta, over all that yelling your doing." AMCM74 screams back

"Whose lemon, woman! WHO!" Vegeta raged

"ohh Trunks and Pan." AMCM74 smiles sweetly at the Sayain Prince

Vegeta sneers, evilly "As long as it isn't my little girl and the spawn of Kakkarot." Looks thoughtful "Why don't I ever get a lemon, woman?"

AMCM74 looks up form her computer. "I don't know. Maybe because you are such a dick most the time."

Vegeta's face falls. "That is about enough, out of you." Vegeta points to the closet.

"Guards?" Pan looked at the door to Trunks chambers.

Trunks nodded his face grim. "It seems I have a need for them." He stopped before the two men. "This woman is not to leave my chambers until I give the word."

"Yes sir!" They snapped to attention.

Once in the room Pan was set on the bed and Trunks reach down to her side to draw the armor over her head "I will be taking this back, now."

"You can take this slave collar of yours too." She replied sarcastically.

Trunks sighed, "It can not be removed by any means I know. The species that made it said it was eternal. I have already told you this" He looked at the black material that molded to her like a body suit. It was as dark as her hair. She looked unspeakably tempting, as she lay completely helpless on his bed. Would this feeling ever stoop. So far the harder he tried to escape her spell the more entangled he was becoming. He sat down next to her and took her hand in his. He played with her fingers as she lay there looking up at him. There was a nervous distrust in her dark brown eyes.

Pan knew it was over. All her power had been taken by the battle. She was now completely helpless. He sat quietly playing with her hand. He moved his fingers over her palm and the sensations were wringing tender responses from deep within her. She was glad he didn't know the longing for him that was moving over her. This attraction was clouding her judgment, and making her sloppy. She was out of ideas. There was not other way out. He lifted her slender fingers to his lips and kissed them. Pan let her eyes drift close and let a deep sigh of enjoyment.

"Tell me to stop." Trunks moved over her to place his hand on either side of her face. He looked down at her with a raw intensity there.

"What?" She was drowning, in seas of shining blue.

"Tell me to stop." He brought his head down to her neck and ran little kisses along her neck. Pan couldn't understand what he was trying to tell her. She knew he wanted her. This would only cement her to him. This would be the hardest time. Once she gave in she would be lost. It was only her fears that helped keep her from him now. Her body begged her to give in. It loved the feeling he rained down on her. He stopped and pulled back "You haven't told me to stop yet."

Pan swallowed thickly as his hand moved down her shoulder and then let his finger guide ever so gentle to her breast. Stop. It was such a simply word. She opened her mouth but he bent down over her and kissed her. So simple a movement, to steal the one important word that could save her. She arched into his arms. Pressing closer to him. It felt so very good, so very right to be there, with him. What was she trying to say, again?

Trunks sat up and lift his shirt over his head. "We are at the undressing part again, and you still you have not told me to stop." He let the shirt fall off the bed. Looking down at her tummy, he moved on hand under the black fabric. "Do you want me to remove this?" he slid it high up. He arched an eyebrow at her. "Pan, I do not hear you telling me to stop."

Pan growled she was beginning to hate that word. In a frustrated reaction she reached out and drew the offending material from her chest and let it follow the matching article off the side of the bed. She stared defiantly at him.

"Now that," He pointed to the direction the shirt had been thrown. His delight dancing in his blue eyes. "Didn't look like you wanted me to stop." Trunks grinned wickedly down at her.

Pan reached up and covered her ears "What are you doing to me! Don't say that word, anymore."

Trunks laughed as grasp the band of pants. She unknowingly, instinctively raised her hips. It took only a second for him to reveal her body. "But I have too. You chant it over and over again. It has to have some magical propriety to it."

"You are going to be difficult, aren't you?" Pan peeped up at him.

Trunks laughed loudly at that "I have had a good tutor." She laughed as well. Trunks felt the tide of this emotional war shifting in his favor. Slowly he drew his hand around behind her and lifted her to him. Passion. Lust. Desire. They were all right within their reach. Maybe even love if he wanted it. It struck him then. This was far different from any experience he had in the past. He could love this woman. He could actually keep her with him. Groaning, he tried to banish those kinds of thought from his mind. "This is your last chance to stop. There will not be any others." Trunks whispered into her ear. He wanted her. Now.

Pan shook under him. This was it the moment of truth. He was giving her an out. All she had to do was say that one vial, evil, ugly word. Stop. He moved against her. She felt the skin on skin. When had he gotten his pants off anyway?!? Panic rose in her. Opening her eyes as he bore her down on the bed, his hands lifting her legs high on either side of his waist. She fumbled for the words. He thrust forward and she felt the pain as she screamed "SSSTTTOOPP!"

Marron gulped up the fresh air as he toweled off her hair. Several Sayains stood around her. She ignored them. She looked down at herself in her new blue body suit and Sayain armor. She would have like a nice pair hip huggers better, but it was better then that stupid robe.

"Where did The Prince take Pan?" She asked to no one special.

"King Vegeta has issued that she become the personal slave of the prince" Bulma walked in and looked to the girl "I am Bulma, Queen of the Sayians."

Marron's jaw dropped "Bulma? The Bulma? You look umm unabused." Marron had always heard from her father what a barbaric race the Sayains where. Everyone on earth had always worried about Bulma and her fate.

Bulma smiled "I have never been abused here on Vegeta. Who are you? Why are you traveling with Goku's granddaughter?"

Marron returned the smiled "I am Marron, Krillin's daughter."

Bulma reached out and grabbed Marron's shoulder. "Sorry Dear I almost passed out there. I thought you said Krillin's Daughter."

"I did."

Bulma looked at the girl her shock apparent. Gohan and now Krillin. "I missed it." Bulma felt the tears forming in her eyes. "Don't be upset dear. I am just happy for your father." And a little depressed I missed it as well."

Marron nodded "I under stand. But I only have one motive while I am on this planet."

Bulma took the girl by the shoulders and led her toward the door "What is that."

Marron leaned in so only Bulma could hear "To get off."

"That will be hard with out the King's consent. We could get him to send you back as a messenger." Bulma began to think. She put her hand to her mouth.

"I am not going to leave without Pan." Marron said with utter seriousness. "I can not just leave her here."

Bulma stopped walking and looked to Marron. "Now there is a problem with that. Vegeta is not going to let Pan leave. Not now not ever. He has decided she is the perfect match for Prince Trunks. He wants strong heirs for this planet. Pan is the only one out there able to give him that."

"You mean Pan is nothing but a sex slave?" Marron clinched her fists. "Worthless Sayain men! They are all the same. Nothing else can filter though their tiny minds." Marron punched the wall.

Bulma blinked "Sayian men? As in more then one?" Marron looked down at the ground Bulma grabbed the blonde's shoulders "What are you talking about? The only ones to go to earth were.. Dear me. You and Goten?" Marron blushed bright red. "Oh my! Sweet Vegeta." Bulma grabbed her arm "Come on we have to hurry."

Marron was dragged behind her. "I never want to see that man again. I swear to you I hate him." Bulma skidded to a stop and grabbed Marron's hair pulling it off to the side. "Ouch, ouch stop that! What are you doing."

"Did he mark you?" Bulma shook Marron after seeing nothing on the other girl's neck.

"Mark me? Not that I know of." Marron was once again pulled at run down the great hall.

I know what you are thinking. Where is the rest of the T/P lemon. Well hit the little review button and I could get inspired soon.