The Price of Power

Chapter 10


Warning high lemon content

Goku watched as Videl crumpled into her husband's arms. Videl's sobs were ripping out his heart. Chi-CHI couldn't even look at him. Another loved one had been taken from them. Now here Goku stood with the hard task of informing his beat friend, Krillin, that his daughter was gone. Goku didn't say a word as he blasted into he sky. It wasn't fair. He had never asked for this. Goku stopped and hovered in mid air and looked to the moon. Years ago if he had dared such and act his body would have transformed. With his curse tail removed it only made his blood boil. He could normally handle the feeling of rage it brought out in him. To night was different. Tonight, he acknowledged what he was, and the hell it had rained down on every one who dare get close to him. All the anger and rage built in his heart. It soared to a new height until he let out a roar that was far more then just rage. His body sparkled and glowed. His black eyes flashed green. He hovered there like a shining star in the sky. The power was beyond his imagination. Still it did him no good now. Because he knew that after this attack no one would be safe ever again. There was only one way to stop this madness. The Sayain Prince must die.

Trunks held Pan close to him. He looked at her face. It had been almost painful to watch her reaction as he told her the cruel fact surrounding her fate. Some how it didn't really matter to him any more. There was only one more obstacle standing between him and achieving his goal. Trunks truly didn't know what his father would say about her. Once back on Vegeta Pan would discover another part of her life that had been hidden from her. She might hate him at first, but he was truly excited by the prospects. First thing he do would be getting her down to the infirmary. Recently there had been a new technology developed. Trunks believe Bulma had been involved although no one could ever really known for sure. It allowed Sayians who had lost their tail in battle to regenerate them immediately. Once Pan was treated with this chemical she would experience the regrowth of her tail. His own tail flicked at the thought. Sayain tails not only held the key to their transformation, and their powers. It also held the key to an unspeakably pleasurable mating. It was another G-spot in the Sayain anatomy. Most Sayian had grown up with their sensitive tails. It slowly over time toughens and become somewhat desensitized from the outside simulators. Pan on the other hand had hers removed at a very young age. She would not be able o defend her mature body from unspeakable feelings of pleasure a knowledgeable Sayain could inflict on her sexually. Trunks was a very knowledgeable Sayian.

The beauty in his arms would suffer greatly if she tried to refuse him. The amount of torture she endured would be up to her. There would be no need to fight her. If she proved resultant to this attack he could just be patient and wait. The next mating season would be soon. It would be interesting to see how she would handle that. Normally Sayian took a specialized potion to dull the effects of the new moon. Those who didn't and suffer through the season with out mating where considered having an elite control. Trunks had never even tried. To him that amount of suffering was insanity incarnated. He had see Goten experience it on several occasions. To this Trunks had only one thing to say, to each his own. Why endure it when there where plenty of women willing to share his bed for a night?

Pans stirred in his arms again but did awaken. Trunks gave in as he imagined her bathed in sweat beneath him. His eyes drifted shut and he tilted his head back. It was so close to becoming reality he could almost feel it.

Marron's nails bit into Goten's naked shoulder as she cried out. She had given in to him hours ago. Still he did not take her. He continued to kiss and fondle her. She was shaking uncontrollably as she pressed herself against his hard arousal. In response he only let out another evil laugh and refuse to allow her to impale herself upon him. Her sexual experiences in the past were nothing like this. He seemed to enjoy watching her suffer. That was exactly what it was. Goten had gone way beyond the art of foreplay and right into the torture zone.

"Damn you." She glared at him with sparkling blue eyes. Her blonde hair was growing damp in the tropical heat the pod was being exposed to.

Goten smiled weakly as he leaned back lifting her so that she was positioned on the tip of his erect form. "I just don't want you crying rape later on. I have to be completely sure you want this."

"I hate you!" Marron hissed and punched his chest.

"Really?"' He slowly let her slid down on him. Marron's eyes widened and she cried out in pleasure "Doesn't sound that way to me." She ignored him and began moving against him. "Slow down!"

"Stop telling me what to do!" Marron snapped back never ceasing her rise and fall.

Goten let his head fall back and muttered "Amateurs." Earning him another punch. That was all right. He was beginning to like when she hit him. He reached out to stop her. "Well your going to fast. We have an entire day to waste and I prefer quality to quantity. SO JUST SLOW DOWN!"

Marron wanted to cry. "You have tortured me for hours. I can't help." In a soft voice she whispered in his ear "It hurts."

Goten shuddered as he lips brushed his ear and her hot breath tickled his neck. Goten growled and pulled her down on him viciously. Marron screamed as she took him in his entirety. "You want your release, woman." He waited until her lifted to his and watched her nod nervously. "Beg me for it." Marron clinched her eyes shut; he would have to ask for that! The gentle nod became a firm shake of her head. "As you wish. But you are not getting anything more from me until I hear you beg."

"I hate you." Marron felt the tears slipping down her face.

Goten let his thumb rise up to play with her dusty rose-colored nipple. 'Funny I always thought begging started with Please." Marron tried to lift her hip off him, but he forced her back down 'No you will stay right there so you know exactly what you are missing." To his vast surprise she threw her head back and screamed out the words he never thought he'd hear.

"Please! Please! Please!" Marron yelled, "I can't take it any more. What do you want me to do! Anything, just anything. I can't take this any more."

Goten jolted "Anything?"

Marron grabbed his face. Framing it in her hands and locked their eyes. "I will do anything. Just make this pain go away."

Goten felt a new burst of passion at the implications of her words. "You remember your promise, woman. Because if you do not this will seem like a walk in the park, compared what I can do with room to actually move."

With that gave himself over to her. Marron relished in it crying out his name. There would be time enough later to regret her pack with the devil.

Next chapter Planet Vegeta.