The Price of Power

Chapter 1

Disclaimer: Ok as painful as it is to admit I do not own Draganball/Z/GT. But I figure that is ok because I doubt you own it either.

This is an A/U story. Another T/P. No I can't write enough about the couple. This first chapter is just a setup leading into the actual story. But don't worry the next chapter it wil get really good!

At first

The King was dead. Freiza had killed him. In return the Sayain's had revolted crushing Frieza and his minions, the attack lead by a lower level warrior named Bardock. Who now stood panting from his exertion before young Prince Vegeta. No, Vegeta stood King now of all Sayains. He looked out at the people that now needed his leadership. There would be no time for tears.

"What do we do now, your Highness?" Nappa asked of his new King.

"We crush the remainder of Frieza's kind from the universe to avenge the death of my father." Looking out at the stars he added "The we take up where Frezia left off and conquer the universe for ourselves.

Years later

Radditz stepped on to the planet Earth. He was to have the glory of destroying the planet that had taken his only brothers life. Looking around he doubted it would be much of a challenge. Popping on his scouter he noticed a high power reading. Not typical of the species found here. "What the?" Maybe his brother was alive after all. "This is Radditz. He hit his communicator. "There has been an unexpected development. It seems that Kakkarot is still alive."

"Are you sure?" a voice responded

"Not yet, but I aim to find out!" With that he blasted toward the highest of the powers he had a reading on. If Kakkarot were still alive, he would have to return to Vegeta. It was only right that the lost son of the great hero Bardock take his position among the planet's elite. If he knew his King Vegeta, and Radditz did, he would demand it.

Things did not go as Radditz expected when he finally found his lost brother. The other man claimed no knowledge of his Sayain heritage. He refused to accept that he was Kakkarot. He proclaimed his name to be Goku, of the planet Earth. This was greatly unexpected. He almost hated to in for the command of his findings. He flinched as he heard the response "Prepare him for the arrival of his King. King Vegeta has issued a summons for Kakkarot. If Kakkarot refuse Vegeta will be coming to him."

Later that year

Vegeta followed by his men stepped out into the earth's atmosphere. Goku stood with his friends and family. Vegeta walked over and spoke to him "Kakkarot. You are to returned to the planet Vegeta immediately."

"No, My name is Goku, and I am from." Goku tried to explain, but the other man would have none of it.

"Are you defying your King?" Vegeta sneered, "Because if you are that is a direct challenge to the throne and will be treated as such."

"You are not my King!" Goku answered.

In a moment Goku was blasted back by the ki blast the formed in the Kings hand. "If you will not obey you will die. Even you, son of Bardock, are not allowed such disobedience." Vegeta unclipped his cape. He then motioned for his men to move back and leave this to him.

The fight didn't take very long. Goku was soon pinned under King Vegeta's booted foot. Vegeta's hand raised above his head holding the brilliant light that would snuff out the light of Goku's life.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!" Gohan pulled away from Chi-Chi and attacked Vegeta. "Leave my Daddy alone!"

Vegeta looked up and crossed his hands over his face as Gohan connected with him. The power of the assault dropped the Prince backward and he flipped backward and rolled to his feet. He blocked the young boy's punched and kicks. As unschooled as they were they still held strength and speed he had never seen in a child. Waiting for an opening he brought his hand down and swatted the child like a fly sending him sprawling on the ground. His mother cried out and turned into her father's arms. The other warriors of earth growled and took a stance. A feminine cry came from the group and a beauty rushed forward to throw he self over the child. Her delicate form shielded the unconscious boy from any further attack. Her face was hidden by her flowing blue hair, but he body was trembling in fear.

Vegeta turned from the scene before him and asked a nearby guard "Did you get a power reading from the child?"

"It was over three thousand, my lord." The man stuttered.

"Impossible!" Vegeta glanced at the woman shielding the boy. "I have never heard of a child being so strong."

The soilder shifted his feet. "It does appear that the power has now left him."

"Really." Vegeta crossed his arms. "He is obviously a Sayain. Some one get me the explanation to this! I will be in my chamber." He waited for his men to refasten his cape. Sparing only a glance back over to the boy he noticed the blue hair girl looking up at him. He frowned. She was very pretty. It was a shame she would die for her brave actions.

"Are you telling me that it is the mixture of earthling and Sayain blood?" Vegeta raged at the scientist that stood before him.

"As best we can tell. It is also very likely that a demi-sayian mixed with this species could contain powers far greater then the average pureblooded Sayain." The man stood uneasily before the King. It was well know that strength was valued more highly then brains among the Sayian race. The King was no exception to this rule.

Vegeta thought for a moment. "Very well, Tell Kakkarot I say he can stay here with his child, but they must swear a loyalty to me or the planet will be destroyed."

"Very good sire." The scientist bowed before King Vegeta "Is there anything else, you would like?"

"Yes, get the blue haired girl. She looks pleasing enough to bear my heirs." Vegeta smiled evilly. The other man tried to hide his shock. Vegeta didn't notice his mind was somewhere else. "Demi-Sayains, huh."

May more years later

How things had changed. Bulma mused as she lay across her bed and played with her son's feet. Trunks was almost two now. Stubborn as the day is long, Bulma thought happily. The day she had been taken from earth she had thought her life was over. Yet, life on Vegeta had not been as she pictured it. Vegeta was gruff and moody, but in the end he had been patient and present in his affections. Winning her over had been a terrible task. She remember time he would rage at her for her stubborn resolve. How many times had he threatened to make her watch as he destroyed her planet? The thought was almost funny now. Vegeta would never hurt her. No one was allowed to treat her with anything but the highest respect. She sighed and rested her cheek on a soft pillow. Life was good.

The door opened and Vegeta stepped through. "Where is my son?"

Bulma rolled over and smiled "He is right here, you highness." She stood up her loose white gown flowing around her soft skin.

"I have something for him." Vegeta looked to the door and a soilder walked in with a bundle in his arms.

As the man got closer Bulma gasp "Vegeta! That's a baby!"

"Not just any child. He is Goten, second son of Kakkarot." Vegeta watched her horrified expression. "He is a demi-sayain, Bulma, He will be a good companion to my son."

"That's Goku's child!" Bulma cried at the thought of Chi-Chi reaction to losing her baby. Bulma couldn't imagine the pain the other woman was feeling. "You have to take him back to his parents!'

"I am sorry, Bulma." Vegeta looked as if he meant it. "But it would not be wise to allow the child to remain on earth. There is already on extremely powerful Demi-sayian there. I cannot risk another there. They could grow too powerful. It would mean trouble for Trunks."

Bulma took the baby from the solider. And felt the tears forming in her eyes as she noticed who similar the boy was to her old friend. "He will be raise the same as Trunks. Not as the Prince, but his right hand, This boy is both the grandson of Bardock and a demi-Sayain. He deserves some respect."

"As you wish it my love. He will be Prince Trunks personal guard when he is grown and answer to no one but the Prince himself." Vegeta left the room witht eh soilder. Bulma sat down on the bed.

Trunks looked over her shoulder at the baby and smiled. "Bab baee?"

"Yes, and he will be your very best friend." Bulma added. She was still stunned Vegeta had called her his love in front of another living soul. That man. She smiled down "Isn't that right, Goten.

Few more years later

Gohan looked at his newborn baby girl. "We have to cut off her tail immediately." Gohan said nervously "There is no way they are taking this child."

Goku and Chi-Chi nodded.

'It will not be easy to hide her from them will it?" Videl held her baby girl close to her heart.

"No it wont be." Gohan looked out at the night sky. "But we have to try. For as long as we can." In his mind her ran over the day his brother was taken. Gohan had begged them to take him instead. His mother had cried uncontrollably for days. Some nights she still did. His father just trained and got stronger. Gohan trained as well. If they came for Pan it would not be easy on them. King Vegeta be warned.