The Dragon King
The Dragon King

Chapter 9: Get Those Dragonballs

By: Tapion

Krista pulled her lips away from Tapion. Tapion was a bright shade of red. He took a few steps back and brought his hand up to the back of his head. “Wow, that was…ummm…interesting,” he managed to sputter out. Krista looked down at the ground.

“I hope things don’t get weird between us now,” she said not looking him in the eye. He put his finger under her chin and lifted her eyes to meet his.

“They won’t. I mean, look at Trunks and Pan…and Bra and Goten. Everything will be fine,” he said smiling. He planted a kiss right on her lips. Her eyes widened as soon as his lips touched hers. Then she closed them letting him pull her closer to himself.

* * *

Vegeta turned the gravity back to normal. He opened the door of the gravity room and stepped out. I’ve got it! I’ll get that fool Kakarot to get all of the Dragonballs. Once he has collected them, I’ll make my wish to be fused with Shenron. Vegeta laughed maniacally. Something he hasn’t done in a long time.

He went into the kitchen. He stopped when he saw Krista making out with Tapion. He walked back outside and around to the front of the building. He walked inside and down the hall to the science wing. He walked into one of the many rooms. He opened a drawer on the desk inside. He pulled out the little machine. He looked at it. He pushed the button on the top and the little machine came to life with 7 bright dots on it. He smirked. Now to find that idiot Kakarot. He ran back into the hall. On his way down the hall he saw his mate coming at him. He hid the dragon radar behind his back. He looked up to see what she had over her head. It was a little demon. It turned and saw Vegeta.

“If you have any decency, please help me,” it said with a scared look in its eyes. He sweet dropped as his mate skipped by and the demon looked back at him, about to cry. He shrugged it off and ran outside. He flew off towards the site where Goku and the others were training.

* * *

Trunks watched as his father flew off. Where is he going? He decided it wasn’t worth his time to try and figure out. He looked around at everyone. He realized Pan had gone in after that demon. He turned to look at the door where Pan was coming from. “Did you get it?” Trunks asked.

“Krista did, with Tapion’s sword,” she said flying right over Drake who was still laid out. Marron noticed her boyfriend.

“Oh my Kami, Drake!” she screamed as she ran over to him. Everyone joined her. She lifted him to a sitting position. “Are you okay?” she asked.

“Slide slide slippidy slide,” he said with a goofy grin on his face, then he fell back down on the ground. Marron looked down at him.

“What does that mean?” Bra asked.

“I don’t know,” Goten said looking at his girlfriend. Drake sat back up.

“But mommy, I don’t want to go to school today. I want to stay home and bake cookies with you!” he said in a high pitched voice and hugging onto Marron’s leg. He went back out.

“Maybe you should take him home Marron,” Trunks said.

“One problem…I don’t know where he lives,” Marron said blushing.

“Oh that’s easy to figure out,” Pan said pulling his wallet out of his back pocket. She opened it to his license and handed it to Marron. Marron looked at it.

“Okay,” she said. Trunks and Goten carried Drake to his car and Marron got in the driver’s side. Drake sat up one last time before they left.

“The force is strong with this one,” he said trying to imitate Darth Vader. “Back off he’s mine.” He made sounds like lasers from Star Wars and went back out. Marron sweat dropped and drove off.

“Hey, you guys will never believe what I saw,” Pan said with a big smile on her face.

“What?” the other 3 teens asked in unison.

“Tapion and Krista making out in the kitchen!” Pan practically screamed. The other 3 stood there staring at her for a second. Then all together the 4 teens made a mad dash for the kitchen. Tapion and Krista came walking out of the door to run smack, head first into the other 4. All 6 teens were down, out of it.

* * *

Gohan and Videl had gone to the side to see if Videl could learn to manipulate ki. Goku and Ubuu were training and Piccolo was meditating. Goku and Ubuu squared off. “You do know that we have no clue when this Dragon King is going to appear, right?” Goku asked Piccolo.

“Of course, but I always meditate at this time,” Piccolo said.

Gohan yelled from where he and Videl were training, “Mr. Piccolo, you always meditate!”

“Shut up, kid!” Piccolo yelled back at his former student. Piccolo went back to his meditation.

Goku turned back to Ubuu. They flew at each other. Goku punched and kicked at Ubuu who just dodged all his attacks. “Come on Ubuu, you have to attack. You just can’t wait till your opponent makes a wrong move,” Goku yelled at Ubuu while attacking him.

“Sorry,” Ubuu said as he hit Goku in the stomach. Goku floated back down to the ground. Ubuu floated down in front of him. “What’s Vegeta doing here?”

“I don’t know. Maybe he wants to train with us,” Ubuu said. Vegeta soon landed.

“Kakarot, I have an idea. Why don’t you use your Instant Transmission and collect all the Dragonballs before that psycho has the chance to,” the prince said in his normally cold tone.

“Good idea Vegeta,” Goku said slapping the prince across the back.

“Here’s the dragon radar,” Vegeta said handing him the device. “Just bring them back to Capsule Corp when you get all of them.”

“Okay,” Goku said putting his fingers to his forehead. He soon faded away to go on his hunt. Vegeta took off back to Capsule Corp. Soon I will have all the Dragonballs and make my wish to be fused with Shenron. He thought. Vegeta sped off.

* * *

Yamcha and Tien were taking a break from training with each other. They were watching Krillin trying to be Piccolo and fight with a form he made of himself. They finished fighting and fused back together. “Man that was one hell of a workout,” Krillin said sitting next to his friends.

“We should go have some fun,” Yamcha said.

“What did you have in mind?” Tien said looking a little scared. They had all gone out before with Yamcha, and it wasn’t a pleasant experience. They ended up in a bar with a drunk Yamcha yelling at every girl that walked by. Tien had tried a beer and instantly got sick. They wouldn’t let Krillin have any alcohol because he couldn’t see over the bar. Chao-su had been locked in a box because someone said they didn’t like mimes, and hated it when they pretended they were trapped in a box. So, he put him in a real one.

“Yamcha, I don’t think we should go out. I mean, we have to train because we don’t know when this guy is going to show up,” Krillin explained.

“What will one night hurt, Krillin?” Yamcha pleaded.

“Fine, but just tonight, Yamcha,” Tien said. A smile crept across Yamcha’s face. This is going to be fun.

* * *

Marron pulled up to the house that she was sure was Drake’s. He had popped up 2 more times since she left everyone. He had said, “I did it all for the Nookie,” and “She told me to walk this way, talk this way.” He said the second one in a really high pitched voice. Marron got out of the car and walked around to Drake’s side. She opened the door and pulled him out. She slowly carried him up to the front door. His head popped up. “I love you, Marron,” he said smiling.

“I think that’s the hit on the head talking,” she said to him.

“No, it’s true. I do I do I do-hoo,” he said with a big smile on his face. He then proceeded to kiss her with all his might. She slowly broke the kiss.

“Ummm…I have to go,” she said pushing some hair out of her eyes. She slowly walked down the steps. She started to fly away and turned and looked back at Drake. He was doing a dance and singing.

“Bye bye bye,” he sang dancing around. Marron sweat dropped. Why do the weird ones have to love me? She thought as she flew away.


Will the Z teens wake up in time for the battle? Will Vegeta get all the Dragonballs? Will Drake get over the hit in the head? Will anyone help that poor demon? When will this story be finished? I don’t know. But I plan to find out in the next chapter of The Dragon King.