The Dragon King
The Dragon King

Chapter 8: Have You Ever Seen A Woman Fight?

By: Tapion

He woke up with a start. He was having a bad dream. He looked around wondering where he was. He looked down and saw her. She looked beautiful. He looked around and he remembered where he was. He was in Capsule Crop. He looked back down at Krista. She had so many problems. How could he help? I promised that I wouldn’t tell anybody about Vegeta or kill him. What do I do? Krista stirred. She opened her eyes and looked up at Tapion with her beautiful blue eyes. “Good morning,” he said.

“Good morning yourself,” she said smiling. She thought he was cute, for an elf. “Tapion, I know this isn’t the best time to ask this, but you wouldn’t happen to be seeing anyone would you?” He was taken aback by her forwardness. She looked down after asking the question, afraid to look him in the eyes.

“What do you mean?” he asked the girl.

“Well, personally I think you’re really cute. I don’t know if it is that there are no guys in my time or what, but I think you are a serious hottie,” she said giggling a little. She had never really been able to flirt with a guy. She was always trying to stay alive. She knew now was her only chance. She had to take it. Tapion had a big sweat drop hanging from his head.

“Well…ummm…I’m not seeing anybody…” he sputtered, blushing. He gained a little courage, “Would you like to go out sometime Krista?”

This time it was Krista’s turn to be taken aback. “Well…if you want to…I would love to.” She smiled at him and pushed some of her purple hair back out of her eyes. He smiled at her. She blushed a very bright shade of red. She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. “But we can’t let this come between our training.”

“Of course.”

“Speaking of which we should be going to Goku’s house,” Krista said standing up.

“Yes,” Tapion said and they left the room.

* * *

Goku flew at Ubuu. Ubuu stood his ground. Goku punched at him and he caught his fist in his hand. Gohan flew at Ubuu from behind and Ubuu spun throwing Gohan’s father into him. They both fell backwards and hit the ground. They got quickly to their feet. They powered up and went Super Saiya-jin. Ubuu took a fighting stance. Piccolo, who was waiting for his moment, blurred in between Ubuu and the Saiya-jins. He squarely kicked Goku in the side of the head. Surprised by his master’s appearance. Gohan didn’t react too quickly and received a punch to the jaw. Ubuu flew directly at Goku, who had regained his composure. He flipped in mid air so his feet were towards Goku. He planted his feet in the middle of Goku’s chest. He channeled his ki to his feet. The blast knocked Goku back and shot Ubuu straight in between Gohan and Piccolo. He turned and punched Piccolo in the stomach and upercutted him after he bent over in pain. At the same time he kicked Gohan in the thigh. He the quickly kicked him in the stomach and flipped around after Piccolo was down and did a hook kick to the side of Gohan’s head, laying the Saiya-jin out with his father and master. “Whoa! Ubuu, you’ve been practicing haven’t you?” Goku said sitting up.

“A little,” Ubuu said shyly.

“Well I think it’s great Ubuu,” Gohan said sitting up. Piccolo stood up and crossed his arms.

“Keep it up and you’ll be better than Goku,” Piccolo said smiling. Suddenly, all 4 of them turned to the same direction.

“Looks like you’re wife’s coming Gohan,” Goku said.

“Yeah I know,” Gohan said looking a little grief stricken. Videl landed close to her husband.

“Let me train with you all,” she stated bluntly.

“Videl, we don’t have time for this. You know you can’t manipulate ki,” Gohan said turning to his wife.

“I plan to learn how and be some help during this battle,” she said smugly.

“No! I won’t allow it!” Gohan yelled. Videl turned to him, her eyes blazing with anger.

“I will train with you, I will learn to manipulate ki, and I WILL help you in this battle,” Videl said through clenched teeth. Gohan put his hands up in his defense scooting away.

“Yes ma’am,” he said, hanging his head. Videl smirked.

“Now, who’s ass do I get to kick first?” Videl said looking from Gohan, to Ubuu, to Piccolo, then finally to Goku.

“I’ll take you on,” Piccolo said stepping forward. Videl got into a fighting stance. Goku and Ubuu walked away to watch from a safe place. Gohan walked next to Piccolo.

“Go easy on her Mr. Piccolo.”

“I HEARD THAT!” Videl screamed. “Don’t go easy on me Piccolo, I’d hate to have to knock the living hell out of you,” she said smiling.

“That’s enough!” Piccolo yelled flying at the girl. Gohan watched as Piccolo attacked his wife. He turned and walked to join his father and Ubuu. I hope she’ll be alright.

* * *

The demons landed on top of the Capsule Corp building. They checked the ki levels surrounding the building. “Let’s see…there’s Pan’s,” said one pointing to the pool.

“There’s Krista’s,” another said pointing towards the main living quarters.

“Which one should we go after?” asked a smaller demon.

“Pan of course,” said the supposed leader. The 7 demons lifted off the top of the building. They slowly flew towards the pool keeping their ki levels down. They hovered over the pool.

“Oh no! It’s Trunks!” said the little one. All of them turned to look at Trunks.

“We can’t go back without something, we’ll just have to fight,” said the leader.

“Okay,” said the other 6 in unison. They all powered up and flew down to the pool where the Z teens were.

“What the f…” Trunks was cut off my punch to his jaw by a demon.

“TRUNKS!” Pan yelled. She powered up and flew to her boyfriend. She looked down at him then turned her head to the demon that had punched him. Her eyes burned with rage. She jumped at it, feet and hands flying. She punched him in the stomach causing him to fly up in the air. She did a spinning back kick and sent the demon flying across the yard. He flew directly into a tree.

Marron, Bra and Goten had climbed out of the pool and were helping Trunks up. The 4 stood up and powered up, seeing more demons coming. Drake ran for cover. Two demons flew straight for Trunks. He flew up into the air and they followed. Three flew towards Bra, Marron and Goten.

Pan flew across the yard towards the original attacking demon. It had made its way to its feet. She punched straight towards its face. It put his hands up and blocked the punch. It scooted back a little with the punch. The tree that it had ran into splintered. It brought its arms down and laughed in her face. “Wrong move, ugly,” she said smiling demonically. She pulled her other hand back and punched the demon in the face. It went flying back. Pan pulled her hands back, “Kamehamae…HA!” she yelled as the blast flew through the air and vaporized the demon. She turned around and flew back to help her friends.

“AHHHHHH! GET IT OFF OF ME!” Drake yelled. The small demon had its feet on his shoulders and was pulling on his hair laughing. Drake jumped into the pool trying to get the demon off. The demon just laughed and held on with one hand and had the other one over its head.

“Yee Haw!” it yelled. Drake got out of the pool and ran around the yard screaming bloody murder. All the time the demon thought it was in a rodeo.

Bra punched furiously at the demon that kept dodging her attacks. “Stand still you little bastard!” she screamed at it. She managed to get a punch on it in its face. It backed away holding its face. It brought its hands down and laughed. Bra had had enough. She brought her hands together. “Final…” she started. The demon knew what was coming and began to run. It ran over to the demon attacking Marron. Bra followed with her hands. “FLASH!” she yelled releasing the ki from her hands. Marron jumped out of the way as the blast vaporized both of the demons.

Bulma had heard all the screaming and came outside. “What’s going on?” she inquired. No one took any time to answer her. She saw Drake running around the yard with the demon still acting like it was in a rodeo. Drake looked over at Bulma with tears in his eyes. His eyes went from Bulma’s face down to what she had in her hand, a frying pan. He ran over to her and took the frying pan from her hand. He put it down between his legs, holding it with both hands, and then let it fly up at the demon. The demon jumped out of the way before Drake even started. Drake nailed himself right in the head. He fell back and his body twitched.

“Now why did you do that?” asked the demon who had jumped off his head. Bulma looked down at the boy with the demon. Bulma brought her eyes from the boy up to what had been on his head, the demon. She stared at it for a second. A smile crossed her face. She grabbed the demon and held it over her head in triumph.

“I’VE GOT A NEW EXPERIMENT!” Bulma yelled with a big smile on her face. Everyone turned and looked at her, even the demons. She frolicked into the house. Everyone face faulted. They soon regain their composers and continued with the battle. It was now 5 on 3. The Z teens made a circle around the remaining demons. All the Z teens powered up an attack. They all fired at once. One demon managed to jump out of the way while the other two were turned to dust. Pan saw the one remaining.

“I’ve got it!” she informed the other teens. She flew off after it. It headed for the Capsule Corp building. It flew in through the door Bulma left wide open. It flew into the kitchen.

“What the hell?” came a voice from inside. Pan flew in just in time to see a sword pass through the demon and it explode. She looked at the other end of the sword to see Krista holding it. She looked down and saw Tapion sitting on the floor. Krista helped him up and handed him his sword.

“Sorry about that, I just react weird sometimes. It just happened to be me grabbing your sword,” she said blushing a little.

“It’s okay,” Tapion said sheathing his sword. “You can use my sword anytime you like.” Pan smiled and left as Krista pulled him close and kissed him.

Wow, those two are hitting it off really well. She thought while smiling to herself.

* * *

Piccolo stared at the girl from the ground. How can she be this strong without using ki attacks? He lay his head back in the dirt letting a small laugh escape his laugh.

“What’s the matter Piccolo? Have you ever seen a woman fight? Just because you can use ki, doesn’t mean you can beat me,” Videl laughed. She turned away from the Namekian and went to join her husband and father-in-law.

“Don’t worry Videl,” Piccolo said in a weak voice. “We will have a rematch.”

* * *

He was sitting in the gravity room under 500 times Earth’s normal gravity. He had felt the powers outside of the chamber. He knew Trunks and Bra could take care of themselves. He was pretty sure that the rest of them could too. That amount of ki could only mean one thing…Bra’s doing the Final Flash. He was sure that he wouldn’t have to help them. He had other things on his mind. That brat from the future said a madman wished to be fused with Shenron. All that power… Vegeta smirked. …could be mine.


Oh no, Vegeta’s first evil thoughts in a long time. What will the Z fighters do? What will Bulma do to that poor demon? What will the author do next in the story in general? Find out in the next episode of The Dragon King.

Author’s Note: Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out. I was on vacation. Please visit my website at It would be greatly appreciated if you would take the poll and sign my guestbook. You can even send me some fanfics or fanarts to