Second Chances

Chapter 11: An unknown part of me



Author’s Note: No one’s voting! C’mon all you have to do is review and tell me! In other news I’m thinking of putting up three new fics. One will be about mirai Bulma and the other will be an AU about 16# 17# and 18#. The other story will be a weird humor fic about all the DBZ peeps I’ll let you know when they’re posted. This chapter is mainly about Jeice! (I’ll bet you’re happy, Zarbon’s lover.)

Warning!!! Kleenex alert!! This chapter is rated PG-13 because some mature content (Nutten’ really bad though.)



            Disclaimer: I still don’t own DBZ!




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One week after the end of the akkads…



            Jeice slowly opened his eyes from a deep sleep and yawned. Today would be his last day on the ship. If I never see another bliddy spaceship again it’ll be too soon! I just wanna stay with Jess for the rest of my life. Jeice thought and then suddenly he remembered what Keeta said “The reason I wished Jeice back is because it was Jess’s dying request, she has cancer.” W-what if I’m too late, what if she’s gone!? It would be those stupid Akkads’s fault!


            In the kitchen Radditz and Turless were stuffing themselves with any and every type of food you could name. Jeice came in and asked Keeta, “How much longer till’ we land on Skorza?”


            “Uuummm… 2 hours.” Keeta replied


Two hours later…


            “Prepare to land in T minus 10…9…8…7…6…5…4…3…2..1” Keeta’s control panel said


            The ship landed with an ear piercing thud. Jeice, Radditz, Turless, and Keeta clumsily walked out.


            “C’mon guys I’ll show you where Jess is.” Keeta said and took off flying.


            After flying for about 5 minutes Keeta landed near a mammoth white building. It had many windows and a big green sign that said: Skorza Hospital.



Inside Jess’s room…


            “We’ll leave you  two alone.” Keeta said motioning for Radditz and Turless to follow her.


            Jess was lying on a bed. She had snow white hair and dark red skin like Jeice. Only today her skin looked pale, very pale. Several machines were hooked onto her making her heart pump, and making her breath but yet none of them could make her live. Oh shure physically she was alive, but emotionally and mentally she was dead and all the machines in the universe could let her live.


            Jeice grabbed Jess’s hand, it was cold and clammy like she was dead but the heart monitor said the opposite.


            “I know that you probably can’t hear me, and I know that you’ll probably never get to see me again like you wanted to but I just wanted to tell you that I’m so happy to be able to see you one last time.” Jeice said and wiped a tear from his cheek “Don’t leave me Jess I need you. You’re the only person I’ve ever loved and without you I have no reason for living.” Jeice was now crying hysterically


            “Yes you do have a reason for living.” Jess said and slowly opened her eyes for the first time in months.


            “Jess your talking!” Jeice screamed


            “Yes but not for much longer it’s almost my time, I can feel it.” Jess said barely above a whisper.


            “No you can’t leave me I wont let you!” Jeice said shaking his head


            “You can’t stop this.”


            “Well then I’ll join you in heaven!”


            “No you have to stay here and take care of your son!”


            “M-m-my son!?”


            “No our son.” Jess said and squeezed his hand


            “What’s his name?” Jeice asked a little dumbfounded, after all they’d only made love once, the night before he left for Namek


            “His name is Jimmy Jeice Delum and he’ll be 4 on February 28.”


            “J.J huh?”


            “Jeice come closer!’ Jess demanded.


            Jeice obeyed. “What’s wrong.”


            Jess didn’t answer. “Now that I’ve seen you one last time my sole can rest in peace.” Jess closed her eyes for the last time and exhaled for the last time. Her body went limp. Jeice bent down and gave her one last kiss.


            Suddenly a young boy came bounding. With a look of horror and sadness he turned to Jeice and yelled, “What did you do to my Mommy!?” He suddenly burst out crying.


            So this is the unknown part of me, J.J  Jeice thought. “Hi J.J I’m your daddy.”


            J.J gazed wide-eyed at Jeice. “Mommy said you were on your way! What’s wrong with Mommy?”


            “Well J.J your Mommy is a star in the sky now and she’ll be watching you forever.”


            “NNNOOO! I want Mommy here with me!”


            “So do I.” Jeice said and held J.J close and cried. They cried together.







            “Our next victim…er… competitor is the lovely, Celipa!” The announcer said


            Celipa slowly walked into the ring.


            “You know miss, there’s still time to forfeit. Why don’t you go home and knit?”  A cocky Mr. Santan said. He threw his head back and laughed as though he had just told the funniest joke in the whole world.


            Celipa just stood there and smirked.


            “The rules are: no hitting below the belt, no killing, and you lose if you give up or if your thrown out of the ring!” The referee yelled “Go!”


            Celipa slowly walked up to Mr. Santan and with ease pushed him out of the ring. “Now who’s the one who should go home and knit?”


            “Well as surprising as this may sound we have a winner!” The announcer said, “Celipa!”








            “Ok… this may sound really crazy but a while go an angel came to me and said that I would meet someone with a tail. He said not to let you see the full moon.” Sammy started, “What will happen if you see a full moon?”


            “I’ll turn into an ape-like creature called oozaru and start reeking havoc.” Nappa said as though he were talking about the weather, “All Sayians do it.”


            “S-sayians.” Sammy said bewildered


            Nappa thought for a moment I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to tell her. After all its not like she could hurt me or anything. “Sayians are the strongest creatures in the universe. We are from planet Vegeta. There are very few of us left. Oh yes there’s one more thing that happens on a full night.”


            “What’s that?”


            Nappa smirked and slowly waked toward Sammy “Mating season.”


            Sammy slapped Nappa across the face. Nappa flinched, not bad for a human.


            What am I supposed to do? The angel said to keep him away from the full moon but he might try something until then! Sammy thought


            “You have nothing to worry about, I’d never even consider taking a human to be my mate.” Nappa said


            “Your room is the first door on the right.” Sammy said trying to change the subject. Nappa left the room.






            In the next chapter of Second Chances was Nappa serious about not taking a human mate? What will become of J.J and Jeice? What will Celipa buy with her award money? Will Portabella have a baby?


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