Ordinary World

Chapter 5

This is the LAST part of my little series. Well, here ya go!


“Well, that was one hell of a trip.” Bra said unfastening her seat belt.

“I’ll say.” Goten mumbled.

“Come on, let’s go!” Pan said motioning for them to leave the ship.

“Uh-oh” Goten said getting a sudden rush of fear.

“What?” Trunks asked getting out of his seat.

“Umm…everyone’s here. Even my mom.” Goten mumbled. Everyone had been so caught up in arriving that they hadn’t sensed the power levels of all of there loved ones outside. “Son Goten, get your butt out of that tin can.” Chi Chi screeched from outside. “Son Pan, you too. You two are in BIG trouble!”


“Great.” Trunks murmured. “Now look Goten. You got Gohan started. He’s going to give me the beating of my life.” Trunks rubbed his temples as he felt a sudden migraine.

“Wait a minute, I’ve got a plan.” Pan whispered.


The space ship door opened. As soon as Pan looked outside, she saw a very pissed Chi Chi and Videl with their hands on their hips glaring.

“Son Pan, what in Dende’s good name possessed you to run off like that?!” Videl shouted.

“Pan, you are in…big…tr…oub…le…” Chi Chi paused as she looked behind her granddaughter.

“GOKU!” She yelled happily as she flung herself at her sleeping husband.

“What’s wrong with him?” Chi Chi asked checking for his pulse and his forehead.

“He was gassed with a poison and asked me to get him to Bulma-san to figure out a antidote.” Pan said to the group.

“Sure,” Bulma said stepping into the conversation. “Just bring him into my lab.”

‘Worked like a charm.’ Pan smirked.

“Hey, don’t think you two are getting off this easily.” Chi Chi said scolding Goten and Pan.

“Aww…but mom. I’m 29 already.” Goten whined.

“Then maybe you should start acting like it.” Trunks said laughing.

“We’ll talk later.” Chi Chi said. “But first take your father to Bulma’s house.”

“Yes mom.” Goten sighed in defeat.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Bra and Trunks laughed from the side.

“Why are you two laughing?” Bulma scolded placing her hands on her hips.

“Here we go.” Vegeta muttered. Bulma glared at her husband, but glared back at the two little castaways.

“I thought you of all people, Trunks, would be a little more responsible!” Bulma scolded. Trunks lowered his head in shame as Bulma turned her head to Bra. “And you young lady, should know better.” Bulma glared. “And don’t try to give your father that puppy dog look. I’m the one that’s punishing you, not him. And Vegeta,” She turned to her husband. “don’t try and get her out of this one.”

“Damn bossy blue haired woman.” He muttered.

“Do you want to sleep on the couch!” Bulma screamed.

“Hmph.” Was the prince’s reply as he crossed his arms.

“Now,” Bulma said to the others that weren’t ticking her off. “why don’t we have a party to welcome back Goku!”

“Okay.” They all nodded.


“Hi Bulma-san.” Pan said walking into her lab.

“Hello Pan-chan.” Bulma chirped. “Just one question for ya, how’d ya get the ship?” Bulma asked nicely.

“I built it.” Pan said proudly.

“Really?” Bulma said interested by the minute. “How long did it take you?”

“I think it was a week, but I’m not sure.” Pan shrugged.

“Pan, how would you like to consider working for me here at Capsule Corporation. You can work on the same floor as Trunks.” Bulma winked.

“Thank you Bulma-san.” Pan blushed at the mention of Trunks’ name.

“Well, we’ll just work out the kinks later, right now, I have the antidote.” Bulma said holding up a needle. “Shall we?” Bulma gestured for Pan to go to the infirmiry.

“We shall.” Pan said.


“Okay Pan, here goes nothing.” Bulma said injecting a weird green oozy liquid into Goku’s vein.

Pan and Bulma looked at Goku in anticipation. Soon, his eye lids fluttered open.

“HI PANNY!” Goku said happily. “HI BULMA!” Goku sat straight up and noticed something behind Bulma‘s back.

“Oh, let me see!” Goku squealed like a child. He darted his eyes behind her back and saw the BIG needle that was there. “AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” With that, Goku ran out of the room faster than lightning.

“Some things never change.” Bulma muttered.

“I’ll say.” Pan said following her grandfather.


Soon, it was time for dinner. Every one ate at the table and chatted away just like old times. But Goku still eyed Bulma’s every move.

“Get a grip Goku, I don’t have the needle you big baby.” Bulma said rolling her eyes.

After dinner, the group sat around still talking about the good old times, and filling Goku in on all that he had missed.


Pan approached her father steadily. “Umm…hi dad.” Pan said lightly.

“Hi Pan-chan. Had fun on your little adventure?” Gohan asked ruffling her hair.

“You mean, you’re not mad?” Pan said amazed.

“Nah, I think that you’re old enough to make your own decisions, eh?”

“Oh yeah.” Pan said still trying to get over the fact that her father hadn’t freaked out.

“I mean let’s face it. My little girl is growing up, and I need to accept that fact.

Although it took some time, I got over it.” Gohan said saddly.

“Don’t worry dad, I’ll always be your little girl.” Pan said happily. This made Gohan smile proudly.

“Well, since you’re in a good mood, I guess I should tell you that I’m going out with Trunks.” She said calmly.

“Okay.” Gohan said taking a sip of his soda.

“BUT DADDY! I LOVE TRUNKS!” She started to complain. “Huh? Did you just say, ‘Okay’?” She said after realizing what her father had said.

“Like I said earlier, you’re old enough to make your own decisions. And besides, Trunks already told me.” Gohan shrugged.

“Dad, what did you do to him?” Pan said raising an eyebrow.

“Nothing. I just threatened to tear him limb from limb if you came home with a scratch on you. I told him the only exception I would make was for sparring. I don’t care if his coat grazed your skin accidentally, I’m going to kill him.” Gohan said seriously.

“Thanks dad.” Pan said hugging her father.

“Heh, you might want to go and have your fun. I guarantee that your mom and grandmother aren’t going to be to easy on you with your punishment.” Gohan said.

“Thanks daddy.” Pan said leaving.


So once again, peace and happiness has returned to Earth and their warriors again. But how long will it last?


Well, there’s the last part. Please write a review for this story. And I’m going to post another story soon, so be on the lookout for that one too!

-Christina :)