Ordinary World

Chapter 1

After much thought, I’ve come up with a NEW story! YEAH! Like always, I don’t own ANY of the DBZ characters. Too bad for me. Okay enough of this let’s go!

NOTE: In this story, Bra and Pan are Seniors at “Orange Star High School.” You know, the one that Gohan and Videl attended! Trunks is 30, Goten is 29, Marron is 26.


It was the last day of school before summer vacation. Pan sat in class looking at nothing in particular.

‘Should I tell him or not.’ She asked herself. She was debating with herself if she should tell Trunks she loved him or not. Suddenly, there was a mad rush of people heading out the doors of freedom. Despite herself, Pan didn’t really notice.

Bra stood at the side of Pan’s desk and wondered what was up with her. Lately, she’s been very spaced out. Bra extended her forefinger and tapped Pan on the shoulder.

“Huh?! What?! I didn’t do anything?!” Pan asked like a little girl who got caught with her hand in the cookie jar before dinner. There was a sudden outburst and Pan’s eyes were reduced to slits.. “Baka, don’t do that!” She spat.

Bra wiped the stray tear from her eye and looked at her friend.. “Geez Pan, I could’ve swore I saw you jump at least SIX feet.” Unable to control her laughter anymore, Bra started all over again.

“Haha. SHUT UP!” Pan said sarcastically. “Come on, let’s get out of here.” She dragged Bra out of the room and just waited till she stopped her fit of laughter.

“Hey Pan, what were you thinking about?” Bra said with a knowing tone. They continued to walk down the stairs to the front.

“Nothing. Why?” Pan lied.

“Hmph. You should stop being a total wuss and tell my ‘niichan that you love him. I told Goten and we’ve been going out for almost a year already.” Bra said matter-of-factly.

“I’m not even going to ask how you got the piece of information.” Pan said lightly still thinking about what Bra said.

“Well, it’s kinda obvious.” Bra chriped

“NANI?! Is it that obvious?!”

“No, it took me a while to figure it out.” Bra said rubbing her ears. “Just tell him Pan. Why don’t you go tonight. ‘Niichan is going to spend his week of in the beach house.” Bra said.

“Really?” Pan said with a hopeful look.

“Would I lie to you?” Bra sighed.

“Hai.” Pan replied.

“You’re right, I would. But this is your love life at stake, so of course I wouldn’t lie about this.”

“Gee thanks.” Pan said bringing out the sarcasm again.

“Okay fine, but if he’s there with some bimbo…”

“Nah, Trunks said that he wanted to be alone. He said between me giggling and mom and dad yelling, he’d rather have peace and quiet for the week. He said that he wants that ringing in his ears to go away.” Bra shrugged.

“Okay then, I’ll do it! What do I have to lose?”

“Hmmm…let me see…you’re pride…your dignity…your reputation…” “Okay, thanks Bra. I get the point.” Pan sneered.

“Okay Panny.” Bra said happily.

“Don’t call me that. Only Grandpa Goku’s aloud to.” Pan said saddly.

“You miss him a lot, don’t ya Pan?” Bra asked concerned.

“Yeah, I do.” Pan said fighting back tears.

“Don’t worry Pan, he’ll come back. I’m sure he’s on his way already.” Bra said putting a comforting hand on Pan’s shoulder.

“Thanks Bra.”

“No prob. Hey look! It’s Goten!” She squealed. She ran up to him and gave him a long passionate kiss. Pan, on the other hand, just rolled her eyes.

“Well Bra, I’ll do it. But first I want to get some training done. Ja ne Bra-kun, Ja ne Goten-jiisan.” Pan said taking off into the sky.

“Do what?” Goten asked scratching the back of his head.

“Don’t worry about it Goten-chan.” Bra said slapping his chest playfully. Goten just sighed as he turned a deep shade of crimson red.


Pan soared through the air joyfully.

“Hmmm…I’ll go before sunset. It’ll be so romantic.” She sighed happily.


After a long practice and hot shower, Pan was looking through her closet for the perfect outfit.

“Hmmm…I should just wear something CASUAL.” She said to herself. ‘Hmmm…it would also be good to wear something that would bring out my more “feminine” qualities.’ She thought. After much debating AGAIN, she decided on a pair of khaki cargo pants, and a skin-tight black tank top. “Perfect.” Pan thought happily. Pan inspected herself in the full length mirror. “Hmmm…I guess it’s okay.” She felt a sudden rush of excitement as she looked at her alarm clock. ’20 minutes till sunset.’ She said to herself calmly. “20 MINUTES!? IT TAKES 20 MINUTES TO GET THERE!” Pan just cursed herself, and in a blink of an eye, she was gone.


Pan could feel that sudden rush still in her. She felt her heart beating fast and hard. She could’ve sworn that the birds around her could hear it.

‘Well, there’s the beach house.’ She thought happily.’ “Here goes nothing.” She said to no one inparticular.

Pan could see Trunks sitting on the beach, ALONE.

“Good, those damn bimbos finally got a life.” Pan muttered. She kept her ki down so she could surprise him. Pan still levitated in the air as she took a deep breath. She readied herself to touch ground when suddenly…

“Trunks-chan!” Came a familiar feminine voice.

Pan looked down to see who it was that was ruining HER perfect moment. As the girl stepped out, Pan gasped.

“Marron.” She whispered to herself. The sun was about ready to set and Pan saw Trunks motioning for Marron to come and sit down. Marron did so as Trunks placed his arm around her waist. Right before the sun disappeared, Trunks leaned in and gave her a passionate kiss. Pan just levitated in the air. She felt all her hopes and dreams shatter along with her broken heart. Suddenly, she saw Trunks laying Marron down on the sand gently. “No.” Pan mouthed finding her voice no longer there. ‘That should be me.’ She told herself. She flew away with an explosion of ki. She didn’t care Trunks saw her or not. She looked back to see that Trunks hadn’t even flinched. She just kept flying. “No Pan, don’t cry.” She cursed herself. But she couldn’t stop them. Her hopes and dreams were shattered.

“DAMN YOU TRUNKS!!!” She cursed aloud. The last thing she saw before nothingness was a flash of golden light.


Pan awoke later that night to find herself in her own bed. She looked around to see her father sleeping on a chair.

“Tousan. Tousan, wake up.” Pan said shaking Gohan.

“Hey Pan-chan. You’re up.” Gohan yawned.

Pan just smiled at her father to reassure that she was fine. “What happened?” She asked rubbing her aching head.

“I don’t know. Why don’t I send Trunks in here. He’s the one that found you…”

“Dad, could you just tell him to go home. I REALLY don’t want to talk to him.” Pan said looking away.

Gohan sensed his daughter’s distress, but decided to let her rest. “You want anything to eat?”

“Nah, I’ll eat later dad.” Pan said smiling even wider. Gohan smiled as he shut the door after him.

Pan dropped her head on her pillow and closed her eyes to fight back the tears that threatened to make it’s way down her cheeks.

Just then, her door opened. “I’ll eat later.” She said hoping to shoo the person away. But the person just shut the door and sat at the edge of her bed. Pan opened her eyes half way. “T-t-t-t-trunks.” She said opening her eyes all the way. “What are you doing here?! I thought I told my dad to send you home?”

“He did, but I didn’t listen. How ya feeling kiddo?” He asked harmlessly.

“Kiddo? KIDDO?! Trunks, I’m not a little girl, so stop treating me like one. In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve grown up!” Pan spat.

Trunks was surprised by her sudden outburst. “Hey, easy. I know that you’re not a little girl anymore. I just thought that I’d call you by your nick name, is all.”

“Nicknames are for ditzy blonde bimbos.” Pan sighed.

“I’ll just ignore that last comment. Anyway, did you know that you turned Super Saiya-jin?” “I don’t care.” Pan said looking away as she remembered what had caused her to push through the barrier.

“Okay, I’m just going to go and leave you alone then. Bye Pan.”

“Yeah, bye.” She sighed. As soon as he left, Pan fell into a restless slumber.


Pan stood in a green forest meadow. “Where the hell am I?” She asked aloud.

“Panny?” Pan’s eyes widened at the use of her nickname.

“Grandpa.” She whispered. Pan cocked her head to the side and saw Goku standing there with a cheesy grin on his face. “GRANDPA GOKU!!” She cried. Pan ran towards Goku and hugged him. She felt him return the embrace.

“But how?” She asked looking at her grandfather with tears in her eyes.

“Panny, you’re crying.” Goku smiled. “I’ve never seen a strong warrior like you cry before.”

“I only cry for a good reason.” She said hugging her Grandpa harder.

“Look Panny, I haven’t much time. Right now, I’m stuck on a planet called Sumina. Their forces weren’t very strong, but they’re very smart. They gassed me with a strong poison, so right now I can’t wake up.”

“Go figure.” Pan mumbled.

“Hey, I heard that. Anyway, I need you to come and get me. Take me to Bulma after and ask her to see if she can make me an antidote. Well Panny, I better get going. Besides, it’s time for you to wake up. Bye Panny.”

“No Grandpa, don’t leave me.”


“GRANDPA!” Pan screamed sitting upright in bed. A thin layer of sweat covered her body as well.

Pan looked at her clock to see it was 8:02 am. “Okay, calm down Pan.: She told herself. She quickly changed into something more comfortable and went down to eat breakfast.


As soon as Pan made her way down the stairs, she noticed the entire Z senshi there. She also noticed Trunks and Marron flirting in the corner. Pan just took a deep breath as she entered the kitchen. In her hand, she held the four-star dragon ball.

“Excuse me!” Pan said getting everyone’s attention. She felt tears stream down her face as everyone had concerned looks on their faces. No one ever saw Pan cry, so something must’ve happened. Pan looked back down at the four-star dragon ball and found the support that she needed. “I know where Grandpa is.” She said quietly.

“What?” They all said.

“She said she knows where Kakarotto is.” Vegeta spat. Just then, Chi Chi let the mug she held fall. She felt the pieces shatter at the tip if her boots. “Where is he?” Chi Chi asked calmly as she looked at Pan.

“He’s on a Planet called Sumina.” Pan said with her head held high.

“How do you know?” Vegeta sneered.

“I saw him in my dream. He told me.” Pan said.

“It was just a dream Pan-chan.” Gohan said holding his daughter.

“No, you’re wrong. Grandpa’s there, I can feel it. I know he is.” Pan said wiggling out of Gohan’s arms.

“Pan honey, it was just a dream.” Videl said saddly.

“No, you’re wrong. You’re all wrong!” Pan said taking a couple steps back. She still held fast to the four-star dragon ball. “I’m going to prove it too. I’m going to Planet Sumina.” “Honey, go lay down. I don’t think you’re feeling well.” Videl said feeling Pan’s head.

“I’M FINE!” Pan said. She turned on her heel and quickly ran to her room where she slammed her door.


Knock! Knock! Knock!

“Go away, I don’t want to talk to anyone.” Pan sobbed.

“Pan-chan, it’s Uncle Goten.” He said walking in.

“You’re probably going to say I’m crazy right?” Pan said without facing her Uncle.

“No, I’m going to say that I’m going with you. You can’t leave me out of this adventure.” Goten stated.

“Really?!” Pan said turning around with a look of pure joy.

“Yes, now let’s get a plan going.”



After much plan, the 2 split up to go and do their parts. Goten was in charge of getting enough food (big surprise) and all of their other necessities. Pan was in charge of building a spaceship. Since Bulma said she wasn’t going to be a part of their plan, Pan had to build her own. Although Pan rarely listened in school, she was a genius when it came to building ships. She always listened to Bulma’s lectures and picked up quite a few good tips. A spaceship in particular. So everything was set to be finished one week from tonight. Then, they would be off.


So there ya have it…Part 1! I’ll be sure to get everything done as soon as possible. I’m still working on the rest of the story. But as for now, could you please write a review about my story so I know if you like it or not. Thanx!

-Christina :)