One life lost, Another gained

Chapter 3

Disclaimer: The characters do NOT belong to me (if they did, I would be rich now wouldn't I) so don't sue me, please!


Juuhachigou arrived at her capsule house in the woods to see Juunanagou sitting on a rock, his head in his hands.

"Juunanagou, what's wrong?" she asked putting her hand on his shoulder.

He shook his head. "Something happened to me Juu-chan..."

"Wow, you haven't called me that in a long time. Actually, the last time you called me that, we were human," she hinted smiling.

"What are you getting at?" Juunanagou asked confused.

"Juunanagou, we're human."

His head shot up. "How the hell did that happen?"

"Krillin wished us human with the dragonballs."

"Cueball wished us human? Why?"

"How many times do I have to tell you?! He's not bald anymore, he has hair. And he said he didn't want me to be all metal inside. I think he made you human to get on your good side... and mine for that matter."

Juunanagou looked at her. "Oh..." was all he said.

"Well," Juuhachigou started, "I'm going to my room. Goodnight." And she walked into the house and to her room. She lay on her bed and turned on the stereo. She listened to the music thinking, while slowly drifting off to sleep, Krillin on her mind the whole time.

Krillin woke up to the blaring of a heavy metal rock band on MTV. He then remembered falling asleep to "Jackass" the night before.

He got up and took a shower, then decided to train a little in his yard. He put on jeans and sneakers, walked outside and started training, imagining Cell to kick the shit out of for absorbing Juuhachigou.

Juuhachigou woke up to the soft music playing in her ears. She got out of bed and brushed her hair. She had dreamed of Krillin. She liked him, a lot, she didn't know what was coming over her, it was a strange new feeling. She needed to go and talk to Krillin. She put on a white mid-drift T-shirt and some jeans and took off for Krillin's house.

Krillin stopped during mid-kick. Juuhachigou's coming... he sensed. He smiled and continued training.

Juuhachigou arrived a minute later, landing silently on the soft glass. Krillin stopped and turned around to face her, panting as the sweat glistened on his face.

"What brings you here?" he asked, breathing heavily.

"Well, I have kinda been having some unexplained feelings lately... and I thought that maybe you could clear them up for me..."

Krillin was stunned, what kind of "feelings" was she talking about?

"Uhh..." he stammered. "What do you mean by," ::gulp:: "feelings?"

"Well, I don't exactly know myself... it has something to do with you though."


"Yeah, whenever I'm around you I get a fluttery feeling in my stomach--"

"Like butterflies in you stomach??" Krillin exclaimed.

"Yeah..." Juuhachigou replied, astounded with how he could have known that. "And it feels like someone's pulling on my heart--"

"Like a heartache?" Krillin blurted again.

"Yeah, and I keep thinking about you..." God he is so cute... she thought. Then she smacked her head and said, "There I go again."

Krillin's heart raced. He knew what the feelings meant, she loved him, she just didn't know she loved him. (Boy, doesn't that sound like an excuse...)

"Wait," she cried, knocking Krillin out of his thoughts. "Could it be that word those humans use?"

she thought out loud. "It starts with an 'L'... luck or something, no that doesn't sound right..."

"It does have a 'lu' sound though," Krillin said, inching closer and closer to her.

"Yeah there is... but I just can't remember it..." she mumbled, arms crossed as she thought.

Suddenly she felt hands pull out her own hands from their crossed position. She looked up to see Krillin, holding her hands with hope shimmering in his eyes.

"L-love...?" she whispered.

"Me too..." Krillin whispered back. They slowly moved in until they were finally kissing. Krillin's heart pounded in his ears, as did Juuhachigou's. Krillin was happy, he was finally happy in his life.

When it was over, Krillin said, "Wow, that was weird, such height difference. Damn, I'm never gonna be taller than my girlfriend..."

Juuhachigou thought for a minute, then came up with an idea. She got down on her knees in front of Krillin and pulled his face down to hers. Krillin smiled inwardly as she ran his fingers through her hair.

"Hurry up Krillin!" Juuhachigou called from the door of her and Krillin's house.

"Coming!" Krillin yelled, running down the hall. They were off to the beach. Juuhachigou had on her red string bikini and Krillin had his blue swimming trunks. It has been two months since the "declaration," and they have been living together since then.

Juuhachigou had been having difficulties adjusting to being a human woman, and Bulma had been gracious enough to teach her the basic necessities of it all: showering in a "shower" instead of a lake, using shampoo and conditioner, she had to explain the whole thing about her hair not being perfect all the time anymore unless she took care of it, the evils of once a month, along with other things. Krillin was extremely grateful to Bulma, but didn't fully trust the idea of Juuhachigou around Vegeta all day, they both might snap and just beat each other senseless.

Krillin ran up to Juuhachigou and smiled. "Ready," he said as he reached up and kissed her cheek. She rolled her eyes and smiled, then walked out the door with Krillin at her heels.

When they got outside and Krillin locked the door, they took off, Juuhachigou in the lead. Krillin was right behind her and he called out, "Yowza! I'm likin' the view!" She slowed down to him and smacked him and smacked him on top of the head.

"You are such a dork," she said to him and returned to her place in front of him. He only smiled rubbing his head.


They arrived at the beach and lay near the water.

"You're gonna have to put some of this 'suntan lotion' shit on me, you humans and your damn weak skin..." Juuhachigou mumbled handing Krillin the bottle of suntan lotion.

Coooool..... Krillin thought happily. He took the suntan lotion and applied it, Juuhachigou smiled under his touch.

After he was done she put on her dark glasses and lay her head on the rolled up extra towel they brought. "Whoa, deja vu," she mumbled. Krillin looked over to her and smirked, "Ya want it to really be deja vu?"

"What do you mean by that," she asked. Krillin got up and walked over to the water. Once he got there, he smirked once again and splashed the water onto Juuhachigou.

She gasped and sat straight up as she cold water splashed on her. A cold chill spread throughout her body, and upon her skin arose little bumps known as: goose bumps.

"Damn human bodies..." Juuhachigou mumbled as she got up and charged at Krillin.

She tackled him and tossed him deeper in the water, jumping in after him. They had fun splashing in the water for hours, occasionally exchanging a kissy-kiss or two.

When they finally got out, they decided it was time to go, so they packed up and left for home.

When they arrived there they went in and changed, then Juuhachigou told Krillin that she was going shopping and left. Krillin, knowing how long it was going to be until Juuhachigou got back from shopping, decided to take a nap on the couch. He turned on the TV and watched music videos on VH1 until he drifted off to sleep.
Krillin awoke to the doorbell ringing. He slowly opened his eyes and got up. He drug himself over to the door and opened the door. The moment he did, his eyes flew open wide and bulged.

"M-M-Maron?!?!?" Krillin cried. There, right in front of him, was the blue-haired ditz herself, Maron. "Hi Krilly! Love the new hair!" she squealed wrapping her arms around his neck and dragging him outside.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing??" Krillin said, trying desperately to escape her death grip.

"Why Krilly, I came back because I realized that I can't live without you!" she said once she let go of him.

"I think you can manage..." he replied, hand behind his head. "You're going to have to, I'm taken." "You're taken with me?? OH I KNEW IT!!! My little Krilly-willy missed me too!!" she exclaimed hugging him, choking off his air supply.

"That's..... not..... what...... I...... meant......." he mumbled with the loss of air, but Maron didn't hear him, she was too busy squealing with, happiness I think.

Then, the worst thing that could have happened to Krillin at this point in his life, did. Maron pulled out from the hug, leaned in and kissed him. And, as fate would have it, in came none other than Juuhachigou, home from shopping. She stopped in midair to confirm what she thought she was seeing, she was write. Some blue-haired bimbo kissing Krillin, or was it the other way around, or was it an equal share?

She just stood there in utter surprise. Soon her surprise turned into anger and without her knowing, her power level rose. Tears formed in her eyes, clouding her vision. Krillin felt a tremendous power and he pulled himself away, which, by the way, he had been trying to do for quite some time, to see Juuhachigou floating there very angry. He pushed Maron out of the way just as Juuhachigou shook her head and took off.

"JUUHACHIGOU!!! COME BACK!!!! NOOOO!!" he yelled after her. He turned around to Maron, who had landed on her ass after Krillin had pushed her away, and walked angrily up to her. "Goddamnit you may have ruined the best thing in my entire life you bitch!!" he cried, then he turned around. Just before he took off, he turned around, tears in his eyes, and said, "And sorry if I made you SAD, I'm sure you have another boyfriend to go to, ya know, one of the ones you were banging when we were going out." With that, he took off after Juuhachigou. Maron looked on for a while. Then she shrugged, "Well, there still is Anthony, Jason, Matt, Harvey, Ricky, Donald, Brian, Al, Tim, Tony, Mark, Mike, Stan, Kent, Mitch...." (I think you get the idea...)

Juuhachigou blasted through the air, tears streaming down her cheeks and sparkling in the sunlight. She sighed when she reached the forest and flew down into it. She cried the whole way to where she used to live. As usual, there was Juunanagou, sitting on the same old rock, just thinking, about what god only knows. His head shot up and turned to look at her as she ran in, her cheeks stained with tears, old and new. She looked at him, the words he had said in the beginning of this relationship kept running through her head, Just don't get your hopes up... Her eyes welled up again and she ran into the house.

He hurt her...... he will pay.... I know he will come to 'talk' to her, he won't get through.

Juunanagou thought, his anger rising dangerously high.

Krillin zoomed through the sky, trying to find Juuhachigou, when the forest came into sight. That's where she is! he thought lowering into the forest. He landed lightly on the floor, then started searching for where her house, or where she lived. Then he felt a huge power level, That must be where her house, and she is... He hurriedly followed the power level to a clearing where there was a little capsule house. "Aha!" he cried. He ran towards the house, then out in front of him appeared: yup, you guessed it, Juunanagou.

"J-Juunanagou...? Hi...." Krillin stammered, he was still scared of the former ***jinzouningen.

"What do you want here?" he responded menacingly.

"Uhhh... I kinda came to talk to Juuhachigou...."

"You hurt her. You can't talk to her."

"But I have to explain! It wasn't like she saw it!"


"Look, I'm sorry, but I have to talk to her. I'm am not going to let you get in the way of the only joy I have in life.

One of the only reasons I want to live is because she's here!"

"Touching, very touching, but no."

"Fine then. I really wanted to get on your good side, but if I have to fight for Juuhachigou, I will," Krillin declared getting in a fighting stance.

Juuhachigou, hearing, and sensing, the commotion, came to the window to see what was happening. She wiped the tears from her eyes and sniffled as she saw Krillin confronting her brother. Suddenly he got into a fighting stance.

No Krillin! Don't do it.... What am I thinking?? That little shit cheated on me.... I think.....

Juuhachigou thought biting her nail in frustration and fear. She opened the window just in case they said anything more. They moved into a more open spot and then they both lowered into fighting positions.

Juuhachigou gasped as a tear rolled down her cheek.

Krillin looked at Juunanagou in his fighting stance. He knew he wasn't as strong as he was. Juunanagou was gonna kick his ass. As long as I get to Juuhachigou.... he thought smiling. He leaned back, grit his teeth, and shot forward.

He delivered a kick to Juunanagou's head, which he easily blocked.

Then they started in a series of punches to each other, none of them maing with the other. Finally Juunanagou landed a ferocious kick across Krillin's face, sending him flying into a tree. He pulled himself up and wiped the blood away from his mouth, then with a cry of frustration, he charged again. This time he punched Juunanagou across the face sending him staggering backwards trying to keep himself from falling. He turned his head towards Krillin and shot after him, punching him in the stomach. Krillin's face showed his obvious pain clearly as Juunanagou punched him over and over in the stomach, then uppercut him, sending him flying. He landed with a thud on the ground, sending a shiver up Juuhachigou's spine.

Krillin twitched as he lay on the ground, mentally screaming at himself to get up, not to give up. He slowly and painfully pulled himself up into a sitting position and gasped for breath.

"What's the matter? Not gonna make it? Then I guess you'll never talk, or see for that matter, Juuhachigou again. This is what you get for hurting her," Juunanagou taunted. Krillin's eyes widened at this sudden revelation. His eyes burned with sadness and fury at the thought of this reality.

"Well come on! You gonna get up and fight, or just sit there and cry?" Juunanagou chuckled. Krillin's eyes burned with rage as he tried with all his might to stand up.

"So that's the best you can do? I feel so deprived of a good workout, what a shame.." Krillin's power level rose as complete anger took over his brain and his emotions, then finally, it just snapped. He screamed in blind rage and led a fierce attack against Juunanagou, every punch, every kick, every blast making contact. Then finally, with the fights finishing blow, Juunanagou was smashed into the tree.

Krillin fumed, breathing heavily. "You will NOT," he said, "keep me away from the woman I love with all of my heart. I really hope someday we can be friends, or at least on the same team, but I will not let you stand in the way of me and the most incredible person on Earth, even if she is your sister."

Juunanagou looked up at Krillin, you could practically see the steam coming out of his ears, and smiled.

"You are truly in love with her aren't you?" he sighed.

"No one will ever know how much."

"Then go ahead. She deserves someone like you I suppose," he said, almost sadly. "I'll probably never find someone."

Krillin's eyebrows came up slowly at this confession, Juunanagou was lonely without Juuhachigou there all the time.

He felt sorry for him... then he remembered that he needed to explain the earlier scene to Juuhachigou. He turned and ran to the door and knocked. The door slowly opened up to Juuhachigou, smiling with tears streaming down her face.

"Juuhachigou, let me explain--" Juuhachigou quickly put her index finger over his lips.

"Shhhh... Shut up Krillin..." she said and kissed him. Juunanagou looked up at the show of love before him sadly, realizing that he would never find that, and bowed his head.

Juuhachigou pulled away. "But--" Krillin started, but Juuhachigou interrupted him.

"I heard everything. But what was that little bitch doing kissing you? What's her name? Where does she live? I'll kill her..." she said jealously.

"Ooo, someone's jealous.." Krillin smiled. Juuhachigou smiled back and hugged him, but because of the ferocious battle, Krillin cried out in pain. Juuhachigou quickly pulled back and said, "Oh my god Krillin, I'm sorry!" Then she looked up and saw Juunanagou.

"Juunanagou!" she cried. Krillin smiled as she ran towards her brother to help him and walked over to assist her.

"Your boyfriend kicked my ass, and he did it for you, you're lucky," Juunanagou told Juuhachigou after she had took him inside and took care of him.

"I know..." Juuhachigou whispered smiling. "Now are you sure it's okay if we go home?"

Juunanagou smiled at her. "Of coarse, I can take care of myself."

"Well, I don't like it, but all right," Juuhachigou said hugging him.

She got up and walked to the door. She turned around just before she left. "Love ya..." she said and left.

When she walked outside, Krillin was there to meet her, but she looked disturbed.

"He's going to be fine," Krillin reassured her. Juuhachigou nodded.

Krillin started to think about what Juunanagou had said about never finding love, and what he could do to help him.

"Ya know, I was thinking..." he started while him and Juuhachigou were on their way home, "that maybe we could get Juunanagou a girlfriend or something."

"Oh come on," Juuhachigou replied, practically laughing. "Juunanagou doesn't want a girlfriend." "He's lonely, I can tell. After we fought, he said that you deserved love, and that he'd never find it. If you would have seen the look in his eyes..."

"Really?" Juuhachigou was amazed that Juunanagou could ever be lonely, or longing for love. It just wasn't... 'him.'

"Yeah... Hey! I've got an idea!"

To Be Continued