One life lost, Another gained

Chapter 2

Disclaimer: The characters do NOT belong to me (if they did, I would be rich now wouldn't I) so don't sue me, please!


They arrived at The Aviary shortly and walked in. Krillin took care of all the necessaries, AKA: billing information, where to site, stuff like that. When they got to their seat, it was a booth seat next to a huge, square box with beautiful plants and flowers in it. There was a beautiful white rose poking down from the box, so Krillin picked it up and set it on the table. Juuhachigou looked at it and smiled, Krillin blushed.

After they ordered their food, there was an awkward silence, Krillin didn't really know what to say or how to make small talk with an android.

"Uhh, so uhh, you like this place?" Krillin asked.

"Yeah, it's nice," she replied looking around.

"Yeah..." Krillin really was lost on what to do. Should I give it to her? Maybe it would break the ice so I could actually communicate with her... Krillin decided on giving her the "present" he had picked out. He slowly reached into the pocket of his jacket and pulled out a long velvet box and set it in front of Juuhachigou. She looked at it in surprise, she had never gotten something like this before, let alone seen one, and she didn't know what it was.

"W-wow, uhh, what is it?" she asked, kind of embarrassed.

"It's a present," Krillin smiled.

"For me? Really?" She picked it up and looked at it.

"Yeah, open it." She looked up at him in question.

"How?" she asked. Then was when it occurred to Krillin that Juuhachigou probably had never gotten something like this before and didn't know what to do.

"Oh! Yeah, here." He reached out his hand and opened the box for her.

"Oh," she said when he showed her how to open it, but when she saw what was inside, she gasped at it's beauty. It was a heart shaped saphire necklace.

Juuhachigou didn't know what to say, she had never received something so beautiful in all her life.

Krillin was a little nervous of her silence, even though she had gasped.

"So?" Krillin finally said. "Do you like it?"

"Oh my god... it's so beautiful..." she breathed.

Yes! She likes it! Krillin thought happily. He got up and walked to her. He picked up the necklace and put it on her. She looked down at it and twitched it in her fingers.

"But... why?" she asked after Krillin had sat back down. Krillin couldn't very well tell her the real reason. "I just thought it would be a nice gesture."

"Thank you, it's really pretty." Krillin smiled at this.

"By the way, I've been wanting to ask you. How did you get those incredible clothes?" "Well..." she mumbled. "You probably know the answer to that."

"You stole em?" Juuhachigou nodded. "Well we'll just have to fix that won't we?" Krillin added; smiling proudly.


"This," Krillin said pulling out a laminated ID card.

"What is it?" Juuhachigou asked looking at it.

"It's an official money card created by Bulma, the owner of Capsule Corp. Boy it pays to be friends with the richest woman in the world."

"What does it do?"

"You show this card to any store in the world, and you can get anything you want. And it's impossible to create a fake, but it has to be your own, with your own picture, so they know it's yours."

"So how does this help me?"

"We get you one of your own."

"Are you sure your friend Bulma will do this for a person who tried to destroy the world and, at one point, kicked her husband's ass (o.O I can't believe I wrote that about my own Veggie...)?" "Hey, any friend of mine is a friend of Bulma's. Plus, she'll probably say he deserved it anyway," Krillin stated smiling.

Juuhachigou smiled. "So that's how you were able to afford this. It must have cost a fortune, and you don't look like the type of person to have a job."

Krillin put on a pouty face, "But my job is saving the world... Not like it has a high salary tough..." Juuhachigou laughed.

The rest of the evening was very nice, good conversations, good food, Juuhachigou had happily agreed to let Krillin call her "Juu-chan," just a good night all together.

After the restaurant, they headed over to Capsule Corp. to get Juuhachigou a money card. By the time they arrived there, it was around 10 pm. Krillin rang the doorbell and said, "The good thing about a money card is that it has an unlimited spending limit. So you can buy as much clothes, makeup, anything that you want, just try not to make the stores go out of business."

Juuhachigou giggled. "I suppose I'll try."

When the door opened, Krillin came, yet again, face to face with Vegeta.

Vegeta sighed angrily. "Not you again! For god's sake don't you have anything better to do than piss me off?!" Vegeta boomed.

Then they heard a voice in the background. "Hey CrankyPants! Time out." Krillin instantly knew it was Bulma, no one else would be able to talk to Vegeta like that and live.

Vegeta sighed again, said, "Oh god in heaven..." and sulked back into the house. As Bulma passed him in the hall, Krillin heard Vegeta whine, "Do you have any idea how badly you're bruising my reputation??" Krillin looked to Juuhachigou and said, "It's a good thing he didn't see you, he would have flipped."

Juuhachigou laughed, "Probably."

Then Bulma appeared at the door. "Boy you really like it here don't you?" she giggled.

"Yeah, and I also love to deal with your husband every time too," he rolled his eyes.

Bulma looked over and saw Juuhachigou. "Hi!" she said, not knowing this was Juuhachigou because she had never seen her, and she didn't think this was how androids dressed.

"Oh yeah!" Krillin cried, "This is Juuhachigou. Bulma, Juu-chan. Juu-chan, Bulma."

Bulma gasped. "This is Juuhachigou?? Krillin, may I talk to you?"

"Uhhh... suuurrre..." and he walked into the house with Bulma. Juuhachigou watched him walk into the house. Uh oh... what are they going to talk about??

"Oh my god, she's beautiful!!" Bulma exclaimed. "I didn't know androids could look so human, and so pretty! And by the way, nice hair."

Krillin blushed. "Uhh... thanks. But isn't she beautiful?? I mean damn!! Excuse me for saying, but she is HOT!"

"Okay, calm down Krillin," Bulma said.

"But what is she gonna think about us talking in her? What if she thinks we're talking about her?" "Aren't we?"

"You know what I mean. I would hate for her to hate me!"

"You can tell her what we talked about."

"Oh... Okay, sweet."

"I'll bring her in." Bulma walked over to the door and opened it. "Come on in Juuhachigou!" She walked in and over to Krillin. Bulma looked at them together and thought, Wow, what a cute couple!

"So what did you come here to do?" Bulma asked finally.

"I want you to make Juu-chan a money card," Krillin replied smiling.

"Oh, sure!" And she started down the hall towards her lab, gesturing for them to follow her.

On the way there, Juuhachigou leaned over and whispered, "So what were you talking about?" Krillin smiled. "Well, she complimented my hair, she said you were beautiful, and she said she didn't even know it was you because you looked so, human."

"Really? Wow..." Juuhachigou breathed.

When they arrived at Bulma's lab, Bulma started rummaging through a pile of machinery. She then pulled out a Polaroid camera and said, "Okay Juuhachigou, stand against that blue wall," pointing to a blue wall (go fig...).

Juuhachigou walked over to the wall and stood there facing Bulma. "Now what?"

"Smile!" Bulma said. Juuhachigou put on a fake smile. "Oh come on! You can do better than that!" Bulma exclaimed.

Seeing this, Krillin got an idea. He floated up behind Bulma and gave her bunny ears while his head was above hers and he was giving himself bunny ears. Juuhachigou smiled.

The golden moment.


Bulma took the picture out of the little slot. The camera was a special camera, it made pictures that were the perfect size for ID's. "Perfect!" she said the moment she saw it.

She rushed over to a machine, slid the picture into a slot on the side of the machine, then entered some stuff on a keyboard panel by the slot. It made loud noises, then a minute later, a card popped out of the other side of the machine.

"Done!" Bulma squealed. She grabbed the card and looked at it. "Beautiful! See?" She gave it to Krillin and Juuhachigou.

"Wow! She's right!" Krillin said. Juuhachigou smiled at her new money card.

"Cool," Juuhachigou said. "Thanks."


"So," Krillin said, "I guess we should get going. I need to get you home Juu-chan."

"Okay, I'll be right out."

"K. Bye Bulma, thanks!" he said walking out of the lab.

"Hey Juuhachigou--" Bulma started.

"Please, call me Juu-chan."

"Okay Juu-chan," Bulma smiled. "If you wanna talk or do girl stuff: shopping and stuff."

"Oh that would be great! So you're not mad that I kicked your husband's ass earlier?"

"Oh he deserved it, he needs a swift kick in the ass once in a while."

Juuhachigou laughed. "That's what Krillin said you'd say."

"Well, I guess I'll see ya."

"Yeah. Bye." Juuhachigou waved and left.

Krillin was waiting outside the lab for Juuhachigou. When she got out they started walking down the hall towards the door. All of a sudden, Vegeta came from down the stairs and saw Juuhachigou.

"What the hell???!!" he yelled. Bulma came running out of the lab hearing his outburst, knowing there was gonna be trouble.

Juuhachigou looked at Vegeta and curled her lip. "Oh shove it."

Bulma ran up to Vegeta, put her hand over his mouth and held him back the best he can while trying not to laugh too hard.

But the look on Krillin's face showed that he was scared as hell. He grabbed Juuhachigou's arm and pulled her down the hall and out the door, the whole way hearing Vegeta's attempts to scream and run after them.

They landed in the forest where Juuhachigou lived.

"Well, bye..." Krillin said looking towards the ground sadly.

"Yeah, bye."

"Hey, are you busy tomorrow?"

"No, I'm never busy, I live in a forest."

"Oh.. hehe.... well, do you maybe wanna go to the beach tomorrow?"

"Sure... I've never been there before."

"It will be a great experience. You should go to town and get an outfit coordinator and she can help you pick out a swim suit and some more clothes."

"Okay, great. So, what time and where."

"How bout at my house and 2?"

"Cool, I'll be there."

"Great! Okay, see ya!" They waved to each other and Krillin flew off. Juuhachigou sighed, Wow...

Krillin arrived at his house and went straight to bed. He lay awake for hours just thinking. I just can't keep my mind off her. She's the most wonderful woman I've ever met. She so beautiful and brave, braver and stronger than I'll ever be... Can a human fall in love with an android...?
"It's 2! It's 2! It's 2!" Krillin screamed rushing around the house, gathering all his stuff. When he had everything ready, he rushed out of the house wearing a white tank top and blue swimming trunks to see Juu-chan. She had a buttoned Jean vest on with a white shirt under, that had obviously been a long-sleeved, but she had ripped off the sleeves, and short white shorts. She was also holding a towel under her arm and her hair was in a ponytail.

"Ready to go?" she asked.

"Yeah!" Krillin exclaimed. "And I brought an extra towel."

"Good, I'll need something to lay on," she replied and motioned for Krillin to start off, since she really didn't know which direction to go.

They landed on the hot sand on the beach near the water. Krillin lay out his towel, took off his shirt and lay down.

Then, something blocked his sunlight. He opened on eye to see Juuhachigou taking off her vest. Krillin's other eyes opened slowly.

She removed her shorts, revealing the bottom half of a bright red bikini. Krillin's eyes widened and his open mouth moved into a big open smile. Then she removed her shirt showing the other half of the bikini, the bright red string bikini, Krillin could now die happy.

Juuhachigou set out the towel Krillin had brought for her and got some dark sunglasses from her shorts pocket. She put them on and lay down on the towel, her head on another rolled up towel. You could almost see the hearts in his eyes as he drooled over Juuhachigou.

"Wow... that was a damn good outfit coordinator..." Krillin mumbled, his eyes widened. Juuhachigou glanced over and smiled at his reaction, then she decided to make him jealous. "Yes he was, he said I had a wonderful figure. And he said that this suit was 'me.' He was so sweet."

That snapped Krillin out of his trance. He sat up cross-legged facing Juuhachigou.

"Really?" Krillin asked jealously.

Yes, it worked! Juuhachigou thought smiling. "Yea, it was flattering the way he complimented me."

Krillin's blood boiled. Who the hell does he think he is?! Moving in on the girl I love! We'll see... "Sweeter than me, huh?"

"You could say that."

"We'll see whose sweet in a second..." and he got up, went to the water and splashed it onto Juuhachigou.

She gasped as the cool water made contact with her skin. Her shades had slid down to her nose, showing her widened-in-surprise eyes. Her mouth still open from the gasp, her head slowly turned to face Krillin.

"Why you little shit!" she said getting up and running towards him. He screamed and dove into the water, Juuhachigou at his heels.

She jumped in a grabbed Krillin and held him in the air by his hair.

"Ow! Ow ow ow ooowww...!! A downfall to hair!" Krillin screamed, holding on to Juuhachigou's wrists trying to hold himself up and decrease the pain engulfing his skull.

She laughed evilly. "Don't you ever do that again," she warned and chucked him into the water. "Oh yea?" he said after emerging from under the water.

"Take this!" He splashed water on her again.

Her face boiled with anger as he dove down in the water and swam away as fast as he could. "Come back here you little fart!!" she yelled and dove under after him.

Krillin swam desperately through the water, Juuhachigou coming closer and closer to him. Then he felt hands wrap around his ankles and pull him backwards. He came face to face with and evilly grinning Juuhachigou, who had now grabbed onto his wrists.

Uh oh, I'm screwed! She's fast... what do I do now?? Krillin screamed in his head.

Only one thought came to mind. He closed his eyes tight and kissed her on the lips.

Her eyes shot wide open and she released the grip she had on his wrists. And the moment she did, he propelled himself upward.

Juuhachigou remained floating in the same spot under the water, just dumbfounded.

Wow... that was amazing... I've never felt such a rush before... She could still feel the tingles racing up and down her spine. Her stomach had a strange feeling floating around in it, butterflies. She slowly floated to the surface and regained her composure. Krillin was already on the beach hiding under a towel shaking like a leaf.

She swam under water to the sand and slowly walked up onto the beach and over to Krillin, his eyes peaking out from under the towel.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!! It was just to escape your mighty wrath O Great and Powerful Juu-chan!" he said pulling his head beneath the towel and closing it tight. She smiled.

"Pack up. We're leaving."

Krillin slowly popped his head out from under the towel. "Uhhh... okay..." he squeaked.

The whole time they were packing up their stuff, Krillin had been thinking of a way to maybe make her happy. On he way back to his house, he came up with the perfect idea. He planned it and perfected it the rest of the way home.

When they arrived and landed, immediately Juuhachigou was ready to go. "Ja ne. I hope I see you around," she said.

"Wait!" Krillin called just before she took off. She turned around and looked at him. "Wait just one second, I'll be right back!" And he ran into the house.

What the hell? she thought.

The second he entered the house, he chucked his stuff on the floor and ran for his sock drawer (it's a wonder how it seems that everybody hides their stuff in their sock drawers, huh?). He opened it and dug down to the back of the drawer and pulled out the dragonballs. He smiled and ran back outside where Juuhachigou was waiting impatiently.

"Yes?" she said.

"How would you like to be human?" Krillin asked smiling.

Juuhachigou was completely taken back by this. "Human...?" she contemplated out loud. "I know how much you hate humans, but, it's just a question..."

Juuhachigou stood there in silent thought for a long while, weighing the pros and cons of the choice. Well, I look human, I might as well be one... she thought.

"Sure," she said finally. Krillin's face lit up, this was obviously a big thing for him. He ran to an open spot in the yard and set the dragonballs down.

"Porunga! I command you! Awaken!" Krillin yelled throwing his hands up in the air. The dragonballs started flashing brightly, then a bright light shot up into the sky like a bullet, and Porunga appeared.

"What do you request as your second wish?" Porunga boomed.

"I wish for Juuhachigou to be human!" Krillin cried.

"Very well, it shall be done." His eyes glowed bright red, "It is done."

Juuhachigou was suddenly surrounded by a sparkling white light spiraling around her body. Her whole body tingled, inside and out as she felt herself changing right there. Then the white light blasted out from all directions from her, and finally it was over.

She stood there, wide-eyed and dumbfounded. "Wow..." she breathed, "that... was intense..." "Yeah," Krillin agreed.

"What is your third wish?" Porunga asked from above.

"Oh! Yes, the third wish... Does Juunanagou want to be human?" Krillin responded.

Juuhachigou looked at him. "You would do that for my brother?"

"Sure, why wouldn't I?"

"Oh... sure. And if he didn't want it, he'd get used to it."

Krillin smiled and turned to Porunga. "For my third and final wish, I wish that Juunanagou be turned human too."

"Very well, it shall be done." His eyes once again glowed bright red. "It is done, farewell." The dragonballs floated up into the sky, flashed brightly a couple times, then flew off in all different directions.

Krillin turned around and looked at the amazed Juuhachigou.

"Why would you waste a wish... on me? You could have used it for something useful," Juuhachigou asked.

"It wasn't a wasted wish at all. I just wanted you to be human, and not metal inside," Krillin explained.

"Oh... well, I guess I'll see ya later..." she said and waved.

"Yeah. Ja ne," Krillin waved back.

"Ja ne," she called and flew off, thinking.

Krillin watched her till she was a dot, then went into his house and lay on the couch. He lay there for a while just thinking. When he finally turned on the TV and watched it till he fell asleep a long while later.

To Be Continued