One life lost, Another gained

Chapter 1

Disclaimer: The characters do NOT belong to me (if they did, I would be rich now wouldn't I) so don't sue me, please!


Juuhachigou walked up to him, a smile on her face. Krillin just stood there, frozen in terror and amazement as Juuhachigou continued towards him. When she finally reached him, she reached her right hand behind his head and, leaning down, pulled his head to hers and kissed him deeply.

Krillin's eyes went wide in total surprise, but he gave into temptation and kissed her back.

When they finally broke apart, her sweet smile turned into an evil smirk, and then she drove her left arm right through his stomach.

Krillin awoke, sweat beading his body. He was breathing hard and, to say the least, was scared to death.

I don't want to go back to sleep... he thought to himself.

He got up and went to the kitchen of his rather large house. He got a drink of water and wandered outside. Krillin lived on a hill in a big house and a huge backyard. But the best part, or at least in Krillin's eyes, was that at the end of the backyard, there was a high cliff. The cliff overlooked a beautiful lake with a forest at the sides of it. Krillin walked over to the edge of the cliff, sat down and sighed. He started daydreaming about Juuhachigou and what she was really like. He was so caught up in his trance of fantasizing that he didn't hear the sound of someone landing that, in his normal state, he would have heard. Only when he pulled himself out of his trance and returned to normal with a sigh did he hear the footsteps behind him. His eyebrows forked slightly as he concentrated on getting the power reading, if the person was this close to him, even if they were hiding their power he should be able to sense it. But no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't sense a power level.

That can only mean one thing... Krillin thought shifting awkwardly . He took a silent deep breath, jumped up and turned around to face just who he expected to see... Juuhachigou. Even tough he practically knew who it was gonna be, he was still surprised.

"W-what do you want?" Krillin stammered nervously. Juuhachigou just looked at him, and she looked a little angry.

"You didn't blow me up when you had the chance. Why??" she demanded. Krillin was kinda blown back at this question. He couldn't possibly tell her the truth.

"Uhhh.... just.... cuz....." was all Krillin could murmur.

"You don't just do something 'cuz'" she replied mockingly.

Krillin couldn't reply to that, he just kinda kicked at the dirt.

"I would appreciate an answer!!" she yelled.

Krillin reluctantly kept quiet, he just couldn't tell her what he thought of her. She growled in anger at his silence. She walked up to him and grabbed him by the collar and brought his face close to hers.

"Why? she asked him menacingly. "People don't just 'do' that for bad people, for people that tried to kill them."

"I..." Krillin squeaked.

"TELL ME!!!" she yelled, raising her arm in the air about to punch him in the face.

"OKAY! You're really pretty and I just couldn't do it!" Krillin spat out. Juuhachigou's eyes widened slightly. She set him down slowly, looking him in the eyes the whole time.

Finally, after just looking him in the eyes for a wile, she flipped her hair and said, "Well, I guess that explains it." And she awkwardly backed away from him, then took off.

"Holy shit..." Krillin said, shaking his head in his hands.

"So you actually TOLD her you liked her??" Goku asked.

"No, no I just said she was... well, pretty..." Krillin replied twiddling his fingers.

"What was her reaction?"

"She just, was kinda, quiet... then she said 'well I guess that explains it' and flew away..."

"Well go find her!"

"What?! You have got to be kidding me!"

"Why do I have to be kidding you? You and Juuhachigou couldn't be an odder couple than Bulma and Vegeta."

Krillin thought about this for a second. "Well," he said finally, "I guess you're right about that, but... A. how do I find her, and B. what will she think about your little suggestion? Also, why did you use the word couple? What if either she doesn't like me or we just... weren't meant for each other?"

"I'm sure, if you guys did end up to go out or something, it wouldn't be like you and Maron. Juuhachigou is no where close to Maron."

"That's very true. I keep wondering what she is really like..." Krillin started daydreaming, with Goku just looking at him.

When Krillin finally snapped out of it, Goku was asleep, snoring loudly I might add. Krillin shook him hard.

"Who? What? Where?" Goku said looking around frantically.

"Goku, you fell asleep." Krillin said.

"Oh, did I? Sorry."

"Okay, I'll do it. But I just have one question, how do I find her?"

"Hmmm... that's a toughie..." Goku thought about it for a while, as did Krillin. Then, both at the same time, they put their fingers in the air and smiled. "Bulma!"

Krillin and Goku arrived at Bulma's house and knocked on the door. Krillin was very anxious and kept saying things like, "What if she's not home?? Then what am I gonna do?!"

When the door finally opened, it was Vegeta on the other side. "What the hell do you want?" Vegeta snapped.

Bulma then appeared beside him. "Vegeta," she scolded, "don't be mean."

"Why not?" Vegeta said smirking. Then he walked out of the house to the gravity machine. As he passed Goku and Krillin, he scoffed at them and continued on his way.

"Anyway..." Goku started. "Krillin was wondering--"

"How can I find an Android if we can't sense their power level??" Krillin interrupted quickly.

"Or I guess you could say that..." Goku commented, sighing.

"Hmmm..." Bulma thought. "That would be a good project to keep me busy... I'll do it! I'll call ya when I'm finished. It'll probably be done by the end of today."

"Thanks!!" Krillin yelled ecstatically.

"Anytime Krillin." And with that, they said their good-byes and Bulma was about to go inside and start on the project when she appeared at the door and asked, "Hey Krillin, why do you want to find an Android anyway?"

"Oh, he likes Juuhachigou." Goku said casually.

"Goku! Shut the hell up!" Krillin yelled covering up Goku's mouth with his hand.

"Mmmffmmf!" Goku mumbled.

"Ohhhhh..." Bulma replied smiling, "I see, Krillin has a crush." Krillin blushed and smiled a big embarrassed smile, showing his beautiful teeth. "Okay, I'll just get to work on that, crush finder..." Bulma said walking inside the house mumbling, "Finally the little cue-ball likes someone, go figure she's not human..." (she's one to talk) When she was no longer in sight, Krillin smacked Goku's arm.

"Well," Krillin started, "I now have to go home and pace in front of my phone," and took off.

Just as Krillin said he would, he paced back and forth in front of the phone for hours. Finally, the phone rang. He made a mad dash for it and picked it up before the end of the first ring.

"Hello?!" he answered anxiously while smiling widely.

"Hey Krillin!" Krillin recognized the voice as Goku's and sighed painfully. "Has Bulma called yet?"

Krillin sighed again. "If Bulma had called I wouldn't be here right now!" Krillin exclaimed. "Well... why?"

Krillin sighed yet again. "Never mind. Look, this is holding up the line. Gotta go!"

"But...!" Was all Goku could say before Krillin hung up. But just as Krillin turned around to pace, the phone rang. Krillin picked it up and said, "Look Goku, I said--" "Krillin! It's Bulma."

Krillin's face lit up. "Bulma!! Didja get the tracker finished??"


"Berightover (be right over)!" The next second, he was standing next to Bulma hopping up and down, clapping like a little girl who just got her first kiss. Bulma raised an eyebrow (man I can totally see Krillin doing that! It's a disturbing image, but a funny one none the less).

"Uhhhh... yea..." Bulma replied to Krillin's actions. "Anyway, here's the tracker--"

"Gimme!!" Krillin yelled taking the device. He was about to take off when Bulma said,

"Don't ya wanna know how it works?"

Krillin stopped and turned around. He had a big embarrassed smile and his hand behind his head. "That might help..." he laughed.

"Just a little," Bulma said. Krillin walked back to her sheepishly and handed her the tracker.

"The tracking device in it is just like the dragon radar. The center is where you are, the flashing dot is where... ahem... 'your true love' is," she winked at him. "Now this little button on the top makes it close range and long range. All ya have to do is push it once and it'll change. Now the bottom part down here is what you use to tell it what to find. This is a machine tracker, so if you don't specify what you're looking for, you're gonna have a hell of a time trying to find Juuhachigou."

"Damn straight..." Krillin answered astounded. "So how do you search?"

"Well, you push the blue button next to the speaker and say what or... who, you're looking for," Bulma explained taking the tracker.

"Hold on. If you have any problems, press the red button and talk, that turns it into a direct link to me."

"Will do! Bye!" And with that he blasted off through the roof, leaving a gaping hole.

"God, I hope it doesn't rain..." she commented, "I'll call the roofer, for the 5th time this week..."

Krillin flew through the air at full speed and stopped in the air. He pushed the blue button and said, "Juuhachigou." Instantly, a red flashing dot started up not too far from where he was. He smiled and blasted off towards the flashing dot.

When he was coming dangerously close to the dot, he was near a forest. So, she's in the forest huh? I wonder what she's doing... He wandered deeper into the forest towards the dot. Finally he arrived at a lake. He looked up from his tracker to see Juuhachigou... bathing (her back was towards him, what were YOU thinking?? You nasties). All Krillin could do was stare at her washing her beautiful hair in the spring. Then she flipped her hair and water went everywhere, but mostly on Krillin. "Oh man..." Krillin complained. Then he froze and looked up at Juuhachigou, a look of surprise and great anger on her face.

"Ohhh shit," he said and hid behind a tree, hoping Juuhachigou didn't see which one.

Then he heard her yell, "That's it midget man!! You are dead when I get my hands on you!!! You hear me?! DEAD!!!!!"

When she gets her hands on my, huh? I like the sound of that! Krillin thought to himself, almost giggling.

Juuhachigou quickly put her clothes back on while mumbling several different ways she could kill the bald midget man.

When she finished dressing, she stormed into the wooded area. Foolish midget, she thought, he thinks I don't know where he is. Well he will soon learn the error of his mistakes.

She walked up to the tree and stood behind it. She then touched his shoulder, she wanted to hit him so hard his arm would fly off, but she contained herself. He instantly looked frantically from side to side. When he saw nothing, he looked up to the tree. "Damn acorn trees..." he mumbled. Juuhachigou felt like laughing. Finally, she couldn't take it anymore, she smacked him on the head.

"What the hell?" he cried and looked behind him, but saw nothing was there. "Whew..." he sighed, and looked forward only to be inches from the face that had plagued his mind since he first saw it. But it was not a happy face, Juuhachigou was very angry. Krillin cringed at the thought of what she might do to him.

"Hehe... hi there... Juuhachigou... what's up...?" Krillin stammered. Juuhachigou didn't answer, not a good sign. Krillin laughed uneasily. "Ummm... sorry I... uh... saw you... bathing... I didn't see anything bad!" Krillin replied.

"That makes no difference. You were standing there, staring." Juuhachigou answered.

"Well that's because you're... well... I couldn't not stare... I couldn't pull my eyes away from you... I was sort of in a trance..." Krillin confessed. Juuhachigou was kinda stunned by this, someone was in a trance, by looking at her. She was flattered, but still a little pissed.

"I'm flattered, I really am, but still--"

"I know, I know..." Krillin interrupted. "Just get it over with, kill me, and please, none of that torture stuff."

Juuhachigou looked at his sad face and sighed. I'm not gonna kill you, since you didn't see 'anything.'" Then she turned to leave. But Krillin yelled, "Wait Juu-chan!"

Juuhachigou stopped in midair and looked at Krillin with a dreamy look on her face. "Only my brother has ever called me that..." she said. "Oh I'm sorr--"

"No, don't say sorry." She floated back down in front of him and just looked at him. "No one's called me that since I was a little girl, and that was by my brother..." she said, tears building up in her eyes.

"I'm really sorry Juu-chan, I mean Juuhachigou... sorry.." Krillin mentally cursed himself for his idiotic head not stopping him from blurting that name out... twice.

"No, you don't need to apologize, I'm not mad. It just brings back.. happy memories," she said as a tear full down her cheek.

Krillin was taken back, he didn't know androids could cry, let alone have feelings. He would have tried to comfort her but, to say the least, he was scared.

"Look," he started, "I really didn't want to make you... cry, so please don't, it's making me feel bad."

She quickly wiped her eyes and mumbled, "Shit... I'm showing weakness!"

Krillin heard it. "I don't consider that a weakness," and he smiled. She looked at him for a while and said, "Well, you called me back for a reason. What is it?"

"Well... I kinda... had a question..." he stammered. He was as nervous as a Chihuahua.

"Now normally when someone has a question, they ask it," Juuhachigou replied smiling.

"Yeah... that's normally what people do..." Krillin mumbled itching the back of his head and blushing profusely.

"So what is it?" "Well uhh... I was wondering if uhhh, you might wanna... do something... tomorrow... maybe?" he stumbled along his sentence begging and pleading in his head for her not to kill him, or worse, laugh.

"You mean a date?" she said, pretty dumbfounded.

"Well... yea...."

There was silence, this scared Krillin, silence usually wasn't a good thing. Finally she said, "Sure. I think that would be fun."

Krillin face-vaulted. "SERIOUSLY???? Really?? You will? Oh great!! Okay, I'll meat you, uhhh, here tonight at... 8:00. K?"

Juuhachigou was surprised. Geez it's like he's been thinking of it for weeks... "Wow, that only gives me 3 hours to get ready, okay." "Okay! Well... uhh, I guess I'll see you tomorrow then." Krillin smiled, Juuhachigou smiled back. Krillin waved before he flew off, he had a busy day ahead of him.

Krillin landed in front of the Capsule Corp. door and knocked loudly. Once again, the door was answered by Vegeta.

He sighed angrily. "Again?? God, can't you people leave me alone!"

"Hey, I wanted to talk to Bulma not you Vegeta."

"Yea well too bad." Just then Bulma came to the door and put her arms around Vegeta's neck from the back.

"Vegeta, are you being Mr. CrankyPants?"

"God woman, would you knock it off with the Mr. CrankyPants shit?!"

"I knew it, you are being Mr. CrankyPants. Now you need a time out."

"No way." She reached up, pulled his face down to hers and kissed him. Krillin watched all this in surprise. Boy, I'd hate to live in this household...

When they finally broke apart, Vegeta said, "Fine..." and walked off mumbling things.

"God I love winning arguments!" she said to Krillin. "Now, what did you want, anything wrong with the tracker?"

"No! It worked fine! I need your Dragonballs."

"What for?"

"That doesn't matter. You'll find out later."

"Well I can't trust you not to make a wish for immortality..." she said, hinting on the sarcasm just enough.

"Yeah well, I don't blame you, I am that sort of guy," Krillin replied with the same amount of sarcasm. "Also, could I borrow some shampoo and conditioner?"

Bulma laughed. "Hold on," she said as she walked back into the house. Krillin stood there impatiently tapping his feet and humming. When Bulma came back with the Dragonballs, she came back to Krillin sitting cross-legged on the ground rocking back and forth singing lightly "I'm Henry The Eighth I Am."

Dude this guy gets weirder and weirder every minute. she thought raising an eyebrow.

"Krillin? You in there?" she asked knocking on his head. Krillin instantly looked up and his eyebrows forked.

"What took you so long??!" he yelled angrily.

"Hey buddy! Don't you get lippy with me! I don't HAVE to give you the Dragonballs."

Krillin started whimpering like a puppy and backed away. Bulma started giggling. "Krillin, I'm gonna give you the Dragonballs, just don't piss me off."

"Yea!!" Krillin exclaimed holding his hands out for them. Bulma gave them and the hair care products to him and he squealed with happiness.

"Thanks Bulma!!"

"Anytime Krillin. Ja ne!"

"Ja ne!" Krillin called back and took off. He went to his house and put all the Dragonballs together in his back yard.

They started flashing and the sky turned black. Then a giant light sprang out of the Dragonballs and into the sky.

Porunga soared out of the bright light above the Dragonballs into it's gigantic form in the sky. "Who has awakened me from my slumber," the ground rumbled to the booming of his deep voice.

"I did," Krillin called.

"You have three wishes, what are they," Porunga questioned. "I would like a full, healthy head of black silky hair about ear length!" Krillin said happily.

"You realize that you could just grow it out, don't you?"

"I can't wait months for this to happen! I do realize I can grow it out, but I need it to happen quickly! God..."

"::sigh:: Very well. It shall be done." That said, his eyes glowed bright red and a flash filled the sky.

Suddenly Krillin's head tingled and it got warmer. He reached his hands up to see if it had actually happened. When his hand reached the top of his head, it was greeted with soft, silky hair. He screamed with happiness and said, "Hey Porunga! Can I save the rest of the wishes for another time?"

Porunga sighed, "Whatever, farewell." And it was sucked back down into the Dragonballs which stopped glowing. The sky returned to normal and Krillin picked up the Dragonballs and ran into the house. He tossed the Dragonballs on his bed and went up to his full length mirror to see what it looked like. It was just what he had asked Porunga for, black, silky and full. It was ear length (what a coincidence, ear length is the same as NOSE length!) and he looked, to say the least, hot. He started posing in front of the mirror, doing smirks, flexing and other stuff. Then he remembered he had to get ready for the date, he looked at the clock on the wall. "Shit! I only have 2 hours left!" With that he ran into the bathroom to take a shower and wash his new, beautiful hair.

"You're going out with the bald midget (well, not bald anymore...)?" Juunanagou chuckled, very amused at this.

"Yeah, you got a problem with that?" Juuhachigou said menacingly. "No. It's just that, it's funny! You falling for someone like him. It's funny."

"Yeah well," she replied. "He's nice. He may be short... and bald... and pretty awkward... but he's very sweet. You should have seen how nervous he was when he asked me out. And who ever said I was falling for him!" She started blushing.

"Don't get too attached now."

"Why not?"

"Well, I don't know, I just don't trust these humans."

"I don't necessarily trust them either but... I trust Krillin..."

"Just don't get your hopes up," he said and walked away. Now what did he mean by that? She shrugged it off as him being his normal unreadable self and blasted off to do some... "shopping."

Krillin flew through the air to the woods, he was a minute late and he was ready to kill himself (?).

When he finally made it to the spot where they were to meet, he saw Juuhachigou sitting on a rock, her back towards him and her chin in her hand, waiting. Perfect! Krillin thought with a smile. He floated down to the ground and walked up to about 5 feet behind her and said, "Tada!"

Surprised, she jumped up and spun around. "Krillin! Your finally he--" she stopped in mid sentence when she saw his hair.

"Well?" Krillin asked striking a pose.

"Oh my god..." was all she could reply.

"Is that a good 'oh my god?'" Krillin was worried that maybe making that wish was a bad idea, even though he thought he looked awesome. Then her face turned from one of surprise to one of extreme happiness. "Oh my god! That looks so good on you!" she said. She ran up to him and ran her fingers through his beautiful new black hair. "Is it real, or is it a wig?"

"No! I would never sink so low as to wear a wig, when I have the Dragonballs to get some real hair," he replied smiling.

"Ohhh... was that why the sky turned all black?"

"Yeah. It feels awfully weird, my head is a lot warmer though!" Only then did Krillin notice what Juuhachigou was wearing. She had on a long sleeved mid-drift sweatshirt, a knee long skirt that ended in a "V" with little tassels and knee-high, high-heeled black boots. She also had on a black stretchy choker. Krillin was left standing there, his mouth wide open.

Juuhachigou laughed at what Krillin had said. "Yeah, I can imagine. So where are we going tonight? .... Krillin? Are you... okay?"

"Wow....." was all Krillin could manage to get out of his throat.

Juuhachigou giggled. "You like?" Krillin nodded slowly and Juuhachigou smacked him on the head.

"Ow! What was that for!" he complained rubbing the large bump on his head.

"It was the only way to get you back to, dare I say, normal."

"Hehe... well, we're going to the Aviary." \

"I don't know what the hell that is, but sure."

Krillin laughed at this. "Let's go. They've got great food." And they took off.

To Be Continued