Nothing but Good Times Ahead 

Chapter 3


By: Sailor Destiny

Trunks: 28
Pan: 21
Goten: 27
Bra: 22
Marron: 26


Author's Notes: I was thinking that I could kill two birds with one stone, and make this a Bra and Goten romance too. I bet that would make some of the G+B people happy. For some of the perverted idiots out there, G+B does NOT mean Gohan and Bulma. That's just NASTY!!! If anyone EVER sees a fic with that pairing, let me know so I can flame that idiot!!! But I need all of the reviewers help with the Bra and Goten thing. E-mail me with what you think and why.

Disclaimer: (singing) Catch a falling disclaimer, and put in your pocket, it'll save you from getting sued.... if I owned GT do you think that I would be writing, stories on the internet? There's no way that ever-own GT, so I just pretend. It belongs to Akira Toriyama; I want to rip off his head.... Catch a falling star, and put it in your pocket, save it for your special day. When Mr. Toriyama, comes and knocks on your door, offering the GT spec. *Bows*


Trunks and Pan had gone to a popular skating rink for a little bit of fun, and cheap nachos. But by the time they left, Trunks had a HUGE bump on this head, and Pan was laughing her butt off. He put a hand to her mouth.

"Shut up Pan! THAT wasn't funny!" Even as Trunks said it, he was leaning on Pan for support.

"Yes it WAS! I think that it's absolutely amazing that you can fly, but you can't skate." Basically what had happened, was that Pan was showing everyone how a true skater skates, while Trunks was holding on to a pole for support. Pan decided to go downstairs to get some nachos with Trunks, and that 's when the fun began.

Pan simply skated down the railing on the stairs, but Trunks tried to walk down them. BIG mistake. Trunks fell face first on the stairs, and came tumbling down. Pan thought about it again before she started howling once more.

"Pan!!!" She stifled her laughs to mere giggles, and bounced a little to support the injured Trunks.

" how many times have you TRIED to skate without falling?"

"Well...I've been trying to skate since I was eight years old..." Trunks realized that he was talking to no one, because Pan was laughing again.

"Grrr....that's it!! I'm going home!!" he had just turned around when Pan grabbed his arm. A slight shade of pink appeared on his cheeks.

"Wait.... I'm sorry.... I promise I won't laugh anymore..." he turned back around, still blushing, and looked at Pan. *She's actually kind of cute.... WHOA! What would Gohan do if he knew I was thinking this kind of stuff? *

"Uh.... Trunks?"

".............."*This is weird...I've never felt attracted to Pan before. *

"Trunks?" Pan said a little more nervously. He had been staring at her too long for comfort.

*WHO-HOO! Is he checking me out? Go Pan-chan! *

Pan mentally kicked herself. *NO!! I'm moving on!! * But she looked into the beautiful sky blue eyes that she had been in love with for the past seven years, and the feelings came flooding back. Pan decided to end this embarrassing situation by bringing Trunks back to reality.

By pinching him.

"OUCH! Oh yeah...sorry about that Pan-chan." Said a beet red Trunks.

Pan laughed and mentally kicked herself at the same time. *Maaaaannnnnn...I was kind of enjoying him looking at me like that. *

"Forget about it Trunks.... where to next?" Pan asked.

"Hm..... how about we just go for a walk. I need to work off all that sushi and I don't want to spar."

"Sounds to me like a case of lazy."

"Yes or no?" he said, irritated.

"Sure...." The walk to the park was silent except for the sound of the snow crunching below their boots. Pan was feeling very uncomfortable and Trunks could tell. Both of them were happy when they found Goten because talking to him would probably lessen the tension between them.

"Hey guys!!!"

"Hey Goten!!" Pan yelled, eager to break the silence.

"Er-hi Goten?"

"Golly.... what a greeting Trunks. What wrong with you?" Goten asked.

"Uh-nothing!" Trunks said quickly.

"Uh huh. Sure." Goten mocked him. "Any how. We got to get going."

"We?" Pan asked. Suddenly, a petite blond popped up from behind Goten.

"This is Bra-I mean Katie!" Goten quickly added.

"Huh?" Trunks and Pan said at the same time.

"Who the hell is Bra?" Katie asked.

"No one. Anyway, we got to get going. Got a train to catch. We're going to the five star theater."

"Well why don't you fl-" Trunks slapped a hand over Pan's mouth.

"Hahahaha. She has an involuntary mouth disorder." Trunks glared at Pan. "Don't mention our powers." he hissed.

"Right...sorry." Pan hugged herself in an attempt to warm herself from the freezing wind and snow.

"I tell ya Goten. You are so rude sometimes!" Katie barked.

"What are you talking about Bra-I mean Katie?" Goten asked nervously.

"Who the f@#k is Bra? Forget it. I don't want to know." Katie stared at Trunks. "Hi." she said in a low, seductive tone.

"Hi..." he said a little nervously.

"Trunks is the pres of Capsule Corp." Goten said.

"REALLY?!" Katie excitedly asked. *I'm in the money...* she thought.

Trunks looked to his side at Pan. He could tell that Pan didn't like this girl, and it wasn't too hard to figure out why.

"Yep.... I'm the pres...."

"Wow.... you single?" Goten glared at Katie, but he didn't say a word.

"Well time to go..." Trunks sang. He grabbed Pan by her shoulders and led her away while he was whistling nervously.

"I've got you figured out uncle!" Pan yelled. Goten blushed.

"Is that his girlfriend?" Katie asked.

"No. I think. That girl was my niece."

"Yes." Katie said quietly. Goten scowled again.

"By the way..." Katie continued.


"You never answered my question."

"What question?"

"Who the hell is Bra?"
Trunks was power walking away from Goten, while Pan was in a light jog trying to keep up with him. Of course in saiyan terms, Trunks was going about 90 mph while Pan was going 80. Neither could run very fast, as the snow and wind were stinging their faces.

"Will you slow down? You're going to start kicking up cement at this rate!!" she hollered.

"Sorry. Just trying to work of those nachos."

"Liar. What was with that girl?"

"I don't know. But I want to get as far away from her as possible. She seems two-faced."

"Yeah." *and she needs to back off of Trunks! * Pan furiously thought.

Bra was walking through the park with Uubu, but her mind was elsewhere. She was thinking of Goten. Most people would've thought her to be crazy. Bra was breath-takingly beautiful, and she could have any guy she wanted, but she chose the idiot of the century, Goten.

"What's wrong Bra?" Uubu asked, breaking her thoughts. She looked back up at him. Uubu looked incredibly concerned. Bra sighed.

"Nothing dear...." she lied. *What's wrong with me? I have a handsome guy next to me, who is obviously in love, but all I can think about is Goten!! ARGH!! *

"Are you sure? You look troubled...." He wrapped an arm around her waist, and she tensed.

"I fine Uubu, really." Bra put on a fake smile, trying to assure herself more than Uubu that she was okay.

"That's good..." An uncomfortable silence stretched between them. The rumbling of Uubu's stomach interrupted it. He blushed heavily and looked at Bra.

" you wanna grab some chow babe?" Bra cringed. She hated it when he asked her to get some food like that. Bra wanted someone to ask her to eat the way...

*Goten did.... at my prom...* She remembered back when Goten had agreed to go to prom with her, because she had turned down ever guy in sight. Needless to say, she was out of guys to shoot out of the sky. But when he had volunteered, she had jumped at the chance. The same had happened with Pan, and she went with Trunks.

"My GOD Bra.... I had NO idea that you could dance so good!!"

"Thanks Goten...." she stopped to take a breath, they had been dancing so fast that she was out of breath. Goten was in the same state as her. "You're not so bad yourself...." Bra inwardly cursed at herself. (Damn...that just won the understatement of the year. He moves like liquid...)

Goten took a moment to catch his breath. "All that dancing has made me thirsty. What about you Bra?" She blushed slightly at being cared for in this small manner.

"Yeah...." her words were cut short as she saw Goten get down on one knee. He lifted her left and to his lips and kissed it softly. Bra flushed every shade of red there was. He just smirked.

"Would my fair lady like something to sooth her throat?" Bra nearly melted.

"Yes, my fair prince, I would love to have a drink...." she said with the biggest smile her face could muster. He smiled once more, stood up, and walked away to get them some punch.

Bra let out a girlish sigh.
********************************End Flashback******************************

"Bra? Bra? Planet Earth to Bra?" Uubu was getting a little weirded out. Bra was holding her left hand up to her face and blushing.

"BRA!!!" he screamed.

"Huh? What is it Uubu?"

"Okay...what's up with you today?"

"What are you talking about?" she said, feigning ignorance.

"You have seemed withdrawn all day, you're acting like a major space case, and I get the distinct feeling that this is an imbalanced relationship..." Bra couldn't believe her ears. *Is Uubu going to break up with me? * Bra was in fact in love with Goten, but she also cared about Uubu. Not enough to call it love, but enough to grieve if he broke up with her.

"Now I want the dead-honest truth. Do you love me?"


"Answer the question..." Bra let her head hang low.

"No...." her voice was so low that it was barely audible. "But it hasn't been that long...maybe another-"

"It's been two years Bra. I'm not going to wait forever. Maybe you should just go get the guy you're daydreaming about. Because it's obviously not me." And he took off into the air.

"UUBU!!!" he just kept flying. Bra sighed, and with a heavy and broken heart, she took off towards home.

Trunks and Pan were just walking towards Capsule Corp, when the felt Bra and Uubu's kis steadily rise. First, Uubu's went up, then Bra's. Then the two took off in separate directions.

"Uh oh...." Trunks said.

"The Argument, Part One..." Pan said shaking her head.

"Oh KUSO!!!" Trunks yelled suddenly. Pan nearly jumped out of her skin. Out of force of habit, she jumped into a fighting stance.

"Where is it?!"

"There's no one here Pan!! THIS is a lot worse than any enemy!!"

"What?" she said, standing up straight. Trunks let his head drop.

"I forgot to go to work today..."

"Aww booger...."

"I'm sayin'...."

"Might as well face the music."

"And the beating...." Then the two jumped into the air, and flew towards Capsule Corp.

Bulma was pacing her living room angrily, while Vegeta stood in a doorway, his classic Vegeta stance. Arms folded and back against the wall. He knew that Trunks was going to get yelled at when he got home, so he waited for him to arrive. Vegeta always got a kick out of how helpless he looked. Both parents were waiting for their son to arrive when the door flew open and Bra ran in, slamming it behind her.

"Bra? What wrong honey?" Bulma asked. Bra didn't answer, she just ran up to her room, tears falling behind her in the process.

"What do you think is wrong with her Vegeta?"

"How the hell am I supposed to know woman?"

"Never mind...forget I asked." she said waving a hand. However, Vegeta was not stupid. He knew that Bra's troubles had to do with Uubu.

*I'll kill the bastard if he hurt my princess......*

Not to long after Bra's scene, Pan and Trunks walked through the door. Vegeta smirked. Bulma ran up to them and began shouting order like a traffic officer.

"Pan....upstairs...Bra's room. Trunks, sit you pretty little bum down right here." Trunks groaned, but did as he was told. Pan did the same.

*What's wrong with Bra?* Pan thought. She heard Bulma screaming things about responsibility as she ran up the stairs to Bra's room. Pan got to her room and knocked softly.

"Who is it?"

"It's Pan. Can I come in?"

"Sure...." Pan opened the door and saw Bra face down on her bed. From the shaking her body was doing, it was obvious that she was crying. Pan sat on the edge of her bed and patted her back.

"Aw....what's bothering you Bra-chan?"


"Uubu what?"

"He broke up with me."

Trunks's lecture was cut short by Pan's voice screaming 'WHAT'. Both saiyans turned their heads towards the stairs as Pan came flying down them, fury written all over her face.

"What wrong Pan?" Bulma asked.

"Trunks, Vegeta, power up..."

"Why?" Vegeta demanded.

"Uubu broke up with Bra, and her heart is totally broken."

"That bastard!!!" Trunks yelled.

"SONOFABITCH!!!" Vegeta hollered.

"Boys, Pan, calm down!!!" Bulma said. Vegeta straightened and nodded at Pan. Trunks did the same. All three of them powered up to super-saiyan and flew right through the living room wall towards Uubu.

"Oh hell...." Bulma ran over to the phone, and quickly dialed a number. It rang three time before someone picked up.

"Moshi moshi, Son Gohan here."

"Gohan, get over here right now, and bring Goku." (An: He's alive in my story, it a miracle!!)

"Why? What's wrong Bulma?"

"Uubu broke up with Bra...."

"Oh god...."

"Trunks, Pan, and Vegeta aren't very happy about it...."

"DAMN!!" Gohan yelled slamming down the phone. He got his father, told him the news, and they powered up to SSJ, and were out the door.

Author's Notes: Uubu had done it now!!! He's going to get a royal ass whoopin' now!!! So what do you guys think so far? Good? Bad? A kamehameha blast for a reward? Just be honest. I don't think this story is anywhere near done, so want those reviews to keep on comin'!!! What do you guys think of my singing disclaimer? Tee-hee!!!

I love you all!!!~Sailor Destiny