Meant For Each Other

Chapter 5

Disclaimer: Dragonball Z was created by Akira Toriyama. Akira Toriyama made all Characters in this story. (c) Akira Toriyama, Bird Studio, Toei Animation. Used without permission, please don't sue me; all you'll get is... nothing! :P

*.....* = thoughts
"....." = speaking

Hey all! I hope you're likin this fic so far... if you aren't then you shouldn't be reading this far! :P Also, in the last chapter, I said trouble would brew for Trunks and Pan, well, I had an idea for that, but I trashed it. So now, trouble brews for Pan! Enjoy! <3

Also, Pan-chan: In your review, you gave me an idea for this fic. Well, it just so happens that I wrote just what you suggested BEFORE I read your review. Great minds think alike, I suppose. :P

Pan and Trunks walked hand-in-hand into the Royal Dining Room. They knew they were late for breakfast because the King stood up and scolded Trunks, "Boy! Is there any meal you aren't late for?!"

"Gomen, your majesty. It was my fault; I uh... kept him busy.", Pan spoke on Trunks' behalf. Since it was Pan's "fault", Bulma gave Vegeta a look that said "If-you-say-anything,-no-sex!" It was obvious Bulma favored the pretty teenager. The King growled and sat back down.

Bra was already busy munching down her meal when Trunks decided to announce THE news, "Father," he hesitantly started. He didn't know how Vegeta would take this, "I... uh..." Pan knew what he was about to say and was scared to death as to how the King and Queen would react.

"Out with it!", Vegeta was growing impatient. Bulma rubbed her mate's hand soothingly until he regained his calm.

Trunks pulled Pan's shirt off of her right shoulder just enough to reveal the bite wound which was already just a scar. Vegeta's eyes went wider than thought possible. Queen Bulma smirked, she knew this was going to happen sometime. Princess Bra looked on, confused.

"Pan is my mate, father.", Trunks declared all of what they believed to be true. Bra was even more confused, "Papa, what's a mate?" Vegeta just stared with his eyes still wide, and his mouth hanging open.

"No wonder you guys were late! You must be tired from last night still!", Bulma was giddy with joy, clapping her hands and shrieking.

"Mother!", Trunks and Pan blushed.

The constant tugging on Vegeta's arm by his daughter brought him back to reality. He growled and shook his fist in the air, "She's not even full Saiya-jin!"

"Neither am I, you baka!", Bulma swatted Vegeta on the back of the head; he didn't flinch. He had to admit Bulma had a point. "Kuso! Fine! I give you my permission to be mated! Whenever you are ready..." Pan and Trunks' smiles beamed and they hugged each other excitedly. Bulma hugged them both, congratulating them. Bra was still contemplating what was going on.

"PAPA!!!", she screamed then started to cry.

"Don't cry! You're a Saiya-jin!", Vegeta yelled.

This only made her cry harder and louder.

"Princess, don't cry.", he soothed. Bra always made him swallow his pride, much in the same way Bulma did. He picked her up and carried her to the table. He set her down and proceeded to explain what Trunks and Pan were now and what a mate actually was.

*****6 months later*****

"Happy 7th birthday, little sis!", Trunks ruffled Bra's hair and kissed her cheek. Pan and Trunks gave the birthday girl her present from them. She opened it and squealed with joy; it was a beautiful dress which would be suitable to wear at a ball. There were many balls held at the palace and now the Princess couldn't wait for the next one.

Trunks and Pan had decided to hold off on the mating ceremony for awhile.

Bulma hugged her little girl and gave Bra a present from her and Vegeta. It was a splendid necklace with a rare gem which you could only find in one mountain on the far reaches of the planet. The blue-haired, seven year old hugged her mother then ran up and hugged her father. He "hmph'd" in response. It had been 17 years ago, when Trunks was born, Bulma had talked him into this Chikyuu custom of celebrating birth dates. Nobody on Vegeta-sei celebrated their birth dates, but oh well, it made the rest of his family happy, so he was happy, too.


The King, Queen, and Prince had traveled to the other side of the planet to do business. They had left Bra with Pan to be 'babysat.' Bra had gotten a lot more mature and could pretty much take care of herself.

"Pan! I'm going to watch the I.M. in my room!" (I.M. stands for Image Moderator, I made it up and it's like a tv)

"Ok, Bra!", Pan yelled back.

Bra ran to her chambers and slid her identification card in the slit. She ran in and pounced on her bed, picking up the 'remote' for the I.M.

Pan walked outside an sat down under a tree to gather her thoughts. No one ever went around this area, for it was for royalty only, so she knew she wouldn't be bothered. *I wonder what Trunks is doing right now.* She closed her eyes and let her mind wander from one subject to the next. She enjoyed the peaceful quiet; Bra hardly ever stopped talking and running around. She smiled a little; Bra was such a sweet girl and strong to boot. Pan suddenly felt 5 kis approaching her.

"I'm sorry, girls, but you aren't allowed to be here.", Pan told the five women who were walking towards her.

"That's ok. We won't be here for long.", Polla responded.

"Do you need something?", Pan asked politely. She noticed they were all glaring at her, but shrugged it off.

"You can't have Trunks." It was simple, but it sent shivers up Pan's spine.

The five Saiya-jin girls got into a fighting stance. Pan followed suit since it was obvious they wanted to fight her. She knew she was outnumbered but didn't see any way out of fighting them. She just hoped she could knock a few of them down, then maybe the rest would back off. Pan was quite used to girls scowling and glaring at her now.

"If it's a fight you want, then it's a fight you'll get.", said Pan.

Polla flew at Pan at a high speed. The two began exchanging blows; neither landing any on the other. Almost out of nowhere, Polla appeared behind Pan and knocked her to the ground. Pan moaned slightly in pain and jumped back up and flew at Polla. The other four girls were standing on the side watching their 'leader.' Pan began to gain the upper hand on Polla and the other Saiya-jins noticed this. Two of them joined in the fight; it was now three against one. Pan was starting to get tired and a girl punched her across the jaw, breaking it. She plummetted to the ground and lay there in a heap.



Bra felt Pan's power level begin to drop dramatically and ran through the palace halls towards where her ki was coming from.

"Please be okay.", she whispered, mostly to herself.

She reached the garden where Pan was and stood off in the shadows as to not be noticed by the five girls and Pan. Bra recognized one of them as Polla, a Saiya-jin desperate for Trunks. She had been for Kami knows how long. Pan was being beaten pretty badly and Bra couldn't take it anymore; her power level slowly began to rise to be noticable. The three Saiya-jin girls standing on the side turned around to see who's power level they felt rising.

"Oh, well if it isn't Princess Bra." There words were dripping with sarcasm and this only made Bra angrier. Her power level was still rising and was starting to make the three girls worry a little. Just a little. Polla, the two Saiya-jins helping her, and Pan hadn't noticed Bra yet.

"Don't hurt Panny anymore.", Bra warned, quietly.

NEXT CHAPTER OF MEANT FOR EACH OTHER: Someone turns Super Saiya-jin. Vegeta, Bulma and Trunks return.

Don't you just hate me for leaving you hanging like that? :P Don't worry, I'll get the next chapter out tomorrow! <3