Meant For Each Other

Chapter 4

Disclaimer: Dragonball Z was created by Akira Toriyama. Akira Toriyama made all Characters in this story. (c) Akira Toriyama, Bird Studio, Toei Animation. Used without permission, please don't sue me; all you'll get is... nothing! :P

*.....* = thoughts
"....." = speaking

I've been sick and really emotional the past few days for certain reasons and I think I put a lot of my anger, sadness, etc. into this chapter. I hope you guys like it... oh and by the way, there is *LEMON* in this chapter.

"Pan, why did you leave?!", Trunks scolded her, yet in a caring, compassionate way.

Pan looked away trying to hide the tears building up in her eyes again. Trunks gently turned her head to face him and repeated his question, "Pan. Why? Why did you leave?"

"Because I.. I..", she was stuttering and at a loss of how to explain her feelings. She cleared her throat and regained her composure.

"Trunks," she had stopped calling him Prince Trunks after the first few days since they were so close, "I wish not to be a burden or in your way, therefore I left so you could continue with your life." Her words were harsh and shocked the Prince.

"You are not a burden, Pan!", he carressed her face with his hand, softly. They were attracting a few spectators, but neither cared. Some girls recognized the 'purple-haired guy' as the Prince and were glaring at Pan in jealousy.

"I.. I.. l-love y-you, Trunks..", her voice was barely audible, even by Saiya-jin ears.

"And I, you.", he smiled that perfect smile at her and held her close to him. Pan just coudn't hold back anymore, fresh tears spilled out of her eyes and onto Trunks' shoulder. He rubbed her back as sobs racked her body, shaking her somewhat violently. She looked up and smiled, then they both turned and took flight to head back to the other side of the planet where the palace was. With his newly obtained blanket in one hand, Trunks rubbed Pan's hand with his other while their eyes communicated knowingly.

As they finally reached the palace a few hours later, Trunks entered the palace with the brightest smile anyone present had seen him wearing in weeks; Pan's smile just as big. Trunks burst into the Throne Room to inform his parents of him finding Pan. As he entered, Bra jumped up and swung her tiny arms around his broad neck, "I missed you, brother!" He smirked and set her down and turned his attention to his mother, who was now running up to him. She began inspecting him for any bruises, cuts, etc. He, afterall, had been gone a week. She even hated when he was roughed up from training.

"Trunks, dear! Oh, my goodness! Pan!" Bulma alternated between hugging each of them.

"Hello, your highness." Pan greeted, kindly.

Bulma giggled like a school-girl, "Oh, Pan-chan, you can just call me Bulma!"

"VEGETA, YOU BAKA! GET DOWN HERE AND GREET YOUR SON!", Bulma's screeching pierced everyone present's ears. Vegeta grumbled and made his way down the red carpet. He stopped in front of Trunks with his arms crossed over his chest, little Bra hanging on his leg, "Hey, brat." Trunks simply smirked; he knew his father meant no harm by calling him "brat."

Vegeta turned his gaze to Pan; he nodded at her. She smiled back, then bent down to hug Bra.

"Panny," Bra began, "Why did you leave? My brother! He stayed in his room for two and half weeks! And know what else? He didn't come out! Nope!"

Pan giggled a little and Trunks' face was cherry red. Trunks nodded his head towards the door and him and Pan left to go to their chambers. Trunks decided to go with Pan to hers since he wanted to talk with her more.


"Yes! And then, I kicked his ass so bad, he ran off like a scared baka!", Pan finished.

Pan and Trunks had been talking for a few hours and it was getting late.

"Well, I think I should be getting back to my own chambers.", Trunks regrettedly announced. He wanted to stay with her so bad.

"Yes, it is late.", Pan sighed, she wanted him to stay with her.

"Yes..", Trunks repeated. He leaned in towards her and brushed his lips softly past hers. Pan pressed her lips harder against his and dipped her tongue in his mouth, tasting his sweetness. He carressed her cheek with his thumb as they continued exploring each other's mouths. The Prince lifted Pan's shirt over her head, then removed his armor. She slowly removed his spandex shirt and massaged his perfect muscles. He wasn't overly-buff, but he definately wasn't scrawny either. He was just right for her taste. Trunks unbuckled her bra clasp and slid it over her shoulders. He nipped and kissed at each of her breasts, being rewarded with quiet moans from his love. She tugged at his pants until she finally got them off, then removed her own. He kissed her inner thighs and slid her underwear off. He almost immediately plunged his tongue into her womanhood. He removed it and began lapping at her clit. She moaned loud and thrusted her hips up to meet his sweet torture. Her body shook as her first orgasm came crashing down on her. After recovering, she sat up to lick her juices from his lips. He pushed her down and she was suddenly very frightened; she knew what would come next.

"Trunks, I'm a..."

"Don't worry, my sweet, I'm a virgin, too."

She was somewhat shocked, but relieved that he, too, had never had sex.

He positioned himself over her, and slowly shoved himself inside her entrance. She gasped at the feeling of him inside her. He looked into her eyes, silently asking if she was ready. She nodded and took in a deep breath. He thrusted into her, breaking her barrier. She screamed out in obvious pain and dug her nails into his shoulders. He kissed her forehead and waited until she was ready for him to continue. Once her grip on his shoulders had loosened up, he began a steady pace of thrusting in and out of her slowly and gently, not wanting to hurt her. She winced as it still slightly hurt, but began to feel purely pleasureful. She soon began thrusting her hips up to meet his movements. Trunks quickened his pace; Pan moaned and groaned loudly into the side of his neck. He, too, groaned and purred. He felt her walls tighten around his member as she had her second orgasm. He continued to thrust into her as she screamed his name again and again. Pan tightened again and shook violently as she had her third orgasm. Trunks' climax soon followed and he howled loudly, like a wolf staring up at the moon. He looked down upon his lover and quickly bit into her neck, claiming her as his own. She gasped, then instinctively bit into his neck as well. They sucked and lapped at each other's wounds. Trunks stared down at Pan with a stern, serious look on his face, "Pan, you are my mate," he signaled, tapping at his newly-made wound, "I will kill any man who touches you. You will be with me forever." Forever. His words hit her hard. But, she realized that she wanted to be with him forever, as well.

"And you are mine, Trunks." She smiled and yawned. He cradled her in his arms and they both fell asleep, without a worry in their minds.

NEXT CHAPTER OF MEANT FOR EACH OTHER: Trunks tells his family about his new mate. Trouble brews for the new couple.

Hey, I hope you guys liked this chapter! Next one out soon. Note: Reviewing makes me write faster... hint, hint. :P